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1-3: According to municipal records 80% of the families living in certain area own a car. If five families
are randomly selected from this area then.

1: The probability of at least one family out of five will own a car.

(a) 0.4968 (b)0.99968 (c)0.5968

2: The probability of at least 4 families own a car.

(a)0.4096 (b)0.7372 (c)0.3276 (d)

3: The probability of at most 1 family own a car.

(a)0.00032 (b)0.0064 (c)0.00672 (d)

4: A certain factory manufactures a certain item, out of the total num of items that are produced by
the factory 3% are found to be defective. A sample of 10 item is selected from inspection. The
probability that two or more items are defective is.

(a)0.455 (b)0.0369 (c)0.345 (d)

5-6: A pharmaceutical company produce a cough syrup in bottles and finds that 6% of these bottles are

5: If 6 such bottles are selected then the probability that one would be defective.

(a)0.3574 (b)0.2600 (c)0.2642 (d)

6: If sample of 6 item are selected in a similar way 100 times. How many times the selection would
consists of exactly one defective.

(a)26.42 (b)26 (c)27.5 (d)

7-8: In a sample of M.B.A students 75% said that they expect to be promoted with in a month after
receiving their degree. If this proportion holds for population , then for sample of size 5.

7: The probability that number of expected promotion with in a month after graduation at least 3.

(a)0.3955 (b)0.8965 (c)0.2373 (d)

8: The probability of promotion is no more than 3.

(a)0.3672 (b)0.8965 (c)0.8052 (d)


9-10: A car manufacturing company has determined that 30% of all oil tanks that were installed in
2019 were defective.

9: If 5 cars are recalled for inspection that more than 2 cars will need new oil tank.

(a)0.1323 (b)0.0284 (c)0.1631 (d)

10: What is the average number of cars with defective oil tanks out of 10000 cars.

(a)1600 (b)3000 (c)1631 (d)

11: For certain group of people, it is estimated that 40% use a particular type of credit card
primarily for installment buying. Suppose that this statement is correct and 12 persons picked at random
from this group are questioned on the matter. The probability that number using their credit cards is no
more than 1.

(a)0.01959 (b)0.00218 (c)0.99782 (d)

12: A large corporation requires all new employs to go through a 1 year training programme.
Personal files show that 3 out of every trainee complete the programme and stay with the company for
at least 3 years. If the company hires 6 new employs and drop out rate remain unchanged. What is
probability that at least 3 trainee will be with the company after 3 years.

(a)0.1720 (b)0.1382 (c)0.8208

13: If 20% of the bolts produce by the machine are defective. Determine the probability that out of
4 bolts chosen at random at most 2 will be defective.

(a)0.4096 (b)0.9728 (c)0.1536

14: An assembly line operation produces items of which 80% are satisfactory. A quality control
inspection 10 of them at random. What is the probability that at least 2 are defective.

(a)0.4362 (b)0.5638 (c)0.999

15: It is known that 6% of the production is defective. What is the probability that in a random
sample of 5 at least 1 is defective.

(a)0.7339 (b)0.2661 (c)0.6250

16: A salesman has estimated that the probability of making a sale when calling on customers is 0.5.
If this salesman calls on 5 customers on a given day. What is the probability of making 3 sales.

(a)0.3125 (b)0.6875 (c)0.6925


17: 6 cards are drawn with replacement from a deck of 52 cards. What is the probability of 3 kings.

(a)0.00716 (b)0.1318 (c)0.2580

18: If 10 cards are selected with replacement from 52 cards. What is the probability of at least 2
pictured cards.

(a)0.2829 (b)0.6446 (c)0.0725

19: A box contain 4 red and 6 white balls. If 3 balls are drawn with replacement. What is the
probability of exactly 2 red.

(a)0.288 (b)0.30 (c)0.2598

20: A wallet contains 5 note of Rs 1000 and 4 note of Rs 500. If 3 notes are selected with
replacement. What is the probability exactly 2 note of Rs 500.

(a)0.5625 (b)0.4115 (c)0.329

21: Management believes that 20% of the people watching a T.V advertisement about new product,
will purchase a product. Five persons who watched the advertisement are picked at random. What is the
probability that 3 persons not purchased the product.

