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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(28), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i28/93705, July 2016 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

Machine Learning Techniques for Thyroid Disease

Diagnosis - A Review
Shaik Razia1* and M. R. Narasinga Rao2
Department of BES, K L University, Vaddeswaram, Guntur District - 520002, Andhra Pradesh, India;
Department of CSE, K L University, Vaddeswaram, Guntur District - 520002, Andhra Pradesh, India;

Background/Objective: Thyroid is an interminable and complex infection happened because of unseemly TSH (Thyroid
Simulating Hormone) levels or might be brought on by the issues in thyroid organ itself. The most widely recognized reason
for hypothyroidism is hashimoto’s thyroid. It is an auto safe condition where the body makes antibodies that pulverize the
thyroid organ. The system behind the flow of the event of the thyroid ailment is still not completely caught on. Methods/
Analysis: The neural network models which describe the aspects related non functionality of thyroid gland, its autoim-
mune condition and different aspects of thyroid disease have been explored. The consequences related to thyroid disease
are growing rapidly and provides new insights into the biological mechanism involved and helps in the management of thy-
roid disease. Here, the contribution of different neural network modeling in identifying the thyroid dysfunctionality over
the past two decades has been discussed. Results: Some parameter estimation methods, execution of the distinctive neural
system models have been explored. Additionally, the utilization of the distinctive neural system models for distinguishing
the dis functionalities of thyroid disease in the recent decades has been talked about.

Keywords: Artificial Neural Networks, Decision Support Systems, Expert Systems, Learning Vector Quantization, Machine
Learning, Statistical Methods

1. Introduction when thyroid over produces and exorbitantly secretes

hormones, this condition is hyperthyroidism (overactive
The Thyroid is a little butterfly-formed organ that is thyroid). The inverse situation when hormones are
situated at the base of the neck beneath the voice box is a inadequately created and discharged is hypothyroidism
piece of the endocrine framework. The thyroid makes two (under dynamic Thyroid). Hypothyroidism causes the
iodine containing hormones1. majority of the body’s procedures to back off and may
expand heart assault hazard due to uplifted cholesterol
1.Thyroxine (T4)
levels. A portion of the more regular hormonal issue is
2.Triiodothyronine (T3)
connected with the thyroid organ, which is a piece of the
The controlling of digestion system helps organs like endocrine framework. This frame work is about gathering
the heart, work appropriately. In any case, the disease of of organs that emit chemicals called hormones specifi-
thyroid must discharge a fitting measure of hormones cally into the circulation system.
into the circulatory system. This movement controlled by
the pituitary organ, which produces Thyroid Stimulating 1.1  Thyroid Functioning
Hormone (TSH), Stimulates not animated the arrival On the off chance that there is an excess of T4 flowing in
of both T4 and T3. The numbers 3 and 4 allude to the the blood, the pituitary diminishes the measure of TSH
quantity of iotas of iodine in the hormones. At the point created, which then causes thyroid movement too slow2.

