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I ALWAYS try to be diplomatic with family and friends that I don't agree with and prefer not to go around

with a chip on my shoulder, picking fights, but when my ultra-right ex-brother-in-law made this
unsolicited hateful and judgmental comment about my new cover photo, one that only a blindly
Trumpish ideologue who couldn't care less about anyone else's feelings would consider posting, I had no
choice but to reply! It's a sad fact that people like him can't help being duped by that dangerously
incompetent con man who lied himself into office and had done our country such damage it will take
years to undo! Fortunately, he's also been a much-needed wake up to a citizenry who were too
complacent to prevent his rise to power. Fortunately, as much as he tries to imitate Hitler's playbook.
he's NOT a fearless street fighter and canny politician like good ol' Adolph, he's just a mushroom dick
tiny hand coward who hid behind fake bone spurs and uses three inch elevator shoes and a dreadful
comb-over! who only escaped rightful impeachment by conspiring with his treasonous power mad
Republican cronies in the Senate!



Tom Edwards

Get back on your meds and get a new cover photo

Tim Kiehl


I don’t want us to be enemies and have always tried to be friendly but I didn’t force you to look
at my Facebook page like you Trumpish fools are always forcing everyone to endure your own
constant moronic attacks and idiotic protests. And if your dedication to this dangerous con man
interferes with us being friends that’s on you too. I don’t hold your hateful beliefs against you
but if you can’t accept others without vitriol and anger then I think it’s more a reflection on you
than on me!
And maybe of you’d dare to expose yourself to what that asshole calls “fake news” instead of
watching the lies on FAUX NEWS you might even change your tune. This troglodyte is the
greatest threat to our democracy we’ve seen in modern time. He breaks the law repeatedly and
with impunity with the support of those dreadful sycophants in the Republican Party for whom
power is more important than patriotism.
The man is not only dangerously narcissistic incompetent but he’s also criminally incompetent.
Oh, yes, and he’s also a criminal who repeatedly breaks =the law and defies the constitution
you “conservatives” so religiously misuse to back up your hateful ideology. It's a sad fact that
people like you that know nothing of history can't help being duped by that dangerously
incompetent con man who lied himself into office and had done our country such damage it will
take years to undo! Fortunately, he's also been a much-needed wake up to a lazy citizenry who
were too complacent to prevent his rise to power. Fortunately, as much as he tries to imitate
Hitler's playbook. he's NOT a fearless street fighter and canny politician like good ol' Adolph,
he's just a mushroom dick tiny hand coward who hid behind fake bone spurs and uses three
inch elevator shoes and a dreadful comb-over! who only escaped rightful impeachment by
conspiring with his treasonous power mad Republican cronies in the Senate!
So, If you’re too dense to see past your own bigotry and are unflinchingly wedded to an agenda
that is not only antithetical to real American values as delineated in a constitution that I’m very
sure you’ve never even read and which are actually dedicated to destroying this great republic
then please do us real patriots a favor and quit forcing your hateful idiocy on everyone else. In
other words - -- shut the fuck up!


I try to be diplomatic with family and don't go around picking fights and certainly don’t want us
to be enemies but I didn’t force you to look at my Facebook page. However, it seems that
Trumpish fools are not shy about forcing everyone to endure their own constant moronic
attacks and idiotic protests. And if your own dedication to this dangerous con man interferes
with us being friends that’s on you and not me. I don’t hold your hateful beliefs against you but
if you can’t accept others ideas, especially when they’re based on following the facts to find the
truth spoken without vitriol and anger then I think it’s more a reflection on the ignorant ravings
of brassy blowhard Trumpites like you than on me!

And maybe of you’d dare to expose yourself to what that asshole calls “fake news” instead of
swallowing the hatemongering of FAUX NEWS you might even change your tune. This insane
troglodyte is the greatest threat to our democracy we’ve seen in modern time. He breaks the
law repeatedly and with impunity with the support of those dreadful sycophants in the
Republican Party for whom power is more important than patriotism.

The man is not only dangerously narcissistic but he’s also criminally incompetent. Oh, yes, and
he’s really is a criminal who boldly and unrepentantly breaks the law and defies the constitution
you “conservatives” so religiously misuse to back up your hateful ideology. It's a sad fact that
people like you that know nothing of history can't help being duped by that dangerously
incompetent con man who lied himself into office and has done our country such damage it will
take years to undo! Fortunately, he's also been a much-needed wake up to a lazy citizenry who
were too complacent to prevent his rise to power and allow dog whistle sound bite political
hacks to control our governments. Fortunately, as much as Tiny Trump tries to imitate Hitler's
playbook, he's actually NOT a fearless and canny street fighter and savvy politician like good ol'
Adolph, he's just a mushroom dick tiny handed coward who hid behind fake bone spurs and
uses three inch elevator shoes with a dreadful comb-over that fools nobody but the fools who
follow him blindly! A filthy crook who only escaped rightful impeachment for his outrageous
criminal behavior by conspiring with his treasonous power mad Republican cronies in the
So, If you’re too dense to see past your own bigotry and are unflinchingly wedded to an agenda
that is not only antithetical to real American values of a constitution that I’m very sure you’ve
never even read and are deadly determined and dedicated to destroying this great republic
then please do us real patriots a favor and quit forcing your hateful idiocy on everyone else and
crawl back into your dim hole. In other words - -- shut the fuck up!!