(a)0.0512 (b)0.2048 (c)0.3045

22: A manufacturing facility produces defective items at a 10% rate(90% of production is in

acceptable form). In a sample of 8 items , what is the probability that all 8 items are acceptable.

(a)0.4306 (b)0.4783 (c)0.4305

23: A product is tested in a batches of 5 items. It is estimated that 10% of product is defective.
Determine the probability of no defective.

(a)0.00001 (b)0.5905 (c)0.0081

24: It is known that 20% of all persons given a certain medication get drowsy with in a 2 minutes.
Find the probability that among 14 persons given the medication at most 2 will get drowsy.

(a)0.4480 (b)0.552 (c)0.6722

25: A firm which conducts consumer surveys by mail has found that 30% of that families receiving a
questionair will return it. In a survey of 10 families , what is the probability exactly 4 will not return the

(a)0.0692 (b)0.2001 (c)0.0367


26: A firm of chartered accountants has two vacancies for trainee students and is trying to recruit
CAF level passed students. In the past 40% of the students who were offered the training have not
reported to join. If 2 students are offered training contract, what is the probability that at least 1 will

(a)0.48 (b)0.84 (c)0.36

27: In graduate school of business an acceptance rate of 30% was reported. If 10 applicants are
selected at random. The probability that fewer than 8 are accepted.

(a)0.1501 (b)0.0016 (c)0.9984

28: The probability that a computer recovers from a rare virus attack is 0.40. If 15 computers are
known to have contracted with this virus. What is the probability at least 2 contact the virus.

(a)0.9999 (b)0.462 (c)0.9948

29: Current medical studies shows that 30% of the population will suffer from the common cold
each winter. A group of 12 people is randomly selected. Compute the mean and variance of the number
in the group that will have the common cold this winter.

(a)3.6 , 2.52 (b)3.6 , 1.58 (c)3.6 , 2.16

30: Suppose a poll of 10 employees is taken in a large company. The purpose is to determine the
number of employees who do not favour the unionization. Suppose 40% of employees favour the
unionization, then the probability less than 4 will not favour the unionization.

(a)0.3823 (b)0.0549 (c)0.3648

31: 75% of youths of age 12 to 15 years have blood pressure less than 136. What is the probability
that a sample of 12 youths of this age group will include at least 4 who have a blood pressure greater
than 136.

(a)0.19326 (b)0.2581 (c)0.3512

32-34: From the past record it has been determined that 60% of a college students loan application are
approved. If 10 applicants are chosen at random.

32: The probability that 8 or more applicants are approved.

(a)0.1209 (b)0.1672 (c)0.8328


33: The number of applicants that are expected to be approved.

(a)6 (b)4 (c)8

34: Standard deviation of approved applicants.

(a)2.4 (b)1.55 (c)1.88

35-37: In a opinion poll conducted by Federal Govt. of Pakistan about the lock down to save the nation
from COVID-19 , 90% favour the proposal, 8% oppose and 2% are undecided. If 15 people are asked
about their opinion.

35: What is the probability exactly 2 are undecided.

(a)0.9677 (b)0.0323 (c)0.0524

36: What is the probability at least 2 oppose the opinion.

(a)0.6597 (b)0.3734 (c)0.3403

37: What is the probability that at most 13 favour the opinion.

(a)0.6569 (b)0.9677 (c)0.3431

38: Four coins are tossed, what is the probability a head appears on at least two coins.

(a)11/16 (b)4/16 (c)2/16

39: Five coins are tossed 160 times, how many times a head appears on at least 4 coins.

(a)25 (b)30 (c)39

40: Six dice are rolled. What is the probability that an ace appeared on exactly 2 dice.

(a)3125/15552 (b)625/46656 (c)15/46656

41: Six dice are rolled, what is the probability a prime number appears on at least one dice.

(a)63/64 (b)1/64 (c)6/64

42: 10 dice are rolled, if a face 4 or 5 appear on dice considered be a success. What is the

probability of at most 2 successes.

(a)1280/6561 (b)5120/59049 (c)1024/59049


43-48: A person is known to win 2 games out of every 5. If he plays a tournament of 7 games.

43: What is the probability that he win 3 or fewer games (at most 3 games).

(a)0.7092 (b)0.75 (c)0.2908

44: What is the probability that he win any 3 games.

