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Run and hide yourself wherever you can, within these dilapidated walls.

Dash for that old rug in the smelly, dark corner.

Don’t you dare make a sound. Don’t even breathe.

Fear is suffocating her again, almost killing her.

Her forehead breaks into a sweat as she hears his terrifying footsteps
approaching her room. She’s shivering slightly and breathing heavily.


He can sense the lightest of her movements, he’s so used to it now. He has
mastered the art of terrifying her before he can hunt her down. He enjoys her
whimpering for mercy as he closes in on her - to ravage and devour her little by little
in the dark.

No one will come to help her.

She wants to cry and call for help. But, why does she still hope?

Her uncle Bob will laugh it off as usual.

It’s impossible to escape the monster. He’s the most-despised part of her life now.
She knows she can’t fight him as he’s much stronger and vicious than before.

She peers from the tiny slit in the rug and sees his shoes. He kicks her hard and
laughs wickedly. And then she hears it, his monstrous voice “Lorraine.”

She shudders in pain at the blow and falls to the ground as he closes in on her
with his familiar bestiality. He grins wickedly at her as he uncovers the frightened
girl. He looks more uglier than the last time with his freckles and acne.

She doesn’t cry for help. What use is it anyway?

How long until it gets over? It’s becoming unbearable now - The pain and hurt and
the helplessness of it all. Every instant is crushing her, suffocating her.

She’s feeling weaker now and unable to withstand it any longer.

She shuts her eyes tightly and tries to find peace in the darkness. He’s her dirty
little secret she wishes she never had.

She lies motionless for god knows how long. But, she can be there forever. It is
comforting - that darkness around her. Better than that guilt that fills her up every
And then she feels calm. As if a heavy burden is lifted off her. She can no longer
feel his dirty body on hers.

Everything is peaceful again after what seems a long time.

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