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links business goals
to the production floor

The specialty coated board manufacturer with complex, multiple production

paths uses Metso Automation’s metsoDNA MES Manufacturing Execution
System to link customer orders to actual production floor logistics. Order track-
ing, production scheduling and trim optimization lead to better customer com-
munications, timely and accurate order fulfillment, and waste reduction in the
mill. On-time deliveries are up significantly; trim losses are down 1% so far.

e believe in the idea of
a specialized, flexible
niche-dedicated busi-
ness.” That excerpt from Stroms-
dal Oyj’s web site aptly describes
the core business philosophy of this
independent coated board produc-
er, located in Juankoski, Finland.
This single-mill operation supplies
70,000 tonnes per year of high-end
coated board for superior quali-
ty printing and packaging applica-
tions. About 97% of the production
is exported.
But providing specialized, respon-
sive service and on-time delivery to
a multitude of off-shore clients is a
challenging task. To meet these di-
verse customer needs, the Juanko-
ski mill’s board machine, off-ma-
chine coating line, winding and
sheeting operations are inherently
very flexible. Conversely, the pro-
duction paths are necessarily very
complex. Ninety percent of produc-
tion is sheeted in three lines; the rest
is shipped as wound rolls.
Juankoski mill supplies 70,000 tonnes per year
Followed step-by-step, of high-end coated board for superior quality
managed hour-by-hour printing and packaging applications.
About 97% of the production is exported.
To satisfy client expectations, to en-

8 Automation 2, 2005
Stromsdal is an independent coated
board producer, located in Juankoski,

According to Mika Venäläinen, Production Planning Engineer, the order sizes can vary from 1 tonne to 1,000 tonnes.

house management software mod-

ules. The 50-workstation system is
used by customer service represent-
atives, production planners, pro-
duction managers and mill floor op-
erators on the board machine, off-
machine coater, sheeting and wrap-
ping operations, and in the ware-
house. Fifty to sixty people use the
system on a daily basis. The produc-
tion workers jobs are made easier
and more accurate since there is no
more paperwork required for pro-
duction tracking.
Label printers and bar code read-
ers document the overall prod-
The MES system links customer ordering information with real production floor uct flow and individual orders at
information. key production stages. The system
sure timely and accurate deliver- To get accurate information keeps track of sources of shrinkage,
ies and to manage internal waste about current production flows such as quality, splicing and trim
and production costs, the status of and to solidify the link between losses. Lift truck terminals with bar
product flowing through that com- customer order management and code readers identify the stored and
plex process must be followed close- daily operations, the mill invest- shipped product.
ly step-by-step and managed hour- ed in Metso Automation’s metsoD-
by-hour. The inbuilt complexity of NA MES. MES stands for Manufac- Integrating business and
the production and converting proc- turing Execution System. The sys- production management
esses must be made easy to manage tem was commissioned during the Regarding the purchase decision,
and, for a flexible, niche business summer of 2003. The project nick- Aarno Laukkanen, Financial Di-
like Stromsdal’s, there must be a named “Milla” combines customer rector, says, “Our basic needs were
strong link between the order desk order processing, production plan- to provide new and better methods
and the production floor. ning, trim optimization, and ware- of customer service and to improve

Automation 2, 2005 9
The mill has transformed customer order and quality information into a highly accurate and traceable format through product labeling and bar coding.

profitability. We had to replace an ity of the mill’s production flows ning Engineer, describes the com- improve delivery times,” he says
older system, but of course the pay- was an important technical issue plexity and dynamic nature of the The S-Plan production planning
back had to be there through im- which influenced their decision to production planning task and the module and the X-trim trim opti-
proved production efficiency. To purchase the MES system. The S- opportunities for improving effi- mization modules are visual, inter-
do this, we wanted to provide our Plan software handles both roll and ciency and order timeliness: “We active tools for helping production
employees with modern production sheeted production. “We chose the have 22 different product routes planners to achieve the optimum
management tools.” Metso product because of the pro- and very different order sizes, from delivery times and the lowest trim
Matti Heilimo, Information Tech- duction planning capability. Most 1 tonne to 1,000 tonnes. And, plans waste.
nology Manager and Project Man- systems are only made for roll pro- can be changed often.” Venäläinen explains that often
ager for “Milla”, describes how duction,” he says. That complexity presents an the best solution is a compromise
MES satisfied the need for mill- This production planning ca- opportunity, however. “There are between delivery times and low
floor information. “The previous pability is particularly important many chances to reduce waste or waste.
information system was mainly a where the capacities of the base
delivery and invoicing system with board machine and the finishing There are 22 different production paths in the Stromsdal mill.
no base (production level) informa- and converting operations are dif-
tion. The production reporting was ferent. This can lead to buildup of
manual. Now, the Metso MES sys- unfinished inventory, production
tem is a very big change for us. The bottlenecks and order delays.
greatest change is the integration In Juankoski, the board machine
of production floor information.” capacity is higher than the sheet
Laukkanen adds his thoughts about cutter. The off-machine coater has
the integration of information: “We excess capacity, so reels purchased
wanted our business intelligence in outside the mill can be coated. This
one system,” he says. The MES sys- production must be tracked as well.
tem also links to the financial man- All told, it’s a complex job for a
agement system and exchanges in- production planner.
formation daily.
According to Heilimo, the capa- Twenty-two different
bility of the production planning product routes
software to address the complex- Mika Venäläinen Production Plan-