(a)0.26127 (b)0.2903 (c)0.1306

45: What is the probability that he win only first 3 games.

(a)0.26127 (b)0.2903 (c)0.00829

46: What is the probability that he win first 4 games.

(a)0.00553 (b)0.0058 (c)0.00829

47: What is the probability that he lose at least 6 games.

(a)0.0188 (b)0.1586 (c)0.00829

48: What is the probability that he lose between 4 and 6 games both inclusive.

(a)0.2882 (b)0.6822 (c)0.5742

49-50: If rain falls on the average 9 days in every 30.

49: What is the probability that rain will fall just 4 days in a given week.

(a)0.2269 (b)0.927 (c)0.0972

50: What is the probability that first 4 days of given week will be wet remaining fine.

(a)0.00052 (b)0.000518 (c)0.00277

51: Six dice are rolled, what is the probability an even number appears on at least 2 dice.

(a)22/64 (b)7/64 (c)10/64

52: The parameters of binomial distribution are.

(a)p and q (b)n and q (c)p and n

53: The binomial distribution is.

(a)always symmetric (b)always skewed (c)it may be symmetric or skewed


54: An experiment in which trials are independent, samples are drawn with replacement and
probability of success remain constant at each trial is.

(a)poisson (b)normal (c)hyper geometric (d)binomial

55: Binomial probability distribution is.

(a)continuous (b)discrete (c)both

56: Binomial distribution becomes symmetric if.

(a)p< 𝑞 (b)p> 𝑞 (c)p=q

57: Binomial distribution becomes positively skewed if.

(a)p< 𝑞 (b)p> 𝑞 (c)p=q

58: Binomial distribution becomes negatively skewed if.

(a)p> 𝑞 (b)p=q (c)p< 𝑞

59: In binomial distribution .

(a)mean=variance (b)mean=standard deviation (c)mean>variance (d)mean≥variance

60: In binomial distribution.

(a)np<npq (b)np>npq (c)np>np(1-p) (d)both b and c

61: In binomial distribution mean=2.5 and n=10, than its variance.

(a)30/16 (b)1.369 (c)25

62: In binomial distribution mean=2.5 and n=10 then it is.

(a)symmetric (b)positively skewed (c)negatively skewed

63: If in a binomial distribution mean=3.2 and variance=1.92, then the parameters of binomial
distribution are.

(a)8 and 0.6 (b)8 and 0.2 (c)8 and 0.4

64: If in binomial distribution mean=3.2 and s.d=3 , then its parameters are.

(a)−1.76 , −29/16 (b)−1.76 , 45/16 (c)none


65: In binomial distribution n=8 and p=1/2 , then its median .

(a)4 (b)5 (c)none

66: Let x be a binomial random variable with mean=3.2 and variance=1.92. find p(x=1).

(a)0.0896 (b)0.00786 (c)0.895

67: In binomial distribution mean, median and mode will be equal.

(a)p=1/2 (b)q=p (c)p<q (d)p>q (e)both a and b

68: Tabular arrangements of values of random variable with their associated probabilities is.

(a)frequency distribution (b)relative frequency distribution (c)probability distribution

69: Any probability distribution has number of properties.

(a)2 (b)3 (c)1

70: In discrete probability distribution.

(a)every probability varies from 0 to 1 (b)total probabilities always equal to 1

(c)every probability may occur more than once (d)all of these

71: In which probability distribution successive trials remains same at each trial

(a)poisson (b)hyper geometric (c)binomial (d)both a and c

72: Which probability distribution can be symmetric.

(a)binomial (b)poisson (c)hyper geometric

73: The values of discrete random variable will always.

(a)assume any value between 0 and n (b)assume any value from 0 to 1

(c)assume only integers value between 0 and 1 both inclusive

74: A listing of the possible outcomes of an experiment and their corresponding probability is.

(a)random variable (b)probability distribution (c)frequency distribution


75: The characteristic of any probability distribution are.

(a)The sum of all probabilities equal to 1 (b)no given probability occurs more than once

(c)the probability is provided for every possible value (d)both a and c

76: A discrete probability distribution may be represented by.

(a)graph (b)table (c)mathematical equation (d)all of these

77: If x is discrete random variable then the function f(x) is.

(a)a density function (b)probability function (c)distribution function

78: The distribution function f(x) is equal to.

