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Henry Tompkin 21/02/2017 Ms Miller

The Name of The Wind

By: Patrick Rothfuss

The book is called The Name of the Wind, and it is written an author I had never read
before, Patrick Rothfuss. This had me a little worried, as I usually dislike books my friends
suggest. Instead The book “The Name of the Wind” was an amazing read and I would
recommend it to anyone.

The Name of the Wind, Day One of the Kingkiller Chronicles, quickly made its way into my
top fantasy series list. The book, which is essentially an autobiography of a once famous
now reclusive musician, arcanist and adventurer named Kvothe, is revolutionary – to my
eyes at least – in its storytelling method. For the most part as an autobiography starts,
finishes, and occasionally reverts to a narrative story of the interview from where the story
comes from.

The story wraps around Kvothe’s life just as you would want, exploring his journey from
childhood into adolescence, and a little of the way into maturity. The universe in which this
story is set is well created. This includes everything from a more a style of magic than to
making storytelling and music a large part of the story.

Kvothe’s life is very much split into sections. The second section of Kvothe’s life depicts his
life at the University, and his re-entry into music. His love for the beautiful Denna is a heart-
breaking and funny story, while his deeds and misdeeds at the University make for
compelling read.

But throughout the novel there are hints at the whole of Kvothe’s life. The series is called
the Kingkiller Chronicles, but we don’t know which king Kvothe killed or why. His talents are
obviously well known throughout the lands, yet he has only made himself known in the city
of Tarbean. And revenge must be taken on the Chandrian. The story also explains attempts
to regain entry into the University library after he was banned for life from ever entering.

Patrick Rothfuss is, in my opinion, is an amazing story teller. This Book The name of the wind
in my opinion is a wonderful book and I am currently reading the next book in the Kingkiller
Series, Day Two, Wisemans Fear.
Henry Tompkin 21/02/2017 Ms Miller

Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire

By: J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling was a wonderful read that I would
recommend to anyone that will listen. It is full of plot twists and that adventure to find the
culprit. The writer of the series named Harry Potter is J.K. Rowling and writes beautifully like
you’re by the side of Harry and his friends on his adventure together.

Through this book Harry is thrown into the Triwizard Cup to try to win but for him it is more
to stay alive. I believe that he is very calm in situations like this and handles them very well.
From reading this book I have learned that fame is not everything and that Harry and his
friends are a great team together. I have also learned that good friends are invaluable and
are very good and support you through bad and good.

During the tri wizard tournament for the 2 nd challenge they had to save someone they cared
about from the depths of the lake and Harry got there first. He chose to stay behind to make
sure every person for the 4 challengers survived. Because one contestant did not show up,
he chose to save two people, which he was not allowed to do, so he got attacked by
Merpeople. He survived and showed great heroism and I thought that he did a wonderful
job. I was impressed by this action and would want to be more like him. He showed integrity
in this situation and I believe we should all be more like Harry Potter.

One of the aspects of the text I liked was the way J.K. Rowling approached conflict. The way
she writes about this area of the book is enjoyable and exciting at the same time. I
appreciate the way she writes is a great contribution to the book and to the series. Another
aspect of the is book is the use of dialogue. The dialogue provides an insight to the tones
and attitudes of the characters to help inform the reader of the feel of the situation.

In conclusion, the book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Written by J.K. Rowling is a
wonderful read that I would suggest to anyone. With intense conflict and jaw dropping
action the story depicts the life of a 14-year-old boy with the talent and skill of the world.
Henry Tompkin 21/02/2017 Ms Miller

Enemy Camp

The book “Enemy Camp” written by David hill is a great read and tells a great historical
retelling of the Featherston incident. The book is set during the period near the end of the
war. The book is written in diary entries which really relates to young and old readers alike.

The Featherston Incident has become known as a shameful event in New Zealand history
but after reading David Hill’s junior story of this event I would say it was inevitable and
understandable. Featherston was home for up to 600 Japanese prisoners from 1943 to the
end of the war. The prisoners were a mixture of civilians and soldiers and sailors captured by
the Allies. This story is told in diary form by Ewen a boy in year 7 whose father works in
Featherstone camp and had been a soldier in Greece, who lost part of his arm in war against
the Germans. His humanitarian stance throughout the story is a highlight and an example to

Ewen has friends Clarry and Barry Morris with Clarry suffering from polio. His story is also an
example to all of us. The boys attend school at a time when you had ink monitors who filled
the inkwells from a large bottle and teachers who would rap you across the knuckles for
holding your pencil wrong. The boys are given Japanese lessons from an English-speaking
Japanese officer called Ito. From him they learn that for the Japanese in the camp “for us to
be prisoner is to be dead person”.

