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StSOLt StS korean and alphabet) The Korean language is the native language of 45 million people in South Korea and 23 million people in North Korea. Moreover, overseas Koreans living in different parts of the world also use Korean, ‘ a9, £ gee) * et OP x LI ~ Europe North America ae a 657,000 Asia 2,4080,000 cl Cerrar 3.917.000 [eet a me Africa, ° a6 Xde 11,000 ‘ Iidale & South America ; 0 ORE 118,000) \_] Oceania L* 162,000 ge a The total sum of Korean people including overseas Koreans exceeds 77 million in the world, Korean is ranked 13th by number of people using the language. Korean is in the Altaic language family and has an ‘agglutinative’ characteristic, That is, Korean attaches ‘particles’ to nouns and special endings to verbs and adjectives to indicate various grammatical meanings. Likewise, Korean forms words and clauses by adding grammatical factors to vocabulary that is characteristic of a so called ‘agglutinative language.” 2) 82 The Korean alphabet is called 'Hangeul.' Each letter in Hangeul indicates an individual sound or phoneme, Hangeul is an alphabetic system and was created by King Sejong in 1443 during the Joseon Dynasty. It was originally called ‘Hunmingeongeum’ and means the ‘right sound to teach the common people.” Before that time, Korean had an oral language but not a native alphabet; instead Chinese characters, which were sometimes modified according to the structure of Korean sounds, were used However, it was not well suited to the structure of Korean and made writing very inconvenient. Therefore, King Sejong conducted linguistic research to develop an alphabet that matches the structure of Korean and is easy to learn and write. The alphabet was made up of a total of 28 alphabets which consisted of 11 vowels and 17 consonants, eh sp 2? 398-3 EE, MEGA AR MSA LES ASHES BILAL BPS 2. Since that time, unused letters were removed and new letters were added: now there are 21 vowels and 19 consonants currently being used in contemporary Korean, which are detailed in the following section. StS At@ (Korean Consonants and Vowels) Vowels 1 The shape of the vowels is based on the three principal factors of the universe: the sky (+ ), earth (—), and people (1). These three shapes are used alone as well as in combination to form the 21 vowels, Single vowels: # 4 +r — 1 H d (8) Diphthongs: # 4 4 7 H dl ub Hh of ol A 4 (13) Korean vowels can be used alone or with other consonants to form syllables. When used alone, the silent consonant ‘>’ is attached before a vowel as a placeholder to complete the syllable, 10 Basic vowels “f' is pronounced like the vowel 'a' in the English word ‘father’. F fa] > 7 Tk] P= 7 tka] *4" is pronounced like the sound 'o' in the English word ‘honest’, q fel = 4 {kK} + T= Al [ke] “.L' is pronounced like the vowel ‘o' in the English word ‘home’. = [o] > Ti+ = [ko] ‘is pronounced like the vowel ‘oo! in the English word 'soon'. + fu] = Tiki + English word ‘taken’. Te = [ku] ‘—" is not present in English, it is pronounced like the vowel 'e' in the fi 7 [Kk ki] “| ‘is pronounced like the vowel ‘es! in the English word 'seen'. the English word 'yard". the English word 'young’. Lf — {kK} + |= 7) {kil "is pronounced like ‘ya’ in F [ya] > 4 [k) + FE 7F [kya] ‘4 is pronounced like ‘ye’ in Tye] > Fk) + T= 71 Ikyal ‘.' is pronounced like ‘yo’ in the English word 'yoyo' = [yo] > 7 [k] + m= 2 [kyo] ‘zr’ is pronounced like ‘yu’ 3 the English word 'you'. ow [yu] > Tk) + w= at [kyu] Classification of Korean Vowels Front Central Back Tongue Height unrounded | round unrounded | round HIGH | Gi) ot fal — fl + [ul MID di [el 4 [ol 4 [a] + [ol LOW H [a] F [al 4 fo] Le] LO! SD A4H|Q. Read aloud and write the vowels. Vowel | sound | Name Practice FJ | | fF F | Wal | oF F afm) a4 4 | bel | 4 4 afm) el 2 a | bol | & | AL T |u| & wT | o | + | —~lalofe a} | 0 to 0 wo ica a UWOl 4D *HI2, Read aloud and write the words 2 1) five Vy Ol ey 2 toe two 2 20 3) cucumber orol 4) kid oo — LR Zz 5) ra) milk ig as £ 8) fox V 3, C82 @ SD FOS BatHl@. Listen carefully and complete the words. & 2 n| 2 Ol 2) 2 3) 4| 2 5)| OF 6) Consonants 1 There are 5 principal consonants, which are modeled after the place there corresponding sounds are articulated in the mouth. Consonants for similar sounds that are articulated in the same place are formed by adding strokes on top of the principal consonants, Consonants are always used togsther with a vowel, 14 Basic Consonants a A > [k/g] [k] u Cc eS > => [n] [t/d] (t] a“ i [r/l] oO Lee oe ym [m] cane [p/b] [p] A x xz [s] (fl (#'] ° Ss [2/ng] [h] Al [kimchi] kimchi “TIk/g] TD)! [kogi] meat LIn] Ltt! [abi] butterfly Clt/d] | £04 door 2 [rl] e ae ribbon 8 om PK] | oe fn 4 [p/b] ei a box Atl | gage Nd seesaw ©[o/ng] <<. 2 [pingpong] | pingpong oy Id , sive | wv A [ef] RA cheese Ak] “Tt 2 kick E(t ey lols table I[p] hol © Sih] Ss aut hamburger Korean Consonant Chart Labio | interd | Alveola Glott MANNER Bilabial dental | ental r Palatal | Velar a Neutral [Tp] el 1] Stop | Tensed | wi[p’] ret] Tifk’] Aspirated | ==[p"] eft] atk] Eg Atl Obst. | Fricati -— me] Tuent ve <= - ae = [hy ‘aft ae ait thea [ae ma tive — i] az Atl Sono- Nasal o[m] ofl olal rant Liquid =[lr] 1. CHE KSB 22] WOl BD AAIG. Read aloud and write the consonants, Consonant] Sound | Name Practice q (Wal | 2S | 7] L [n] uz }y Cc [t/d] 12 )/T 2 (r/l] a2 | a (m) | 8 | TT Yu [p/b] | Hs H aA Is/sh] | AB | AY ° lo/ng]]} 138 | O A | (tie) | IE | x i | ae | Se A Kh | ag | = E (t] ele = ia (el | me | 3p s (h] | ag Ss 2. CSS 2) WO AD MAI. Read aloud and write the words. 1 ee furniture ue & country cel bridge ace 2h HELELE NA RA IO Al cis @ tomato BX & pizza Ne aur 3. CH SOAS SaStlg. Listen carefully and complete the words. 1) 2) oe) ub | ou N 3) 4) a} 2 5) 6) Ot Ch 7) 8) OF Xt Syllables 1 Unlike English, where letters are written sequentially to form words Hangul letters are grouped into blocks, such as &} han, to form syllables, That is, although the syllable Shan may look like a single character, it is actually composed of three letters: = h, + a, and © 17, Each syllable block consists of two to five letters, including at least ‘one vowel, These blocks are then arranged horizontally from left to right or vertically from top to bottom to form words. Korean syllables consist of a structure which always has an_ initial consonant, then a vowel, and sometimes final consonants. All 19 consonants can come before vowels: 'o' before a vowel remains silent and acts as a place holder. The two major forms of syllables are as follows: 1) When a vowel has a horizontal shape, the syllable is constructed as follows, ex) v > OF ex) c + vo > J Ot, Jt UH, Ct, et, Ol... 2) When a vowel has a vertical shape, the syllable is constructed as follows. c je) v > @ v jfex) c + v > D2 2,7,%, 5,2, 9, #... -b- ch @ 2] WO 4D A4M/Q. Read aloud and write the syllables, 0 -15- yi Fl Oh Vowels 2 Ile] and H[z] : In phonetics, 4I[e] and H [2] are single vowels, But they are not counted in the 10 basic vowels in Korean because '4|' is formed by adding 4 + |, and'H' from F +1. ‘Oll‘ is pronounced like the 'e' in the English word ‘pen’. “OH is pronounced like the 'a' in the English word ‘hat! These two vowels also form two additional [y] diphthongs: ifel > Ol (vel - y+ e Hie] > OH fel = y + @ + 7 +) t+] Fi] =] 2 r}+]d pata o|+]af=|o | +l/+]ifefa rlelilela The diphthong ‘2|* is pronounced as the ‘©’ sound immediately followed by the ‘Ol’ sound. -W- -s2] LWWOL 3D AXHIQ. Read aloud and write the vowels, Vowel | Sound | Name Practice H [ez] Ok H lve OK | le] dl lye it | [wa 2 [we Q 1 [oi] QI rl | [we a rl | (wel | ¥ +l [wi a =| [ii] Q| 2. HBS 42] WO AD AAIQ. Read aloud and write the words, At < Ai bird oH Qe) KI talk eA va ELI tennis NAL A| clock 3t7t ot Jt painter SHI SH Al | cl A A POLE 01 A waiter , &)- ear OI} 2| Xt chair 3. OS wo @ SD GOS SStAlg. Listen carefully and complete the words, 4p 1) 2) al u “a OH a Mt lo Consonants 2 There are five double consonants and 14 consonants that are made by adding strokes to the principal consonants, This makes a total of 19 Korean consonants as shown below, This consonant 'n‘ has the sound value of the sound [k'] which is the tensed [k] sound in the English word ‘sky’. This consonant ‘ec’ has the sound value of the [t'] which is the tensed [t] sound in the English word ‘strike’. This consonant ‘w' has the sound value of the [p'] which is the tensed [p] sound in the English word ‘spy’. This consonant 's' has the sound value of the [s'] which is the 'sc' sound in the English word ‘science’. This consonant 'x' has the sound value of the [f'] which is the |j sound in the English word ‘jazz’. 