(a)p(x=x) (b)f(x) (c)p(x≤x) (d)both a and b

79: The mean of binomial distribution depends upon.

(a)number of trials (b)probability of success (c)probability of failure (d)both a and b

80: Two bombs are thrown on the bridge from military plane. The probability that each bomb
hits the bridge is 4/5. It is necessary that two bomb should hit the bridge in order to destroy it
completely. What is the probability that bridge is partially destroyed.

(a)1/25 (b)16/25 (c)8/25

81: If binomial distribution can be represented by (q+p)n and if its mean=4 and variance=3, then.

(a)(0.25+0.75)16 (b)(0.75+0.25)16 (c)(0.4+0.6)16 (d)(0.6+0.4)16

82: The number of accidents occurring in a month follows poisson distribution with mean 5.2.
The probability of occurrence of less than 2 accidents per month.

(a) 0.0287 (b) (c)

83: If a random variable x satisfies the poisson distribution with mean value of 2, then the
probability that x≥2 is.

(a)2e-2 (b)3e-2 (c)1−2e-2 (d)1−3e-2

84: An observe count 240 vehicles per hour at a specific highway. Find the probability of having 1
vehicle arriving over a 30 seconds time interval.

(a) 0.2707 (b) (c)


85: Telephone calls enter in switch of company on the average of two every 3 minutes. What is the
probability of 4 or less calls during 9 minute period.

(a) (b)0.28503 (c)

86: If x has a poisson distribution with parameter 𝜇 with p(x=2)=p(x=3), then p(x≥2) is.

(a) (b)0.8012 (c)

87-88: The telephone calls at a switch board at rate of 30 calls per hour. Assume that switch board
operator takes 2 minutes to deals with customers query.

87: Calculate the probability of 2 or more calls in any 4 minutes period.

(a) 0.3233 (b) (c)

88: Calculate the period of exactly 3 calls arriving in 10 minutes period.

(a) (b) 0.14037 (c)

89: The mortality rate of certain disease is 7 per 1000. What is the probability for 5 death from
this disease in a group of 400.

(a) (b)0.0872 (c)

90: If the probability that an individual suffer a bad reaction from certain infection is 0.001. obtain
the probability that out of 2000 more than 2 individual suffer bad infection.

(a)0.3033 (b) 0.3233 (c)0.6766

91: In a certain factory turning cut zero blade, there is a small probability of 1/500 for any blade
to be defective. The blades are supplies in packets of 10 , use poisson distribution to calculate the
probability 2 defective blade.

(a) (b)0.000196 (c)

92-93: The number of defects per meter in a roll of cloth is on the average 0.25.

92: Find the probability that randomly chosen meter of cloth has 1 defect.

(a) 0.1974 (b)0.1900 (c)

93: Find the probability that more than 2 defect in 6 meter cloth.

(a) 0.1912 (b)0.8088 (c)


94: The factory produces components of which 1% are defective. The components are packed in
boxes of 10. A box is selected at random. Find the probability exactly one defective in a batch of 250

(a)0.8091 (b) (c)

95: Out of every 4000 shirts made at a garment factory 22 are defective, find the probability that a
lot of 300 shirts contain more than 3 defective.

(a)0.3168 (b)0.5088 (c)0.0861

96: The PABX system of Saleem industries receives an average of 2 calls in every 3 minutes. What
is the probability that 5 or more calls will be received during a period of 9 minutes.

(a)0.7125 (b)0.2875 (c)0.6280

97: A loan officer in a bank estimates that the probability of default by an applicant is 0.025. Last
month the bank approved 40 loan applications. The probability that at least 3 loans will be defaulted.

(a)0.0613 (b)0.0803 (c)0.0783

98: It is estimated that 0.5% of the callers to a department will receive a busy signal. Find the
probability that of 1200 callers at least 5 will receive busy signal.

(a)0.7025 (b)0.6215 (c)0.7125

99: The binomial distribution is________ probability distribution.

(a)continuous (b)discrete (c)uniform

100: Which of the following are not example of discrete variable.

(a)how tall are you (b)your age in years

(c)the number of cars you own (d)the number of people in your class today

101: Which of the following statement is false for binomial distribution.

