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1. Analyze the Theory of Aryan Migration with special

reference to Hindutva?
Indo- Aryans are the noble people migrated to Indian continent. They are diverse ethno linguistic and
indigenous people who migrated to Indian continent from eastwards that is present day Iran and
Afghanistan. According to Aryan migration theory, purpose by David Anthony, these nomadic people
usually conquered the inhabitants and India in 1500BCE. After the invasion, Aryans brought multi
languages, culture and religion in India. The local Indian continent inhabitants adopted their languages,
religion and culture with the passage of time. The Sanskrit was first introduced by Aryans in Indian
continent. Aryan religion was mostly worshipping the gods. The two important gods of Aryan was Agni
and Soma.

Looking back to the history of Hinduism and its emergence in Indian continent, It Is mainly linked with
Aryan migration. The Aryan Veda’s is far very important in Hinduism. Veda is the religious texts that
guide Hindu. The Veda and god were first introduced by Aryan in Indian continent that was the main
pillar of Hindu religion.

The term hindutva is mainly coined in 1900’s by Damodar Savakar that is religio-nationalist ideology.
According to them, true Indian people are those whose ancestors are Hindu and they consider it as
spiritual motherland. This factor is major problem for Indian Muslims and Indian Christian as their holy
lands are somewhere else. This ideology is gaining momentum with the rise of BJP party in India along
with the rule of Narender Modi as a prime minister for second time.

Hindutva leader negate the theory of Aryan migration and the fact that Aryans brought the Hinduism to
Indian continent. They believe that Hinduism is the religion already exists in Indian continent before the

This argument is mainly negate by Aryan migration theory which stated that Vedas and god were
brought by Aryans to Indian subcontinent after conquering the region so Hinduism is not originate from
Indian continent and India is not the spiritual motherland of Hindus as the inhabitants of Indian
continent adopted worshipping gods and Veda “Knowledge” from nomadic Aryans.

The culture and caste system, that mainly exist in Hinduism clearly reflect the caste system brought by
Aryans to subcontinent. Aryan caste system included the Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Uaishyas, Sudras and

The biggest threat to hindutva ideology is as they focused on racial view of nationalism, so any evidence
which prove that the Hinduism is foreign religion in subcontinent and Hinduism is not originated from
Indian continent will completely negate the credibility of the hindutva ideology. The basic aim of
hindutva ideology is to make the India as Hindu-dominated country and the other religion people like
Muslim and Christian as second-class citizens.
But this Aryan migration theory brought Hinduism, Islam as well as Christianity in same status that is
foreigners, who settle there, brought them in Indian continent.

One Race, One Language, One Cultural is the slogan of Nazis Germany at the time of Adolf Hitler. This
slogan is now follows by Hindu BJP Leaders and existing government which was the result of many
brutal killing at the time of Nazis Germany.

The question mainly arise here is why the bjp party and the RSS ideology explicitly negate the Aryan
invasion theory. This is because the Aryan invasion theory nullify their hindutva ideology that is “RIGHT
OF BLOOD” To create the misinterpretation about this theory in mass media, they use many ways like in
1998 when bjp came into power for first time, they change the text books in many states like Rajasthan,
Gujarat to promote the Hindu nationalism and minimize the contributions of Muslims in Indian sub-

Indian existing government takes many steps to make the India as Hindu majority state and Muslim and
citizens as second-class citizens. For this purpose, they use media to manipulate the people in India
along with using force to stop Muslims and the religious people to practice their religion. The citizenship
Amendment Act in Assam and other state is another example of spreading the Hindutva ideology in
India. Not only this, Indian government is investing large amount of rupees on investigating about Hindu
ancestors and culture. All of those factors clearly show that the Aryan invasion theory brought an end to
Hindutva ideology that’s why its followers i.e. BJP party and RSS leaders tried their best to prove it

India is secular country for many years in which Hindu, Muslim along with many religious and cultural
people live together by the Hindutva ideology practiced by current government put it in the path of
divided India. As Nehru himself said that “Hindu Majority Communism will be the sole cause of fascism
in Indian continent if it emerge in Indian continent”

Hindus religious customs and norms clearly prove that it is brought by Aryan in sub-continent not
originate by indigenous people of Indian subcontinent. Hindutva fascist reaction to this theory and their
actions to misinterpret it, evidently prove its importance in history of Indian subcontinent.

