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The map has been prepared by the

Soviet Past Research Laboratory within

the project “Developing a Topography
Tour of the Red Terror in Regions”.

The work group: David Jishkariani,

Shota Gujabidze, Ruslan Baramidze,
Nana Kvachadze, Irakli Khvadagiani
The map has been prepared based on
archival documents and oral histories.
Photo: Shota Gujabidze, Bachi
Murvanidze, Nana Kvachadze, Manana
Layout: Magda Tsotskhalashvili
1 Translator: Tornike khomeriki
3 The Soviet Past Research Laboratory
would like to express its gratitude to
“Geoland” for assistance.

DVV International.
financial support of the
The map was published with the

Adult Education Association (DVV
national Cooperation of the German
is financed by the Institute for Inter-
phy Tour of the Red Terror in Regions”
The project “Developing a Topogra-

The Soviet Past Research Laboratory BATUMI architecture, ethnic composition, and riod encompassed by our map, with
(SovLab) is aiming to create a proper order of economic relations. Being lo­ addresses introduced below being a
analysis and exploration of the Soviet In 1863, Ottoman Sultan Abdülaziz
totalitarian past, analysing its legacy cated near a border zone of the USSR, small part of what are symbolic loca­
and creating an environment for reflec- issued a “firman“ that decreed co­ it was subjected to special control tions of Soviet repressions and chang­
tion and debate on this complicated n­struction of a new city in the
HISTORICAL TOUR es to daily life that took place in Soviet
Red Terror Topography north-western part of today’s Batumi Batumi.
We want to bring into the focus of
our diverse society the meaning of the TBILISI city port. Its building was complete by
culture of remembrance and to explain 1868. Following the 1877-1878 Rus­
the importance of participation in re-
so-Turkish War Batumi became part of
searches and studies concerning recent
history. the Russian Empire as a free econom­
ic zone (Porto Franco). It was a sepa­ Baku-Batumi oil pipeline entered op­
HISTORICAL TOUR rate administrative entity until 1886 eration.
Red Terror Topography (becoming part of the Batumi Okrug Between 1918-1920, following the
TELAVI subsequently), managing its own end of World War I and proclamation
budget and having a head of police. of independence of Georgia, Batumi
changed hands between the Ottoman and gradually turned into a closed
City self-governance was introduced city. A kick-starting of construction of
for the city starting in 1888, with elec­ Empire, Great Britain and Georgia.
resort and tourist infrastructure was
Red Terror Topography
tions every four years. Work was com­ After the 1921 Soviet occupation of
menced in 1878 to build a railway line Georgia Batumi underwent an essen­ accompanied by a start of agricultur­ BATUMI
Red Terror Topography tial transformation of its political and al production (tea, citrus and other
to Batumi from the already existing subtropical products). This is the pe­
BATUMI social structure. Changes affected its HISTORICAL TOUR
istoriuli turi
Tbilisi-Poti direction. Then in 1907, the
Along with these developments, monu­ Abashidze streets in the Old Town, with January 16, 1938, Goliadze was executed ganisation within the apparatus of the man Street and resided there until 1944.
ments of Vladimir Lenin began to appear its frontispiece facade decorated with on January 19. Commissariat, personally carrying out As “Turks” they were subjected to a mass
in Batumi in the 1920s. The first one was Atlas sculptures. The house belonged to recruiting and undermining work, main­ deportation in 1944 and were forcibly
Akaki Khvingia was born in 1911 in the
erected on the square first named after Nikoloz (Niko) Sabashvili, a wealthy Ba­ tained connections with foreign intelli­ resettled to the Budyonovka District of
village of Kvemo Barghebi, part of the
Sultan Abdülaziz and later after the Oc­ tumi resident and owner of shops, houses gences with which he took direct partic­ Kyrgyzstan until 1956. Upon their return
Samurzakano Uyezd. Was member of
tober Revolution, before if finally took on and land in Batumi. ipation in preparations of a terrorist act”. the family sought to reclaim their home
the All-Union Leninist Young Communist
the name of Lenin Square. It became the He was sentenced to capital punishment through court proceedings for years,
1 3 Nikoloz Sabashvili was born c. 1860 and League (known as the Komsomol) until
city’s central square, with the presence of
moved from the village of Vale, part of the his expulsion following arrest, and worked
through shooting and was executed on however Soviet authorities did not allow 9
the most significant cult figure designat­ 3, Rustaveli Avenue March 14, 1938. them to regain the ownership.
Corner of Gamsakhurdia and Akhaltsikhe District, to Batumi, where he as head of department of the Soviet Ad­
ing it as the place for military parades and THE 1924 UPRISING Zviad Gamsakhurdia Street
