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(or, losing the peace)

By Tim Kiehl

Richard Gere is a consummate actor and, it seems, a progressive voice. In a recent interview, Mr. Gere did a good job calling out Trump for
the phony he is. As a skilled artist, Mr. Gere has undoubtedly developed an ability to recognize the craft
displayed by a fellow thespian also schooled in the Stanislavsky method of acting. As most in his
profession, trained for his many roles in the tried and true method of absorbing the character to be
emulated to recreate a persona with the artistry of his own style and energy on the stage he literally
immerses himself in the role. Extensive research of existing videos and writings by and about his subject
are studiously absorbed for guidance and might provide added insight.

Recently, after watching the overly dramatic and much publicized melodrama of Donald Trump’s rise
to power, Mr. Gere made public his conclusion regarding Mr. Trump. There seemed be an oddly
characteristic and haunting familiarity in his arrogant swagger as well as in the madly impassioned
manner of his wild oration that was again strangely so like …someone, someone or something from the
past, someone or something so abhorrent that at first, we may deny any similarity, our revulsion
overriding our reason.

It may also be found extremely amusing that the ultra-right wing racist members of the once great
Republican Party, the party of Jefferson, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Eisenhower, a party that has also
been repeatedly high jacked by wealthy special interest’s intent on their own aggrandizement, was to
call their nemesis, that “Blackenstein Monster”. One for whom they have instilled such a wrath and rage,
a socialist, a Fascist, even, in farcical fantasies, another Hitler. Indeed, a socialist, but a National
Socialist. A socialist dedicated to providing all the means and abilities of a government as a resource.
However, NOT a resource in aid of the needs and requirements of the very people consenting to be
governed, as enlightened values require. These villains pervert true socialism, that philosophy which
allows the ultimate producers of industrial productivity, the workers themselves, control of the means of
production through the protection of government oversight.

The rightful control of the means of production, the capital assets of a society, by the actual producers
of wealth, the workers who create that same wealth by the sweat of their brows while simultaneously
creating or manufacturing something of a sustainable and permanent values is wrenched from deserving
calloused hands, relegating them to be used in the sewers to wail and swale among refuse, collectively
searching for something of value in a world gone insane. In this modern pseudo-Libertarian version of
capitalism, the Capitalists, by the virtue of their wealth, possessions and position misdirect the assets of
the economy and the government into a warped welfare state devoting its entire economy to sustaining
their undeserved and unsustainable lifestyle.

While the error of bad judgments and decisions accumulate to the ruin of an uneducated worker, it is
seen as a negative result of his willful disregard of the nature the risks of life and he is justly condemned
to the unrelenting poverty of indebtedness, if not destitution. Irrationally and against all requirements of
logical necessity, in the warped sensibility of today’s far right political viewpoint the ridiculous and
reckless gambles of highly educated bankers and industrialists using money not even their own, in an
outrageous miscarriage of justice, are nurtured and coddled, as if some rare breed of resource, by them

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same government that turns a blind eye to the suffering of the citizens who assumed by their choice and
by their vote and participation in a democracy, to be governed in an enlightened and just manner.

These “super citizens”, made superior in their own eyes by the right of their wealth and status, and not
by the consent of the governed, promptly and efficiently are aided and abetted by a duly subservient
bureaucracy, requisitioned, reconstituted and recapitalized as they are sent on their merry way,
unmolested, un-judged and unpunished, to again act as irresponsible children erroneously bequeathed
the wealth and assets of a nation, to the detriment of all but themselves.