1. OS AS el WO AD MAIQ. Read aloud and write the consonants, Consonant | Sound| Name Practice n [kk] n n cc [tt] cc cc uy [pp] bu by =. Mm [ss] A MA mR Gil KR KK . CSS 22] WO AD AQ, Read aloud and write the words, Q 3, C82 @ SD FOS BatHl@. Listen carefully and complete the words. & 6 1) 2) ts = el Jk OF Syllables 2 (Batchim) Consonants following vowels are called ‘batchim' and are at the bottom half of the syllable, Of the 19 consonants, 16 consonants, all but ‘cc, ww, xx,' can be used as batchim. The consonant 'o', which is silent when used before a vowel, has the [*] sound, like the ‘ng’ in the English word 'sing', when used as batchim, The two major forms of syllables are as follows: -23- 1) When a vowel has a horizontal shape, the syllable is constructed as follows. cly| ex) Vv > oF ex) C + V > J} c ex) C + V + C = 2t 2, 8, a, 8, ww. 2) When a vowel has a vertical shape, the syllable is constructed as follows. c ex) 2 Vv ex) v7 a c ex) V+ Cc - a 3: 5,8, 2, As batchim, only seven of the consonants 4, +, =, =, 9, 4, > (ng). are actually pronounced. The remaining consonants are pronounced as one of the seven as shown below, Alana s/=2 |] 4 l/s Life >| # Clee aA nx slalels 2 le >o|e# a je >|] # vw jen >|a a oO |e >| - 2 - 7 Spelling | Sound | Meaning Pronunciation 1 A 2 = soup f2;afn BP a outside FO) BE 3 SRS TROT vitcnen | + OL 0131 4fu Br Br half 5 c 6 =) @ | BT under + Ol Ole 7 A comb IAL slo], x 2 | woot + Ol HIRI 9 x et light Hl 10 a : 1 = : j2/2 a a foot 13/0 By SF night 14 o 2) mouth Ol ul + 2 + 0l 15 a og loaf o|nl 16;o a BFE room 1. O82 +2] Wo below, ) el B0l eS = 2) Hero WO! BO. (There is a bread in the bag.) 1D AA|2. Read aloud and write the sentences OFsH SS. (My daughter likes the moon.) 3) DE AOA It Peet Det BOB. (A black puppy walks softly.) 4) ADH MKS. Te2hAl AKG. (The apples are cheap. So, | buy them.) 5) oll Y= BOL. (I hold a leaf in my mouth.) 6) SOS WOl MAA sHA2. DALE HOES HO! AFA. (It is bright in day time because of the light. But, it is dark outside at night.) 2. 082 2 SD SS SStAlg. Listen carefully and complete the 1) 2) A uF ay On Jt Additional Information: There are 11 compound consonants in batchim Pronunciation of Compound consonants (2 Xts) 113H first sound last sound w a a(S] Be a s(t] x |e | acre 20 a aelet] 2 a Sale 20 2 Og [le] an a a] a | = | gaia) z |= | xolecl xs In verbs and adjectives, = m Pe) seenn pronounced before 7. #2 > [en] #D - [wD] S & @CHLetet] gh — [22] z | = | actaetl There are five words with 22S #4 (consonants blend batchim) in the | jz dis ja js lle jz js jo jlo =__|lw te a|wlEa|R alr aly ju fr joulPale |p a Lal si eiL aya a al ell wt alice fa fs [> fF le AP KEE fF Ts, ” | al =| sf of 4 Al iL [: | Pater “Fe EL = Cul Alt | et etl) Ale [ala] Ctrl * A SSS SD OS STS PSO LHIQ. Look at the keyboard and make the words the table below. 1) LF milk dndb 2) | meat 3) UBI butterfly 4) Ch2! bridge 5) Tt hat, cap 6) RIOF skirt 7) StL} one 8) AIA clock, watch 9) 2IKt chair 10) | QHSHMI@? How are you? x AUS AMSA “ASStAQ7"etD O|GA SLYMIG. Please send “gt ‘SStM|Q2?" in an email to your teacher. -31- 01 AHD|ADH (Self-Introduction) “Saying Hello, Introducing Yourself” Grammar: O|dla/H2, S/= Vocabulary: Nationality, Occupation 191 1 Vocabulary * Che Uet ee #2012 &! 2tol Ale. Daa TD Leh MES AHI 2. Write the following country names and nationalities in the boxes in Korean, 221 Nation | 3+ + Abe Ba Korea | #2 aa Ne Japan England + Canada People Person Ae Mexico China vowel. ca ‘0l0l2/02" comes after the noun to express a statement or question. ‘O|0I@’ is used when the preceding noun ends with a consonant. ‘di’ is used when the preceding noun ends with a ‘01012’ Ending with a consonant ‘O12’ Ending with a vowel = ABOIR. Ssoloe. | Moe. SA OR. %* TSS SD SA| vl2+S TWPAlB. Look at the map and fill in the blanks of the following sentence. (AfBt OE CH] #8 2A MOL) awa eel o/sere 1) Me Oe . 2) ME Olet 3) HE EUS . 4) We Hole 5) AE Mel -33- O1t/24 ALO AWS BINA/SE SF MBAR. AAO ABO da. Soa Meode. SS NBO Ha. oS ABO. * 180 S= SS ASAA FOAM MS ABD SSS Stal FS 2 *HI2. Connect the occupation to its corresponding picture and write the Korean word in the box. 1) Civil Servant 2) BINS Office Worker 3) ae Policeman 4) Bal 3 ea Student are 5) Ae Teacher 6) Ab Doctor -34- = express the subject of the sentence. ’ is a particle that comes after the subject noun ends with a consonant and ‘=’ is used when the preceding noun ends with a vowel. is used when the preceding noun to “@’ Ending with a consonant “s' Ending with a vowel Awe te Apetol dle. He OF Neos. RIMS ATILIO1 OZ, Ol MI S1AbOIS, x B12kS SHEMIQ. Fill in the blanks with © or =, 1) Ih OE Bela. LE Ul, B21 ArOe, 2) Ok Ole 801 12? Ur Ul, S401 ole. 3) Ik PEUS wale? LE OU, SIAFBOL IS. <== *B2IAE chef 4) 2h GUS ays ol dle? “ erases Ur OLS, SZOlMe. — 5) Ih Bet Dele? LE Ul, Jae, -35- choose the correct response as shown in the example. DE2AIQ. Listen carefully and ow Sl II. ub @ oe I @ OSU. 3 AAS. @ ASSAM? @ aseuct. 2. @ Olle, Sol dia. @ ul, dS MBoAg. 3.08 Use 22 ve choose the true statement based on the conversation, @ Bete Sonia. @ qolws= azodia, 4.082 20 sew a the correct intonation. § @O Jt S+ WE SHO 2? Li: Ul, Ssolale. OI Se N= S40 Hla? Ur: Ul, Savoldia, 242 UL2AIQ. Listen to the conversation and se ZS D=2AlQ. Listen carefully and circle = 36- 5, ST ee] BAS Os: Complete the conversation using read aloud. § aA CS HSS festa ae] UO AMS the words in the box below. Then oz Aetol ole? OHAI@? HE Hille, Sola? 1) CHLIGL: OMA SEMI? SILEM BES. Hol: _ hasta] @? 2) OF: He OaIe. HIol 3) Hiol: Ul, stavolalls. 4) Of HlOl: OIG, IHLECH AFEFOL OLS. 6. APSA TILE GH SAIQ. Introduce yourself to your classmates, # SAS? 7S (HI Ol& ols / alls. ae APetOl oS. Re ololse / ls. -37- 22H (Just a minute) Expression Contracted form What is your name? olBo0] SHoloi2? 0120! AR? What is your occupation? ASO! Paola? Sol Hole? What is your phone number? As SIt SHOR? Asso Ag? 7. #30 Y APs os, 72, SAS BALD BS Sssale Ask your classmates their names, occupations and nationalities, and then complete the following table. # 2 OBO! HOH? <27I> Us CHL tol oe. Jk Cet WS Aeto] Mala? Us gIxILL ot ol JH OS ABO HQ? Le Ul, OS ABOM,/ OLS, FHLICH MB OMI. 01 Name 3 Occupation = Nationality 38 - ) LOB? = ~H It is commonly used when you politely call someone's name Caution: It is used only with first name or with whole name, not with the last name, Also, it is not used when you call a person who is older than you, Ol (Example) BES > B+ Ml (0) BEF MO) AM (X) 3 How would you address these people using “-M” 7 ae Eric Smith Julie Parker The word roots tree s to learn ag sa ata Institute School Student -39- « OS AAS SD oes] ALU SStMl2. Look at the passport and answer the following questions, (4 8 813 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 0121 PASSPORT — Bite sratesmaspot No. oo. M4327000 KIM 18 coenranee MIN $00 MENS REPUBLIC OF KOREA ua RIEae oer [SIRSAS/ Rr JAN 1998 ge 1041412 Sea one wee ssromy 11 SEP 2008 inst OF RAAB Wo TRE J2BS w/o" ose maa 1 SEP 2018 Zeix 1) Ol ABS OSS SXolae? 0) ABE 2) = Meo? this person 3) <22|>t 2Ol WHAHS OS, AS, SSS Hse SS AQ. Introduce yourself including your name, occupation and nationality, as shown below. - 40 - a) alalale@|? Ale ai a}+]oje st) 2 A 2] ol] o| 2 a) a) ol| on] 2 -al- _oThe word roots tree person, on <<" SIAa 02 2a MZ (Daily Life) Vocabulary: Actions, Places “Asking and answering questions about daily life” Grammar: -0F2/012, -O| JECt #1 1 Vocabulary * ‘-O1@/A2’ SHS ssa Ss 4S a | AHBal SAIQ. Change the predicates into the polite ending form Sst AD, WINS 02/012) and use it to complete the sentence provided c » Dictionary | ERT 7 wake a sentence 28 eto | gaa | Ho we sae Breil © to study ace esac ‘o aa We exercise TiC e to sleep cue atetcl . to call He 4 ug | o1oriatct . oy # to talk oO” WE hg BZ ~ofa/01@’ are used after verbs or adjectives to express, questions, actions or statuses. ‘0H’ is used when the final vowel of the verb or adjective is either “f’ or ‘1’; otehrwise, ‘-O18" is used. When the predicate ends ‘-dtCt’, it changes to’-aH2’. =O" 12" aa Final vowel is‘! /‘t' [Final vowel is not‘ #'/'-" | Ending with ‘HCH ACH = AH+OR2—- AB Pt - Ade —- Ade wat — wae PI > JhOR — HR Po - A+R - AQ SS —- sens jac - SOR — SOR PIC —- A+R — UHR APs — Ase * CS TBS 2D BLO] SStAlQ. Look at the pictures and answer the questions, ‘KS A we? Kile A ae? SeHe 2 ‘ It AB A We? : Ase. Ub 5) a 2k @= A Ha? 6) ef, 2k om uk: \% Uk ee 2 ae. shopping AiZnow, 2s today - 43 - *« CS2| AAS IBS ABSD SBF US SA Hol SB GS ‘01 2t4otMl@. Connect each word to its picture and complete the sentence. 1) SIAR Company Ol Jk. 2) 3a Park 3) 8 House a HS, 4 ag Restaurant of HS. 5) Sa School al Je. 6) Aw Market al Je. = Ab - =e “Ol JECH’ is attached to a place and indicates going to a destination. HE SMO IH. 1 go to school. AIL W= SAO PB. Jenny goes to the park. * CS 188 20 ZEA SStwl@. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. + XZ Ocal 2? £ + SIAFG JES. JH ERS MS OCG It? 2 + = tr Rls ClO Wt? J} Bet MS SS SA! 227 7 CUA We SS Sol Ie? a5 - * (1-2) Se 2 SD 29S HSS DEAl@. Listen carefully and choose the correct response as shown in the example. & & <> OF A AR? ur @ 48soldi2. Bre. 8 AO on 2g fo ®@ ING. @ asada. @ AB a2. 3.08 WS & SD Y= AS D=EAIQ. Listen carefully and choose the true statement based on the conversation. & @ 0A WE SS HS SHR. © I+ WE SS Bae. 4.082 2 £0 4guo eae She YS MHI. Listen carefully and number teacher's daily schedule in order, & # 2 1 - 4b - 5. OS S20lM ASAl S22? How would you say the following situations in Korean? 1) Asking your friend what he/she is doing today. 2s A We? 2) Asking your friend where he/she is going now. 3) Asking your friend if he/she is going to the Korean restaurant today, 6. CS ZLOl CWSStAl@. Answer the questions using the same form ‘of ending with either yes or no. & 1) Jk QS Bane? Ur Ul, Qe Vag. / Oe, Sie WR. 2) Jk SS 28g? 4) Jb Qs SMO 2? 5) Jk 2s OIG) IA? -ar- 7.08 282 27 O| N#s0l Ae 3D AeA 2D di and answer what each person is doing in the picture. SSI. Ask : OB WE TB A sta? : OF We SFaHg. + HOS ME AS A se? zt MS A Ha? - 48 - Qa 47] Reading and Writing 1, HAD PEL SS WSS SD SSdl SStAl2. Answer the questions based on the memo of Jane and Antonio, Daily Planner Ale! QELS uo: QY 2 flo 1) Al Olio 2H? [ 2) MoS A He? @ ase @ 22 @ SsFae 3) SEUOSE OCH 227 4 SEUS= A ae? @ asae @ 2n2 @ SsFae - a9 - * (2-3) OS 122 2D Beal gst the passage and answer the question, HI@. Look at the picture, read A} Ul) & | ol AA} & ; u = S/F) |) 2] a yu) eS 2 A) 2 | 2@jeje a ot) oh | & Mf el) Se a | A | oh) & 2, st ola sg? Lh: ly 3. + A2t Hl DBO. MSO! 243} C2 SSS SUCH. Ofek 240] JH SMI. An hour has passed, Look at the picture and write what each person is doing in the boxes below, 03 AAI (Location) “Talking about the location of objects” Grammar: O1/Jt, Ol SUCH SCE Vocabulary: Objects, Locations * OfeHS| DSS SD oOfchdl MANS AADIA SHE AS Bet MAAlQ. Fill in the boxes in the picture with the names of items from the word box provided below, Coe) od LO realli -52- ‘01/2 is a particle used after nouns to indicate the subject of the sentence. ‘Ol’ is used when the preceding noun ends with a consonant and ‘Jt’ is used when the noun ends with a vowel. ‘Ol’ Ending with a consonant “IF Ending with a vowel ASO! RAS ATH LAS MAO! AOS R21 MI MOS % <2I>S SD Of] SSM BH All OF Stig. Circle the correct answer as in example, 1) aCHOQ!) oe. 2) 2IzK(01/2h) tol2. 3) H(O1/91) org. 4) Ma(Ol/I!) WAL. BIO bed 5) $31 M(OI/I) LA, 6) FA(O/IH WAL? - 53 - « CS GOS +e] WO AD Ssztoll Chet “12. Read aloud and write the word in the box, 1) rn 2 a 4) 3) 5) a OF | eH 5) ares 7 J or 1 a ©. Jp C= ae = 54 - SLCH/SACh comes ‘al after a place noun and shows the location of a person or object in that place. “dl 2tCb’ is used when a person or an object exists at a certain location and “Ol SiC} is used when a person or an object does not exist at the location. “ol SAC’ “ol Sach THEO! S Sol Rag. =O0l MIt Sol NAR. Ol HA Ad BQ. agsol Deol aoe. x OS 182 20 geal the questions, 1) @ e -55- StI. Look at the pictures and answer AO] Bat B/orenal Ros. ‘room 8 s = 3 a ra = x to a w oF a S 2 « oO au a a HE 3 + m mw oa al a - 56 - = MEMO * (1-2) tee @ nin 2D 282 2S DEAIg. Listen carefully and choose the correct response as shown in the example. & & 9F HA! AAS? Ub @ Hol AX Bol a2. @ ul, #401 Bog. 1, @ 2a 2. @ sn So 2g. @ Jeol ol Log. 3. 0S dss es the true statement based @ 2 Sa Heol Lae. * (4-6) CS Use SD and answer the questions, 4, aS e025 > @ 4dso] Daal 2a2. 0 2 DE2AIQ. Listen carefully and choose on the conversation. @ @ Xe AG Hol 2a2, Beal ae SStAI@. Listen to the conversation . SS Hl OCA WAL? © AR A we & An Oa ot 6. SAO! OC Waa? ONae -57- Clo oie? THe Qt SIM & 7.082 2 22 NSW MSSS2 ARS DEAL. Listen carefully and find the King Sejong Institute's location on the map. & # ®]i] weer o--- ae eee eee eee ogo °9 8. 2] Suloll F301 2012? Describe your neighborhood. # ea 99 0 fee 1) Jt Balol 22? U: Ul, WA2/oUS, RAL. 2) Jk BS ASO AIR? 3) Jk NBO a2? 4) I SDI LAB? - 58 - 1. Ae SD ge 2S DEA. Look at the picture and circle the incorrect statement, Oe sv 20H “OF “it family photo ‘on cad older brother ss 0 IS AOS. SO, Of, Ott, OIF RAL. @ Sot So] Sw WAL. O Sih Sol FOI Lag. @ OWE Ol AO WAL, @ FOF Sit Hol Rae, -59- 2.08 122 2D BAS ANS SB SAlQ. Look at the picture and describe the location of each item in the questions. () computer bookshelf radio banana table olololo 1) & Qo Mato] aS. 2) Mat O SHEA Ug, 3) Bar GH OKIE Qo. 4) Ma | BBO LoL. 5) ARO! O 2 SIt WA. 6) LHL HOS Oo] Lag, - 60- 3. AI ASH JA. ASO! OCG RAL? OAS NS Sa So Ud 2. AS2 ANS S8st= SS MA. Mark is going from in front of the school to the restaurant. Where is the restaurant? Write a paragraph describing the location of the restaurant, referring to the map. ae rer J He oll al | At | Jt RL Lg FO -61- SA Bt (1a 33h) m (1~4) 9} 20] DAS YD ( )o] kL AS DEA. Look at the picture and choose the most appropriate word as shown in the example below. <)> JH OCG IH? Ub ( dol 2k. ® sa @ Sit ONS @z Ji A se? Li ME ( 7B Oeste @AsHe @2HL OB Ub Os ( on 22, <> (il Ose O48 OFM OD 2. | Ik SS ACO IV? 3. Jt ASO! Awa? Ub HS ( ola. Ouse OBFe OHH OAs JE AEBEE OCI LOL? Us ARDEIE BHA ( do Lois. @® oe Qe og @a we (5~10) <@2/>2 ZO! ( )O] SRLS AS DEAA. Choose the most appropriate word as shown in the example below. Hees( ae. @ HS Ne @aANe ONe @ SA 5.EmMe( oldie, © sa @aa Oag Ong 6. OA WE AS ( a2. OaF Ona © an @ae 7. Ol ITF (dal Loe. © acl @ aa Ox oa 8. H( |) BS MOM. Or ee2 oo @ol 9.2=( ) aa? © acl @ oa oe 10. 4a) MALO Oe. oa @7 oo Or * (11~12) UB & Al Sel AS DEAA®. Choose the sentence with the incorrect particle. 11. © HOl Het ool Aaa. @ Sasol Aol Lag. @ HU We Bol Je. 12.0 BH Adil Jeol ae. @ A+ Mol SABO. @ 02 WE ASO Je. -63- # (13~15) 9} ZO] HIZO] IRS AS DESAA2. Choose the most appropriate sentence as shown in the example below. DH SER ApEtOl Oe? U: . O ul, HS AeOloe © Ug, AMOS @ ul, OS MBO @ Ouse, S#oe 13. I: TB SSa2? U: @ ul, SSa2 © og, azoae @ Ul, HE ® oe, ssa2 14.9: U: Ss Bala Ie. @ Ss OClO I @ 2801 21g ® 0180! Ace @ aul 2 15. Jt Ol Dad WAS? U: @ ul, 40| Ded Mae @ Lig, #ol Dad Aaa @ ul, 40l Ded wae @ Lig, Deo] Aa AAS * (16~17) SHO HE OOFIIALIM? SHS AS VEAAlL. What are the sentences below about? Choose the most appropriate answer. 16. 2 WS SS FH Ae. NSO 22. SAG M2. @ 34 @ae @ as @ 24 ~ bh - A= AHsoldle. oe WE Ssoldia. @ 34 @ae @ as @ AR % (18-20) ISS AD SSOl SSI Al@. Read the passage and answer the questions. Deal Sct M, I+ M, ES MIF VAS. Set WE OS AON O 2 i S0de2. 2 WE SS MBO. Set W Qe, GS ME I+ M Sol WAS. Set MES $2. ERS WE OLOFI AHS. I w= 2 19. 2 ME OCA LAB? @O2tnwe OF Ss @at A a @astm eS 20. ol 22] USit CE AS DERA. Choose the incorrect statement according to the passage above, © + WE Sct AM Hdl 2g, @ 2 WS FS MBO. @ ES WH OlofIate. - 65 - 04 22 Ab 1 (Shopping 1) “Reading numbers and making requests” Grammar: 2/8, -(Q)M|2 Vocabulary: Items to shop for, Sino-Korean numbers * DBT HA A= AAS AO OCHS) SAO “AlQ. Identify the names of the objects and fill in the blanks, Bi o|se ae ww eS Al |G, Saiz, &, 22, BFA Ye) wet, SOE, NA, SM, St, C2 2Ol, HRLELT, BF Os 1) apple Ati} 2) juice 3) orange 4) cheese 5) bread 6) onion 7) milk 8) potato 9) water 10) cucumber 1) egg 12) banana 13) tomato 14) chestnut - 6b - ‘8/B' is a particle used after nouns to indicate that the noun is the object of the sentence. ‘S’ is used when the preceding noun ends with a consonant and ‘s’ is used when the preceding noun ends with a vowel. “B’ Ending with a vowel “g’ Ending with a consonant AJB ARS. #2 vg. Lanes Sag. aS ag. 2.08 12S 20 B= SStAl2. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1) Jk Ste NO? Li 228 Ne, 2) Jk Se BAe NB? oo us 3) Ik Ale FAB 412? sn 4 is Jk BAB 012? a (FH ub 191 2 Vocabulary * CHS BL 2H SEXO +B *AI@. Write Sino-Korean Numbers in the blanks, Sino . Korean Whiting practice Numbers i} 2 2 0| B = fo Ho mt 0 nut 3 ital 9 a if we 2 @ a eS + u & IQ, Write Sino-Korean Numbers in the blanks. tee, Writing practice} Practice | writing 20 | OA! 25 joy 2 30 | AFA! 31 40 | AfA! 44 50 | QA! 53 60 | $4! 68 7o | AIA! 72 go | HA! 89 90 | A! 96 100 | 4H 107 1,000] 1,003 10,000] Ot 10,500 #4 2 Grammar (2)KI2" comes after verbs to express a command or request. ‘24I2" is used when the preceding verb ends with a consonant and ‘H|@’ is used when the preceding verb ends with a vowel. “-AIQ" Ending with a vowel ORI” Ending with a atl} > SH+HI2 > StH SIC} > e+OH12 > BOND FU} > S+NlQ > SH SC} + H+OHlQ + BONa * CS vl 2toll 92 B= AAI. Fill in the following blanks Dietonay | yearning Present pole Pole, request 1) ac to read aag AoA 2) ARCH 3) Ct 4)} SSact 5) Ct AQ 6) ACh MN 2* 7) SC BR* -70- * (1-2) Se 2 SD 29S HSS DEAl@. Listen carefully and choose the correct response as shown in the example. 