Gogebashvili Street managed to gain considerable wealth. jara newspaper. An extraordinary troika Neoclis Konstantinidis was born in the
demonstrations. The Lenin monument
While Sabashvili did not receive educa­ of the People’s Commissariat for Internal Ottoman Empire in 1901. Served as mem­
CULT BUILDINGS AND THE TERROR In February and March of 1921, high-ran­
was removed on March 18, 1990.
king political figures of Georgia found tion, he was a shrewd entrepreneur and Affairs charged him with membership in a ber of the Communist Party of the Soviet Major changes took place in Kremlin
By 1871-1873 the city and its suburbs achieved significant success in his deal­ “youth counterrevolutionary organisation Union starting in 1927. Expelled from the in 1953. Death of Joseph Stalin was
themselves in Batumi, looking for evacu­
were home to 8324 residents, most of ings. He took active part in developing aiming to overthrow the Soviet govern­ Party on charges of counterrevolutionary followed by arrest and execution of
ation from the losing war between Russia
them of Muslim religious following. Batumi, as well as in public life in the city. ment”. Sentenced to capital punishment activity following his arrest. Worked as Lavrenty Beria. These events led to a
and Georgia. A small group of them left
This was followed by construction of As a Catholic resident of Batumi he con­ by shooting on December 4, 1937, with head of a subsection of the State Secu­ charged political atmosphere — with on­
the country from the city port on ships,
mosques. According to A. Avaliani, tributed to the construction of a Roman the sentence executed on December 11. rity Section of the People’s Commissar­ going political developments unclear to
along with the government, and fol­
lowed the latter into emigration. The city Catholic church in the city. iat for Internal Affairs of Adjara. A troika the population of Georgia, they led to
itself became a hotspot for a resistance Sabashvili resided in this house until So­
charged him with “membership of a 8 popular discontent. One of the first pub­
movement in the early years of the Soviet counterrevolutionary organisation with­ lic manifestations of this protest took
vietisation. The building was taken away King Parnavaz Street
occupation — numerous people persecut­ in the Adjara Commissariat, carrying out place in Batumi, where anti-Soviet proc­
from him by the Soviet authorities, who MASS DEPORTATION OF GREEKS
2 ed by the regime arrived in Batumi and malicious activity and ties with Turkish in­ lamations were put up in four locations
used it as offices for various state agen­
attempted to illegally cross the border telligence”. An extraordinary troika of the 1949 of the city on July 12, 1955. The main
cies. It currently houses the State Security
7, Memed Abashidze Avenue into Turkey. The city was also a transit Commissariat sentenced him to capital In 1949, Kandid Charkviani, First Sec­ protagonists in the action were elemen­
MEMED ABASHIDZE HOUSE-MUSEUM point for the underground’s communica­ punishment through shooting at a March retary of the Central Committee of the tary school students Iuri Gigineishvili,
tion with foreign partners and became a Sabashvili himself survived Soviet repres­ 28, 1938 meeting. The sentence was exe­ Gia Soselia, Badri Akhvlediani and Givi
the first of these — known as the Azizie After the 1921 Soviet occupation of Communist Party of Georgia addressed
border crossing for migration of political sions and died in 1934 in Tbilisi, where his cuted on March 30. Akhvlediani.
Georgia, the Revolutionary Committee just another of his reports to Joseph Sta­
Mosque — was supposedly built with­
opposition. family had moved since falling into pov­ 6 lin — it concerned 3700 Greek and Turkish
in a city building plan in 1863. Erected (revkom) of Batumi — the highest body of “It’s not dead, only sleeping
with an initiative of Valide Khanum, governance — avoided radical actions for a During the 1924 anti-Soviet uprising, au­ 7, Rustaveli Street families that were to be forcibly resettled And will be back awake,
certain period of time. The new authorities thorities — granted an initiative by pro­ out of Georgia through “special action”. And those willing for its end
mother of Sultan Abdülaziz, it was de­ BATUMI HOUSE OF THE CHEKA
signed for Ottoman service members had no human, economic or ideological tests in Chiatura a day earlier — carried The categorisation of “Turks” involved Will be struck down on the spot.
Throughout 1936-1937 repressions be­ not only ethnic Turkish people but also
and situated in vicinity of the city port. resources for immediate establishment of out active repressions against members The people of Georgia!
came a mass occurrence throughout the Turkish state subjects, ethnic Armenians
After Batumi found itself under Impe­ the new order. This meant that even with of the resistance movement in Batumi
Soviet Union and touched every layer and Greeks, as well as members of the Awaken and come to your senses, look
