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Fundamentals of English -II


ID: 171011171

Answer1- Emma is feeling very angry and that too with a good reason and is determined to talk
to James as she thought that James might have messed the kitchen floor and the cupboard and
has come home in absence of everyone by skipping his classes.
Answer2- Two physical signs of fear shown by Emma are:
● When her heart was pounding against her ribs as she opened the kitchen door and
ventured into the hallway.
● When Emma arrived at her own bedroom door and she was sweating.
Answer3- James gave Emma a look which described that he was totally unaware of what
happened and was astonished to hear Emma claim that he came home in absence of everyone
by skipping his classes which he did not do, and the look on James’s face made it evident that
he was incomprehensible of the situation Emma was stating to him.
Answer4- An intruder barged into the house with the intention of theft and had left the
muddy footprints, shifted the teabags and left the drawer open. The intruder got inside the
cupboard thinking that he would find something to steal from inside the cupboard but
unfortunately got locked in and was knocking persistently to come out of the cupboard.
Answer5- Emma was staggering because she was carrying heavy bags of groceries all alone and
also had to unlock and open the door at the same time.
Answer6- The most unpleasant change Emma found in the house after entering her home was
the muddy footprints all over the floor.
Part B
Writing essay

Introduction : my experience of learning the English language was interesting , challenging and
satisfying. My education in English began at home with my parents communicating with me in
English . while my mother was a full time homemaker , my father was a government employee .
since my mother spent most of her time at home , I was able to learn English language more
from my mother. On the other hand my father with his busy schedule he devoted that to
teaching me the English language .Therefore both my parents were responsible for imparting
the education of English language to me. Accordingly , I consider it as a blessing to be born and
raised in an good supportive family.
Body : At the age of seven ,I entered a new phase of erudition when I joind a primary school.
Again this was an altogether new and unparalleled experience for me. I was taken to a new
level of knowledge in learning English. Upon completing my primary school education , I joined
the secondary school at the age of 13. it is imperative to mention that at the secondary school
and during my form 1, 2,3 I had learnt how to ask and answer questions. in addition , I had also
learnt to read a variety of different texts, Morever , i found that this level of education in
English language helped me to improve my reading as well as anatycal skills for answering
questions. I could see myself growing with confidence in replying to questions in English . with
this level of education in English I was progressing with my interpersonal skills too.
Conclusion : For the most part, learning English language has been an interesting and a
challenging journey for me owning to all the cycle that I have gone through to achievea certain
level of proficiency in English . I have also come to a conclusion that the method of teaching will
very depending on the age factor. whatever the means and methods be , I believe a learner is
always eager to learn English as a tool be my side , I can surely aim to reach the high echelons
of my education and career.

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