4 & J SAS AQ? Up: . © Ade Ae. QNBol Je. @ FAIR. @ a4 aod. © NaHS Fale. @ Halong. 3. CS Ws 2 SD Ye AS DEAS. Listen carefully and choose the true statement based on the conversation. & # @ She is the cashier. @ She wants to buy water. @ She is buying an orange, 4, AAFO MAD A= SAS SOa? e Aol Ape ga | MI@. Read the example conversation below and then discuss with your classmates how much some of your items you have with you today cost. & WE Je, B, HO! 2Ag. Jee Borla? JS AME sesole. He Bowe? ol 4 AM2 sedi2. sore? ge gacie. $48 $2.45 $15 -n- 5, <221>9 ZO] CHES] SUAS 2D APS seh HI. Mako a conversation with your classmate based on the grocery advertisement below. # "Weexuy SALE 1/2/2014-1/9/2018” Gl: 22h Ml, OC] IQ? Ee. Lola} per #0 Ol ea Me> aeole Gl-s: SH AXE MES. Bet Wl, + WES AAA. 1,89 $4Se 20 Ye SS D2HQ. Read the following receipt and choose the correct answer. ABO SPS OIXIAAL Deere BEE (HHS OLLI) Bee S PORE EEE hs XIE x18) Wass 414 Al Chava Sic 72) 42. tt il (totaly: 3,780 |8050-24%X-XXXX-8899 Sualate Ale wot 3,780] 0000672 @elgixt: 20140108 SESE UR RE BNE SHR IMIS! vq 1) AGH= 2Oohele? @eotAdda @ouoea 2) B= Zola? 3) BAl(totall= Sore? Oud aM Bea Soa aM Ba a -1B- 2. OS 28a WLS 2D ZL] SSMi@. Read the memo and answer the questions based on the memo and the picture below. (MSetet ie stasotla ) Ss $0 2 NSO JIA. Ata, SANT, BO] MQ. AE Aa, & 2 ANG. Nate A ade. CaS o|A AHS. 1) FOE SS FAS NB? 2) 2S 80l Zotdle? 3) HELEL}JE SS MQ? os - 74 - 3. CS 18a 20 apSsolAl SAFE SS MAIL. Look at the flyer and write a paragraph to tell your friends about the sale. ur ie {ol Val < ¥ Al 05 S21 AtJ| 2 (Shopping 2) “Talking about buying things” Grammar: -=L|CH/ SUCH, -= LIDS! Vocabulary: Numbers, Counter nouns Ut, Stab 191 1 Vocabulary «x OS DR +2 42] WO an el write the numbers in the blanks, 20h = Yt AHIQ, Read and StL} Mn yl - 16 - cH oat ogi os UU 1. [_ et icrammar =. adjectives to express formal statements or questions, “SLIC/SUI}?" SUC/SUC-SUDH/SUD are used after verbs or is used when the verb or adjective ends with a consonant and ‘-= UC}/U0t?" is used when the verb or adjective ends with a vowel. However, ‘QILICH/2ILIDI?" is used after nouns. SLC} suc QUCt =e Ud}? sup Supe SSQ ict 2 og! Statement 2uce asuc o}FIUICE 5 x SIU? Question BUD SSurt? 2} OILITH? * ‘-SUC/SuUcrS NS SB sentence into Korean using '-=LCH/SUCt'. 2A StH|Q. Translate the following 1) AIHE QOFLt GUI7H? (8 apples) — AGHS OS JH AtLICh 2) 201 & 8 ASL? (4 bottles of water) - 20 us 3) SRIF ASUD? (no milk) 4) It BS S IH ASL? (6 loaves of bread) 5) 2zbIt SaIT|S B IH AUDI? (6 oranges) > Beh -78- 191 2 Vocabulary x BS +9} SHS sy] ol ZO AdMi@. Fill in the blank with numbers and counter nouns "eo 22 te Su vou | tha faa | ee | ta | aa 3S “4 “tl ch ol qa ost ons g #4 2 Grammar = 312’ is used after nouns to connect other nouns as having equal importance and usually used in spoken language Noun 1 aa Noun 2 * C82] = Sve ‘D's Neéto the two sentences with ‘3b 1) AHS AFIS, BS A, 5 — ADD HS AQ. 2) MEARS SHR. SUNS M2. 4.22 SS 02. All # Ve Oe. 5) ee #8 BAS. YF OH FID. - 80 - 1, OS a ‘Mo nin D 473 AHI. Listen carefully and write the number in the blanks. & # 1) #501 40] 8 A ASLict. 2) SAI FA Be MN. 3) sel HI. =_ 4 2 az Bol ele. %* (2-3) Se 2 SD 29S HSS DEAI@. Listen carefully and choose the correct response as shown in the example. & & OF SF LAR? @ ul, wsuct. @ Nain we Ae. @ Att Al HED SAI F I FAIA. @ Ul, AI) ASU. 3. @ uy, 2S asuct. @ se 538 Na. 4, SBD PAO! OH} SUD? What is in the refrigerator and how many are there? 1) 20] 2 8 USliy? BSDo Bol s B ASCH 2) FAIS B USUI 3) PHI BH WSLIDP 4) Heol S I USUI -81- 5. 2t ZO] Apst Ha AMSsdlA SAS At 4H|2. Look at the menu and example expressions below and make a conversation with your classmate to buy items from the coffee shop, A & 22 clerk cashier kt customer MiNi COFFEE HOUSE OuLIa FH Aq 5,000 Abit 3,000 s 2,000 Qua] 1,000 = 500 ge 4,000 <21> aa #3 eae See? Ul, WSLICH. ( )@QUICt. ( )Boloa. ) FAQ Sh Sena? )( ) OH EAS UI, O19] QBSLICH )( ) 8 Sala O42] WSLICH. 1, $= Sol y HS StHi@. Choose the answer either yes or no based ‘on the conversation, aa: dA SAle. A See? ae: Bd FH 20g? Ba: Ul, USUC SI See? OS HD Se tH FAQ. SS SOIL? aa: a s4 aoldie. > O] ASIC. Aa: Ul, BASUCH. Sl JAS. 1) See Bsa ocala] FAB NV. ul OLS q 2) 2S 16008 01d12. ul OU 3) 82 Hs Al WAG. ul OLS 4) 82 Ade Ag. ul OLS 2. S82 AD ZLOl SStMi@. Read the passage and answer the questions. A= SAO BUC. SSBUCH. SF MBO! MS ASLICH | APSO! OOF ASZUC. SA VO! MAI USUC. HE BSD CANS Sich. 1) OCl ol BL ONS @ sn @aa 2) B Bol olor7 Su? aa Ore OAs 3) TALIA PRS SLI @ 232 oalzl Oe @ Ata} - 83 - *« (3-4) HAS APSa SAAN WES We. 12S 2D sso Sst MI@, Jane and her friends have a party at the park, Look at the picture and answer the questions, (A822) 8 Ze S207 SOE Marina Park. —> 6HOIAS ZL Te 22 % DeUSe wos AI es ee OLS AOE: AbD (6), SANA (8), FA (3H), S (108), B (3) H(1) SS US: wel (01, HH), A (at, AA, OF (4, B21) Ect (Ol, Je), FO (OH, AMS), Mole (OF, Stas) SHELIS (ch SIAPE), OL¥F (St, SH), ELS (st, AITILIOH) 3. WE S Sol LAS? AejD SAol SOL Ao? w! zo eee WS 4AIQ. How many people at the party? Also, what and how many things are on the table? Complete the blanks. Ade apssD Mes SUC. 2) apse os QUiCh, 3) GOS HOS ADE OLA JHEED Dt QSUCH. 4) FA Al SD Ol LSC. 5) a Al aD ol 2euct. ee APH friends - 8h - 4. Moa apse] Wel SAS SZ MAIL. Write a paragraph about Jane's party. ro ft wu un ol kJ Al | 2! 06 Ol 2vt (Yesterday's daily routine) “Talking about the past” Grammar: -2t/2-, dA Vocabulary: Action, Places « 222 AAS Bet HA TS oOfcholl “Al. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words for images below. tog LS a02 42 OAS sug NQ AAD Ia Delicious! 7 8) 9) -2t/%-' is used after a verb or adjective to express past tense. =" is used when the final vowel of the verb or adjective is ‘F, 1” and ‘-2& ~" is used when the final vowel of the verb or adjective is not ‘fF’ or ‘1 When the predicate ends ‘~SHCI’, it changes to ‘-3{~’ ~ES with“ F' or 1" without‘ f' or ‘1° ELECE > SHLEREAS — Stet Sc > Age SC > Soe > Hoe SLC > BRO JHC > Jeeta g2 > 202 OAC = OLN ROS — OOS ‘-{-' Ends with ‘—3FC} Ot = BAR fsa —- Sewage Sct — wRag @ 01BStO} AAI. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words for images below using ‘-8t/2-’. * OS 182 2D ‘-2/-'s L I t ©: Bed ? \ 3) 4 5) 6) -87- % 2H (Just a minute) 291 What 1 Contracted form What did you do? Pre Age FAS HAL? a Hog? A %40127 Object particle can be omitted * CS IBS 27D BL] SStAlQ. Look at the pictures and answer the questions, 1) 2) 2 ORL A BOL? Ub: 3) Jt OM AES e019? UF ul, 4) J JH OM] F BOHS? y uF newspaper - 88 - *« MANS AA Set CS SIS ASStMl2. Complete the sentences using the vocabulary provided, | se SA wots Ale Ag ap a 2) aA ae ang. 3) GA AWS oo. 4) aA aaWlas Rog, 7 5) GA eS A012. 6) GA S38 20g. - 89 - Sonar is a particle that comes after a noun to express where the action is taking place, It is used with action verbs such as ‘3 SHCH, ACH, SHLHCt, AStCt etc.’ “oul” with ‘2LCH/S{Cf’ to indicate the existence in or at a place, However, is used in sentences ‘Ol’ is also used in sentences with ‘JKCH SCH’ to indicate the destination. ‘place noun + OAl” ‘place noun + fl’ with with action verbs SUCH SACH/ IEC Ch AMBSSAUAM FS2AS SHA, ABSSoH WAL. ASSS0l FQ, * SH2 280 FSS “ol” SS “WAS Bet OF StAlg. Circle the correct answer, 1) 2) Aa 3) ageol 4) 5) A= OM S(O, OA) S23 ng. WE OM AUS(G, HA) APS Pxtae. DAG, OA) Qos, I, OA) SSRAQ. Fel=E AM SAMBA, OA) 2tO1g. Bet w= Sao gos x Che vl2toll ENS 20 2S SX StAlQ. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate particles provided, a az OAL or MI OM SA RSuUCl #30 4 AASUC. DelD FS So S26uct. OS M SMe & Ebet ML StS LICH. FARES ae AS 20] & AASLC. - 90 - * (1-2) tee @ nin D 292 Ss DEAL. Listen carefully and choose the correct response as shown in the example. a # <=> JF OM A RUS? Up: © aug, #8 F202. © Ase zoe. @ U, dS ABodg. @ ar uw ota e. @ Saal = Sst wu HAL, OQ #sAal 22. % (3~4) CS HSS S SD OCA O1OFNSEAl } ZO] DS MI. Listen to the conversation and choose the location where the conversation is taking place. 4% <> TF 8S S087 Ur Ul, BS sg. One @=8 -91- 5. 9} 2ol alpalal oR 2a what he/she did yesterday. § BOLAIS. Ask your friends HOM] A ROL? } apes toe. JH OLCIOAL GFtOL27 + AWSHA Stole. FOCI OH L012? 1 SSO ROL. oy MEMO * (1~2) (Se Hols Me yesterday. Ol] QTPILICH. This is what Maring did WS SSUC. APSD Ws N= AM! Swol ASUCH SMO AS AABSUC. AP S ASS FASuct. AUSHA AUS OSC. SSol USUC. SHS RSUCH. ASA 1 tir 2 > a passage, ll ¥ HB Stl@. Choose the answer either yes or no based 1) Gol AS 1M) SLAbOl Zto1@ wt 2) Hole MS OMI ATH astos wu tue 3) Upaa agzZdg. wt 4) Apa gate tag. wo tu 2.08 1828 20 Hoe Put the following pictures in MIF OI 2e 242 4Se 4A2. order based on what Maring did yesterday. 