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Perception of Youth Towards

Corruption in
Arunachal Pradesh

Tonya Lollen

A dissertation submission in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of

Masters of Arts in Social Work in Community Organisation and Development Practice

Centre for Community Organisation and Development Practice

School of Social Work
Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Turnitin Originality Report

The Perception of Youth towards Corruption in Arunachal Pradesh by Tonya Lollen

From The Perception of Youth towards Corruption in Arunachal Pradesh (Master)

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In doing this research I had to take lots of help and guidance from many people, practically and
theoretically. I feel myself to be very lucky in the sense that during the execution of my study, I
have met many eminent personalities who are highly efficient in their trades with in-depth and
sound knowledge.

First of all, I would like to thank all the faculty members of my college for constant support
and guidance throughout my research work.

I sincerely thank my guide Dr. Joseph Riamei, Assistant Professor, TISS, Guwahati, for
his guidance and timely suggestion during my research work. He gave me constant support,
guidance and encouragement throughout my research and his valuable inputs helped me in
shaping my research and understand the perspective in this field.

I own my hearty appreciation for the inspiration, encouragement and help offered by Dr
Shalini Sharma for guiding me at every difficulty which gave clear idea for analyzing the data.

I would like to thank my respondents and the people, who helped me in finding the respondents,
for their cooperation and support.

I am grateful to TISS and all the people of this Institute for giving me this platform to do such a
research work which will be always close to my heart.

My special thanks to my both Mothers and my family for their constant support and motivation,
and for being my strength in every step of my work. I would like to thank my friend Regia Kom
for her support and guidance during the whole journey.

Lastly I want to thank my friends and roommates for their support and understanding and
sharing knowledge, happiness and stress during my research.

“Cultivation Of Mind Should Be The Ultimate

Aim Of Human Existence.

Educate, Agitate, and Oganize.”

-Dr. B.R Ambedkar


This study will explore the ideas and perceptions of the youth in particular from
Arunachal Pradesh. The study has reflected on the thoughts and understanding of
youth towards various issues especially corruption which is major cause of
underdevelopment of Arunachal Pradesh. Youth being the most affected in the
outcome of underdevelopment which eventually causes to unemployment. The
unemployment rate in the state is also growing because of which the youth and the
highly potential people in the state are indulge in various works which is illegal
and this is affecting the overall development of the state.

The study will also give a glimpse on corruption which is prevalent in the state and
the view and the understanding of the youth on this issue.

Key words: Corruption, Youth, Development, Perception


Declaration (II)

Certificate (III)

Acknowledgment (IV)

Abstract (VI)

Chapter 1: Introduction 1

Chapter 2: Literature Review 6

Chapter 3: Methodology of Research 15

Chapter 4: Analysis 21

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations 27

References 30

Appendixes I 32

Appendixes II 35



This chapter will give insight of definition of youth and their role in the society. Youth and their
role in the development of a country are closely linked, the youth perception of how they view
their role in the society is very important.

Youth is generally considered of a time period between childhood and adulthood. According to
youth policy, a person aged between 13 to 35 years is defined as youth and 70% of the total
population of India is less than 40 years. According to the national youth policy 2012 “youth is
the person who falls in the age range of 16 to 30”1. But this is not to say that the term youth is
universally defined in the same manner. According to the United Nations “youth is biological
thing and it is classified by the numbers” 2. Most of the scholars argued that, concept of youth is
state of mind where someone who has fresh outlook towards life. In a country like India defining
youth is very difficult because of its wide differences in youth in terms of social, economic and
cultural background. Hence just defining youth according to the age is difficult because the
definitions are different from culture to culture and community to community and country to
country. As Nair writes “Youth is defined in terms of age for administrative purpose;
sociologically in terms of characteristics of youth that they are adventurous, dynamic, pro-active,
enthusiastic etc. and biological growth and development” (Nair, R: 2011). Similarly according to
UNESCO “Youth is best understood as a period of transition from the dependence of childhood
to adulthood’s independence and awareness of their interdependence as members of a
community, youth thus is a more fluid category than a fixed age group”3. It is the time when a

National Youth Policy Draft 2012 See
See for more details
See for details

person decides what they really wanted to do in their life and make choices about their life. This
means our country mainly comprises of youth. This huge population of our youth can either be a
great advantage or a big disaster for India if they are not nurtured and guided properly. Since
they are the one’s replacing all the present working sector, they are the one who are going to
make new policies, handle this development drive and contribute in the growth of our country. It
is important to pay attention and care to them and invest a lot of time preparing them for the
brutal truth of the world. Young people are capable of doing enormous things; they are energetic,
dynamic and creative. If their interest lies in the right direction, it is boon for the country.

When we read history, we have seen many brave young men and women who did an amazing
job in bringing about a change in the society. How many young people were involved in freedom
struggle of the India itself which was so successful that India achieved freedom after a long fight.
But it is sad to see that the interest and enthusiasm of the youths towards social problems is
degrading day by day. In most part of the country youths are the main who are protesting against
the corruption and other issues but in Arunachal the awareness is comparatively low among the
youths. They are more interested in less important things and this is very prominent among the
youth of Arunachal Pradesh. The enthusiasm of youth towards the society and its issues is
decreasing especially in Arunachal Pradesh. The researcher have come across many person who
wants to do their bit and sensitive towards the various issues but they don’t get platform to do so.
There may be various reasons for this. There are many social problems that are there in
Arunachal Pradesh and that’s the thing that they are there for a very long time now. Nobody
seems to be bothered about them much less the youths. The unemployment rate in Arunachal is
very high. Unemployment being the biggest problem, results in youths being involved in theft
and other improper means of acquiring money. Unemployment also leads to indulgement in drug
and other things. Corruption is one of the best skills own by Arunachal. Due to corruption all the
development which should have had taken place is disturbed.

The Berlin-based corruption watchdog Transparency International (TI) has put India at rank 76
out of 168 countries in its latest Corruption Perception Index. The largest contributors to the
corruption are entitlement programs and social spending schemes enacted by the Indian
government. Examples include NREGA, NRHM and other sources of corruption include India's

trucking industry which is forced to pay billions of rupees in bribes annually to numerous
regulatory and police stops on its interstate highway.

