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Course: Customer Relationship Management

Exam Session: 2019

Question No. -1

Answer: Customer relationship can be defined as the relationship between the company
and its current and potential customers. Managing such relationship is known as customer
relationship management. It uses data analysis to get the holistic view of each customer in real
time. The companies make strategies to build long lasting relationship with their customer by
providing them good products, services and better experience.

The relationship of a hair stylish with me as a customer and the relationship of sales person at a
huge departmental store are both the business to customer relationship as both directly attends
me but being a customer to the hair stylish can be different from a relationship to a sales person
of departmental store in the following ways:-

1. In my opinion the relationship with hair stylish is a long term interpersonal relationship
based on mutual understanding and knowing each other well whereas the relationship
with a sales person is a short term personal relationship with fairly clear rules of etiquette
and reasonably well defined attitudes.
2. The contact with my hairstylist is informal whereas the contact with the sales person of
the supermarket is formal.
3. The hair stylish in a way to build long term relationship by taking care of my personal
needs and requirements as per my hairs/beards such as what type of haircut or hair style
will suit me. Wherein the sales person focuses on the choices for different types of
product one makes.
4. The hair stylish and I as a customer know each other from a long time this is different
from the relationship with sales person of the super market even if I shop from there on
regular basis.

The relationship can be classified in the following manner:-

 Cooperation or Competition: Competition relation occurs when a customer

checks the number of suppliers and ultimately chooses the supplier with the best offer.
Cooperation may occur when both work together well to achieve the results which are
best for both of them. For example while setting up an appointment the customer takes
the supplier’s schedule in account as well.

 Equal or Unequal distribution of power: The balanced distribution of power is

characteristic of a close relationship. An unequal distribution of power is often seen in
knowledge and skill oriented services where the customer’s fate depends on the expertise
of the service provider as in the case of a relationship with the hairstylist. An imbalance
power often frequently found between the producer and the distributor because one of
them is dependent over another for a substantial portion of its turnover for which
alternative doesn’t exist. It is not unusual for a large super market chainto be responsible
for somewhat 30 percent of the turnover of the brand name manufacture within in a
certain national market.

 Dependence or Independence: This involve the aspect of the relationship which is

inversely proportional to the balance of power where the powerful party is independent
one and the other party is dependent one.

 A task or social emotional orientation: These are the interaction between the parties
which are both heavily task oriented as in case of my relationship with the store’s sales
man. And the social emotional orientation is in the relationship of my hairstylist with
me. Or the baker with whom I purchase bread regularly.

 A formal or informal form of contact: The formal contact is one in which both
behave formally and taking care of proper antiquates whereas the informal type of
contact is the one in which both party knows each other and behave somewhat like
friends. For example contact with hairdresser with whom someone regularly gets haircut
is informal whereas the contact with salesperson of a supermarket is a formal type of

Question No. -2

Answer: Data Analysis is a process of collecting, transforming, cleaning, and modeling

data with the aim of getting the required information. The results so obtained are communicated
for suggesting conclusions and supporting the decision-making process. The data required for
analysis is based on requirements of those directing the analysis, the data necessary as inputs to
the analysis is identified. Specific variables regarding a population may be specified and
obtained. Data may be numerical or categorical.

Today the business competition is very instanced than ever as every company want to do their
best and use every technique to enhance their business continually especially in the digital space.
The only way to differentiate the business s to add value by using data analysis for better
understanding of the customers. The companies which leverage the data outperform the
companies which don’t. There are mainly three phases of data analysis required for success in

1. Data Collection: Data can be any data which relevant and useful for the business.
For example it can the data of sales, product characteristics and reviews of product from
the customers and critics. Raw data can be kept in operational system like CRM or ERP.
The data must be collected carefully as these days many data available on the social
media is found fake thus for the raw data collection complete care must be taken as one
cannot rely on the social media data completely. Sometimes the data available on the
social media platform are manipulated by the third party or the one who can be
benefitted. The data can also be exist in big data file, social media platform and in even
open data sources.

2. Data Processing: Once we have the all required data then it’s time to segregate and
process that data and get useful information from it. In this phase of analysis the data is
contextualized, categorized, calculated, corrected and simplified for the further process.
The information gathered and separated can be sales data of a new product launched,
reviews of customer for the product such as “neutral”, “positive” and “negative”. For
example, the data might have to be placed into rows and columns in a table within a
Spreadsheet or Statistical Application.