*Author for correspondence

Machine Learning Techniques for Thyroid Disease Diagnosis - A Review

The significant thyroid hormone emitted by the thyroid systems, back propagated neural systems, stream based
organ is thyroxin, likewise called T4 in light of the fact systems. Learning should be possible in two ways.
that it contains four iodine particles. To apply its effects,
1. Supervised Learning
not belonging, T4 is changed over to triiodothyronine
2. Unsupervised Learning
T3 by the expulsion of an iodine particle. This happens
mostly in the liver and in specific tissues where T3 acts, Supervised learning is a technique where the output of the
for example, in the mind. The measure of T4 delivered network is matched the teacher information. Many super-
by the thyroid organ is controlled by another hormone, vised learning algorithms are available among which back
which is made in the pituitary organ situated at the base propagation algorithm is used for different types of appli-
of the cerebrum, called thyroid invigorating hormone cations. Unsupervised learning is used in self organizing
(abridged TSH). The measure of TSH that the pituitary neural nets. As opposed to direct learning, unsupervised
sends into the circulatory system relies on upon the mea- learning does not require an instructor. In this technique
sure of T4 that the pituitary sees. On the off chance that for learning, the input vectors are compared and assem-
the pituitary sees almost no T4, then it creates more TSH bled together to shape a group with comparable qualities.
to advise the thyroid organ to deliver more T4. Once the Proposed4 a model to diagnose the thyroid dysfunc-
T4 in the circulatory system goes over a specific level, the tion using the Artificial Neural Networks (techniques)
pituitary’s generation of TSH is closed off. Truthfully, the
models like
thyroid and pituitary act from various perspectives like a
radiator and an indoor regulator. At the point when the (1)The cross validation classification method
radiator is off and it gets to be chilly, the indoor regula- (2)Variable Selection method
tor peruses the temperature and turns on the warmer. At (3)The Regression – based method
the point when the warmth ascends to a fitting level, the
Results: The neural networks have shown best and accu-
indoor regulator detects this and turns off the radiator. In
rate results in diagnosing the thyroid dysfunction.
this way, the thyroid and the pituitary, similar to a warmer
Limitation: For large number of characteristics there is a
and indoor regulator, turn on and off.
need to build up a variable determination technique.
Proposed5 an important classification problem for
2.  Artificial Neural Networks thyroid function diagnosis by using the multivari-
ate analysis and two notable approaches the Bayesian
An ANN is a machine learning method which recreates
regularized networks and also the Self Organizing Map
the human cerebrum and is framed by number of han-
dling units called neurons and builds up an association
Thyroid sickness finding6 was done with different
between them. The associations have weights connected
Neural Networks with various enactment capacities for
with the neurons, representing the knowledge gained
comparing the performance of the networks. Every N/W
by the network3. A layer of a neural network is the one
was compared to decide the performance of the networks
which contains neurons in the system. There are 3 unique
layers of network. The primary layer is the input layer that gave the best results.
which acts as an interface with the user of the network Proposed7 machine learning strategy including simu-
and the system and the last layer is an output layer which lated insusceptible acknowledgment framework (AIRS)
generates output for a given input. There might be one which is an arrangement framework to analyze the thy-
or more hidden layers amongst the input and output lay- roid issue.
ers. Neural Systems with multiple hidden layers are called Results: Thyroid sickness finding information set gave an
multilayer perceptrons. The hidden layer associates to 85% precision in past applications to enhance 20% exact-
distinguish the perplexing examples in the input informa- ness to utilize hybridized frameworks.
tion. Neural Networks have been generally applied in a Proposed8 a method with expert system for thyroid
wide variety of problems. A portion of the noticeable and disease diagnosis. The method used for thyroid disease
broadly utilized neural systems which go under the clas- diagnosis called as ESTDD (Expert System Thyroid
sification of feed forward neural systems, are outspread Disease Diagnosis). ESTDD diagnose with accuracy
premise capacity systems, Bayesian systems, fuzzy neural 95.33% for thyroid disease.