1 - 93 - « Molo! aS I SAO Wels RL, sa S SEMA ADI 2, SHO! BAL. MAD APSHA SRO. Jane had a party with her friends at the park, There was an accident next to the park, The police came and asked Jane and her friends what happened. (28 88) 4 Se] SSM Sole Marina Park, SHUI LIRA Bel OLS AGE: Oat EAI. (Ol) FA, AD, BHA, Bas. S3 13 Alo! (G1, S44), + (et, SAK) -—> SHS SEC Ect (Ol, Ite), HOle (Of, S48) —> O1OFIISHCE PEUS (et, SA), Ol¥t (St, S48) —-> FAB OC. Ee (st, WALIO)-> HS AEC OFS (st, @elAL) EO] (GH, ae), — SSoct (Za) = 94 - 3. ND SAO] GALS SAS ASL? Write what you did at the time when the accident occurred. A} ot | 2 Bl) 4 MN) Ss/e|s s/%@}/s]juya M tr SSB (4a 63h) * (1-2) 9 ZOl CE FS Ie AS DESMAN. Circle the word that does not belong as shown in the example. @O A808 Qave Oouee @ 28 1, @O 4e2 @ eau @ 4a0l @i 2. ® HES @ser @ 39 @3 % (3~5) US PES AD SSol SStAAl2. Read and answer the following questions. 2085 4 tr ye s IS re ye to 40 9 cy c 3 © Att QE @ tt @ cc 9 - # (6~13) ( ol 9S AB DEAA. Choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank. 6. AGE CHA ( ) BAR. OH Os Os @a 7, BBO! OF ( ) 22. OHH eos Os @a 8. ( ) 427 @ Cla @ Ae @ Olt @ 7X0! 9. ( ) a 0127 @ Ol @e2s One @ ac 10, 4S ( ). @ssxde O 3202 @ aAgde @ xd 11. Ik PIE ( )? LU: a ae on alolaie. @ S Hole ®@ acaie @ aoa @aA we 12. 2H SEL ( ) U: G9] SUC. @ ASH @ ASN @ IAIe @ FAQ 13, 7k FW See? LE: ( ) FAIL. @ FH Slt Ht O FH 2H @ on £ 40 do ® no 0 40 -97- (14~15) BH & Al Sel AB DEAAI. Choose the sentence with the incorrect predicate. 14.0 25 AUSdA FAS OSUC. @ AM SMBH BS AUSUCt. @es4 @ OM SHA SUC. 15.0 OM 43ISOlA ape stole OQ Ne Sod He ge. © OMI AZO ATE AS @ He Bol Hale. *® (16~18) HIZO] SSS AS DEAAIS. Choose the most appropriate sentence. 16, © NBD SATII ASU. O SO] ASUCH. @ FAs NB? @ 20! Zora? 17. Ik OM A RL? Ub @ 430 LAS @ sts8 sade @ FAI} AAS @ S42 S02 18. I ACOA SPL? 8 we on = es [i wo Je 2 fo 8 EAB SAAS Wes 2 6 io WW 2 a ob a a fo ® - 98 - % (19~20) SR AD WA BE AS below and choose the incorrect statement. A= AM “SSO RSUCH. Ie F sta Hl aot OM ACASUC!. He om aol @ HE OM ASSO MS ASIC. @ AE OM ASH ARSUC. @ HE HS 24 SUCH. @ FO! 35,0008 ALC. 20. AU MS AM HAUSA OOS MS AtSict, SO] AMS OF ASUCH AAD MU MSD OOS WE SSA ASUCH. SSal A S38 BSuct. \ © AU WD OOS ME AMSA AWS OAS. OF NBS SSN SHS 2SUCH. @ AU WE SHA SSS BSUCt. @ + NBS ZO SS RSUCH. -99- TESA. Read the passage 2 2t6u ) 07 4A (Weather) “Talking about seasons and weather” Grammar: De|n, Vocabulary: Seasons, Weather * 2828 20 Sel AAS 2AdtMl@. Complete the Korean word by adding the missing vowel. Vee 2) 2 3) o 4) ° Spring ‘Summer Fall Winter * 4 WBS OSS Ozh] TSO AAI. Write the name of the season in Korean above each tree, ~ 100 - SE saz’ comes at the beginning of a sentence to connect it to the previous sentence, In contrast, ‘étal’ is used to connect two nouns. ‘2ID' sentence + sentence “8tD' noun + noun = Bue Zoe. a 22)| 4 MAS. Tela S271 | oe aula 2D Sold, = Soda. #208 BRA. TaD sza1s eae. HS. Tea SSIS) soon SRS SRA. Bsa # CS Dele 2D ‘Daas NSO CSS SASH. Look at the pictures and complete the conversations using ‘12|'. » 2h HTB Sora? Ub Ul, HM Sora. Tap 2s Hog. 2h ele Ao? Ub Ul, 2s Fore, 2) J: AB AQ? Li: MEANS AQ. Ji A se? Us: ae 202. S| 22H (Just a minute) "=" is used after a noun to mean ‘too’ or also.” It replaces the subject particle ‘Ol/2#', the topic particle and the object particle “@/" but can be used together with the location particles SOWA” AGHE ARS. BHLILES ARQ. SHO Ie. SAO J. zu FHL. SNBAWMS STU. = 101 - * EM BAS ASA 82S THAIQ. Fill in the blanks with the weather expressions. 1) SHI Ge Lag 2 20>! (to be hot) ee (Jo be cold) ek 2 e 3) EAI 4) HII (to be warm) (to be cool) 5) Hlt 7 6) BNF (to be good) a (o be bed) Op Arya 7) Oo] ee. 8) at ete. (snow) Se (rain) WE WENO ~ 102 - #4 2 Grammar HB 2: comes right before the verb or adjective to express negation, In case of ‘Noun +6HCt' verbs, “ comes between the noun and ‘SICH. “gt” with verbs or adjectives “oF with ‘Noun + 8#CH’ verbs 2s Dol oe Ie. OM FH SFS ff RAL. SS ae. A= vue et S02. seo ade. A012. a. MSO #A32O=2 WSstAl@. Answer each 1) SS 330i 227 = Ouse, SS SHH] HF Ie 2) Se e38 427 - 3) FRB OR? > 4) Ile Ssaa? > *IIBSC to be tire +2 to be nice *RIOSHCE: to dislike S 22H (Just a minute) ‘Adjectives are negated by adding © to the front, even though ending with ‘dH@", Verbs, except for ‘N + SHCI’, are negated by adding ot to the front, Adjectives ending 'dH2° Verbs ending 'sHS* not from ’N + a42° W2Ha2--> of DeH2 (O)| Fora 2 --> of Forse (O) WS oF He (Xx) ZO ot ae (x) ASAL-—> oF ABUL (O)| AHH --> o Hosa (O) He o HS (xX) AO a ate (x) = 103 - DE2AIQ. Listen carefully and choose the correct response as shown in the example. 4 ¢ <2I/> Ih El Ml, SB Sora? ub @x#2 402, Ou, He Se Soe. @ uU, ASS Foae. @ =0] sta. @ OLR, =Ol oF He. @ €M7t Fore. 3.08 WS & SD Y= AS D=EAIQ. Listen carefully and choose the true statement based on the conversation. 4 £ @ 2s =0l 2. @ ASS Fda. @ Sse HIF Be. eld 492. 4.08 Wes a0 eo @Z= StlQ. Make appropriate questions based on each response. # 1) Ih 2 2) Jk 2 3) Us lB Ol ste. ~ 104 - 5. OS BNES SU SS BSStAl2. Look at the weather chart and complete the conversation. EN AS aq Hola 3S 2s SM @ 2s 6~14°C 1~14°C 28~30°C 1) 2k 2S AS Salt 1a? LE UID} RQ. 2) Ik 2S YS Sw a2? Ur: Hola SAI Bora. 4) I: ABS S Sole? ub 25° temperature, © degres = 105 - . SAS BOA? ‘DelD'st “S'S MBSA VLA. Answer the question using ‘222’ and 'S' in two sentences. § 1) Ik PA SAS Bora? Us He AAS SHH. DAD Avs Fora. ee who 2) Ik AE k pop +S SOL? «O12: what kind of “2k song ub «TS tit <=. 4) J OG SA SoAa? Just for fun! (Ar]=2) Aas: $450 3S Bol AE Al SI Agia? Bas: Ste. ade: ul, Seog. He TD oldie! Teacher: What are the three syllables that students use the most? Students: | don't know. Teacher: Yes! You're correct, That's exactly it, ~ 106 - 1. OS CSS AD LO SStAlQ. Read the conversation and answer the questions, CU: SS AS eW= AMS? al: Salt BOR, AAS SMI FOB? CHU: OI, HIF HR. NID 2B Fea. a: Of, 222? SS FS EWE OMe? + OA: ASUS SS LAI SOQ. TAD GA, BHelN=a? MO: BHelA= oF AAS. DeilD AS =O] sea. 1) 23 M2 Swe Oa? 2) Ss adsD Se GAQ? 3) ASU SAS 112? 4) OClO AS Ol 27 - 107 - 2.2 HEH SE AAS AMsto wl 2ol SSAIQ. Write the related words beneath each season in the box below, GSstct SCH SCt =0l SCH BIJ OCH SMI SC + EMI UMCh NSS SSS FUSS Bee Ad ne 248 3) 4 as SAlb SCh. EOHCH. 3. ASN SAS IAD AA LeHSA)A Sol had AA@. Write about the weather in your city or country using the words above as well as new words, Refer the example, <2|> at ae ASA) Dl eS a S AjsSs/a;uya = | Ol et se/u|/a ul | Jk S u |} a d/ed|2 e/a] u Ct *3h= = thin cloths 2° swimming ~ 108 - > 109 - 08 Al2t (Time) “Talking about dates, days of the week, and time” Grammar: Oi], Al = Vocabulary: Dates and days of the week, time 191 1 Vocabulary x B2O] SYS 22S AHlQ. Complete the day of the week. Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday aaa % MS 32] LOL AD ! 2S MHIQ. Read aloud the month and date, then complete the table below. * | Sino Korean Month a date q 1 2 January ea 3 ae 2 ol February 6 s2 3 March 8 4 April 9 5 May 10 6 June Ra 1 eee 7 July 16 8 August 17 - 110 - 9 September 20 10 October Ag 26 "1 a2 November aT 12 12 (December) 31 * CHS 22S 27 ZL SStMlQ. Look at the pictures and answer the questions, 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) -an- JH Ae}]A0tAI+ AMO? S08 deozoldia. AM! +2 MS SHLe? iT Oh: Oh: 7 JANUARY. 2 S 250i HA0da? +E What date 250i 4 220/012? Re S20 te 2eodieg? 2s, ‘U2, AB" and 'AMl'. cow “Ol' is a particle that comes after a time word to express when a certain action is taking place, ‘dl’ is not used after ‘OMI’, “Ql' with a time word ‘ol’ not with OAl, Qe, WA, AS, Al S22] gue. 23 = NO +20 2a2, OA SB RA. (0) AAO SSS HOL. (x) * OHS AZBS SD and answer the questions, 1) Ib Ub 2) Ih Ub 3) JE Ub 4) IE ub: BZHl SStMI2. Look at the following schedule AH) BI 22? AB USHA SI YR. ese Fe Seong? oldia. S AO S2)2' 2? 2 aAag. a S Nol Sse? 2S aa. *2S: afternoon - 112 - %* OHS] THO] Y= SOlS Ot AMI@. Choose a word and write it in the appropriate place, fo ee iE to w ao a nS Oy MEMO - 118 - #' to indicate minutes. '_Al _#' expresses the time. Native Korean numbers come before '\\' to indicate hours, and Sino-Korean numbers come before TAT 9:30 ze eo Os A aa AL AD * CS TBS 2D BLO] SStAlQ. Look at the pictures and answer the questions, 1) 2) 3) 1:15pm| 4) 5) Ny 1S Mol SOU? ee Ad Sota. AM SLAtO Ite? 7S Adl S&S 4097 : AH! S1S/It 22? 4:00pm| u 7S AOl BG Ie? k > ah ; aio : Ng Ue a4 sBOLe: to wake up - 114 - 2 (1~2) Ch @ 2 292 Ges DEA. Listen carefully and nin wo choose the correct response as shown in the example. 4 # SA 2a eB = @ 7:38 am @ 9:37 am ® 8:20 am @ 8:10 pm @ Wed, Aug 15 @ Sun, Sep 15 * @-4) OS Hae & 2B DEQ. Listen carefully and nin ao tir choose the true statement based on the conversation. 