Arunachal Pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh is one of the eight states of Northeast region. Formerly known as North east
Frontier Agency, is a wild and mountainous region situated along the north-eastern frontier of
India and it became union Territory of Arunachal Pradesh on 20-01-1972 under the provisions of
North Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act 1971 (81 of 1971). It is the eastern most state of the
country. The capital city of the state is Itanagar which is located in the district Papumpare.
Arunachal Pradesh is also known as Land of Down-lit Mountains. It shares border with two
states from the country, Assam and Nagaland and shares international borders with Bhutan in the
west, Myanmar in the east and is separated from China in the north by the disputed McMahon
Line. It is the largest among the North-eastern states known as the Seven Sister States,
geographically. Arunachal Pradesh is the home of twenty-five major tribes’ nearly one hundred
ten minor tribes, totaling a population of more than 13 Lakhs according to the 2011 census.

Arunachal Pradesh attained statehood in 1987 20th February. It is the largest state in Northeast in
terms of the area having area 83,743 km/sq and third least populated state in northeast as well as
in India (Census of India, 2011). Arunachal Pradesh has 23 districts out of which three districts
are recently curved out from two districts of the state. The below chart is the comparison of
population growth of Arunachal Pradesh from year 2001 and 2011 census.

Chart 1.1

Population in Millions



2001 2011

Total Male Female

Source: Census 2011

The population of Arunachal Pradesh is 1,383,727 in which 713,912 are males and 669,815 are
females according to the above chart which is published by the census of India.

Arunachal Pradesh is inhabited by tribal people mostly from Mongolian race who call
themselves Tani (Adi) descendents, they have very close link with Indo-Bhutanese people. The
other major tribes who inhabit the region are Monpas which are of Buddhist descendents, the
Naga descendents tribe like Tangsha, Nocte, Wancho, etc, and Thai Ahom descendents Khampti
tribe. Apart from this above mention tribe there are other tribes also who inhabit the state, some
of them are Sherdukpens, Aka, Miji, etc. All the tribes have their own unique culture and
traditions. The customs and traditions were almost compatible with the modern concepts of

According to the census of 2011 the literacy rate of Arunachal Pradesh is 65.38 which show
increase in literacy rate in compare to 2001 census. There is huge gap between literacy rate of
female and male which is 57.70 and 72.55 respectively in the census of 2011 and even in the
census of 2001 the gap is large which is 43.53 for female and 63.83 for male.

Chart: 1.2.

Literacy rate




2001 2011

Average Male Female

Source: Census 2011

Arunachal Pradesh has a very tension bound relation with China as China has been claiming
Arunachal for many years as their territory which leads to war of 1962 which is known as Indo-
China war. After the indo-china war of 1962 Chinese has come very far into the territory, after

the war the Chinese have moved 20 km back to their side and the very controversial Mac Mohan
line the International Border was drawn between India and China. Since then China is claiming
Arunachal Pradesh as their territory. There is tension between two countries every now and then.
The visit of Dalai Lama in Arunachal Pradesh is also being critiqued by the Chinese



The review of literature is needed while doing a research because it is needed to know what
literature is already there in regards to the selected topic. Literature gives us a strong reason for
doing a research. In this chapter the literature has done on youth, their development, the
unemployment among the youth and the corruption and its type has been discussed.

Youth Development

Youth development is the process of growing and developing skills, knowledge and attitude.
Youth development is important because young people need to take part in social development.
Youth development is “The on-going growth process in which all youth are engaged in
attempting to 1) meet their basic personal and social needs to be safe, feel cared for, be valued,
be useful and be spiritually grounded and 2) to build skills and competencies that allow them to
function and contribute in their daily lives” (Pittmann, 1993). Youth development starts with
process of socialization, broadly speaking youth development is a process associated with
adolescence and this is the stage where young people undergo physical, cognitive, emotional and
social development. Gore pointed out “Socialization is the process by which individuals,
particularly the young, in the society interact with and imbibe the behavior patterns, the attitudes,
the values and the intellectual heritage of the society” (Gore M. 1977).
As we discuss youth development starts with the socialization, the term socialization is used to
refer process of receiving and spreading traditions and ideologies, providing an individual all the
necessary skills which require in the participation in his or her own community, this process
leads to the outcome of morality. Kamath also pointed out that; “Youth is a product of the
society in which they live. At the same time they make up the society by their own contribution
to it. They are a “Product” in the sense that they were born and socialized in a given society;
their contribution is through playing their respective roles. While they internalize the values
imparted to them by their elders and other fellow beings, their attitude to question the new values
rather freely results in a change in their behavior. “Youth are not only carriers of traditions but

also agents of change” (Kamath G, 1980). That means it is the journey which involve the people
around the youth’s family and community. And youth development is the process where family,
community must participate and it happens only through good socialization. Youth works help
youth people learn about themselves, others and society through participation that combines
enjoyment, challenge, learning and achievement. Youth participation leads to the development of
youth in terms of emotional, intellectual growth and it leads to personal and community
development. Youth participation makes them express their views and opinions in their
communities and societies at large.

Youth and unemployment

Youth participation and understanding of society important to sustain the development drive. In
this generation where there is high competition for getting a job there are many problems which
add up the complicacy. Youth unemployment is comparatively higher than adult people. Youth
face difficulties in labour market because of lack of work relevant skills, lack of information and
connections for acquiring appropriate skills, lack of experience and credentials that could get
them started on an upward path, and limited opportunities for entry-level work that is career
oriented. “With less experience and fewer skills than many adults, young people often encounter
particular difficulty accessing work. The global youth unemployment rate, which has long
exceeded that of other age groups, saw its largest annual increase on record in 2009; at its peak,
75.8 million young people were unemployed.“4
According to the ILO’s Global Employment Trends for Youth 2011 Update, the global youth
unemployment rate rose from 11.8 to 12.7 percent between 2008 and 2009, the largest one-year
increase on record. In the ten years from 1998 and 2008, youth unemployment increased by a
total of 0.2 percent or about 100,000 persons per year; but from 2008 to 2009 it increased by
5.3%, or 4.5 million persons, in a single year. By the end of 2010, an estimated 75.8 million
young people were unemployed (World Youth Report, 2012). This high rate of youth
unemployment can be treated as wastage of resource in the developing countries; there are many
ways this potential of youth can be used in a developing country. The major consequences of this

United Nations “World Youth Report”, 2012

unemployment of youth can led to experience which leaves a permanent imprint on both
individual life outcomes and on national development trajectories.

