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- The power of the people?

The project this week is about waste management and sustainable living, as an individual
and as a society. You will be asked to consider needs versus wants, the difference between
possible and plausible and what you consider reasonable. All while learning about science,
technology, engineering and mathematics through an applied real-world problem.

We have prepared 8 different subtopics to be distributed amongst the groups and this page
represents the starting point for one of these projects:

Problem area:
The world has been changing faster and faster with the continued acceleration of
technological progress. We all have computers in our pockets with access to a global
network of information, as well as each other. This has lead to the creation of thousands
upon thousands of digital communities, where like minded individuals can discuss just about
anything. (Think facebook, twitter, snapchat, reddit or basicly any forum or news outlet).
The more people care about a subject, the bigger the community and the heavier their
opinions weigh in our democratic society. This means that when millions of citizens around
the world decide something is unfair, unjust og just plain dumb, they will work against it.
Even if the community can’t agree on the right solution, everyone might agree that the
chosen solution is wrong.
This is also the case with the green movements (environment and climate), who is working
to put pressure on governments around the world, or as is the case for #Trashtag, taking
matters into their own hands and leading by example.
But does it make a difference? How much?

Problem definition:
How effective is it to get involved in the worlds issues as an individual, and how could you
maximize your effect on an issue like waste management?

Suggested paths and questions to pursue:

- What is #trashtag?
- How many people does it take to be heard? What is it, for something to be viral?
- Find examples of large community driven campaigns, which worked and which did not?

Sources: (This one is heavy)

Criteria and specifications:
Present your findings/ideas and products to a group of smaller children on friday. You have
about 8 minutes for every round. There will be 8 rounds. Use your creativity to win the
contest, since the best group wins a present.
- In english
- 7-8 minutes per presentation
- An appealing presentation (maybe with interactive elements?)
- Use visuals and paper models or show experiments
- Understandable for younger children


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