3. Data Analysis: This is the last phase of data analysis which uses the information
gathered for the benefit of the organization. Data which is collected and processed
properly is ready for the use to be analyzed. This phase includes more complex tasks, like
comparing elements and identifying connections and patterns between them. This is
where information is prepared to help in start making decisions. At this phase all of the
regions’ performance, local social network comments from users and all of the sales
information are combined which is used for the decision making. Data Visualization may
also be used to examine the data in graphical format, to obtain additional insight
regarding the messages within the data

From a view of marketing professional in my view the third and last phase is very important as
this the phase where actually data is analyzed and the decision is made based on that analysis. I
have selected this phase due to the following reasons:

 Statistical Data Models such as Correlation, Regression Analysis are used to identify the
relations among the data variables which is very important to analyze the data.
 The data analysis is the phase in which whole the data processed in the 2 nd phase is
analyzed and for this knowledge of the analyst is very important as it depends on the
analyst how is well used the data processed.
 This phase also important from the view of making decision.
 As the decision is made on the basis of data analysis thus it is very important to analyze
the data properly because the poor data analysis can proceed in making poor strategy.
Question No. 3a

Answer: Campaign management is the planning, execution, tracking and analysis of a

marketing initiative which can be for a new product launched or an event started. It encompasses
of multitude of campaigns that are planned and executed through different channels so that a
continuous marketing communication can be created. Campaign management involves
developing a pricing as well as a sales strategy to maximize profits. Surveys are conducted to
evaluate product/services campaigns’ effectiveness. Public responses to the campaign’s strategy
are tracked to determine if the desired results and goals are met.

As Snigdha is handling a relatively raw team and needs to handhold them to achieve the
objectives, therefore before giving them to work she must let them understand about the
campaign management system as to and to successfully achieve the goals team needs to
understand what is the campaign management system and how it is functionalize? Campaign
management is the process of organizing, segmenting, targeting, and managing multichannel
marketing messages. Campaign management system are developed to achieve the
aforementioned goals. The key functions of campaign management system are:

1. Opportunity Identification: The identification of contact opportunity on the

basis of events involving the supplier, customers or those occurring in the environment is
very important. As in the case of Snigdha the opportunity is to explore the unexplored
destinations for tour and travel.
2. Relationship Planning: As the suppliers, customers and those occurring in the
environment have been targeted or identified then the next step is develop relationship in
terms of communication with people who like to explore new destinations.
3. Campaign Management: As the opportunities has been found and a bit relationship
has been made its time to plan and execute the campaign with the selection of the
4. Customer Interaction: The peoples who have shown interest in the campaign
those must be interacted by the team member about the plan and development of the
5. Measuring and Evaluating: After the campaign has be completed the team must
measure the effects of the campaign that whether it has satisfied the goals or met the
objective set for the campaigning. This will allow the team to learn for future and to solve
the issues which occurred so that the goal can be more effectively satisfied.

Question No. 3b

Answer: CRM systems have evolved differently over time, the concept of a campaign has
been applied differently to different applications over time. In the previous old days of
marketing, campaign management refer to the planning and execution of a single marketing
campaign which made the use of telephone or the postal services. The prepertaion of this type of
campaign is amounted to be several weeks if not months. Now a days in the framework of CRM,
campaign management encompasses the multitude of campaign that are planned and executed
through different channels. These campaigns are sometime devised in the morning and executed
in the afternoon. There are four type of campaign which can be run in order to achieve the
organizational objectives. These four types of campaigns are:

1. Single Shot Campaign: It is the most traditional contact strategy which involves
campaign in which the intended effect is achieved in a single contact. This is generally
planned and prepared months in advance.

2. Wave Campaign: A campaign system which is built according to prospects needs &
desires to target large prospect audience around the world. This involves a multiple step
approach in which a direct mailing might be followed by a telephone campaign.

3. Triggered Campaign: Trigger Campaigns are event based campaigns that are
launched on the occurrence of some specific activity. In this type of campaign the time
schedule is determined by the customer instead of the marketer. It depends upon the
behavior of the customers. For instance, one may want a contact to receive his/her
Follow-up email after 5 days but the contact opened the email first but has not done the
activity that was wanted by him/her to do.

4. Longitudinal Campaign: This campaign takes place over time and its goal might be
to introduce the customer with the supplier and thereby developing a relationship. For
example a communication calendar that company creates to encourage the new customers
to cross buy during the first two ears and to discover the supplier’s range of products.

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