Unemployment rate in India has shot up to a five-year high of 5 per cent in 2015-16, with
the figure significantly higher at 8.7 per cent for women as compared to 4.3 per cent for men,
says a report by Labour Bureau. The figures could be an alarm bell for BJP-ruled government at
the Centre, which has taken a series of steps such as ‘Make in India’ to create jobs for inclusive
growth in the country.

According to the fifth annual employment-unemployment survey at all-India level, about 77 per
cent of the households were reported to be having no regular wage/salaried person. It said the
unemployment rate was estimated to be 5 per cent at all-India level under the UPS (Usual
Principal Status) approach. Unemployment rate was 4.9 per cent in 2013-14, 4.7 per cent (2012-
13), 3.8 per cent (2011-12) and 9.3 per cent (2009-10). Labour Bureau did not bring out any such
report for 2014-15.

In rural sector, unemployment rate was 5.1 per cent whereas in urban sector, the rate was 4.9 per
cent under the UPS approach,” the report said. The figure was significantly higher among
females compared to males. Female unemployment rate was estimated to be 8.7 per cent,
whereas for males it was 4.3 per cent.

In urban areas, female unemployment rate was estimated to be 12.1 per cent at pan-India level
compared to 3.3 per cent for males and 10.3 per cent for transgenders. The survey was conducted
across all states and union territories during April 2015 to December 2015. A total sample of 1,
56,563 households were covered in the survey – 88,783 households in the rural sector and 67,780
in the urban sector.

Topping the chart among the states and union territories was Tripura (19.7 per cent) followed by
Sikkim (18.1 per cent), Lakshadweep (16.1 per cent), Andaman & Nicobar Islands (12.7 per
cent), Kerala (12.5 per cent) and Himachal Pradesh (10.6 per cent).5

For more details see Labour report (2015-16)


Development can be viewed from various angles and can have various definitions according to
how we wanted to know and understand the development process. Development is an ongoing
process which happens over a period of time. The definition of development is changing in
context with the understanding of the people.

Development implies, according to Anil Kumar Singh (1994), creating conditions in a given
society for wholesome living of its members. Logically it stands for the rise in the standard of the
living of the weaker sections, greater participation in the affairs of the larger society and the
state, freedom from poverty, unconstrained development of individuals among the various
constituents of the social fabric. The purpose of the development is to provide increasing
opportunities to all people for better life (Mehta, 2006). Central Government has launched a
number of schemes for the overall upliftment of the tribal but in reality achievement has been
very unsatisfactory and the derived results have not been achieved yet.

Development is a way of improvement in managing the resource of the country, the human
resources and natural resources through which it creates wealth and to improve people’s lives.
Development cannot be view fully as economic phenomenon; it’s a multidimensional process
which involves restructuring and reorientation of the social and economic system of the society
where we live in, through which the quality of human lives will increase. There are many ways
to view and understand development; sustainable development being the prominent and other
aspects of development are economic, cultural and human developments which are the way of
development to understand the change in society through these aspects.

Development was always been linked to growth, can be called economic growth of a country.
Over the past several years, a worldwide consensus has emerged on the need for a more socially-
inclusive approach to generating economic growth. However, inclusive growth and development
remain primarily an aspiration. “Human development is the development of the people through
building human capabilities, by the people through active participation in the processes that
shape their lives and for the people by improving their lives. It is broader than other approaches,
such as the human resource approach; the basic needs approach and the human welfare

approach”6. Human development has been uneven, and human deprivations persist even after
Millennium Development Goals the global commitments has been made to ensure the inclusive
development. Progress has bypassed groups, communities, societies and people have been left
out. Some have achieved only the basics of human development, and some not even that. And
new development challenges have emerged, ranging from inequalities to climate change, from
epidemics to desperate migration, from conflicts to violent extremism. Merely identifying the
nature of and the reasons for the deprivation of those left out is not enough to ensure human
development, some aspects of the human development analytical framework and assessment
perspectives must be brought to the fore to address issues that prevent universal human

Corruption can define in many ways but most commonly used definition used which is defined
by World Bank is the abuse of public power for private benefits 7 . There are many evidence
which shows that corruption was there since thousands of years back. It is not a new
phenomenon, two thousand years ago, Kautilya, the prime minister of an Indian King had written
a book, Arthashastra, on corruption and described it and Shakespeare also gave prominent
character for corruption in his plays. In recent years there is increased of attention towards this
issues, the reason could rising concern for this issue or the rising of corruption in the society. The
Financial Times of year 1995 on their December edition have characterized the year1995 as year
of corruption. It has been seen that whenever an issue or problem raises then the related
remedial ideas comes up in against the problem. Economic theory has developed two basic views
of corruption, one that considers corruption to be exogenous and the other endogenous to the
political process.

There are many arguments on cause and rise of corruption in recent years. Some of the causes of
corruption in India are discussed below:

Human Development Report Office
For more definition see Theobald (1990)

 Low pay scale and wages: Due to low pay scale and salary given in government sector
many employees turned to do corruption to get financial benefits.
 Low job opportunity: This is one of the reasons for rapid rise in corruption. Due to lack
job people are ready to take any path to get a job in this way to also pays lump of money
to politician and higher official to get a job.
 Lack of Strict and fast punishments: There have been many cases where the culprit has
been caught red handed by anti-corruption bureau and media but there is hardly any
action taken against them. Usually the culprit will get suspended for few weeks or
months or will be transferred to another location. So this can treat that the people who are
involved in it are free to do any kind of corruption again.
 Lack of ill fame: In a country like India when a politician do any corruption instead of
disrespecting and avoiding him, he will get a better position in future and people respects
him more.
 Lack of Unity in public: People usually condemned the word corruption but whenever
there is a situation to stand up together to fight this corruption people back off. Instead
they are ready to pay bribe to get their work done. During election, politicians try to lure
the people by offering money and other things. If these politicians win and get power,
they try to regain 10 to 100 times the amount spent for their elections. And the irony
people never deny the money offered during elections.
 Lack of transparency in affairs and deals and accountability: There is no
transparency in many government sector like related to job interview, fund allocated,
contract, so on. Even Right to Information (RTI) act is not able to bring the transparency
in these fields. There is no hard rule for government employee to give account of their
work which rises to do more corruption while in clearing some bills and contract.
 Encouragement of unhealthy competition: There are competitions in every corporate
sector but in India it turns a unhealthy competition. The companies who have good
connection with the ruling government and parties will get large benefits and there are
chances where these political parties will favour the companies who pay them more.
 Lack of enough powers to the judicial system: The judiciary system in our country is
very weak in comparison to other countries for example if a politician has been caught
distributing money while campaigning for election there is no rule where election

commission can ban him from election. There are no enough powers to others
organisation who are working towards these kind of issues.
 Lack of Independent detective agency: There is lack of independent agencies which
can works towards the exposure of corrupt people. Even the Central Bureau of
Investigation (CBI) is under government so there is a chance that there will be some
changes in investigation results according to ruling government.
“It is not possible to measure corruption, but it is possible to measure the perceptions of