I don’t want us to be enemies and have always tried to with the support of those dreadful
sycophants in the Republican Party for whom power is more important than patriotism.
The man is not only dangerously narcissistic incompetent but he’s also criminally incompetent.
Oh, yes, and he’s also a criminal who repeatedly breaks =the law and defies the constitution you
“conservatives” so religiously misuse to back up your hateful ideology. It's a sad fact that people
like you that know nothing of history can't help being duped by that dangerously incompetent
con man who lied himself into office and had done our country such damage it will take years to
undo! Fortunately, he's also been a muc- needed wake up to a lazy citizenry who were too
complacent to prevent his rise to power. Fortunately, as much as he tries to imitate Hitler's
playbook. he's NOT a fearless street fighter and canny politician like good ol' Adolph, he's just a
mushroom dick tiny hand coward who hid behind fake bone spurs and uses three inch elevator
shoes and a dreadful comb-over! who only escaped rightful impeachment by conspiring with his
treasonous power mad Republican cronies in the Senate!
So, If you’re too dense to see past your own bigotry and are unflinchingly wedded to an agenda
that is not only antithetical to real American values of a constitution that I’m very sure you’ve
never even read but actually dedicated to destroying this great republic then please do us real
patriots a favor and quit forcing your hateful idiocy on everyone else. In other words - -- shut the
fuck up!!

Since you've forced your Trumpish viewpoint onto me I thought it only fair that I make a doomed
attempt to educate you. I URGE you to open your eyes. Try reading David Brin's very informed and
intelligent posts regarding that madman you think is so great! Unfortunately for this country. I'm sure
you won't make even the slightest effort to open your mind to the facts! Then and only then will you too
start saying ...DUMP TRUMP (before it's too late!)

I don’t want us to be enemies and have always tried to be friendly but I didn’t force you to look
at my Facebook page like you Trumpish fools are always forcing everyone to endure your own
constant moronic attacks and idiotic protests. And if your dedication to this dangerous con man
interferes with us being friends that’s on you too. I don’t hold your hateful beliefs against you
but if you can’t accept others without vitriol and anger then I think it’s more a reflection on you
than on me!
And maybe of you’d dare to expose yourself to what that asshole calls “fake news” instead of
FAUX NEWS you might even change your tune. This troglodyte is the greatest threat to our
democracy we’ve seen in modern time. He breaks the law repeatedly and with impunity with the
support of those dreadful sycophants in the Republican Party for whom power is more important
than patriotism.
The man is not only dangerously narcissistic incompetent but he’s also criminally incompetent.
Oh, yes, and he’s also a criminal who repeatedly breaks =the law and defies the constitution you
“conservatives” so religiously misuse to back up your hateful ideology. It's a sad fact that people
like you that know nothing of history can't help being duped by that dangerously incompetent
con man who lied himself into office and had done our country such damage it will take years to
undo! Fortunately, he's also been a much needed wake up to a lazy citizenry who were too
complacent to prevent his rise to power. Fortunately, as much as he tries to imitate Hitler's
playbook. he's NOT a fearless street fighter and canny politician like good ol' Adolph, he's just a
mushroom dick tiny hand coward who hid behind fake bone spurs and uses three inch elevator
shoes and a dreadful comb-over! who only escaped rightful impeachment by conspiring with his
treasonous power mad Republican cronies in the Senate!
So, If you’re too dense to see past your own bigotry and are unflinchingly wedded to an agenda
that is not only antithetical to real American values of a constitution that I’m very sure you’ve
never even read but actually dedicated to destroying this great republic then please do us real
patriots a favor and quit forcing your hateful idiocy on everyone else. In other words - -- shut the
fuck up!!


I don’t want us to be enemies and have always tried to be friendly but I didn’t force you to look at my
Facebook page like you Trumpish fools are always forcing everyone to endure your own constant
moronic attacks and idiotic protests. And if your dedication to this dangerous con man interferes with us
being friends that’s on you too. I don’t hold your hateful beliefs against you but if you can’t accept
others without vitriol and anger then I think it’s more a reflection on you than on me!

And maybe of you’d dare to expose yourself to what that asshole calls “fake news” instead of FAUX
NEWS you might even change your tune. This troglodyte is the greatest threat to our democracy we’ve
seen in modern time. He breaks the law repeatedly and with impunity with the support of those
dreadful sycophants in the Republican Party for whom power is more important than patriotism.

The man is not only dangerously narcissistic incompetent but he’s also criminally incompetent. Oh, yes,
and he’s also a criminal who repeatedly breaks =the law and defies the constitution you “conservatives”
so religiously misuse to back up your hateful ideology. It's a sad fact that people like you that know
nothing of history can't help being duped by that dangerously incompetent con man who lied himself
into office and had done our country such damage it will take years to undo! Fortunately, he's also been
a much needed wake up to a lazy citizenry who were too complacent to prevent his rise to power.
Fortunately, as much as he tries to imitate Hitler's playbook. he's NOT a fearless street fighter and canny
politician like good ol' Adolph, he's just a mushroom dick tiny hand coward who hid behind fake bone
spurs and uses three inch elevator shoes and a dreadful comb-over! who only escaped rightful
impeachment by conspiring with his treasonous power mad Republican cronies in the Senate!

So, If you’re too dense to see past your own bigotry and are unflinchingly wedded to an agenda that is
not only antithetical to real American values of a constitution that I’m very sure you’ve never even read
but actually dedicated to destroying this great republic then please do us real patriots a favor and quit
forcing your hateful idiocy on everyone else. In other words - -- shut the fuck up!!

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