(a)we are assuming sampling without replacement (b)only two possible outcomes of each trial

(c)the random variable is discrete (d)each trial is independent

102: The discrete probability distribution has only one parameter.

(a)binomial (b)poisson (c)hyper geometric (d)normal


103: In poisson distribution.

(a)mean>variance (b)mean=standard deviation (c)mean=variance

104: Poisson distribution is.

(a)always symmetric (b)always positively skewed (c)always negatively skewed (d)none

105: The probability of rare events is.

(a)binomial (b)normal (c)Poisson

106: Number of time a call received on a particular switch board in an example of.

(a)hyper geometric (b)binomial (c)poisson

107: In which probability distribution probability of success approaches to zero.

(a)poisson (b)binomial (c)hyper geometric

108: A multiple choice question consist of 10 question and each question has four options in which
only one is correct. A student will pass the exam if he answers five questions correctly. Assume that
students know two correct answers and chooses the remaining answers at random. What is the
probability that he will pass the test.

(a)0.1001 (b)0.2672 (c)0.3219 (d)0.3108

109: If five coins are tossed then how many times 3 head appears.

(a)5 (b)10 (c)8

110: If 8 coins are tossed how many times 2 head appears.

(a)56 (b)28 (c)70 (d)8

111: In poisson distribution p(x=0)=0.10, then mean of distribution is.

(a) (b)2.30 (c)

112: In poisson distribution p(x=2)=3p(x=1), then its variance is.

(a) (b)6 (c)

113: In poisson distribution p(x=1)=p(x=2), then p(x≤2) is.

(a)0.6767 (b) (c)


114: By the increase of poisson distribution , the poisson distribution is.

(a)shift to left (b)shift to right (c)remain same

115: Binomial distribution can be approximated to poisson, when.

(a)p→0 (b)n→0 (c)np is finite (d)all of these

116: The bi-parametric discrete distribution is.

(a)poisson (b)binomial (c)hyper geometric

117: The uni-modal discrete probability distribution is.

(a)hyper geometric (b)binomial (c)poisson

118: If in a poisson distribution p(x=0)=0.10 then p(x=2) is.

(a) (b) (c)0.2652

119: In binomial is p(x=0)=1/16 and n=5, then its mean is.

(a)2.13 (b) (c)

120: If in binomial distribution p(x=0)=16/81 and n=4, then its variance is.

(a) (b) 8/9 (c)

121: Which probability distribution is known as the probability of rare events.

(a)binomial (b)normal (c)poisson

122: If in binomial distribution p>1/2 and n=5, then its shape is.

(a)positively skewed (b)negatively skewed (c)symmetric

123: The number of floppy plants in a square meter of field where they grow randomly with an
average density of 20 poppies per square meter is an example of.

(a)binomial (b)poisson (c)hyper geometric

124: Poisson probability distribution is an approximation of.

(a)normal (b)uniform (c)binomial (d)hyper geometric

125-126: For a poisson process with arrival rate 𝜇=30 customers per hour.

125: Find the expected number of arrivals in the first 10 minutes of an hour.

(a) 4 (b) 5 (c)6

126: Find the probability of exactly 4 arrivals in the first 10 minutes of an hour.

(a) 0.1755 (b) (c)

127-128: A cloth manufacturer knows that fault occurs randomly in production process at a rate of 2
every 15 meters.

127: Find the probability at least 4 faults in a 15 meter length of cloth.

(a) (b)0.0902 (c)

128: Find the probability of more than 2 faults in 60 meter of cloth.

(a) (b)0.9862 (c)

129-130: Car arrives at motorway toll booth at an average rate of 150 per hour.

129: Suggest the suitable probability distribution to modal, the number of cars arriving at the toll
booth per minute.

(a)binomial (b)hyper geometric (c)poisson

130: Find the probability that in any given minute no car arrives.

(a) (b) (c)0.0821

131: A botanist is studying the distribution of daises in a field. The field is divided into a number
of equal sized squares. The mean number of daises per square is assumed to be 3. The daises are
distributed randomly throughout the field. Find the probability that randomly chosen square there will
be more than 2 daises.

(a) 0.5768 (b) (c)

132-133: A website receives hits at a rate of 300 per hour.

132: Find the probability of 10 hits in a given minute.