Corruption in Arunachal Pradesh

In most part of the country youths are the main who are protesting against the corruption and
other issues but in Arunachal the awareness is comparatively low among the youths. They are
more interested in less important things and this is very prominent among the youth of Arunachal
Pradesh. The enthusiasm of youth towards the society and its issues is decreasing especially in
Arunachal Pradesh. I have come across many person who wants to do their bit and sensitive
towards the various issues but they don’t get platform to do so. There may be various reasons for
this. There are many social problems that are there in Arunachal Pradesh and that’s the thing that
they are there for a very long time now. Nobody seems to be bothered about them much less the
youths. The unemployment rate in Arunachal is very high. Unemployment being the biggest
problem, results in youths being involved in theft and other improper means of acquiring money.
Unemployment also leads to indulgement in drug and other things. Corruption is one of the best
skills own by Arunachal. Due to corruption all the development which should have had taken
place is disturbed.

Arunachal Pradesh faced major political crisis in the year 2016 when The Indian National
Congress Chief Minister Nabam Tuki replaced Jarbom Gamlin as the Chief Minister (CM) of
Arunachal Pradesh on 1 November 2011 and continued till January 2016. In year 2016 when
there was political crisis which resulted in imposing of Presidents rule in the state marking the
end of tenure of Nabam Tuki as chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh.

Working paper on International Monetary Fund

In the year 2016 the people of Arunachal Pradesh have seen three Chief Minister, Nabam Tuki,
Kalikho Pul and Pema Khandu. While the ruling of Nabam Tuki as CM of the state, the
Congress was ruling the State with the support of 47 MLAs in the 60-member Assembly, but 20
ruling party legislators have rallied under former Minister Kalikho Pul and joined hands with the
11-member Bharatiya Janata Party group in a bid to unseat Mr. Tuki. They accuse the Chief
Minister of financial mismanagement and corruption. When it appeared that Mr. Tuki had lost
the support of many of the legislators, then Governor of the state Jyoti Prasad Rajhkowa didn’t
ask him to prove his majority when the Assembly met on January 14, 2016. The Governor has
advance the session to December 16 and a legitimate question arises whether the Constitution
permits such action. In another partisan act, he sent a message to the House to take up
‘Resolution for removal of the Speaker’ as the first item on the agenda as the speaker was
Nabam Rebia, brother of then CM Nabam Tuki. Subsequently the Presidents rule was imposed in
the state without Mr. Tuki being given an opportunity to prove his majority on the floor of the

When Nabam Tuki became CM of Arunachal Pradeshin year 2011 he almost immediately made
his brother speaker of the Assembly. Kalikho Pul was minister for Health and Family welfare at
that time, Nabam Tuki dropped him cabinet reshuffle in year 2014. In the year 2015 Pul alleges
financial mismanagement within the government, after congress accused him of anti party
conspiracy and expelled him from the congress party. In February 2016, Kalikho Pul became the
Chief Minister when 14 disqualified MLAs were reinstated by the Supreme Court. On 13 July
2016, the Supreme Court quashed the Arunachal Pradesh Governor J.P. Rajkhowa’s order to
advance the Assembly session, which resulted in President's rule in Arunachal Pradesh. The
court said that a Governor is not an elected representative, but only an executive nominee whose
powers flow from the aid and advice of the Cabinet. His tenure depends on the pleasure of the
President. Using discretionary powers to summon or dissolve Assembly sessions without the aid
and advice of the Chief Minister and his Cabinet is plainly unconstitutional. This decision results
in restoration of Tuki government in the state. The Members of the Legislative assembly who
rebelled and helped Pul to become CM went back to Congress and subsequently Nabam Tuki
became CM of the state again. But Tuki’s reign did not last long this time, the Acting Governor
Tathagata Roy asked the restored him to prove majority in the assembly on 16 July 2016 but on
the day proving his majority he resign from the post and Pema Khandu son of former CM Dorjee

Khandu became the CM of Arunachal Pradesh. Later Pema Khandu joined Peoples Party of
Arunachal (PPA) with majority of the MLA and further joined BJP in December 2016 along
with majority MLAs.

In recent years the corruption in the state has been raised rapidly. By present governor of
Arunachal Pradesh, "Corruption in the state is high and the state government and civil societies
should put concerted efforts to root it out,”. He also stated that the corruption is a chronic disease
and the intensity in Arunachal Pradesh is very high and this menace has to be stopped. On
morning of August 9 August 2016 Kalikho Pul former CM of Arunachal Pradesh was found
hanged in CM resident where he was residing. This case of suicide of former chief minister
Kalikho Pul also let us re-thinks about the state policy of transparency. It is believed that there is
booklet titled Mere Vichar (My thoughts) is written Late Kalikho Pul. And it is believed that he
has written about the present scenario of how the corruption is deep rooted in the state.

It has been already mentioned that youth are the one who will taking over the developing drive in
future so is very important to know about their perception on this very common and rapidly
rising problem which is affecting every section of society. And especially in states like
Arunachal Pradesh where the awareness among the general public is very less in comparison to
other states in India. It is very important to know their understanding of social problems and how
they are preparing themselves to face this harsh world competition where even getting a good
education quality is a big problem.




The youth are becoming the main agent of development and through study of their understanding
on the given topic “Corruption” is very important while doing the study. This study has mainly
focus on the youth who are just exposed to new opportunities and overwhelmed curriculum of
the academics. This is the phase where they will learn about the new ideas and encounter new
situation. So this study is a qualitative approach to study their knowledge about the various
impact of corruption then to understanding their view about this issue which can lead to other
problems. To achieve the above mention objective the researcher has used the exploratory
research design.