2 Vol 9 (28) | July 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Shaik Razia and M. R. Narasinga Rao

Examined9 various neural network methods for diag- posed an essential component called choice technique,
nosis of thyroid disease. Multilayer Perception (MLP) hereditary calculation for nonlinear streamlining issues.
with Back–Propagation (BP) and Fast Back-Propagation Bolster vector machine is utilized as classifier to analyze
(FBP), Radial Basis Function (RBF) and adaptive Conic the thyroid sickness and it is observed that Support Vector
Section Function Neural Network (CSFNN) have been Machine outperformed Bolster vector machine.
used for this purpose. Results: Classification rate is observed to be 98.62% for
Results: The CSFNN gives the best classification rates and SVM and which has given precision of 99.6% for prepar-
it takes less time to train the system. RBF has not given ing and testing.
good accuracy for the classification. MLP gives good Presents17 the analysis of thyroid issue using manu-
results on average, but it has not guaranteed the same per- factured neural systems to design the system using Back
formance for a single run depending on random weight Propagation Algorithm (BPA), the Radial Basis Function
initialization in training. (RBF) systems and learning vector quantization (LVQ)
Compared10 the thyroid ailment analysis by using systems. They were used to analyze the thyroid ailment
multilayer (NN), Probabilistic (NN) and learning vector and with MATLAB. Among the three neural system
quantization (LVQ-NN) neural systems. strategies, RBF is observed to be the best strategy for
Results: Results demonstrates that Probabilistic neural determination of thyroid issue.
system gives the best grouping exactnesses for thyroid Compared18 and studied a few ANN structures on the
infection finding. thyroid ailment finding. To analyze the thyroid sickness,
Reviewed11 on feed forward simulated neural sys- RBF, LVQ and SVM system models are utilized for the
tems and customary measurable methods utilized for purpose. It is observed that, RBF Networks gave the best
expectation and arrangement purposes in restorative results for determination of thyroid organ capacity. RBF
diagnostics. Networks outperformed other systems in analyzing the
Examined12 two sorts of ANN design and evaluated thyroid disease.
their power in finding of thyroid capacity. The Multilayer Proposed19 a hybrid model in identifying the thyroid
perceptron which is developed by back propagation algo- disease. This technique reproduces both MAT lab – ANFIS
rithm and learning vector quantization have been used and non-cross breed structures. The outcomes show that,
for designing and testing procedures. the proposed mixture plan have preferable execution over
Proposed13 a technique to examine the thyroid data ANFIS, and non-crossover plans. Furthermore, the pro-
set using another simulated insusceptible framework posed mixture plan has less execution time over ANFIS
called the data based increased counterfeit invulnerable and non-crossover plans.
acknowledgment framework (IG-AIRS) with 95.90% Examined20 the fuzzy neural system and compared the
order precision. IG-AIRS is sensible classifier framework performance of fuzzy NN and Support Vector Machine
when compared with other machine learning calcula- (SVM) for identification of thyroid disease. The authors
tions. have determined that the fuzzy NN has outperformed
Studied14 about feed forward neural system and how the previous classifications by taking into consideration
it is used to manage the thyroid disease using back propa- of specific parameters like HYPO, Hyper, Sub–clinical
gation calculation. Using cross validation methodology, hyperthyroid, sub–clinical hypothyroid and no thyroid
they proved that the neural network technology is accu- and prediction of thyroid disease is found to be 95.4% to
rate for the task of diagnosing thyroid dysfunction. 99.5%.
Proposed15 a changed fuzzy hyper line section group- Examined21 the thyroid disease diagnosis using semi-
ing neural system (MFHLSCNN) for characterization automated techniques. Diverse neural systems K-mean
of thyroid ailment finding. The MFHLSCNN calcula- NN, fuzzy framework different classifiers including naive
tion is reasonable for bunching and characterization. Bayes, support vector machine and choice trees are uti-
The proposed model compared with MLP (Multi-Layer lized for thyroid illness discovery and arrangement.
Perceptron) and it is observed that the learning time per Similar studies clarify about the early recognition of thy-
example is less when compared with MLP. roid ailment.
Examined16 a few techniques for highlighting the Proposed22 a technique on Learning Vector
choice and order for thyroid sickness analysis. They pro- Quantization (LVQ) model for disease diagnosis. The

Vol 9 (28) | July 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
Machine Learning Techniques for Thyroid Disease Diagnosis - A Review

outcomes demonstrate that the LVQ model performs Results: The GDA-WSVM master framework is excep-
more quickly than other neural systems. tionally useful to doctors. The characterization precision
Proposed23 a classification method over support vector for conclusion of thyroid infection was observed to be
machines and probabilistic neural system for identifying 91.86% by utilizing this strategy.
the disease diagnosis. It is observed that SVM has per- Developed33 a NN model for diagnosis of thyroid dis-
formed superior to other networks. ease using GA. MATLAB is used for simulation for NN
Proposed24 a three stage expert system based on and training and testing was found to be between 96%
SVM’s for thyroid disease diagnosis. The proposed and 98%.
model has been compared with other models includ- Explored34 Fuzzy cognitive map based on decision
ing SVM based on GRID-Search Engine for performing support system and other methods have been proposed.
classification. Selecting and extracting the appropriate features giving
Investigated25 the neural system techniques for deter- the best classification results is the main theme of their
mining the thyroid disease using MLPNN. In this work, research.
the thyroid picture has been into consideration using Developed35 a method for thyroid disease diagno-
MLPNN. The model produces sensitivity of 93.12% for 3 sis has been done using Decision tree attribute splitting
fold and 89.62% for 10 fold rules. Five different criteria viz., 1. Information increase
Determined26 the thyroid auto immune disease using 2.Gain Ratio 3.Gini Index 4. Likelihood proportion chi-
thyroid ultra-sonography tool and using hypo-echogenic squared insights, 5. Separation measure have been used
pattern. in constructing the tree.
Examined27 a specialist framework using expert system Proposed36 a classifier for classification of thyroid data
approach for the determination of the thyroid dysfunc- using C4.5 and random forest techniques. This proposed
tion. The creators have found that the present execution model is compared with other existing classifiers.
of the master framework is extremely encouraging con- Developed37 a classifier for determination of hypo-
sidering the unpredictability of its area. thyroid disease with information mining procedures like
Developed28 a framework based on CAD, Principal Bayes net, Multi-layer perceptron, RBF Network, C4.5,
Component Analysis (PCA) and Extreme Learning CART, REP tree and simulated with WEKA instrument.
Machine (ELM) for identifying the thyroid infection. The The accuracy was found to be 99.60% for determination
authors have proposed a strategy called ideal ELM model thyroid infection.
to identify thyroid disease diagnosis. It is observed that Developed38 another simulated neural system approach
PCA-ELM method provided better performance over utilizing a BP algorithm for finding of thyroid issues. The
other methods. BP algorithm is found to have high sensitivity and speci-
Presented29 linguistic hedges neural fuzzy classifier ficity. It is found that error convergence took longer time.
with selected feature (LHNFCSF) for finding of thyroid It was also found that as the number of samples increases,
infection. The testing and training classification accuracy the performance of the BP network is degraded.
was found to be above 95%. Proposed39 a neural system model for finding the thy-
Several different types of Neural Networks30 were roid illness. The neural system is used with BP algorithm
implemented for thyroid diagnosis and used heuristic along with RBF and LVQ networks and it was found that
algorithms using SWARM optimization and migrating these networks found to be more accurate in diagnosing
birds optimization algorithm. NN’s have been success- the disease.
fully used in computer aided diagnosis to diagnose the Proposed40 MLPNN to classify the thyroid disease
disease. using BP algorithm and found to be with 98.6% accu-
Proposed31 a new methodology for thyroid diagnosis racy.
using Fuzzy cognitive map using data mining techniques. Determined41 a NN system to diagnose the thy-
The authors have developed an FCM based thyroid dis- roid disease using BP algorithm. NN was trained with
ease management in diagnosing the disease Lavenberg-Marquert algorithm and found to be more
Proposed32 a technique to diagnose the thyroid dis- accurate comparing to radiant descent algorithm.
ease, using generalized discriminant analysis and wavelet Developed42 a model for multi disease diagnosis, using
support vector machine system. a self-organizing Map (SOM). The proposed SOM based