4 # 3. @ ese sezona. @ #20 +20/ SRA! wae. @ 2F SNH SHS 42. O ASS OF GAH BHR, 5, o apdal Che 22S SOLAR. Ask following the questions to your classmate, & 1) 2k Ol e112? (You may make up a birthday) U: AM! 3B 32oldia. 2) I Ba Hee Fe Seoie? uk BE: this year 3) 2H OM! S Al O12? ui: - 15 - 4) Ih AM! Bol We? ui: 6. CHE <2>B SD 9} ZOl AP sal CHSHSHMIG. Look at the announcement and make a conversation with your classmate as shown in the example. @ bp on ae” eats (084 5 UD. reanigas MERE as wy Bat gh 1 Agabul $5 221° announcement, 21244|° registration tes - 116 - O| SStMI. Read the following posting and answer the questions. e a saa ‘Wt: 20134 108 19d EA 14] 2a) off, Ba, 71 | B71, a 09:00-10:30 | 11:00-12:30 14:00-15:30 | 16:00-17:30 09:00-10:30 | 11:00-12:30 HSASS ABO! Amos? 108 19801012. 2) Ik S& Q2ola? 3) Ik BBS S AO Ata? LU: Ol AHS. 4) SBS 2 NG SUL? Ub: Oo] Bua. ‘BROUSHAR Test of Proficiency in Korean, Ze beginning level, Ha intermediate level Da advanced level, AIZSHL to begin, BLICH to end -1r- 2. 082 AD €8= eaStlQ. Read the passage and fill out the calendar in Korean, ese ba 12 +220dle. We SF 7G] SABO AL. SABO A BS HAL, 72S HM H20d2. MH Seo Arscty zo As 2 S02. Tela 112 SLso St APsD 2ol HY Ie. el 242 OF 7A HO ABO! UA. 22 S22 OF 7A tH apsD 20 A4e Ade. HS ASO Je. Sele & sora. corm “2g” | pee sant 3 = 7 3 7 70 7 @ 5 i 75 7% 7 8 7 2 ai @ B 2a % Tee Ae 2% 7 2 30 a7 2: birthday, 22: camping, AP: friend - 118 - 3. OS S42 20 2S MH SAlQ. Look at the calendar and complete the paragraph, SEPTEMBER 2013 7 <—o z aie wp wie Be Saeabon heh 3 7 i iW ie 3 a ‘her ay! at 1% 7 ie re 0 rar atin 44 ane aioe shee rz B a 2 ize 7 ize Fo 30 woe 23 ASHP SSUSuc. 92 1g Gea] As = 119 - 09 2 (Appointment) “Making suggestions and appointments” Grammar: -(2)=JH2, -O2/AB Vocabulary: Making appointments and plans * FSO Soe SO] FS SH GOS ABSA. Match the Korean words with their English counterparts. 1) S40] Cb Don't have an appointment 2) 01 SACt Don't have time 3) AlZHOL StCt Have time 4) Al2HOl SACt Set an appointment 5) $= Ott To be busy 6) 2ol 2tct Have an appointment 7) HBC . + Have something to do 8) BMC . + It's okay %*, HSB 2SStMl2. Complete the conversations below. Ue! Shen? LU: WS SSO) WA. DHA Al2ZOl Ae. (I don't have time.) 2) Ik QS QFHl AZ Was? LE OU, AZO] oe, (| have something to work.) 3) Ik BS UMA? Ur og, (Iam not busy.) #4 1 Grammar = (2)=72" is used to ask for the listener's opinion, and often lused to make a suggestion or an offer (Shall | /we -?). Also, it is loften used with 240] (together) such as 20| 2K? (Shall we go together?), -@7@ is used when the preceding verb ends with a consonant other than =, and -=J}@ is used when the preceding verb ends with either a vowel or ‘=" -=aQ -Sme2 SO > Sg? ac > Sena? GHLECH > She Da? ac} S712? =U > Sa? =} > se7'2? « OS Tee 27 '-(S)aI27"S NSO Yl 22 BSStHl1Q. Look at the pictures and change the verbs to suggestion fo! ‘-(S)=I2?", rm using HAMS OCH S33 Sct sd tC 121 - 191 2 Vocabulary * OS 28a Sel WO AD, Get “12. Write the sentences as you read them aloud. RZ OFAICt FOLLIES OIA AB OAR? drink tea 1) ZHOLLHEHE OAL THE OA IA? aime opice | SEM AGIM FS ohne? drink coffee 2) ola etch os AHI Hoe? eat breakfast 3) ave oc BRAS BIS 1727 gat lunch 4) Mus Sct MMe Zol og. gat dinner 5) =0| Bao] wa 12 ai 2c go to play 8) U2 20 S38 Ye. S38 SC watch movie 2 S20 GH ape gue. ‘Sixt AAS uct meet a boyfriend 8) We A apts tue. OLX} IRB PLC meet a girlfriend |g BF gia is the polite ending form mostly used in conversation as we learned at Ch.2,. Furthermore, -Of2/H@ is also lused to express a suggestion like ‘Let's~" Polite ending Let's - A HS A WR? Lh #30 SHR. A 20 HASH BI? Us Sog2, Zo] SHHe 2s ui 2S 250] AWR? 2Fo] A> tue. Jt 2s SFO] te72? Us Ul, FO2, COA AIR? J RUA AACA BRLER. x Oe] Tas SD 123 - : 20) Al oH SAIS. Look at the picture and make a suggestion using “-0k2/12’. : S0BAU ZO Sate. (Ba ICH : Boe. —____. (2 atch) POPs, SS ASH S40! WAL. S01 7 . (BSC) tl, BOL. AAA eS? (OFAI CH a * (1-2) tee @ eo HES D2Alg. Listen carefully and nin D choose the correct response as shown in the example. 4 # IF ASH NZ QAR? Uf: @ yu, 208. © BDI ome? 1. © Al Alt OH? © wgoR. @ aetde. ASH S40 Lak, © FL, 20 sara. a @ SD Y= XS DEA. Listen carefully and # (3-4) CS SS choose the true statement based of 3. In the conversation. 4 & Abe AH ai a lo 110 £10 Jo ot ble £ 2 Ho = @ @ tn tn 2 wr oe of to 110 @ @ AH AH ui a 2s 20] ABS. s ASO S40! Loe, nn oe ow 5. OS ASS SD FLO! SStAlQ. Listen carefully and answer to the questions. 44 SABHA SHS AQ, ~ 124 - 3) ASO ACA wae? En Mo @ | ob oo0) OFF @ 6. CHS CHS SA SHMIG. Complete the conversations. # 1) I Ue S AO Hee? OF Al Al BBO? Lb Ul, BOB. (Yes, sounds good.) 2) 7k Oa MW, WSO SHO] Loe (No, | don’t have any plans tonight.) 3) Jk LHS! OCGA Sete? (What about in front of the office?) 7. OS USS AD 2s WAM SSS st SQ. Complete the conversations. § 1) SEIS: $21 Wl, Si AZO! Loa? + @: Ode. Qe Azo] RAR. ASE: Wee ome? = 125 - 2) MU: Oa Ww, SS A ae? O} A: SS SAO AAR. AelD ASAE S40 Aaa. AOU: 2 Oo} a: ul, Boe. Al Ut 2 OF a: AS OS Al M2? AL OU: O} A: HE HS Ste FHL. BS Sena? Al Us Ul. OS AOL 8. Hl MEO! SA Wels SAR. “-(S)=aIg’st “-o-V/2’s NSA 431 HI, Make plans for a party to celebrate the end of the semester with two of your classmates using ‘-(2)=JQ" and ‘-Of@/O1 2. $ 2}: OM TEL 1a? Lb Beeol mie? C: 2 NG B72? SATLE!: the party to celebrate finishing the semester, +7: who . US WLS AD BLO SS+MlQ. Read the memo and answer the questions, OHS SEMIS? Mol MM = asaie2. SQeo] 2 22? If BHCIOA tO! HISEZO] Woe, els Qe SHAS Moe. Ho ve APSa Zl SS AAA 10Al 0 SLES 1) U+= MlsD Clo 2 Ade? @O MEAtNAR @ SUA AAO © UM Hel @ Wael @ese2 @ =22 @ gee @ age 3) OICIOAL SLES? - 127 - 2. CS 22 AD Z=Ol SStMlQ. Read the passage and answer the questions, OH Seo ASD MHA OWA 3a. APE MBeAABOl Lot 2. A= WSeld S02, Pe= HAS SUM SA Alo PLE. TG OFWO DSO MAI BO WA. Sez, Aba, Delp Soe 2 NG. DelD AWE OAR. HE ISH ASD WHA OWO A = II2. AUSS 20] Ba? 1) Ow Sesto Col J@? 2) THA Od PAS AQ? THA OE tarmers’ market, Hel BE ferry building, Aa tru, Ha you (pi) E0HE: tomato * (3-4) CSS AD SS] SStAl2. Answer the questions. 3. AAO OH FLO] Ars Sal AWOA AS SUD AA. OfeH HS OSHA FAS BA AAS AMIPAIQ. You want to spend some time with your friend in downtown this weekend. Before writing, make plans for what you're doing for the weekend using the table below, aH OCG AL PAs ER2L OF 4 aa S33 y2 4. An S USS SSS APH FA ASO Chat “-(S)aMa?", *- OL/IQ’S NBUM OLS AHI. Write an email to your friend using ‘-(2)=7-Q?’, ‘-012/0+2" based on the plans you wrote above. 129 - SAB (7a-93t) ( )o| LSS AS DEMAIL. Choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank. 2. N= +0 WE 222 AY 7A( OHA Fue OAM RAL © oO BLS 3% (3~7) ( word for the blank. DO SEAL BS 2 3. 20 NBO Lg. @ es Ad 4, Bas ( ) $012? @ ACOA @rKke 5, SS ASA ( )O| L012? @ ad @ Al2t 6. HE Sse ( ) #02, 7. ( ) S29 UAL? @ Fe 22o O ACMA @ @ ® DEMA. Choose Ag Jb aaa @ a 202 the incorrect He a - 130 - x (8~10) 2B @ AO S2l AB DEAA®. Choose the sentence with the incorrect expression. 8.0 Ol SWI FLA. DelD SSS SMI Fa. @ 2s HI} HQ. DAD Suit SQ @ Sse =O] FH Se. HII} Se. 9.0 AM SD ZO @ He eeeu a . @ HE S220 wri. @ HE SF B He. 10.0 AM SSA AA A ee Fo APS Arta. @ 2s ASH 20 AMS ASUA BS Fea? @ NB Seda SRO NBO WAL, @ He Heo Sa S Ao RAL. (11~12) BIZO] SRLS AB DAA. Choose the most appropriate sentence to fill in the blank. 11, 7k SS EMI AAS? Ui: . @ u, ASS Foe @ OLS, SMI AAatS @ ul, =Ol 2 @ OLR, EME Boae 12, Jk AM! FS SSS SIQ? Lb @ S220 SM UeMtae @ aoe. ABS 92 @ 28 1420 S02 @ 322 FH] 42 - 131- % (13~14) BIZHO SUA) BES As DEAAS. Choose the incorrect sentence for the blank. 13, 9: OM S Ad AYS SRL? Ui: . © 7A Gl OA WED FRA2 @ 6A| 3020 SAa2 @ OM ASS oe AA0e2 @ vI/3 4202 14,7: S& 2eo 2 We? Ui: . @ S250 geen 295 22 @ See 2 @ 22H ASA He @® seen S40) 2Ae % (15~16) SH AD SSO SSHYAI@. Read the conversation and answer the questions. a ub Jk 2S: Lh 2S Jt 2a AU: Ok AK) SAlIt B27 \ exsiD 7a $92. | 2 elt ONS? 2S EWI NAe. DeD Sart SOR. @ ogal 201 S40] Sazne? 2. 98 120 22. / 15. AM) SFO] SUD? Osa @aa @#a @ra 16. | 29 USa C2 AS DEANe, © SF SktD Zao Sn FAQ. @ 23 8F EWS AA. @ 23 SF EM= Ft. @ sFul Baz AA, % (17~18) ISB AD SSO SStAlAl@. Read the conversation and answer the questions. (Oh E220 Az sae? ») Ub Ul, BBOR, J: DAS HID Ms ASM Be Herta? ( ) (Ub oleiaia, Hie BDz 2 aoi2. ) 17, SAO) CHS Ol OFI/ SALI Dt? O24 O18 Oats © eH i8.( ol ee Wee Deane, OAS SSA ACA WaL? @ AHA HS Sere? @ 22/3} Awa? @ Shirt he? * (19-20) ISS AD SSO SSAAIS. Read the passage and answer the questions. - (He 108 seal st SSUCh 22 olf Uch 2ol aae eg QHESLICH LS #112! ob \B 1120 OF 19. 