Their willingness to learn from a different culture is a great role model and is a great story. It
shows commitment, and when the “incident,” happens they feel for the Japanese. This
Wonderfully written book in short diary entries that young students can easily read, you
have great historical fiction. The account of the event itself with the boys looking on is
sensitively done. A very well written novel.
Henry Tompkin 21/02/2017 Ms Miller

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

The Movie Catching Fire by Susanne Collins, the second Movie in the Trilogy of the Hunger
games is a great watch. The lead character Katniss Everdeen played by Jennifer Lawrence
portrays a strong independent woman who is a futuristic woman focused on just surviving.

After the events from the first movie Katniss was convinced that winning the life or death
contest she would not have to compete any longer. But President Snow had other ideas.
Being thrown back into the mix in the 75 th year anniversary event Katniss must battle her
way through again. With Snow trying to kill her ideas and what she stands for. But this does
not go so well. With a gripping thriller the second book in the series makes you want to
watch it again on.

In this movie, the dystopian regime is trying to neutralize the threat of Katniss, by changing
what she symbolizes, tarnishing her, or just destroying her outright. And Katniss,
meanwhile, is just trying to protect her family and figure out what to do with her newfound
status as Victor and as revolutionary symbol. With Katniss being a role model to all with her
strong will and her will to fight.

This book really relates to me because I strive to be an independent person. The Movie
directed by Francis Collins is a great watch and I would recommend to anyone. I am really
looking forward to the next in the trilogy.
Henry Tompkin 21/02/2017 Ms Miller

The Outsiders

The book the outsiders written by S.E. Hinton is a great read and an award-winning book.
The book won the Margret Edwards Award. Hinton Wrote this book at the age of 16 and the
book has become very well known. The Outsiders is about two weeks in the life of a 14-
year-old boy. The novel tells the story of Ponyboy Curtis and his struggles with right and
wrong in a society in which he believes that he is an outsider.

Ponyboy and his two brothers Darrel who is 20 and Sodapop, who is 16 have recently lost
their parents in an automobile accident. Pony and Soda can stay under Darry's guardianship
as long as they all behave themselves. The boys are greasers, a class term that refers to the
young men on the East Side, the poor side of town. The greasers rivals are the Socs, short
for Socials, who are the West-side rich kids.

The book is a story of great sadness that I cannot really relate to. I have not lost ay on my
family or extended family in my lifetime and hope not to in the near future. The story
following Ponyboy shows the lives of both sides of the “War.”

Hinton allows readers to take an active role in this story. She effectively utilizes
foreshadowing and almost challenges the reader to anticipate what is coming next. This
technique works well because it does not distract readers from the story's action; it
encourages critical thought and increases anticipation. I would suggest the Book the
outsiders to anyone that would like to have a good read.
Henry Tompkin 21/02/2017 Ms Miller

Ned Kelly

The Book Ned Kelly Written by Peter Fitzsimmons, finished on November 1 st, 1947 is a great
read I would suggest to anyone. Historians still disagree over virtually every aspect of the
eldest Kelly boy's brushes with the law. Did he or did he not shoot Constable Fitzpatrick at
their family home? Was he a lawless thug or a noble Robin Hood, a remorseless killer or a
crusader against oppression and discrimination? The History of Ned Kelly is revealed in
these pages.

The blurb describes the book and Ned Kelly very well “Love him or loathe him, Ned Kelly has
been at the heart of Australian culture and identity since he and his gang were tracked
down in bushland by the Victorian police and came out fighting, dressed in bulletproof iron
armour made from farmers’ ploughs.” The Blurb sums up the life of Ned Kelly until his final

The book is an 846-page collection of Ned Kelly and his family’s life. With a non-fiction like
telling the book brings you into a world of the past. I would suggest this book to anyone that
enjoys non-fiction. The first few hundred pages are about the young years of Ned Kelly that
all children can relate to as a role model. The book written by Peter Fitzsimons with the
diary entry style to it. This book is a wonderful but a hard read that would be suited for
older readers that want to learn.

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