Business and Legal Environment: Subject Code: Bus 208 ID: 171011171

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ID: 171011171

Ans to the question No 1 -

1. It is an offer as the statement from Alvin is directed to Samuel and set out with details.
It should be confirmed whether it is an offer or invitation to treat. it’s a Bilateral offer.
The offer price is very much specific which is Alvin offered to sell Samuel.

Ans to the question No 2 -

2. An invitation to treat is different to an is only invites the party to make an offer
and it is not intended to be binding. An offer is a statement of the terms which the
offeror is prepared to be contractually bound

Ans to the question No 3:

3 They cannot bring a case against Mr Toyota. No fraud being committed by Mr Toyota.
So, corporate veil should not be lifted because, There is no contract between them that he
wasn’t allowed to buy and sell like in the case Gilford Motor Co Ltd v Horne.

Ans to the question No 4:

4 Mary can’t file a case against her husband. An agreement between a husband and wife is
often times such a form of agreement . This agreement is sometimes termed an allowance
however , these agreements are not contracts because the parties did not intend that they
should be attened by legal consequences Balfour v Balfour case

Ans to the question No 5

5 Yes , Richard can bring a claim against Bill and the chocolate be considered as
consideration. consideration means something which is of some value in the eye of the law. A
valid contract must be supported by consideration. where Bills promised and accepted Richard
chocolate and it was good consideration case thomas

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