Arunachal Pradesh is a home to twenty six major tribes (Dai, 2009), the composition of the
respondents according to tribe were not determined. The people of the state are called
Arunachali. The respondents were from different districts of the states as the researcher wanted
to have the view point from the perspective of youth from different district and tribe. The
demographic status of every district is different as well as the development. The data were
collected in Hindi language as this language is most common used language in the state, as the
state has so many tribes with different languages and identity so everyone uses Hindi as their
medium to exchange their thoughts. The youth are also comfortable with the language and while
collecting the data from the village the researcher has used her own language that is Galo
language with the respondents which she already transcribed and translated into English.

To do this research researcher had chosen the youth of the Arunachal Pradesh who are in either
doing their graduation or have already graduation. As the data collection period was summer
vacation time the researcher had some issues while finding the respondents. Earlier researcher
wanted to do her data collection in the two different colleges of the main towns, Pasighat and
Itanagar of Arunachal Pradesh keeping in the mind that these colleges have students from all the
districts of the state, but as it was their vacation the colleges were closed so she choose to do in

two cities with the help of her local contacts. The research has respondents from both rural and
urban setups. The researcher has collected data from her villages as well as from her hometown
and the capital city.


The rationale of a research enables us to understand the various reasons why the researcher
choose to do this particular research on this topic. So for this research the rationale is Corruption
being so prevalent in state and it is a major issue which has to be administered. As the researcher
grew up in this State she herself encountered many times with situation of corruption. And
Corruption led to many other issues like unemployment, backwardness and poverty. Researcher
also observed that there is lack of awareness among the people resulting in inefficient
implementation of government policies. In this situation Youth can play major role in abating
corruption and providing awareness in the state. Youth became the subject of research of the
researcher because youths form the major part of our society. The future of our society is
equivalent to the future of the ‘youth’. Their role in changing the present model of the society is
very important. They are most vulnerable and dynamic section of the society.


 To understand the youth perception on corruption.

 To understand the impact of corruption on youth.

 To study the possible steps and measures towards corruption.

Research Questions

 What is the role of youth in development of Arunachal Pradesh?

 How corruption is impacting the development in Arunachal Pradesh?
 What are the factors which affect the thinking of the youth regarding the development?
 What is the role of youth to measure corruption?
 How corruption is impacting youth development?


Sampling is a method used to select the samples from the universe. Sampling method is used to
ensure to get the respondents who will be the part of the study. Sampling method which was used
is purposive for selecting sampling frame. Sampling frame are the students who are pursuing
bachelors’ degree from various colleges within or outside the Arunachal Pradesh. Students
studying in different semester were the part of this study, the student of first year and second are
preferred, and according to this the researcher selected the respondents. For selecting samples the
researcher did snowball sampling because the data collection period was holidays for college and
the respondents suggested the next respondents. The researcher took help from the students
union of the state in order find respondents. Sampling size is 19 from the various background
and tribes. The students she got were from different educational and family background. Some
were from engineering background or some from arts, basically every respondents are from
different educational and family background which was the requirement of this study.

Tools and Techniques for Data Collection

Dealing with the research problem it is necessary to collect data which are appropriated. There
are many ways of collecting the data which is substantially depends on money, time and other
resources required for the research study. The research is exploratory in nature and keeping the
objectives in mind data have collected from the respondents. Following tools are used to collect
primary data for the present study.

 Interview Schedule

Interview Schedule is a tool to get data directly from the respondents while present with the
respondents physically. To get detailed narratives, since it is of particular community or group is
made for analysis, Interviews through their narratives is described the process and activities of
the youth through their personal experiential understanding. The interview schedule enclosed
with both open ended and closed ended questions. Researcher did ten in-depth interviews with
the youth.

 Focus Group Discussions

Focus Group Discussions (FGD) is a tool used to collect data while doing a research in which the
researcher have to select a group of people who incapable of discussing about the given topic or
the member should be the resource persons in the community having good knowledge about the
given topic and can give their opinion in the discussion. For understanding and role of youth in
the developmental activities two focus group discussions with six to eight participants will be
conducted, one with the purpose of understanding the role of youth in development of the society
and other is for possible measures corruption from the viewpoint of the youth. So both the Focus
Group discussions were done with 6 members for first and 4 members for second discussion.

Study Site

The study was done at two different towns of the state. The first town was Aalo which is
headquarters of the west Siang district. Within that town also she collected some data from the
native village of the researcher. The respondent she got in her native villages was mostly from
the Galo tribe. The next city is the capital city of Arunachal Pradesh which is Itanagar. She did
both Focus Group Discussions in Itanagar. Here the demographic composition was different.
Researcher did her second FGD with the members of students union of a certain students union.
In Arunachal Pradesh there is a trend of students union, you will find students union in every
village and town of the State.

Data Collection

Data collection is the most crucial part of a research which determines the quality of data a
researcher will get. The quality of data depends upon the type tools used and the skills of the
researcher which are the communications skills, listening skills and the most important is
facilitating skills while doing the Focus Group discussion. The data was collected from both
primary and secondary data.

Primary data collection was done by the above mention tools and techniques whereas the
secondary data collection was done by the literature review of the related matters which are
newspaper, articles, books and the published work on the key words in the study. The secondary
data was collected through the experience of researcher friends and family members also.

Field Work

Researcher started her data collection as soon as she finished making the interview schedule. As
the study is exploratory and the sampling method is purposive for the sample size, this study will
focus on college going students irrespective of their gender. For the interviews the researcher
contacted a junior from her village and he helped her to find the respondents in the villages, as
for this study the gender section was not kept in account; only some factor of socio economic
and educational background was kept in account. The researcher also prepared an ethical
statement to give the respondents the inform consent about the study. The researcher stayed in
the village which was 7 km away from her hometown for five days to collect data from the
village and she took interviews of four students who were doing in bachelors’ degree from
Government College called Donyi Polo Kamki College. After returning back to her hometown
she did another three interviews while staying at her home. For FGD she travelled to capital city
of the state. She stayed with her friend and her friend helped her to find some respondents. For
FGD she wanted a group of atleast eight people but due to unavailability of the respondent she
had to do the FGD with six members in it. For the second FGD researcher have contacted her
brother who is in connection with students union of Arunachal Pradesh, so the second FGD she
took was with five members of students union. The information got from this group is very
crucial because she got to know about the role of students union in the development process of
the youth in the state. After doing this two FGD researcher again started her interview with the
students through snowball sampling. She did five more in-depth interviews with the students of
various districts of Arunachal Pradesh.