One thing the Nazi’s brilliant propagandist, good old Joe Goebbels said over and over again to all of his
collected cronies, ad nauseam, [to paraphrase] “tell a lie often enough and it becomes indistinguishable
from truth.” The budding Nuevo Oligarchs bent on control of our late great democracy and their Neocon
political tools have, since the administration of that Great Imposter, Reagan, been consistently and
eloquently twisting the facts with a deadly immunity to the truth. Passing this Orwellian Doublespeak
silently and stealthily below general notice for more than a generation. Minions such as Frank Luntz
plied a horrendous trade of doublespeak to an innocently naïve nation of gullible drones distracted by
the glittery baubles of consumerism. While possibly a legacy of Alzheimer’s, Reagan’s inspirational
institutionalization of the language of resentment in our common vocabulary in his speeches, oft they
themselves bordering on demagoguery. Referencing with a dull repetitiveness the same worn catch
phrases like “Welfare Mom” or “Anchor Baby”. Its nature of “Truthiness”, to utilize Colbert’s coinage,
relying on the propagandist's probabilistic certainty of Goebbels’s argumentum ad nauseam, i.e.
continuous repetition within media outlets until acceptance as fact. Add to this propaganda mix the
constant reminder of the fearful, dangerous nature of a world order overwhelmed by threats from those
hostile to our “values”, the boiling result of unjust resentment from ungrateful recipients of American
largess. A generalized unrelenting fear, fear of others without true

American values, of their unflinching dedication to violence, nay terrorism by those made to seem so
mysterious, so alien their mere existence must to generate a constant level of paranoid anxiety. An
anxiety skillfully manipulated and enhanced by a proliferation of obviously ostentatious programs
ostensibly created to monitor or safety and enfold us in safe strong arms of a gentle but firm father figure,
a personification of our homeland. To use a phrase so repugnant and reminiscent of yet another strangely
similar and not so distant perturbation of political vision, our Fatherland.

The brilliantly propagandized recapitalization of the inheritance tax, instituted by or founders to

discourage accumulation of wealth and its corrupting power, into a “Death Tax”, coupled with
conspiratorially inspired smatterings of “Government Takeover”, “Over-regulation” and
“Globalization” has made it abundantly clear to the deluded fearful, masses our meddling government
agencies are stifling the very ability of our generous wealthy “Job Creators” to sustain a “trickle down”
economy. Any resistance to these Oligarchs’ complete and unquestioned rule is not only futile, but
counters productivity! These are Americans that in the process of reaping their literally criminally
obscene profits and still unwilling to generously allow their peon class co-citizens the boon of earning
an individual working class living and the pride of self-reliance. Alternatively, failing that in this rigged
system, the presence of a civilized safety net to provide for their sustenance in the sad bitterness of a
failed life’s dream, a once so common “American Dream”, now more and more unattainable and beyond
reach, no matter your effort and labor. Tragically denying an old age retirement with the sure ability to
preserve their very own health, safety and quality of life with a bare necessity of human dignity.

At the same time these citizen politicians, these magnates of their own majority, the majority of their
money, a liquidity of ill-gotten gains derived from the sweat off the backs of real working people and
distilled out of the blood of a hemorrhaging middle class, use this money in the generation of their grossly

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unbalanced and disproportional level of political power. The heavy-handed clout of the Supreme Courts
biased, unconstitutional, and cogently irrational Citizens United ruling’s fist slamming down brutally on
the head and shoulders of the real citizens of these United States, trampling their interests while
protecting as if a babe in swaddling clothes the artificially created immortal sociopaths that corporations
have become. Injustice of such nature are only exacerbated and codified into legal insanity by the tragic
travesty of this decision.

Back to Richard Gere’s observation. With the Republican Party reaping the bitter fruit of their policy of
exclusion and fear mongering, they now garnish their political salad with the noxious weeds of Trump’s
successful demagoguery. Nevertheless, he did not “highjack” the party, he rather wooed the ignorant
troglodytes that the party’s own demagoguery has brought from the dim caverns of the fringe out into
the shining light of day. Into a daylight whose bright unyielding light exposes the repulsive deformity of
their figures to those who before had not seen them in their repugnant true and real form. Mitt Romney
tries as if a mad dog bent on consuming his own tail to distance his political party from its own hysterical
farcical fate.

