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Name: Camacho, Justin Maree D.

Program & Year: AR – 1 Section: A2 GED102 - MMW
Practice Activity
Student No.: 2017142110 Date: June 20, 2020 4th Quarter 2019-2020

Provide a detailed solution to each problem.

1. Consider a circle with 𝑛 points plotted distinctively along its circumference. Determine the number
of non-overlapping regions in the interior region of the circle.
a. Complete the table below and exhibit a diagram for 𝑛 = 4 and 𝑛 = 5. The cases for 𝑛 = 1,2,3
are shown for your reference.
# of points 1 2 3 4 5
Max # of regions 1 3 4 8 16

Diagram: n=1 n=2 n=3

n=4 n=5

b. State your conjecture about the maximum number of regions for any number “n” of points.
• The maximum number of religions for any numbers ‘n’ of point can be expressed by:
• 2^(n-1)

c. Validate your conjecture by checking the cases of n=6 and n=7. Draw diagrams below.
• There is a conjecture that states that if the process is repeated, with more connected to
each other along the edge of the circle. However, conjecture is not always absolute as of
the last 2^(n-1), just like n=6, when a religion is equal to 6 then the region is equal to 6
however there is only 31 region in a 6 point circle.
n=6 = 2^5 = 32 n=7 = 2^6 = 64

2. Consider the Pascal’s triangle shown below (read the literature if you are not familiar about this
array of numbers).

Find the sum of the numbers in each row, except row 0, of the portion of Pascal’s triangle.
a. What pattern do you observe concerning these sums?
• The pattern I observed concerning these sums is the sum of the numbers in row n is
equal to 2^n.

b. What can justify this pattern?

• Based on my observation, the sum of the number in row 3 is equal to 2^3 is equal 8
(3=2^3=8), the sum of the number in row 3 =1+3+3+1=8. N is the number of rows. 2^n is
the sum of the numbers in the row.

c. Predict the sum of the numbers in row 9 of Pascal’s triangle.

• The sum of the numbers in row 9 is equal to 2^9 = 512
3. A square floor is tiled with congruent square tiles. The tiles on the two
diagonals of the floor are blue. The rest of the tiles are green. If 101
blue tiles are used, find the total number of tiles on the floor.
• There are two ways for diagonal to cross, they either meet
in one time or not and form a solid four-square in the
middle. If they meet in a four-square, the two diagonals
are same in size and the total number of squares on two
diagonals in an even number. Each diagonal has the same
number of tiles, but if one is thrown out because it was counted twice, we will get 101.

51+51 = 102

102-1 = 101

Therefore, each diagonal has 51 squares. Then, if 5-tile diagonal is used, each diagonal
tile translates into one row and column of tiles.

51^2 = 2601 tiles to cover the floor

4. Four people on one side of a river need to cross the river in a boat that can carry a maximum load of
180 pounds. The weights of the people are 80, 100, 150, and 170 pounds.
a. Explain how the people can use the boat to get everyone to the opposite side of the river.
• CROSSING 1: Persons weighing 80 and 100 pounds, cross
• CROSSING 2: Persons weighing 80 pounds, returns
• CROSSING 3: Persons weighing 150 pounds, crosses
• CROSSING 4: Persons weighing 100 pounds, returns
• CROSSING 5: Persons weighing 170 pounds, crosses
• CROSSING 6: Persons weighing 150 pounds, returns
• CROSSING 7: Persons weighing 80 and 100 pounds, cross
• CROSSING 8: Persons weighing 80 pounds, returns
• CROSSING 9: Person weighing 150 pounds, crosses
• CROSSING 10: Persons weighing 100 pounds, returns
• CROSSING 11: Persons weighing 80 and 100 pounds, cross
b. What is the minimum number of crossings that must be made by the boat?
• The minimum number of crossing that must be made by the boat is the crossing 11 with
persons weighing 80- and 100-pounds cross.

