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→→ Flame cutting

Flame cutting.
Effective and efficient with acetylene.
02 Flame cutting

Rapid preheating, optimal speed, clean cuts. Flame

cutting with oxy-acetylene.

Flame cutting, whether by hand or by machine, is one of the main fields of application for
the highly effective oxy-acetylene flame. Flame cutting is a labour-intensive process. 80 to
90 % of total costs are costs for labour and equipment. So in this respect, the high flame
­efficiency of the acetylene gas pays off extremely well:
→→ Rapid preheating for starting the cutting process or for piercing holes
→→ Optimal cutting speed (even with rusty, scaled or primed sheet metal)

With oxy-acetylene, sharp-cut edges, smoothly cut surfaces and easily removable slag are
guaranteed, regardless of the type of cut – even if extreme bevel cuts are required.
Flame cutting 03

Case study: Mechanised oxyfuel cutting of 25-mm mild steel with Costs of labour and equipment
45° bevel Acetylene Heating oxygen Cutting oxygen

LPG Acetylene
Fuel gas (l/m) 31.67 19.52
Heating oxygen (l/m) 125 25.24
Cutting oxygen (l/m) 316.67 171.43
Cutting performance (m/h) 12 21
Processing cost reduction (%) - 42.85
Total cost reduction (%) - 42.54

Comparison of Costs for cutting case study

Processing Heating gas Cutting gas


Costs of labour
and equipment
Relative costs



LPG Acetylene 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Material thickness (mm)

04 Flame cutting

Hot, fast and easy to adjust. The outstanding

properties of the oxy-acetylene flame.
For cutting applications, the high flame temperature and concentrated at imperfections on the surface of the metal, the cut continues smoothly
heat of the oxy-acetylene flame provide the extra energy that makes where oxy-acetylene is used.→
oxy-acetylene cut through steel quicker than any other fuel gas. This →
means not only less gas for each and every cut, but, in addition, greater Flame adjustability presents a further advantage. Thanks to the sharply
productivity to produce more goods with the same labour and the same defined primary cone, it is easy to adjust the oxy-acetylene flame sim-
machine.→ ply by observing its appearance. Moreover, by setting a neutral flame,
→ the operator knows that the mix ratio is optimised and will not affect
Even at high cutting speeds, the oxy-acetylene flame still provides plen- the metallurgical properties of the plate to be cut.
ty of heat. And while using other fuel gases may lead to unsteady cuts →

Flame cutting 05

Cutting and piercing performance.

Good quality is the essence of machine cutting. Therefore, a high Furthermore, no other fuel gas produces faster starts. The concentrated
­cutting speed at the expense of the cutting quality is not acceptable – heat of the oxy-acetylene flame rapidly heats up the edge of the metal
especially if the high speed results in slag fusing on the bottom edge, to the ignition temperature and the cut starts very quickly. The same
tapered cuts, or excess melting at the top edge. Such imperfections are applies for piercing, where the oxy-acetylene flame also guarantees
often a sign that inferior fuel gases have been used. The oxy-­acetylene fast starts and high productivity.
flame, however, maintains a good cut quality even at high cutting
speeds. →

Oxyfuel preheat times for mild steel Flame temperatures fuel gas/oxygen
Acetylene Propane Methane


Cutting preheat time (s)




5 3,000

Flame temperature (°C)

Material thickness (mm)


Oxyfuel cutting speeds for mild steel
Acetylene Propane Methane

900 Methane


600 Propane
Cutting speed (m/s)




200 2,600
0 1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4 1:5 1:6
Fuel gas/oxygen ratio (m /m ) 3 3

0 50 100 150
* Hydrogen produces an invisible flame, making it both difficult an dangerous to use.
Material thickness (mm)
06 Flame cutting

Cutting nozzles.

The latest types of flame cutting machines and technically advanced

cutting nozzles contribute to the high cost efficiency in flame cutting
with acetylene. The selection of a cutting nozzle depends on whether
it is to be used for manual or mechanised cutting. Higher demands in
­cutting quality and cutting speed also require close attention to the
design and quality of the cutting nozzles.

Applications of various nozzle designs:

→→ Standard nozzles – cutting oxygen pressure up to 6 bar.→
Used in manual torches.
→→ High-speed nozzles – cutting oxygen pressure up to 8 bar.→
Faster cutting speed than standard nozzles.
→→ High-performance nozzles – cutting oxygen pressure up to 12 bar.→
Preferred for economical mechanised cutting.
→→ Oxygen curtain nozzles – advanced from high-performance nozzles.→
Specially designed for straight cuts.
Flame cutting 07

Far more than just gases. Linde supports

you with equipment and services.
Today’s business environment is marked by continuous change and To find out more about the specific gases, equipment and service →
increasing complexity. Rising safety and environmental standards offers available, please contact your local Linde sales representative →
demand increased compliance, while technical innovations force or ­customer service agent.
­companies to optimise and redefine their processes. Therefore, you
require a partner who understands your need for increased efficiency,
state-of-the-art equipment, extensive services and reliable safety – in
other words: a partner who has the right solution for every situation.

Whatever your cutting application, Linde can provide the right

→→ Gases
→→ Gas supply equipment
→→ Cutting equipment
→→ Consumables
→→ Safety equipment
→→ Technical support
→→ Training
Getting ahead through innovation.
With its innovative concepts, Linde is playing a pioneering role in the global market. As a technology leader, it is our task→
to constantly raise the bar. Traditionally driven by entrepreneurship, we are working steadily on new high-quality products→
and innovative processes.→

Linde offers more. We create added value, clearly discernible competitive advantages, and greater profitability. →
Each concept is tailored specifically to meet our customers’ requirements – offering standardised as well as customised →
solutions. This applies to all industries and all companies regardless of their size.→

If you want to keep pace with tomorrow’s competition, you need a partner by your side for whom top quality, process→
optimisation, and enhanced productivity are part of daily business. However, we define partnership not merely as being→
there for you but being with you. After all, joint activities form the core of commercial success.

Linde – ideas become solutions.

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