rial Russian rule the city saw gradual the political terror they carried out, the and Adjara, arresting and shooting doz­
of society. The most active role in carry­ Dashnaktsutyun Party. Initial estimates at your conditions. Free yourselves for
increase in population, with accompa­ body still left space for cooperation with ens of citizens.
ing them out was played by the People’s concerned 3000 families from Abkhazia a minute from the poisonous thoughts
nying changes in ethnic and religious former opponents and ideological oppo­
Aghati Gordeladze was born in the vil­ Commissariat for Internal Affairs and its and 400 from Adjara, however the num­ holding your minds in captivity. Ask
composition. Because of this the Azi­ sition. One of such political leaders was
lage of Supsa of the Ozurgeti Uyezd, part
zie Mosque, primarily designated for Memed Abashidze, a figure the Bolsheviks 5 members. Based on sentences handed bers rose sharply during actual resettle­ yourselves: what awaits us? What awaits
of the Kutaisi Governorate. Before and down by a troika of the People’s Commis­ 22, King Parnavaz Street ment. our homeland?
Ottoman worshippers, soon lost its needed for solving issues and problems of
after the 1917 Revolution she worked as 38/19, Memed Abashidze /Demetre sariat for Internal Affairs of the Georgian
the “Muslim Georgia”. Tavdadebuli Street MASS DEPORTATION OF 1944 Deportation also concerned former Greek In these circumstances Russification
a tailor with no property or elementary SSR, 372 individuals fell victims of the re­
Memed Abashidze was born in Batumi in education. Joined the resistance move­ NEWSPAPER PUKHARA The most large-scale deportation in Soviet subjects with no citizenship and those is the fate of Georgia — this will be wit­
pressions in Batumi between August 11,
1873 and received elementary education ment as an active member starting in Georgia during World War II took place in who obtained Soviet citizenship later. The nessed by each one of you in your daily
This building was commissioned by So­ 1937 and October 11, 1938. Of these, 205
in the Batumi school of the Society for the 1921; her tailor shop served as point of 1944. It concerned population of Akhalt­ resettlements involved adult family mem­ lives.
viet authorities in the 1930s to house were sentenced to execution by shooting,
Spreading of Literacy Among Georgians. meetings for underground conspirators. sikhe, Akhalkalaki, Aspindza, Bogdanovka bers of those under the above-mentioned Do not let an outsider trample our cul­
offices for a newspaper staff. The news­ while the rest were sent to “labour and
Learning Arabic, Persian and Turkish lan­ Her relative Viktor Tsenteradze, one of and Adjara ASSR, with ethnic groups of categories, except those with no Greek ture, our traditions, our customs and the
paper itself was founded in 1921 by the correction camps” for various length of
guages, he worked as director of the the resistance leaders, was arrested in “Turks, Kurds and Hemshin people” affect­ citizenship before or at the time of depor­ native language.
Batumi District Committee and revkom of time. Some of the members of the Adja­
Muslim Georgia Liberation Committee August 1924 in Batumi, with an arrest ed irrespective of their party affiliation or tations. Underage family members were
the Communist Party of Georgia. The title ra Commissariat — those who themselves Georgian workers! Wake up, give a
between 1918-1920 and as editor of the of Gordeladze herself, by an extraordi­ membership in the Komsomol. The State sent to special relocation areas along with
for the publication was changed several carried out the repressions — were also thought to and judge our future. Do not
function and property. Then one day in Muslim Georgia newspaper. Abashidze nary commission of Adjaristan, follow­ Committee for Defence substantiated their relatives.
times, from Notices to Proletarian Strug­ subjected to persecution after their own forget that this shameless effrontery of
the 1930s, citizens of Batumi were met was chairperson of the Muslim Georgia ing soon after. On August 30, a cheka their deportation on basis of increasing
gle (1922) to Struggle to Pukhara (1924), arrests. With each resettled family a case for de­ Russians will not end well for us.”
with a park in place of the Mosque on Majlis in 1921. Following the Soviet occu­ collegium of Adjaristan, involving mem­ state border security. In total, 16700 fam­
a word meaning “impoverished” or “prop­ ported individual was created. Deporta­
the Azizie Square. A grand cathedral Sergey Kugel was born in St. Petersburg ilies involving 86000 individuals were for­ A police officer noticed the students as
pation of Georgia the Bolsheviks invited bers Kavtaradze, Kiladze and Katamidze, tions went ahead following formal conclu­
named after Alexander Nevsky — sit­ ertyless” in local Adjarian dialect. Starting in 1904 with social background of a serv­
him to serve as a member of the Batumi sentenced Aghati to capital punishment cibly resettled. The deported individuals sions drafted by heads of security services they put the proclamations up. Escaping