(a) 0.0181 (b) (c)

133: Find the probability of at least 15 hits in 2 minutes.

(a) (b) (c) 0.0347


134: Defects occur at random in planks of wood with constant rate of 0.5 per 10 cm length. Mr.
Jim buys a plank of length 100cm. Find the probability that Jim plank contain at most 3 defects.

(a) (b)0.2650 (c)

135-136: Patients arrive at hospital accidents and emergency department at random at a rate of 6
per hour.

135: Find the probability that during 90 minutes period, the number of patients arriving at
hospital accident and emergency department is exactly 7.

(a) (b) 0.1171 (c)

136: If a patient arrives at 11:30 am, then find the probability that next patient arrives before
11:45 am.

(a) 0.7769 (b) (c)

137: The parameters of hyper geometric probability distribution are.

(a)n and p (b)N, n and k (c)p and q

138: A probability distribution in which each trial is not independent of other trial is.

(a)binomial (b)poisson (c)hyper geometric

139: Characteristics of hyper geo metric distribution are.

(a)each trial is dependent (b)samples are draw without replacement

(c)samples are draw with replacement (d)only a and b

140: An experiment in which trials are dependent, probability of success changed at each trial
and samples are drawn without replacement is.

(a)binomial (b)hyper geometric (c)poisson (d)normal

141: In which probability distribution probability of success and failure is not fixed.

(a)hyper geometric (b)poisson (c)binomial

142: Consider selecting 6 cards from pack of playing cards without replacement. What is the
probability that 3 of the cards are black.

(a)0.3320 (b)0.3240 (c)0.4320


143: Suppose we draw 8 cards from pack of 52 cards. What is the probability getting less than 3
spade cards.

(a)0.985 (b)0.785 (c)0.685

144: Suppose we draw 4 cards without replacement from deck of 52 cards. What is the
probability of getting exactly 3 aces.

(a)0.9999 (b)0.0007 (c)0.0009

145: A box contain 10 red and 15 white balls. 5 balls are drawn without replacement from box.
What is the probability of at least one red ball.

(a) 0.9435 (b) (c)

146: Any discrete probability distribution has.

(a)one outcome (b)two outcomes (c)3 outcomes (d)4 outcomes

147: In hyper geometric distribution successive trials are.

(a)independent (b)dependent (c)collectively exhaustive

148: Which of the following is not a property/characteristics of binomial distribution.

(a)n is fixed (b)probability of success varies from trial to trial

(c)has two outcomes (d)trials are independent

149: Hyper geometric distribution has______ parameters.

(a)2 (b)1 (c)3 (d)4

150: In any discrete probability distribution it is impossible to find the .

(a)p(x=0) (b)p(x<0) (c)p(x>0) (d)p(0< 𝑥 < 𝑛)

151: The mean and variance are equal.

(a)binomial (b)poisson (c)hyper geometric (d)in all

152: If mean of binomial probability distribution is 4.8, then variance of this distribution is .

(a)-2.3 (b)5.3 (c)-4.8 (d)2.3


153: For binomial distribution with n=15 as p changes from 0.50 towards 0.05, then the
distribution will.

(a)become symmetric (b)positively skewed (c)negatively skewed (d)none

154: Which of the following is true for hyper geometric distribution .

(a)probability remain constant for each trial (b)probability changes from trial to trial

(c)successive trial are dependent (d)both (b) and (c) but not (a)

155: An industrial product is shipped in lot of 20. A sample of 5 units is selected without
replacement by the buyer for inspection. The buyer rejects the lot if more than one defective item is
observed in a sample. If lot contains 4 defective items, what is the probability that it would be accepted.

(a)0.2461 (b)0.7531 (c)0.4696



1: (b) 2: (b) 3: (c) 4: (b) 5: (c) 6: (a) 7: (b) 8: (a)

9: (c) 10: (b) 11: (a) 12: (c) 13: (b) 14: (b) 15: (b) 16: (a)
17: (a) 18: (b) 19: (a) 20: (c) 21: (b) 22: (c) 23: (b) 24: (a)
25: (c) 26: (b) 27: (c) 28: (a) 29: (a) 30: (b) 31: (c) 32: (b)
33: (a) 34: (b) 35: (b) 36: (c) 37: (a) 38: (a) 39: (b) 40: (a)
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