108 102) Stl © Hole ott 6 re + 7 (2 =o s HE AS Aol G+ Bol 2SUCt. He Na seo a ~ 133 - 10 #2 #& (Weekend activities) “Talking about weekend activities and plans ” Grammar: T2t#A, -(Q)= AAS Vocabulary: Places, Weekend activities * O8 49 Se 4D eve BF STA OF SOM. Complete the names of the locations by filling in the missing syllables, Then choose corresponding verb from the box below. 2B act atch ofS StCH/ IHC Ale IC ) mo Seo ES 3) i 5) = = ol a TAL to look around. +AdtCt:to swim, SASL to hike, ZAAtCb-to admire (art) ~ 134 - saya comes at the beginning of a sentence to indicate that the previous sentence is the reason for this sentence. Hel one. DaA Sao Wa. S2 S02. TaD ss soe. % ‘DelD' Ee “TAS MBS el2HS FHAIG. Fill in the blanks using '22!D" or ‘"WeHA’. 1) 2S YA Soa. Dad Ue Beal 2 Hala. 2) + Wie we ole. FRE AOR. 3) UZ FRO Awol Qos. BOA Brae. 4) HE OF 2B, SS UIs 5) MIF BAe, se 22 22 # Dele SD ‘Las NSO SIS A StMlQ. Look at the picture and complete the narration using “12HAl’. DY) see U2 Rol Alaol hoe. #z0| 2Hg. 2) c Gejrt oma. 3) as HE Ste Soa. 4) Caan Wel az seolaie. ‘SB gift. present - 135 - 191 2 Vocabulary 1, 222 G08 Bet 2S ofetoll SSAMI2. Match the words for each picture from the box, oF oH a3 2 sz 2. A SU SSASS SO WE “PR” = SA SAB? Guess the meaning of “=” in all words that are shown above, @ # (foot) @ & (hand) @ B (ball) @ SS (exercise) 3. 220] 22S BAS FOF ABSA. Connect the pictures and its appropriate meaning. 8S 2 Ade. 1) : 2) me : + Aas 32 role 3?) = ‘ Ee . + S38 2 A012. . + OF 73S # Hale ~ 136 - #4 2 Grammar Bye HOI’ comes after the verb stem to indicate the things that will happen or plans in the future, “- 20’ is used when the preceding verb stem ends with a consonant other than &. '-= AGS ‘is used when the preceding verb ends with either a vowel. “=SHAOR™ with verbs ending a] “-% HQ’ with verbs ending a vowel consonant except =. Rt + =HAAS --> SB AGS a+ 2 AW -—-> AB Ae JHE + SAGA --> BAU A+ & Ade --> Se AAS EM} + =HOle --> B He BO + & Ade --> ZS AUS * In case with = ending verbs: Just '-2102" comes after the verb stem, BO} + Ade --> B HW ac} + Ade --> & Ae i) * CHS HS 2 S+H12. Complete the table below Past form Present form Future form TRO 02 /AB ~(Q)= Ae DCH ROS ae 2 Ade Dictionary form in Q - 137 - « OS 182 20 SEO) Stig. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Jt FBO +ASO 2 AL? Ur ul, +8aq 2 Ade. ~ 138 - #(1~2) OSS @ SD <22>9 Bol Y= Se DEA. Listen carefully and choose the correct answer as shown in the example below.4 4% Ih SLO A ROL? Ub © We AHO] LAS. THA SRA. @ Ole, SS N#Ol 2a. @ FLO SMI FLAQ. THA BECHO 2g. Qu, 2S Bol M2A2. DHA SHA a AOL. @ 24a 2ol A#s Ite. @ S40 ARAL. Tea SHA Sst S HAL. 3.08 WS & SD Y= AS D=EAIQ. Listen carefully and choose the true statement based on conversation.« % 4.08 ss 22 S20] CUA WI F 2S DEAN. Listen carefully and choose what Daniel is doing this weekend.a # - 139 - 5. Apa Ape} FLO Hot SALA. Ask your classmate about his/her weekend. # 1) JH TIE FSO A oer 4) Dh FeO (ClO 2 1 ole? 6. OSs ~(S)= AAS’S ASA OlOFISHAIQ. Talk about your future using ‘-(Q)= Hale’. 5) 1008 FO HE CS FB rnext weekend, UkA-next year, E41 S04 in ~ years - 140 - {a 47] Reading and Writing 1, O82 AD 22+ Wel OW FL AARHS SAStMlQ. Read about Laura’s weekend plans and complete the table below. A= OH Sol Hol wwe. See oaW=S +SsH We. Aap eros azsa 20 B= ZAM. ASHE St Ars Ade, ae az aus ohe Hale, Dela 20) WY a 2S. He 9S ase sows. ain sae os ane Bl SoS. TA Aol Sse B Aole. 2ee Yeo Bal a Hale. We gee aa AS 22 aa ota 2. O82 AD ves) SNS 222 NMZ AasstHl@. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the appropriate tenses /es ASA HE SOA He Wels 1)e Hole (Sect) AeA ua\ OBO eH OFBWO 2) ICH AS 6G 2PSOl Zl 3) ASCH) PAE 7H ASS 4) ASCH Akh BO SM It 5) (BC) AeA Asda “oi 6), (HCH) S2l= AS Bol 7) (2iCH) Sols S40) 8), ARCH AeA SOA 9) 1 Ch) YL - 11 - 3, AB AHS SSO SAL. Put your plans for December on the calendar, #2 Sle U2 SOM 4. AHA CASO MS AS AAD Bas d phrases related to the plan you made on the @. Write down words an calendar, 33, S38 SC. acjAo* 4B, acj40t*s We, SWI S Ch. 0l OC. FAS =... 4B the end of the year 5. AS WSs eos AS WAS M SAIL. Write a paragraph about the events you wrote above, - 143 - 3) a 3 4s a 4) ect 5) St 6) Sct 7) ac % AI2} 2ACHZ AHIQ, Fill in the blanks with words in time order, 1) OM - oe -_ We 2) - Boh - Wit 3) - Ol Fe - Cle Fe 4) 222! - - 32 - 422 - - 322 -so2 ~ 144 - #24 Grammar BP rist person pronoun Lt/ becomes LH/H| when the subject particle ‘J+’ is attached or when used as a possessive, Base| Topic | Also | Object | Subject Possessive Plain form ue Ue US ue UHIF UH 4, OS meme Joa |e [us| we | ar | a mos AZSHe. AE SILUC. a, as Ue Ss dg. A OBS O|VFSLiCt. U OSS Seyale. AS OS NBSUCH. US OF NBode. set OSE MALI DE? 4-7} BAH? ALPE O|BESELI CH. uy} 2a. Al 101 Dad) SUC, uw #01 aad) soe ‘A'S HS ASS BIZ] APA, Fill in the blanks with ‘HM or “Al. 1) HE +20lde. A a= Melodia. 2) Mae 2 s0de. MS WAS Soa. 3) Jt Smal RAL, 4) Re AD] SAS HO] UHL. stAlat Ml Mal osol 22. SBS exactly same, SAS but, however - 145 - SHB + inogutar verbs - Some verbs with a stem ending in “=" are changed irregularly when followed by vowel, Present Past Likely H fi Formal Dictionary polite polite future sonore | ending Meaning request form ending | ending | -=(@) -s/ -(Q)AIZ OHO | -/RAR AWS sud 2c tec) | ° | soe | sae] 32 | geome) #34 ~ listen | - a an ch att t Ik| 22 | a2ae as 2oM2 eu (@+cy [' MK] = = aoe |= ch Et To ak | sae | eae] == |goua| =3" 0 as 2 (2+th role ch *S0h 3s 2 2a gee |e (2+ch) to bite 202 snag oe Scu2 Such *Sct ss es ‘=o geal s (s+ch) to lift sug S202 Aas SoHlg Suct Other verbs with a stem ending in ‘=' is changed regularly. ‘2CH and ‘SCH’ have two meanings and take different verb ending changes according to the meaning being used in the sentence, Dictionary | 4 Present Pest Willingness | Honorific | Formal form eaning | polite | polite | Future | request | ending ending_|_ending SC} to | zoe | et02 | ee a02| sexe | esuct (240) | receive 2c io | 202 | 2x02 | 28 role | 2eue |asuc (2+) | collect sc | to buy | 202 | sx02 |Sa A012] Seng | Ssuct (2401) | to be stained @ #ONR. Delp *ASstAia. Ait +20] o 02. Se S202 SAM SOR. DHA WAAR. ASSES Hee. HEFCE to answer, 2 Ue: lips change *2Su PHI SAAR. ~ 146 - K FOG SMS SHH FSstOl OHSS SAStAl2. Complete the conversation by conjugating the verb provided. 1) I FeO AS Ade? K-pop 2 $2 Hog. (SC) y fo oN A on wo o HOS. (ACH) 20| Saal (ach) £ u oe itcy +0 a 3) Ik} SS SF HMI OQ? Li: oH (2Ch) Jt SM It FOR? DAS Sa Ja. oy MEMO - 147 - = ©! irregular verbs/ adjectives: Some verbs and adjectives with stem ending in ‘= are irregular when it followed by a vowel, * =" is changed to‘ +" Present Dictionar | Meanin Past polite informal polite Formal ending y form 9 ending ending sc to feel | A= (*)+A2 ax02 gsuc (S+Ch) hot -> AA2 ec to feel | #=(F)+A2 F202 esuc (S+Ch) cold -> AQ wc to be | BIE (P)+2 wae BOsLict (#2+CH) | glad > BOYS Dect to Dobe (#)+12 DORA Desuct (DeHCH) | thank | -> DOS ac tobe | 4=(*)+d2 ABde (a+Ch) easy —> AAD asec tobe | AAs(P)+A2 daaaade OSsuct (QB+CH) | difficult | -> HAAS Some verb with stem ending in ‘+' are regular. Present Past Dictionar | Meanin Formal | Past formal polite polite y form 9 ending ending ending ending ac to grab zg Stade |Ssuc| Setsuct (B+Ch) ac to fold Bag Bade | Ssuc| SASuct (B+Ch) act to be B02 Stade | Ssuc| Sesuct (B+Ch) | narrow SMI GA. AME SMI of ORAS. HSE Hae, AHAMAE ARAL. - 148 - K FOG SMS SHH FSstOl OHSS SAStAl2. Complete the conversation by conjugating the verb provided. 1) JH OSS? DELLA (BEECH) LU: MS GLA 2) Jt SELIS M. AM ABO! (OS CH LU: OU. OM ABO! (Ch) 3) Jt OLBF A, SI AEE 2(SCh) LU: oe, AHO. 4) Jb (DSCH LU: Odea. HRore. 5) J 2S eM It ? (Sch) Lt: OLS, oF (BCH (SCH 6) JH (SCH - 149 - conversation and choose the sentence that is connected. * (3-5) Se 2D Beal & ae if et e 2 fo u 2 = 1 % 2 fo J @ $22 44 questions. «7% 3. CUMS So SHS SUI? © BS OR API ASLICt @ #3 ANA SSC. @ #5 S38 SeSUC 4,250 +22 AM] USUI? @ 3922 AY @ See oF 5. Ol HSS] USa ke AS according to the conversation, @O MSSSS SA SH] WSUCH ® Sesdl= Se Suc. @ #30 SHE ASSUC. D2HI2. Choose the correct statement ~ 150 - % (7-11) CHS BLO! CHES, Answer the following questions. # 7, (ARS AROS SHI? Solo ASE Aall y awl - SX IP /AA AIP SS AS 2 70s 2S Neola as ede | Sone aS SAA 2e role Nae & A01e 50 SS Meola} | BS 23} Sse 10. AM SHSO +201 WAS? 11, #50 SHI HHL? -151- * (1-3) (S28 2D answer the questions. oil CH SStMI@. Look at the charts below and ‘FHo MIR? yaa ojaaim | L e | 1 ll ee ee 1, SSO FHA PAO! MOLL? @aA O@f8 @ 8) @ Lt) Oa OXI 2.250 +20 2X0! dare? @aA O@f8 @ 8) @ Lt) Oa OXI 3. HSS WAS. DM SS SAS 2? SS y sala. OFS Ses sae “EaCp to order Os, # = aast teas ae. OF oto 22 OF Seo, se 42. O25 ASU SAS FEAL. O 2S A Use 202, OeewdA FS SS Bol ae. oO 2fsa 2 AWS 4.08 CSS AD ZL SStAlQ. Read the conversation and answer the questions, Coordinator: SS StMlQ? HASH. CHI: ASS? Ci SO +2 SSH 702? Cue: ul. C: XH] AWS Stal. CIS: ME CLYASUCH MeN Aao SOB. IT SAA Bae. Cc: 4 He SHtae? CHG: Wl SOF SS MBO. OWE WS ABOAL. Hees Bol tf #2. UO F2Sa Sra HH 2 Agia. nai S501 ae? aa? CIS: MSD ZOl HE Adie. CUS: Ol... IPSS Ate. C201 Cl OAL anitol 7 FAs RAL? Cid: CHEEHSAIA GRAS. Dep wee Sxsai 208. Cc: seal Ae AGL? CHG: Akt FAO SSS eMAL. TMA APSD Spe Hag. Ci FDSMAR. 