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1) A homeless person is a person who is associated with a certain social category of people,

who do not have a permanent home and shelter.

Homelessness stems mainly from financial reasons

and is a consequence of the inability to secure one's own home.

But more important is the problems they face.

Food-The homeless face great difficulties in obtaining food.Some of them rummage in garbage cans,
especially those near stores

hoping to find the best food waste.

Hygiene-In some countries, such as France, showers are provided where the homeless can take a
bath.However, many of them never bathe.

In the US in warmer regions,the homeless use the showers on the beach.

Homeless people wear the same clothes both during the day and at night, and when they become very
dirty and torn, they just throw them away.

Crime-For various reasons - hatred, easy aiming and others, the homeless are subjected to violence and
crimes against them.

In the last few years, the number and frequency of these crimes has increased.

2) Poverty-is about not having enough money to meet basic needs including food, clothing and shelfer.
However, poverty is more, much more than just not having enough money

3) Pollution-can be caused by natural or man-made factors (due to human activity).

4) Terrorism-is a concept without accepting an international definition. He problems of terrorist acts are

Because many innocent people, soldiers, even themselves, can suffer.

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