in 1929 the newspaper was printed under ant and Jewish nationality. Served as
district revkom. Arrested along with oth­ by shooting. She was charged with hav­ were permitted to take with them person­ for relevant territory — after their review of the police, they were arrested only after
the name of Soviet Adjaristan, which was member of the Communist Party of the
er leaders from Adjara in 1923. After his ing ties with the central committee of al belongings, jewelry, clothes and other a case — and a confirmation from district, several months it took relevant agencies
later renamed to Soviet Adjara. In 1959 Soviet Union starting in 1931 and as Dep­
release Abashidze was member of the the Mensheviks and their Batumi or­ items within a limit of 1000 kilograms. regional, etc. prosecutors of the republic to discover their location. Age and back­
its staff involved 950 peasant and worker uty Head of the People’s Commissariat for
Union of Writers of Georgia and chairper­ ganisation, support of illegally residing in question. The remaining property of ground history of the arrested was tak­
reporters. It was ultimately renamed to Internal Affairs of Adjara until his arrest. Those subjected to resettlement were
son of the Adjara ASSR Union of Hunters. Mensheviks, connections to a military deported families was detailed by local en into consideration at the court case,
Adjara in 1990. The great terror of 1937- An extraordinary troika of the Commissar­ moved to territories in Kazakhstan, Kyr­
Arrested in 1937, he was sentenced by a organisation and active participation in commissions and handed over to state with the court collegium releasing them
1938 did not leave the newspaper staff iat charged him with “leading counterrev­ gyzstan and Uzbekistan. Upon arrival the
session of the Military Collegium of the preparing a military coup. Her sentence agencies. The forcibly resettled Greek on a three-year probation period.
untouched. olutionary talks, carrying out active un­ Agricultural Bank of the USSR was tasked
Supreme Court of the USSR to capital was carried out on September 1. population received the right of return in
dermining work, spying for the German with providing each deported family with
punishment by shooting on September Aleksandre Goliadze was born in 1907 in
7000 roubles for living necessities and for 1958 and began arriving back in Georgia
uated in the Batumi Boulevard on the the village of Dvabzu, part of the Ozurgeti intelligence service and participation in
17, 1937. The sentence was executed the in stages.
a terrorist act against the Soviet govern­ building houses for residence. The fami­
spot of the subsequently built Intour­ same night. A February 22, 1958 decree Uyezd. A peasant with social background,
ment”. Sentenced to capital punishment lies subjected to the repressions were ex­ In 1949, Greek residents of Batumi were
ist Hotel — and a Georgian church on of the Military Collegium of the Supreme he served as member of the Communist
through execution by shooting, he was pected to return the sum to the state with also subjected to deportation on ethnic
today’s Gorgiladze Street were also de­ Court of the USSR rehabilitated Abashidze Party of the Soviet Union but expelled
shot on July 12, 1938. payments in phases, within seven years. basis. They resided in every district of the
molished during the same time period. and ceased the criminal case due to “ab­ during the repressions. Worked as tempo­
rary editor of the Soviet Adjara newspaper Mustafa Bardakoğlu — a Greek from city and represented an inseparable part
sence of elements of crime”. However the Germane Jinjolia was born in 1896 and
before his arrest. An extraordinary troika Pontus, whose predecessor with a family of the city. Most of the resettled Greeks
authorities still concealed the information served as member of the Communist
4 of the People’s Commissariat for Internal name of Perdachi moved to Batumi and lived on King Parnavaz Street, from with
on his shooting from relatives, informing Party of the Soviet Union. He worked as
Affairs charged him with membership in a changed their name to the Ottoman style 68 families, 212 individuals in total, were
them that Abashidze had died on March 11, Konstantine Gamsakhurdia Street People’s Commissar for Internal Affairs of
“counterrevolutionary Trotskyist and ma­ of Bardakoğlu, which underwent chang­ forced out.
16, 1941. Adjara until his arrest. An extraordinary
NIKOLOZ (NIKO) SABASHVILI licious organisation that carried out the es in pronunciation with time. The family
troika of the Commissariat charged him
The building is situated on the intersec­ assassination of Sergey Kirov”. Sentenced with “leading a counterrevolutionary or­ used means from their work to purchase
tion of the Konstantine Gamsakhurdia and to capital punishment by shooting on five apartments in the house at 22, Tel­

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