In the beginning of the research the researcher faced some problems, as the season was vacation
time finding respondents was not an easy task. She planned to do Focus Group Discussion and
In-depth interviews in the college itself but due to the summer vacation holidays of the colleges
she could not do. But her family and friends helped her to find the respondents and she managed
to meet the people in the community who helped her to get the respondents. While collecting
data she faced challenges in bringing out the thoughts of the respondents, so she has to build a
rapport to make them speak out. The reluctance to share information was more in the case of

female respondents, so the researcher had to make them comfortable by building a close rapport
with them.

Ethical Consideration

A research that involves human subjects or participants raises complex and unique ethical, legal,
social and political issues. Research ethics is the analysis of ethical issues that are raised when
people are involved as participants in research. It is very important for a researcher to keep and
follow this ethics while doing a research, especially collecting and using the data from the

The researcher had prepared a statement of ethical consideration where it is clearly mentioned
that the collected data is only for academic use and the privacy of the data will be kept. The
confidentiality of the data is kept and the collected will be only used in the research, and the
identity of the respondent would not be disclosed. The respondents were informed earlier about
the study and researcher will need their consent on whatever she is going to ask and they are free
to not answer something which they does not feel they should answer. In the interview there
were some question which were political and personal, in which the researcher has given full
liberty to the respondents to whether they want to answer or not. Researcher also took permission
before recording the conversation between them.

Analysis of Data

The data analysis was done by the transcription of the tape recordings. Every interview and the
Focus Group Discussion was being recorded after the consent of the participants, which was later
transcribed by the researcher. The researcher has collected the socio-economic status and the
profile of the respondents by letting them fill up a form. The researcher transcribed and
translated the recordings of eleven interviews and two Focus Group Discussions. The transcript
of the collected data was used to make themes for the analysis. Themes are further explained the
respective sections.



The socio-economic profile of the Respondents

The students who were selected for the research were the students of bachelors of any stream.
The found respondents are mostly between age group of 20-24 years.

Respondent Age
16-20 Years
20-24 Years
24 Above

Fig: 1

From the above figure it is clear that the 69% of the respondents are from age group of 20-24
years which makes 11 persons and 19% are above age group of 24 years that is 3 persons, and
the rest are below 20 years.

The respondent were mostly male, the researcher got only three female respondents the rest were
male as the sampling method was snowball sampling so the researcher did not get to choose her
respondents and as there was time constraints in collection of data. The less number of female
respondents in the research shows the there is less number of female students who gets higher
education. The literacy rate of female in higher studies in Arunachal Pradesh is comparatively
low with the male which was given in the literature that is 72.55 for male and 57.70 for female;
the findings also show that the female students in higher studies are low.

The researcher also took account of type of schooling got by the respondents and it was found
that all the respondents did schooling in both government and private sector. This component
was purposely used in the questionnaire to understand the respondent’s views and perception

regarding how the education systems have had sufficient impact on their thinking and
understanding of society. It was found that the respondents who have pursued or are still
pursuing their education outside their home state, Arunachal Pradesh are seen to have very
different idea in regards to the definition of development and corruption which will be discussed
in the next headings. It was also found that none of the female respondents got private education
in school or in the college level. They are all studying in government colleges which are in
Arunachal Pradesh itself, which deprived them of the better exposure they could have received
outside the state and this was very distinctly reflected in their responses. Firstly, the female
respondents were quite hesitant comparing to the male respondents while responding the
questions and in their responses they only talked about the insights from within the state and
seemed to have little knowledge about the various other developmental and corruption related
issues concerning other states .

The researcher initially tried to check if the economic background of the respondent influence
their responses but researcher was unable to establish any kind of connection between the two
variables as the economic background of the respondents were similar except that three
respondents were not able to provide the details of their family income. In fact all respondents
conveyed the impression of belonging to a decent family background.

Knowledge and Understanding of youth on corruption and the development

The questions for the interview were prepared in such a manner so that while taking the
interview the researcher would be able to acquire the knowledge and understanding of the youth
regarding corruption prevailing on various sectors and level. Through this the researcher came to
understand that there are various components on which their understanding of the corruption
depends, such as their educational background and life experiences. The students studying inside
Arunachal Pradesh mostly expressed about the political corruption and bureaucratic corruption.
For them corruption is a phenomenon in which an individual desires to earn more money and
eventually adopts an exploitative behavior which leads him to small scale corruption at first but
some might take it to another level and get involved in huge scams. Corruption can be of various
types, the political corruption

The respondents who have studied or studying outside the home State expressed corruption
giving an emphasis on the human behavior, where an individual or a group of individuals deny
the rights of other individual or a group of individuals distorting the normal way in which a
system should work hence creating a domain which is unhealthy. This can happen in both public
and private sector. Their understanding of development was also different; they elucidated how
human consciousness and behavioral change matters a lot in understanding ones society in a
better manner. Firstly an individual should not just think about oneself but try to understand the
nature and needs of one’s society which is the first step leading to development of a society. For
a society to develop as a whole, the approach has to be holistic and not individualistic.
Contrastingly, the respondents who are educated within the state understood Development only
in terms of infrastructure, for them it seems important for a state to build a good physical
infrastructure like roads, buildings, schools and colleges. In their understanding having a good
infrastructure system means being developed. They seemed to be neglected towards other
aspects of development. Good infrastructure would provide better facilities to people and in this
way it would open doors for more learning and experience helping people to bring more
development within the state. This was the understanding of the respondents who got their
education from within the State.