5. In the movie “Die Hard: With a Vengeance”, Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson are given a 5-gallon
jug and a 3-gallon jug and they must put exactly 4 gallons of water on a scale to keep a bomb from
exploding. Explain how they could accomplish the task.
• The way of filling 4 gallons of water in a jug:
• Step 1: fill the 3-gallon jug
• 2: empty the water in 3-gallon jug into gallon
• 3: again, fill the 3-gallon jug
• 4: then, empty the water in 3-gallon jug till 5-gallon jug is full

Now, we are left with 1-gallon of water on the 3-gallon jug.

• 5: empty the water in 5-gallon or empty the jug

• 6: transfer 1-gallon from 3-gallon to 5-gallon jug

Then, we have 1-gallon of water in the 5-gallon jug.

• 7: fill the 3-gallon jug

• 8: and, empty the water in 3-gallon jug into 5-gallon

Therefore, we have 4-gallons of water in the 5-gallon jug which can be then transferred into
the scale.

6. Select a two-digit number between 50 and 100. Add 83 to your number. From this number form a
new number by adding the digit in the hundreds place to the number formed by the other two digits
(the digits in the tens place and the ones place). Now subtract this newly formed number from your
original number. Perform the process in 2 trials.
a. Trial 1
• Selecting a two-digit number between 50 – 100, say 60
• 60+83 = 143
• 1+43 = 44
• 60-44 = 16

b. Trial 2
• Another random number between 50 – 100, say 99
• 99+83 = 182
• 1+82 =83
• 99-83 = 16

c. What can you conclude from the 2 trials?

• Therefore, it is valid for any random number selected from the given range.

d. Justify your answer in (c).

• In selecting numbers from the given range in just two trials gave us the same result so based
on that observation any number raging from even or odd numbers the result will be valid.

7. Identify the teams (hint: Mapua is a member) in the NCAA Basketball tournament.
a. If each team is to play with another team once (single round-robin) in the elimination round,
then how many basketball games are played in the elimination?
1. San Beda Red Lions
2. Lyceum Pirates
3. Letran Knights
4. San Sebastian Golden Stags
5. College of St. Benilde Blazers
6. Mapua Cardinals
7. Jose Rizal University Bombers
8. Perpetual Altas
9. Arellano Chiefs
10. Emilio Aguinaldo College Generals
• 1v2, 1v3. 1v4, 1v5, 1v6, 1v7, 1v8, 1v9 1v10= 9 games
• 2v3, 2v4, 2v5, 2v6, 2v7, 2v8, 2v9, 2v10= 8 games
• 3v4, 3v5, 3v6, 3v7, 3v8, 3v9, 3v10= 7 games
• 4v5, 4v6, 4v7, 4v8, 4v9, 4v10= 6 games
• 5v6, 5v7, 5v8, 5v9, 5v10= 5 games
• 6v7, 6v8, 6v9, 6v10= 4 games
• 7v8, 7v9, 7v10= 3 games
• 8v9, 8v10= 2 games
• 9v10= 1 game


b. Generalize your answer in (a) for any number “n” (# of teams).

• =(n-1)*5
• =(10-1)*5
• =45

c. What if the elimination is done in double round-robin (that is, each team plays with another
team twice)?
• There are total of game times two
• 45^2 = 90 games

d. Generalize your answer in (c) for any number “n” (# of teams).

• =(n-1)*5*2
• =(10-1)*5*2
• =45*2
• =90

8. Consider the 4 by 5 grid shown on the right. Your objective is to

move from point A to point B. Note that you can only move
“forward” in the direction towards point B.
a. How many different routes can you traverse? (you may need
first to “experiment” on smaller grids, like 1 by 1, 1 by 2, 2 by
2, etc.)
• If its survey by broken open traverse will need to
measure the azimuth of each traverse section as to process, in addition to distance and
elevation. First is we need to determine the x and y axis direction of the grid, which in
this case is 4+5=9. We need 9 steps to reach B, so to find how many routes to get to B.
in this case we can choose either 4 or 5. We can use the combination formula in this
• Thus, 9C4 is equal to 126.
• Or 9C5 will also equal to 126.
• Therefore, there are 126 different routes to reach point A from B.
b. Obtain a similar result if the grid is a 10 by 10.

• 10 + 10 = 20 steps
• Combination, 20C10 = 184, 750 routes
• Therefore, in a 10 by 10 grids there will be 184, 750 routes to reach point A from B.

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