4 Vol 9 (28) | July 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Shaik Razia and M. R. Narasinga Rao

model has two layers. To accomplish an exact conclusion, ing it into a dynamic model using learning algorithm of
the proposed model performed well in determining the Neural Networks
multi ailments. Presented52 three methods of neural systems for pre-
Investigated43 the Radial Basis Function (RBF) Neural diction of thyroid sickness. Among these, the authors have
Network and Multilayer Perceptron neural system for proposed the best technique for determination of thyroid
classification of thyroid disease. These systems were disease and reduce the diagnosis time and increased the
utilized to characterize the basic subgroup of hyperthy- accuracy.
roidism and euthyroidism. In these two models RBFNN Studied53 the current autonomous tools for classifica-
is observed to be a superior model in classification in tion of thyroid nodule using thyroid ultrasound image
clinical studies. and difference between the current strategies. The cre-
Studied44 different machine learning techniques using ators have decided three dimensional ultrasound imaging
ANN. Different ANN’s like MLP, BPN, RBFNN, LVQ can give more complete data of the thyroid nodule than
and SOM were tested and found to be suitable for disease 2D imaging. The component extraction and order tech-
diagnosis compared to other decision support systems. niques for thyroid knob recognition can be resolved for
Studied45 the Progressive Learning Vector Quantization the appraisal of the thyroid organ in future.
Neural system (PLVQNN) along with preprocessing Proposed54 a novel methodology for malignant assess-
methodology for automatic thyroid segmentation and ment of thyroid nodule in ultra sound pictures. The
volume estimation using PLVQNN and LVQNN. The proposed approach isolated into four phases preprocess-
outcomes demonstrate that the proposed technique can ing, segmentation, feature extraction and classification. A
adequately partition the thyroid organs and estimate the neural system based on Support Vector Machine (SVM)
thyroid volume is used for classification task. For the feature extraction,
Investigated46 the performance of the MLP in identi- grey level co-occurrence is used for the purpose. The
fying between newborn children and babies experiencing authors have evaluated the outcomes with the use of pre-
with hypothyroidism basing on their cries. The proposed cision, affectability and specificity and found that SVM
technique indicates the MLP is superior to alternate strat- classifier is superior to the ANN for discriminating the
egies. benign and malignant nodule.
Investigated47 an intelligent control models for Comparison55 of three artificial neural systems using
supplying the therapeutic medications to primary hypo- multilayer Back Propagation Network (BPN), Radial
thyroidism patients, without the thyroid gland. MLPNN Basis Function (RBF) and Learning Vector Quantization
systems were used in predicting the hormones TSH and (LVQ) network for the diagnosis of thyroid disease. It is
T4 in the blood. found that, RBF provided best accuracy with least num-
Developed48 the thyroid gland disease decision mak- ber of iterations and highest PSNR values.
ing system for diagnosing thyroid gland disease and found Studied56 about the different thyroid diseases, thyroid
that logistic regression gave an accuracy of 98.7%. diagnosis, thyroid disorders are reviewed using medical
Proposed49 two ANN’s using scaled conjugate gradi- images. The research also gave an overview of the thyroid
ent back propagation and Livenberg Marquardt back segmentation accuracies of different researchers of differ-
propagation algorithms in training and found that these ent thyroid diseases.
algorithms perform better in classifying the infected and Observed57 the thyroid PNN (probabilistic neu-
non-infected person. ral system) classifier utilizing thyroid data. Statistical
Proposed50 a two neural system models MLP and RBF PCA algorithm was used for feature extraction and thy-
networks for thyroid disease diagnosis. MLP is trained roid dataset was divided into three classes that is high
and tested with BP algorithm whereas RBF was trained efficient, low efficient and normal. The accompany-
and tested with SPSS software. The outcome demonstrates ing Mathematical models are utilized for the purpose.
that MLP and RBF have equally performed well in diag-
nosing the disease.
Presented51 a model using TIRDS which has classified Proposed58 a multi-classification approach for thyroid
and biopsy results. The aim of the research is to include disease diagnosis. It comprises of attacked detection stage
learning capabilities to the DSS static model and convert- and classification stage. A multi-layer thyroid detection