“Arunachal Pradesh is the 2nd least populated State in India yet 2nd highest corrupted State in
country. The inaction of President’s rule twice in the state is also result of growing corruption
rate in the state; it shows how corrupted we are because the President’s rule is a league when the
situation is out of hand of the State Government which is directly connected with the corruption
in the State” stated one of the Respondents in the Focus Group Discussion. On which the other
respondents agreed. Corruption and development cannot go hand in hand but there is an
exception if the rate of corruption is low for example out of Rs. 100 if someone is stealing Rs. 2
then the work which has to be done with that money will not be affected, said one of the

Experiences and impacts of corruption on youth

On being asked if the respondents personally know or experienced any situation where they saw
corruption, their responses was differing, some had experienced a situation personally and others
did not. According to the respondents, “Corruption” is denying ones rights and misusing it. Few
respondents also talked about the bribery system in the society. Some respondents who
experienced such situations themselves shared their story and one of them said that how a
politician’s relative working in Anganwadi responsible for transportation of goods was involved
in corruption starting from micro level to macro level. And these kinds of acts by such people
bring an imbalance in a society weaving a trap for many other people potential in taking part in
such actions.

One of the respondents argues that bribery system which is the most common form of corruption
in our daily life starts from our own house. It is seen that “Our parents’ give us gifts in return of
getting good marks in exam or whenever we achieve something, which is the starting point of
corruption” . So the whole process of giving and taking bribe is psychological and people are
normalizing this thing, which is the very reason people don’t think twice before committing any
malfeasance when they are in high position which can affect the lives of people who are
vulnerable due to this. The respondents were keen on sharing that corruption and misuse of
resources is happening in every department, every scheme of the government; even if not in large
scale, you actually get to see it everywhere. The schemes like Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), Midday Meal schemes, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan
(SSA), so on are made to ensure the livelihood, education and the nutrition of the rural areas are
some schemes that are not implemented properly due to misconduct of some party responsible
for enabling the scheme to run well in the state.

The definition of corruption given by the respondent: When there is lack of transparency and
accountability in any government body, It has great impact on the youth , affecting their job
opportunities and other possible facilities or benefits received from government. From a very
long time now it has become very difficult for people to secure their jobs without a political
support or huge sum of money as a bribe for taking the job in Arunachal Pradesh. So, this has
resulted in a tradition where people easily accept to give money in order to secure their jobs.
Therefore only people who have privilege of having political backup or arranging the big sum of

amount generally is able to get jobs in the State. Society in general also lacks awareness in
regards to this, where people are unable to understand that it is not just a matter of employment
but distortion of a larger picture which will continue to impact our society and generations to

Perception of youth about corruption

The ignorant behavior of politicians and bureaucrats has disappointed the youth in Arunachal
Pradesh. As mentioned in the literature review the different types of corruption, it was found in
the study also that the youth in Arunachal Pradesh mostly understand about the political
corruption which is going on in the State. The respondents talked about the political corruption
which is deep rooted in the State. A respondent gave an example of election time in the State
where the voters are being bought, as in they are paid to vote for a particular party. The election
comes after every 5 years and at this time the candidates of the various post in the election give
money to those who vote for them. So a student’s leader said “If someone is getting money after
5 years if gap, then he/she will definitely take the money because there is anyway no profit
gained by the public if the candidate looses or win so if he/she is taking money for their vote
then they should take”. But the vicious cycle of snatching away the developmental fund will
remain same grieved concern for a few. The candidates who have invested their money during
the election will earn the money while in the tenure by doing corruption. This is a big vicious
cycle where the development fund goes into the development of the corrupted politicians
themselves and the authentic beneficiaries remain deprived as always .

All the respondents emphasized the need to keep a proper check on the corruption rate and the
stakeholders involved in the action in the State which is becoming an ungovernable problem in
the path of development of the State. A most common suggestion given by the respondents was
to bring awareness and realization to the public through good education system in the State. As
we all know that, education system plays a major role in shaping the minds of the young and
delivering the best of knowledge and wisdom to the students. Education system as a tool will
work wonders if it is strategically used. The general public also has its responsibility in
elimination of Corruption by imbibing good values and teachings in the society and work place.

An individual also can do his best to abstain from getting into this cycle of Corruption and at the
same time realizing its larger destruction on the society as a whole. People should get involved in
more open dialogues pertaining to this topic so as to understand how exasperating this issue is to
all and to share and act on goals and ways to curb this problem step by step in every level.




This study helps us to build a connection between development and corruption, the study also
helps us to understand the different components playing important role in determining the nature
of the connection that corruption has with development. The two important terms during the
whole course of research that is “Corruption” and “Development” was well defined by the
respondents also explaining the origins and characteristics of it. The study helps us to reflect on
various determinants of how the mind of a youth is molded and how that mindset develops a
thought process and directs their actions in life. The findings obtained from this study have also
helped us contemplating on the diverse reasoning of the youth in Arunachal Pradesh. The
understandings of youth on the various social problems are quite enlightened and they also feel
that there should be serious interventions on these issues. In this study it was also found that the
youth were not only talking about the corruption being the only social problem; they have also
spoken about the various awareness and knowledge which should be coming from within the
society and passed down to generations.

Another interesting reality that emerged while doing the research was that, it showed how the
literacy rate from the 2011 census that male literacy rate was higher than that of female affected
the sample profile (chart 1.2). This statement can be true because , while choosing the
respondents snowball sampling was used and there was no bar in choosing the number of male
and female respondents despite that researcher could find only three female respondents for this
study , and upon that those three respondent behavior also showed less confidence and reluctance
to open up frankly which can be assumed that somewhere the gender inequality stills prevails in
the educational Institutions present even now, but going into the details of it will lead us to a
different study altogether.

Adding to all that, the role of Student Union in awareness program was also focused upon. The
present works of the various Student Unions in terms of student’s rights in the State was much

appreciated by the respondents. According to the respondents they also play a major role in
bringing out the scholarship rights of the students which is always delayed or not processed
properly by the state government. Even after presence of strong students unions the misuse of
powers in the state in still high, here the leaders of the students union have to play a important
role in giving awareness to the community and the citizens as a whole.

The effort for changing the perceptions and the whole process of misrepresentation should come
from every individual. Effort and work of single individual will not give the required results. To
a society to change in a better way the contribution of every individual is important.