2A SSAA. CHI: TAS +o] Amol? Cc: $22 MY 6Al 30201012. CHS: Ul, ss) AAS. C: gsi IIa. SEGC to register, BL to live S= Usd v F Sale. - 153 - / OF2)} BF IS ( ABtololse, \ @2Se8 gol ot A. fog, t HOD. 5. HW FR SHS HS? HS SHI AW? e ZO] HAF B#z AQ. Why are you learning Korean? How do you fesl about learning Korean? Write a paragraph about your experience, <)|> HEE of | a a | > | 2 et alajesalas;e], jafala et alale afale|), |e] ala) a alajale|, lala a|/?]o)a 2 | o1 a|= sla|e | 2 3 | al K | -p | op 2] a] =| a 2 Ala) 2 - 154 - > 155 - 12 Al2 (Plans) * (1-2) DS Tee 2D '-(S)= Ade's NBs Age HAs ¥ HIZ. Look at the pictures and write expressions using words from the box with “-(2)= AGS’. S32 20 SC Aes st Sseach LAS AC SAVORS SUC 230 SFB StCt 1, 2h Seo] As Aa? Us: gee S Hag. ~ 156 - SE from now on 2. $0 CLUS we Oe eas # HHL? 2 CUS: He ARS . Stree 4 ESI Study Abroad Baits: Tt SSS ay SSS Faas See ay ath ~8/e Hoch ARAM 3288 7 71 BSS NSD WSS Bo 1Bat SA MAC - 157 - #4 Grammar SF vronoun o1//H + 2ithing) this, this thing - refers to something close to the speaker Ol(24): (2): it, that, that thing - refers to something close to the listener AA(2:) that over there, that thing over there - refers to something far from_both speaker and listener * O1/2/H is always followed by a noun (2, AE, , Jet, etc.) © = Aol LD AS 7y7h0] Mo] gla el 7hYo] Bele Ie ‘Ol/2/M + 24" can be attached with the particles (S, Ol, @) and have contracted forms OA/AA/MA > O1A/AHA/MA (casual form) Particle Regular form Contraction form OAS/AAS/AAS| OA/AA/MA (topic particle) ol2z/AA ol 2 24 24 / 7741+ | (subject particle) Ol XOV/ARO/MAO! | Ol Al/AAV/ AL = OXAS/ARS/AAS| O1B/AA/MA (object particle) - 158 - ~)| (affix for spot) O1II/A I/II OAs + ARE O1S/2S/hS & (direction) Ol AbES/ ABES/A ABE ola Seo # aa? AA ACG RRL? ADH MQ? TAA AB AAe. DA We Qa It OF] USUCH. 2 MBO! ++o2? o| S22 OHS, WH SS2 IAD x STA 22S AS Bch WSS BAStMl2. Complete the conversation by choosing the most appropriate word from the box below, as lz AI a4 a Ae 1) 2k Rl FeO! OICIall eto} 2? Ub A210) Sole, 2) I WAI SES SB Haile. 3) Jt Seat 4) I S4S Sepa? ah OF OM. O17] USUCH. 5) Ji NSO AHDHE atae. Lb: 2ortae? - 159 - FH — ineouar verbs / adjectives When a verb or adjective stem ends in the ‘—' vowel and is attached to a suffix staring the vowel the ‘—' is deleted If the syllable right before '—' contains '}' or '1', '~OH@" has to be used. to be oS HEC Hbwe | BEBO S HHS UCH | BHESLI? TT easy | POST sire | | ozc| °° | ome | osoe | 2 | osuct] orsuine = sick Age | . If the syllable right before ‘—" contains anything other than *F* or ‘1', '~Q/@' has to be used. to be we jC tH mag ca SUD HCH Ye ciny | MUS f OHOLS | ory | OIABLICE | oteRLA azo | °°? | eno feos] ** |aeuc|esus a sad . . Ae |=" - If the verb or adjective stem with “—" has only one syllable, '~O{ 2" has to be used. to write xg Ct] to spend | Me | Mos SUCH] Supe | AMI to be bitter AG DC} to tum off | W2 |woe| _~ | suck] Sum | oaie Age OK] ORO. DZ FB Ios = oF medane ol lee MS 1, FM SMS SHA SSotol HSS SAStl@. Complete the conversation by conjugating the verb provided, 1) IE ASAIO OSS Avl2. LU: OCl dll 2 (ACH) JH ODIO AAI, 2) Ft OM SH SI Abo QF 2k 2? Ub AeA SAO RAS. (OCH ~ 160 - FS oun + OICH' special from of verb ending changes: a corey | “Holais| S#orsio‘g | saseUict | swogeLic | saan oN vot NOH | SIAHOL® | SIAHILICE | SLAP SESLICE | SL MeILIDI? Ae 3 AMBQUCH +A MS SS MSU D OA WE S8olo@? =e OI. SHON. on] SRS, —— 2. Sd 282 2S Bet USS SASAl2. Complete the conversation by choosing the most appropriate ending form from the box below, ~olde/ae -~AAAS/AAS ~QUCH ~OIASUCH/ASUCH ~QUDt 1) 2HS SUASUC We 2+asuc. x to ur t10 Sel SOs . =0l SUCH. 3) Fh Ol ABS SS 2 Ub: MSS SUC 4) A tir ato) Desa Tae ast presentation, @LECt to finish. 4-college student - 161- * (1-2) CS OSS SD OOF BB DEA. Listen to the conversation and choose the sentence that is connected. & # @ FLO SHA ARS, @ Sho] Uns SlHdg @ Sal saz Ad 2. © #308 HED AS BOl AS AOL. @ A= HSNO ARROW, @AS B02? * (3-4) CS USS SD PEO SStAl2. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions, & # 3. CUMS AS SSO A a2? > 12 Oo Nee 427 © 00 x ro te WoW Ja z= IQ. fp Zee. tS IQ. 1 ~ 162 - * (5-6) (S32 SD BLO] SStAlQ. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions, 4 2 5. 0 MBS SS SHB We? @ @ @ 6. Ol CSS] USA FE AS D=EHIQ. Choose the correct statement according to the conversation, Oo ABS AS HSol USC. @o ABS WHO Sos SSSuCt @ Ol ABS AS SS SAA SSLICt I 7, US AHS PAHOA? e ZO APHAl Bo SAl2. What are your plans for next year? Talk to your classmate about your plans as shown in the example. @ Uso] A= S50] ABZ ASLict AUCH 222 2s= vol # AAUCH = 163 - {a 47] Reading and Writing and choose the incorrect statement. *(1-2) CSS AD 229) WSa CE AS DEA. Read the passage A= SELSCALUC. SHSUC. NS Se] S¥S BUC. SHE ow ZeNADH USC, SH Ho] VSASiCt. Hl SOt OSC MESLICH. Teh OlBclol SAS Bol FAs Ch. HE OSclol SAS BH SOSUC. HAD WAS SFSU Ch. SH MOASUC. SH] SHS ASCH. AeA Uo! oleel Od Ree 2 AUCH. © AEUS MS] Aor oletzlor AHEFILICH. O1Be10K aly @ SEU AS Oleelotol SiC @ USO oleelotol ste 2 ZAILICH. A Oldi2. SH0ldi2. ME ole 2. ME SSS FHA. A7Ns-D +9 " 3 bn = ~ bi 0 = pa wv fu SOW. Ste YBatail AL Boe. A312 SOL @ AelAoAal Set 4aSo A Adie. ~ 16d - «(3-4) CSS AD ZL] SStl@. Read the passaage and answer the questions, Jt HOLA. AeA dae, TelD wot = olaiate sha ead Seaa. = au Nao #30] 2d. HS IS EWE Be Fore. Ut Isa SSUA SHAS we AML. CUA WE HW sas SHae? CUA WE AM Sol 2012? 5. Ce A FAO! WAAL? *(6-9) ANE WAS Aa 6. ue Ae Hoe? 7. Ol eto A BAM? 8. UG OS AZO] Loser 9, 54 20] PE AZO! WHS? = 165 - SAB (100-120) * (1~2) 1BS SD ( ol 82 AS DESAI. Look at the picture and choose the most appropriate word. 1 JH OM O1CLO 22? LE: ( )o 2012. O#e2 OfSH2 @OAet @ Bsa 2, It FBO AS Hae? LE: ( )2 AGI. Oar @ a8 @zs @ ast % (3~4) ( ol SXES AS DEAA. Choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank. 3. SHI AAS. Det ECOL ( a2. @ a8 Qe Oss @ Sot 4, Dez 32. Dae ( ) He, @ 72 @ va O37 @2 * (5~7) HODES ABSA BS AS VEAAl2. Choose the incorrect antonym pair. 5. @ AZO! ACH > AZO! SCH @ st ect @ St = OAC @acd 6. © SAt SCH SMI UMC @ ACh ASC @ 20+ 25 @ A = oe ~ 166 - 7. @® SHO! AC SO! SCt @ MCh > HIMECH @ At ACh @# Ho ot * (8~9) USB A AD 0/7} 2S AS DEAAS. Choose the same meaning with the underlined words. 8. Ji SSO SHI MOURA? Ur Ul, MOMS. Awe SASLICH Fe HO! AHS aesuct @ @ A8Sl AM @ @ zene w 9.9: SS AS 20 Se727 LU: Oletae. SS HSS He. Bol Wae. of Bore @ 442 42 2 Bb Ob Q fo e ic alo HOE % (10~11) BE & S=0] Sel AS DESMA. Choose the sentence with the incorrect words. 10.0 Ste HS AHS SHA. DelD OS SHS Forde. @ HOSS OMS. DeA SD oF Zag. @ OS SHolla. Ded Aes] Sra. @ Hee aNd. DHA CUAS Szodia. - 167 - x (12~15) ( )ol SRS BH DSAA. Choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank. 12. Al ALC ) EAD &( ) hee? © i, OA @=, aA @ OA, ao @Oue 13. Kit FAO HRC ) FAC ) BOL? ® 62, ol @ 2,2 OWA, = @ a, ol @ AHA, @ AHA, 6 15, ASO OSHA API ( ). 22HA Ue DSal ( ). @ 2 Ang, 2 HWS @ #02, 2 HHS @ 2 Ang, RAS @ 202, RAS (16~18) SAO] Het OOFALIMN? SHE AS DEAAIS. What are the sentences below about? Choose the most appropriate answer. 16, oh LS Up: \ o ® 17. (o: wstol Soe B ro1a ) Us BRIM Bol oltola. se gol # Hole Ik DAG SSS AN6l sala. ~ 168 - #20 S47! AW? dae. Molde. AI MOLAS? + Bot] SO! Monae. ro HBO Be @ i 1 BA % (19~20) SS AD BSOl SSA Al. Read the conversation and answer the questions. AzA We OICIOIA Bala? > AE sts eadaA ede. H= TBS Soe. VA mole.os. 2k NS Tes SoS. SFO] MIA oleol J Hole. oe BA Get Ie? Ur SOQ. 127 Lol HMSO! Lois. F Aol Pena Jb S, = At OHS? Ur Ul, = Alo HMSOIA GUS, NL _ 19, A21A We oH OBO BetLDt © lee Soa, @ Also og. @ QFH) 2aH2. @2 gag. io WW alo 2 HAUSAA Bae. AS = NG Ste. @ SAS HUSA SUA, = 169 - a WW oy FEES (Class Activity) qusla. AV AssaSU. AF th So] YE BSH BS Ao} FAs. (SIE 2B) BHF Hol PO FE AWA =, O/H A PVanuneneee eee SLID}? THO Ltt FAL.) > 2H SMSUC FRAZ AAS MaAIQ. NS SA BS Seu? PVAML EER Eee = = HRUZ ATS MHIQ_ ASU? > 3H uct. As Deo S40 2 8 EMMU UH MH ENE o ee god] Bao] exh ay ‘OL’ 2 MHIQ, - 170 - # SHISUCH DIA HY Se oO] HOlAS| AAS Sala. RSuUD HUGH HEMEL # So NS Sa. PVAML EER Eee HUGH HEMEL 7H SMSC. SA0 UAL. AI ¢eUAae? HSAs MAI. = HUGH HEMEL -an- ¢ 8H SHISLUC. Cee Ne ASSUCH. A 29 AHIQ. 2.220 =0l 32. so AS EWS Ma? HUGH HEMEL HUGH HEMEL = = 10H SHQUC. DIA Be SB Hols NAs SMe. teste Ae Stade. PSS SOHL. AMSA PSS Ob AQ. AS A Sol Ade, +AS Al So WL. Dela +Ae Ala Sal wa2. HUGH HEMEL (Ft OFIYILA) StS LIT}? FSPSILICH. OF HASSE QE BAS) SMASLCH ZAAPSILICH)

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