Elaborate the abrogation of article 370

and India- Pakistan relation.
According to the article 370 and 35A, there is special status given to Kashmir and Jammu territory.
According to this status, the Kashmiri people have a right of adopting their own constitution and flag.
The people of other part of Indian doesn’t have right of purchasing any property in India- administered
Kashmir. This special status was being granted to Kashmir long seven decades ago by Nehru. According
to this status, the communication, foreign policies and defense department of this region came under
the Indian government. But on the beginning of august 2019, the government abrogates special status
of Jammu and Kashmir. Due to the chance of harsh reaction from mass in Jammu and Kashmir, India
government placed additional troops of 50,000 in the region to make strict control over the region. This
act of abrogation of article 370 was against the united nation decision of considering Kashmir as
disputed territory.

Indian government declared the semi-autonomous region of Kashmir as Union territory along with
putting curfew in the region. All communicational channels and links like the mobile phone, internet,
and media are restricted in union territory. Hindu pilgrims who are there for “AMARNATH YATRA” were
order to leave the place immediately. Even the foreign tourists were ordered to leave it.

Unrest is not witnessed on Jammu and Kashmir but also along the kargil region, a part of ladakh union

The question here arises that what are the major factors that trigger India to take such action and revert
back the union nation decision of declaring Kashmir as disputed territory. The answer to it is hindutva
ideology. India is currently governed by Hindutva ideology supporter who believe that only those people
follow the Hindu religion and custom, cultural are real Hindus. India government is using the policy of
making India as Hindu country. For this purpose, they abrogate the special status so that over the
passage of time the Muslim dominated region Jammu and Kashmir is balance by Hindu majority. Hindu
influence spread in the region. As a result with passage of time, they make strike control over this

Pakistan-India Response:
Pakistan starts the international campaign against this abrogation of article 370 of Kashmir and Jammu.
The main aim of this campaign is to gain the international support and attention toward the issue.
Pakistan also highlight the danger of conflict and confrontation between two nuclear arm neighbors but
international world is still silent over this issue. India declare it as its international matter and due to
India’s biggest economy and good image in international world, most of the countries also believed that
its India internal issue like United Arab Emirate who declared that Kashmir is India’s internal matter.
Only china respond strictly to this act and the reason behind is that dissolving the special status of
Kashmir and Jammu also affect the status of ladakh, a disputed territory between china and India.

Pakistan- India Relations after the abrogation:

After the abrogation, the relationship between Pakistan and India is boiled up. India conducted the
surgical strike in Pakistan in 2019, in which two Indian aircraft were shot down by Pakistani aircraft
soldiers. By deploying the big military over Jammu and Kashmir, India felt confident that it will make
strong grip over Kashmir. But Pakistan prime minister also clearly stated that Pakistan wills retaliate to
every action taken by the Indian side.

The situation was further intensified by Indian defense minister statement over “NO FIRST USE” policy of
India for nuclear. However from Pakistan side, there is not harsh reaction came. But it is the serious
threat to strategic stability of South Asia.

Possible Future:
The possible future of whole scenario will be: India has to lift the curfew one day from Kashmir. India
never put the Kashmir in curfew for long time. When the curfew is uplifted from Kashmir, the people of
Kashmir came out for their rights and property that may initiate the brutal killings over the region. The
protest may spread to whole part of India continent due to the fact that India is claiming itself to be a
secular state but now the hindutva ideology is not only against Muslims but other religions also so the
diversified culture and religious nation have the Sikh, Buddhist, and Christian, all may raise their voices
for freedom and rights. Thus Indian current government hindutva policy is making India a bomb factory
that may blast any time in near future. India’s own leaders are following the path of “DIVIDED INDIA”
which sooner or later will show the results.

Recommendations and Conclusion:

India is always blaming Pakistan for terrorist activities that take place in India either they are Mumbai
attacks, Uri attacks or Pulwama. India action against Kashmiris brought these reactions but India blame
Pakistan for all of them. If the conditional remain same then any future reaction may escalate a serious
confrontation between India and Pakistan so it’s very important for international community to take
serious action as it is serious threat of strategic stability of South Asia.

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