While doing the research the researcher has found that there is very limited literature on
Arunachal Pradesh and figure related to the state. This was one of the challenges she faced while
doing the research so there should be more published work on the present status of Arunachal

The respondents were less informed than the youth of other state, one of the reasons for this is
that there is very less interdisciplinary academic course in Arunachal Pradesh. Arunachal
Pradesh has one central University, one Deemed University and five State Universities out of
which only one is State Government University. The other four private universities have recently
opened there, about two-three years ago, so their presence has not made any changes till now.
The citizens of Arunachal Pradesh have started to realize the importance of interdisciplinary
courses rather than only taking engineering and medical as a profession. But it will take atleast
another decades or so to fully realize and to take other professions as career in Arunachal

Other than this the state lacks presence of private sector or the multinational companies. This is
one of cause that the youth of the state only opt for mainstream courses because they don’t want
to work outside of their home state and even if they work they will opt for only government jobs
which are more secure. The other private jobs in the state don’t pay them much so their ultimate
objective is to get a state government job which pays them well enough. This system has created
a rigid knowledge of the understanding of society by the youth. So there should be more
intervention on the career choices by creating more platforms for the youth to perform.

Apart from this the state has very slow phase of infrastructure development. The roads in every
corner of the state are in very bad condition even the roads which connects the twin Capital city
Itanagar and Naharlagun are in very pathetic condition, especially in rainy season the roads
always use to get blocked which causes difficulties in mobility hence causing hurdles in other
development activities.

In the recent years the project Trans- Arunachal highway was passed and the construction has
begun. The aim is to connect every district headquarter of Arunachal Pradesh with a highway
system. The capital city Itanagar has seen many infrastructure developments since it got the post
as capital city of the state but if we compare Itanagar with other town of the state it is more
developed in terms of other facilities like transportation and roadways connection. The oldest
town in Arunachal Pradesh is Pasighat which is showing some development in recent decades
apart from these two cities not many towns got any infrastructural development scheme.

Arunachal Pradesh has a very unique presence of political scenario as the state has majority of
tribal people, out of 60 seats in legislative Assembly 59 seats are reserved for Schedule Tribes of
the state and the other Panchayati raj body seats are also mostly reserved for the tribal. But as
there many as 25 major tribes in the state and more hundreds sub tribes the culture difference is
very prevalent. And in the terms of development the development are mostly done in some
selected areas. There is a communal feeling in every aspect in the state. The development
process should be inclusive. The approach towards community for during the process of
development and growth should be holistic and inclusive.

Bose, M. (1997). History of Arunachal Pradesh. New Delhi: Concept

Corruption around the world: Causes, consequences,scopes and cures. (1998). IMF working Paper .

Dai, M. (2009). Arunachal Pradesh The Hidden Land. New Delhi: Penguin Enterprises.

Dodum, R. (2016). Kalikho Pul wrote on corruption in Arunachal. The Hindu.

High corruption in Arunachal Pradesh, says Guv Rajkhowa. (2018). dna. Retrieved 14 April 2017,

Human Development Report. (2016). Human Development for Everyone. UNDP

Kapur Mehta, Aasna.(2006). Chronic Poverty and Development Policy in India. Sage Publications.
New Delhi

M. S. Gore (1977). Indian Youth: Processes of Socialization. Vishwa Yuvak Kendra.

Pittmann. (1993).

News18. (2016). Timeline of Arunachal Pradesh Political Crisis. [online] Available at:
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R. Nair (2011) “Adaptability of Indian Rural Youth in the Urban Milieu” (co-authored) Published by
RGNIYD in 2011

Singh Kumar, Anil.(1994). Approaches to Tribal Development, Tribes and Tribal Life. Sarup
Books Publishers.

State profile of Arunachal Pradesh. (2014). Branch MSME-Development Institute. Itanagar

The Census of India. (2011).

The Indian Express. (2017). Arunachal pradesh: Citizenship for Chakma, Hajong refugees soon.
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World Youth Report. (2012). UN.

Youth unemployment challenge and solutions,2012, Manpower




Name of the Respondent: Place:


1) Name of the College:

2) Age:
a) 16-20 b) 20-24 c) 24 and Above

3) Sex
a) Female b) Male

4) Religion
a) Christian b) Indigenous c) Hindu d) Atheist e) Other

5) Education
i. You are a student of
a) Arts b) Science c) Commerce d) Medical e) Engineering d)
ii. Year of study
a) 1st year b) 2nd year c) 3rd year e) 4th year
iii. You did your schooling from
a) Government sector b) Private sector c) Both

6) Location of Residence
a) Urban b) Rural
7) Tribe

8) Family type
a) Joint family b) Nuclear family

9) How many siblings you have

a) One b) Two c) Three d) More than three

10) Profiles of main earners in family:

Education Relationship Occupation Income

To understand the Youth Perception on Corruption

1) What do you understand by development?

2) What do you understand by corruption?
3) What is the root cause of corruption in Arunachal Pradesh by your opinion?
4) At what sector corruption is most prominent?
5) Corruption leads to other social issues like?
6) Have you ever encountered any case of corruption by yourself? a) Yes b) No
7) If yes then what you did?
8) Have you ever heard about corruption in private sector? a) Yes b) No
9) If yes then from where you heard about it?
10) How you view yourself in the society?
11) Do you know anyone who is corrupted? a) Yes b) No
12) What is the most common face of corruption in your area?

To understand the impact of the corruption on youth and society

1) Corruption causes unemployment?

a) Yes b) No
2) If yes then how?
3) Corruption causes underdevelopment?
a) Yes b) No
4) If yes then how?
5) Corruption effect education system?
a) Yes b) No
6) If yes then how?
7) Corruption causes poverty?
8) If yes then how?
9) Do you think there is class division in your society?
10) If yes then how?
11) Do you think lack of awareness causes more corruption?
12) If yes then how?
13) Are you availing any government schemes or policies?
a) Yes b) No
14) If yes then name it
15) Name the source from where you get to know about this scheme
16) Are any of your family members getting benefits under any government schemes
and policies?
a) Yes b) No
17) If yes then Name the scheme
18) If No then are they eligible for the schemes?
a) Yes b) No
19) If Yes then why didn’t they are not availing the benefits?

Possible measures and steps towards corruption

1) Is it important to take steps to check the corruption? a) Yes b) No

2) Are you involved in any activities of students union? a) Yes b) No

3) If yes then discuss your role

4) Briefly discuss the role of local students union

Appendixes II

Non Participatory Observations

 Behaviour of the respondents in certain questions

 Possessions of ornaments, cell phones, vehicles.
 Way of conversations of the respondents
 Body language of the respondents while giving response.
 Life style of the respondents.


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