Simultaneously and more and more repeatedly, others point out an eerie growing similarity on the
apparition of Trump’s character and methodology to those reprehensible perpetrators of the ultimate in
racism and uncontrolled capitalism, those two historically heinous dictators who, after gaining ultimate
control and willful obedience of the will of an entire population duped into insensitivity by the very fruit
of their arrogant insanity. Murdering tens of millions and plunged the world into a devastating war,
which embroiled every major nation in conflict and alliance to demolish and destroy their demented
progeny, children so vile as to be desperately in need of abortion; Racism. Nazism. Mussolini. And

But it’s not a very large leap to conclude that not only is Donald Trump a caricatured mimic of the traits
infamously displayed by these terrible tyrants, these demonic dictators of too, too recent legend. It is not
a far reach, especially to the right, because the Republican Party has already reached far, far into the
deep demagoguery of racism and fascism. Trump has repeatedly exposed the oft studiously ignored
similarities his political philosophy and that of the demented mentors of the original blemish that was
Fascism and Nazism. By his seemingly unsophisticated yet well planned and studied if obviously rather
insane ranting and raving madness one may find a true sophistication of purpose, even an ulterior and
fully rational motive. The elite but non-elect of the Neocon movement and their wealthy handlers have
also studied with morbid interest the teachings of their predecessors, ultimately seeking the forbidden
knowledge gained by the brutal if ephemeral success of their evolutionary political ancestors. In denying
the science of evolution they betray themselves again by acknowledging its efficacy in the slow
development of survival skills suited to disguise the new lethal parasitic predator, the Republican party
of today, hiding its obvious lineage to its ancestral roots, roots firmly embedded in the original soil and
nurtured by the foul fertilizer of death and destruction so replete with the hateful rhetoric of Fascism.

We now live in a time when the foxes literally guard the hen house. After years of deregulation of
industry, freeing the chained god of capitalism, unbound by onerous limits set by small minded
egalitarians bent on silly ideals such as social justice, capitalism is now free to rampage, rearing up its
hungry Godzilla head in greedy hunger eyeing its prey. Like Prometheus unbound, the once bookish
economic theory of Blake has become alive, and that life has been bestowed with increasing omnipotence
and omnipresence, as if a god in reality; or more portentous, a monstrous devil incarnate. Limits set by
what their treasured heard of pet intellects swarming among the profligate “Think Tanks” farms with
their “bought and paid for” analysis, conclusions biased by intent, and malice. Forgone conclusions,
prejudicial, yet set forth in a judgment of condemnation, our nation, our proud functional democratic
government, once a guiding vision of enlightenment, of enlightened SELF governance, once prophesied

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by Lincoln, “that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."
A Democratic Republic, falsely accused as an aberration grown into the apparition of a ghoulishly
vampiristically self-perpetuating state of bloodless, lifeless bureaucracy and unjustly condemned by a
powerful elite of hopeful Oligarchs in training, to a slow and terrible death by strangulation and
starvation, thus to be buried, half alive, half dead, undead.

Capitalism has, at first carnivorously, but now more and more harmfully and cannibalistic, ravenously
consumed at first most of the working and middle class, those not born to the silver spoon and with
minds trained from birth to the privilege of wealth, and rule. Not the trained hands that are stained in the
callouses of hard gainfully productive work. Theses hands, unrelenting in their death grip on the helm
and unerring in their path to ultimate domination will make a meal in multiple elegant courses of,
eventually, the entire world, its population and wealth of resources. Their gentle carnival masks unveiled,
brutish snout and gaping hellish maw exposing brutal teeth. Teeth grinding from the bloodied discarded
chaff of bone and gristle, a wealth of profits with its powerful slavering jaws. Jaws brutishly muscled by
an excess of power, an aberrant and unholy bestial power, the power derived from a lustful obsession to
a religion of greed. Power, paradoxically for such a carnivorous beast, derived from the subtle agriculture
of the seeding and nurture of political plants (pun intended). Plants sowed surreptitiously as tiny
unnoticed seeds by their minions who, influenced by the proximity to such wealth and power, fertilized
their deadly patch of weeds until they grew then as a powerful parasite on the once healthy roots of our
political structure. Sucking its vitality, its very juice of life, weakening it, trunk and branch, stem and
leaf, withering its hopeful spring buds by strangulation, choking off the very breath of ethical and good
practice. Our political structure, fruits lost or rotted, having been subverted, poisoned, strangled and left
to die unassisted on its once prolific vine, on our political structure murdered, for profit. Or rather, a
result of the final fatalistic act of an ignorant, uninformed, misguided, and terminally confused populace.
A voting public, an integral part of a democracy that has been disabled, rendered impotent, by floods of
poisonous rhetoric into a delusional and suicidal state of desperation. Indeed, a suicide; the unwitting hit
man is indeed our own selves.