10 Automation 2, 2005
Production planning can be com- ting and sheet trimming patterns The mill has transformed customer
pared to a big jigsaw puzzle with and calculates the trim waste for order and quality information into
variable-sized pieces. S-Plan helps various slitting and cutting scenar- a highly accurate and traceable for-
to evaluate customer order specifi- ios. Venäläinen says their goal is to mat through product labeling and
cations and delivery times, and fits reduce trim waste to under 5%. bar coding. Also, by improving the
orders into the right slots, taking in- After the initial familiarization certainty of information, Stroms-
to account the production capacity and training period, the produc- dal’s sales coordinators can now re-
and availability of the board ma- tion operators, including the older ly on the production status informa-
chine, coater, winder and sheeters. workers, are enthusiastic system us- tion to give customers definitive an-
The system schedules around ers. Olli-Pekka Hartikainen, Finish- swers.
planned machine maintenance. It ing Department Manager, reports Laukkanen says,“Our custom-
re-balances the schedule after un- on the impact of MES in his de- er service people have much more
planned shutdowns or long web partment: “We can rely on the in- information on their hands. Before
breaks. Unfinished inventory is formation and the order status. The this system, they had to ask a lot
tracked, and high inventory levels whole order from the beginning to of people in production. They can
generate a warning that a produc- the warehouse can be followed. The track orders and maybe speed them
tion bottleneck is occurring. production planning can avoid bot- up, if required. With this informa-
tlenecks. We can see weeks ahead Financial Director Aarno Laukkanen
tion available, we have only one
Timely deliveries, the requirements for the sheet cut- says,“Our customer service people contact person for the customer.”
reduced waste ters,” he says. have much more information on their “Also, we have much better con-
The X-trim trim optimization mod- Heilimo comments on the im- hands. They can track orders and trol of production. We know what is
ule generates possible winder slit- provement in delivery times since maybe speed them up, if required”. happening and where, and if there is
a danger of being late,” he adds.

the MES system installation: “Be- Flexibility leads

fore the system, the ready-for-deliv- to change
ery production was about 80% to Hartikainen, says that the open and
85% on time. Now it is about 95% continuing development of the sys-
on time.” tem specifications was an impor-
The trim waste numbers before tant issue for the mill: “Flexibility
the system installation were hard to was important. In a complex proc-
define because of a lack of informa- ess, there are always some questions
tion. Venäläinen has been following about special features. We and Met-
the numbers from startup and esti- so had to devote time to the spec-
mates trim losses have been reduced ifications. We were able to affect
by about 1%, from 7% to 6%. the development of the system,” he
“That is what we hoped for. I am says.
sure we can find more,” he says. Laukkanen adds, “Within the
The 50-workstation system is used by customer service representatives, pro-
sheeting business you must have
Accurate customer flexible solutions. We expect to
duction planners, production managers and mill floor operators on the board information
machine, off-machine coater, sheeting and wrapping operations, and in the ware- build on our investment for several
house. By accurate production tracking, years by adding more features and
over-run sheeted production can then reaping the benefits. We expect
be identified and entered into the Metso will bring in their best experi-
warehouse inventory. These order ence so it can be done better.” ■
run “tail-ends” are a normal part
of a sheeting operation, since board
machine production is run slightly
longer just to make sure there is no
shortfall in the main order. FOR MORE INFORMATION,
Now, with production tracking, PLEASE CONTACT:
the sales coordinators know what’s Hannu Lasander
in the warehouse and can match Manager
customer requirements to invento- Production Tracking
ry. There is a better possibility that Hollola, Finland
The inbuilt complexity of the production and converting processes must be made over-run production can be sold at
easy to manage. a good price.

Automation 2, 2005 11

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