Vol 9 (28) | July 2016 | Indian Journal of Science and Technology 5
Machine Learning Techniques for Thyroid Disease Diagnosis - A Review

Table 1. Summary of the different neural network the problems faced by other multiple classifier algorithms
models with efficient and accurate information.
Proposed Predicted60 hypothyroid disease using data mining
Reference Method used
year algorithm called Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
Expert system oriented to enhance the accuracy. LDA data mining classification
1991 25
methodology techniques are used to classify the hypothyroid disease.
The cross validation K-fold cross validation is performed. The LDA Algorithm
1998 27 Variable selection gives accuracy of 99.62% with cross validation k=6.
Regression Method Proposed61a model based on the Decision tree using
MLP with back spread entropy and information gain. This model is compared
Quick back propagation(FBP) with KNN and J48 and Naïve Bayes algorithm. The pro-
2002 32
Conic segment capacity Neural
posed model has better accuracy than other models.
Studied62 and analyzed gender based thyroid cancer
2005 36 Multivariate Analysis
research and according to SCI report the papers related to
Fuzzy cognitive Map(FCM) gender based thyroid cancer are more compared to can-
2008 ESTDD(Expert system thyroid
disease diagnosis)
cer and carcinoma.
Determined63 the disease diagnosis of autoimmune
2009 12 thyroid in diabetes patients for early care and treatment.
Probabilistic neural networks
The results suggest that there is a strong relationship
AIRS(Artificial Immune
2009 21 between IDM and auto immune thyroid disorders.
Recognition System)
RBF, Back Propagation
A research64 was done on the reduced effect of radia-
2009 5 tion exposure and fluid intake when treating the thyroid
Learning vector Quantization(LVQ)
2011 11 Learning vector Quantization(LVQ) cancer patients with I-131. This research has taken place
for two groups A and B and it was observed that radiation
GDA(Generalized Discriminant
2011 16 Analysis),WSVM(wavelet Support exposure found to be 51% depending on the fluid intake.
vector Machine) The Table 1 gives summary of the different neural net-
PCA(Principle component work models / other models which are used in different
2012 44 Analysis) years in predicting the thyroid disease with references are
ELM(Expert Learning Machine) as follows.
Decision tree attribute splitting
2012 23
rules 3.  Conclusion
2013 26 MLP,RBFN,C4.5,CART,REP
Disease diagnosis plays a major role and it is indispensable
2014 1 RBF for any busy clinician. Thyroid disease is one such dis-
LVQ ease and prediction of which is a difficult aspect without
MLP a computer technology. In this survey paper, the authors
2015 54 RBF have given an elaborate work that has been done earlier
SPSS using artificial neural networks. Based on the usage of
2015 52 Levenberg Marquardt Method these networks, the authors have tried to show the path
LDA(Linear Discriminant for future researchers in using artificial neural networks
2016 49
Analysis) in disease diagnosis.

system had been created for higher efficiency and accu-

4.  References
racy in forecasting the disease. 1. Available from:
Proposed59 a model for predicting the thyroid disease
2. Available from:
using DBSCAN algorithm. DBSCAN algorithm classify the tests/
data set using hierarchical multiple classifier and also reduce mali-nht093014.php.

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Shaik Razia and M. R. Narasinga Rao

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