Fascism, an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization,
originating in the demented dictatorial dreams of a power mad Mussolini as he pulled together a coalition
of the rich and powerful to take control inn then power vacuum of a disintegrating Italy, was brought to
a peak and most personified in Nazism and its maniac demagogue in chief, Adolph Hitler and his evil
henchmen that made up his power base in the Nazi Party. A party of National Socialism, but a warped
and unrecognizable socialism centered about a nationalism centered on the needs and desires of the
existing wealthy capitalistic power base. NOT a socialism of the people as so many philosophers had
promised but a socialism bent on the nurture and feeding of a corrupt capitalism based on the greed and
avarice, and the ultimate need for power of the German industrialists. Wealthy interest, the profiteers of
newly industrialized warfare, not only the German Krupp family but from both sides of this needless
conflict. A war, in hindsight, most probably generated for their profitable interest and by instigation of
their own backstage political manipulations. After the devastating reverses of the First World War, these
magnates of industry, blood still warm on their hands, saw in Fascism a new path to domination of the
population, turning them into mindless nationalistic automatons.

Just as these modern Oligarchs, their new wealth not derived from their industrial empires but from the
manipulation of wealth itself, parasitize our democracy in a way these industrialists never imagined. Not
as fallaciously propagated by economists today, the Invisible hand of Adam Smith was a reference to an
unseen force or compensatory power of the market to moderate the ravages of capitalism and assuage
its rapacious cannibalistic nature by moderating its predatory tendencies through the moral concerns of
its wiling participants. It was to Smith, who saw himself as an honorable member of the aristocracy of
an Empire, not an inherent self-regulating property of natural capitalism. It was, rather, the clearly visible

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and intentional hand of ENLIGHTENED SELF INTEREST. He felt that the patriotism of the industrial
moguls in the British Empire would cat to protect their own country, to adjust “free trade” in a way that
would insulate their home industry from the loss of profits by keeping much of the most profitable
industries at home. In this way, they insured a thriving middle and working class, which in turn provided
protection to the base population of ready consumers by supplying enough earned income to participate
in the economy, keeping it healthy.

In this modern global profit economy, no such obligation to society, much less any honor, exists, at least
among the top predictors of our cannibalistic zombie capitalist nightmare. With profit, the only goal in
combination with the unrestrained rampant consumption of the world’s resources making them more
available for conversion into raw materials becomes the unsustainable goal of even more profitable
consumption. In the short-term blindness of the fever of capitalistic fervor, this mad rush to doom is
carried to the point of the actual cannibalization of the very people and economy that inherently sustains
any society is the ultimate result of unrestrained capitalism, capitalism without conscience. Can we
properly ask if this suddenly corporeal citizen corporation even has a conscience? Or is a corporation
merely a soulless automaton of an artificial intelligence rued by a conglomeration of board personalities,
these themselves devoted to short-term bonuses and returns, bent with single-mindedness on the
complete and utter utilization of resources to be converted to a profit until there is no longer a resource
to be profited by?

Adam Smith could never conceptualize the modern world, as he was a participant in a civilization that
had an ideology of persistence and a long-term goal of survival. With the pollution of ideology consistent
with born again Christianity, this seems to no longer be a pertinent goal. Why husband our resources and
plan for the future of our “Christian nation” indeed of civilization itself when the Rapture will soon be
upon us and Jesus will waft us all off to reward us in heaven, leaving those pitiful unbelievers to survive
of scraps while battling Armageddon? Let the meek inherit an earth so rapine and worn as to be useless.
Undoubtedly, more evil in its selfish venality and the ultimate finality of worldly pessimism will be that
sad final episode of mad foaming rabid scrambling by those few repugnant rapine reprobates that wallow
in the results of their greedy avarice. Just as a cartoon duck who swims in gleeful ignorance among the
depths of his depraved piles of loot these children of the corn, well fed and oblivious, fulfill the short-
term aggrandizement of obscene wealth as greedy individuals with no concern for the future well-being
of their fellow humans, nor their own progeny, nor indeed a conception or conceit of any obligation
individuals may inspire for humanity as a whole.

T.A. Kiehl March 6, 2016

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