Plan 6

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Lesson plan

School: Şcoala Gimnazială „Grigore Moisil”

Teacher: Ion Ghiriti Ancuța
Grade: 6th
Date: 9th October
Number of Students: 32
Time: 50 minutes
Textbook: Limba Engleza, ed. Litera
Unit : Media
Lesson: TV programmes
2.1. Realizarea unei expuneri scurte,exersate, asupra unui subiect familiar
2.2. Participarea la scurte interacţiuni verbale cu sprijin din partea interlocutorilor
2.4. Manifestarea interesului pentru participarea la schimbul verbal
3.1. Identificarea informaţiilor necesare din liste sau din texte funcţionale simple (pliante,
meniuri, orare, reclame)
4.1.Completarea unui formular cu informaţii de identificare (educaţie, interese, competenţe)

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
 recognize types of television programmes
 state a preference for a television program
 say when and what time their favourite TV programmes are on
Skills: speaking, reading
Techniques: simple description on verbal and picture support, observation, explanation;
Classroom Management:
Teacher- Students, Students- Teacher, pair work.
Anticipated language problems: Ss may be a little bit noisy during the speaking activity.

Materials: textbook, workbook, CD player, worksheet.

ACTIVITY 1: Organisational moment

Procedure: Greetings, date, absents

The student on duty tells the absents; the teacher writes the absentees in the catalogue;

Timing: 2 minutes

Interaction: T – whole class.

ACTIVITY 2. Checking Homework

Procedure: T asks Ss what was their homework for today. Ss answer the T’s questions. T asks
Ss: “was it difficult?” No/yes. T tells Ss to read their homework on turns. T corects together
withe the Ss the mistakes if there occur.

Interaction: T-Ss


Timing: 3 minutes.

ACTIVITY 3. Warm-up

Procedure: T tell Ss that she is thinking of a cartoon( eg.The Simpsons). Ss can ask a maximum
of 20 questions to find out what it is, but the T can only answer yes or no.

Timing: 5 minutes

Interaction: T – whole class.

ACTIVITY4. Brainstorming

Procedure: T tells Ss to write as many TV programmes as they can think in 1 min. Then T
writes their answers on the board and completes if necessary.

Timing: 5 minutes

Interaction: T – whole class.


Procedure: Ss match the TV programmes with the pictures and their description. (ex.1/ pg. 18)
Then they listen and repeat the words.(ex. 2/ pg. 18)
Ss look for ten TV programmes in a wordsquare.(ex. 1/ pg. 11)

Ss match the TV programmes with the definitions. (ex. 2/ pg. 11)

Ss complete a text with these words.(ex. 3/ pg. 11)

Ss write sentences about their family’s favourite TV programmes. (ex. 4/ pg. 11)

Timing: 10 minutes

Interaction: IW

ACTIVITY6. Speaking

Procedure: T tells Ss to think of their favourite TV programme and when it is on.

T asks: What’s your favourite TV programme?

What time is it on?

In pairs, Ss ask and answer questions about the time their favourite TV programmes are on.

Timing: 5 minutes

Interaction: PW

ACTIVITY7. Speaking

Procedure: T draws two columns on the board 'Names of TV programmes' and 'Types of TV
programme'. T asks the students what TV programmes they watch and writes their answers in the
first column.Then, elicits the type of TV programme for each one and writes the answer in the
second column.


Q: What kind of programme is Game of Thrones? A: It's a drama.

If necessary,T asks additional questions about viewing times and channels, e.g. 'What time is it
on?' 'What channel is it on?' and reminds students to use the preposition 'at' with times and 'on'
with channels. The students are divided into pairs (A and B) and each student gets a
corresponding A or B worksheet.T tells the students not to show their worksheet to their
partner.T explains that the students are going to complete the missing information in the TV
guide on their worksheet by asking questions to their partner about what's on TV. Students then
ask and answer questions with their partner and complete the missing information in the TV
guide. When the students have finished, they check their answers by comparing worksheets with
their partner.
Afterwards, T has a class feedback session to find out which TV shows the students would like
to watch from the worksheet and why.

Timing: 10 minutes

Interaction: PW

ACTIVITY 8. Reading activity.

Procedure: T asks Ss a few questions: „How often do you watch TV?, How much time do you
spend watching TV?, How about your parents? Who spends more time watching TV you or your

Then Ss read a text to find out if young people watch more TV than their parents. (ex. 5/pg.

Ss read the text again and decide if the sentences are true or false. (ex. 6/ pg. 18)

Interaction: T-Ss

Ss- T

Timing: 7 minutes.

ACTIVITY 8. Giving homework.

Procedure: T tells Ss that their homework for the next time will be to choose three TV channels
and write a TV guide for Sunday.They have to write the name of the TV programme and the
type. At the end T tells them that they did brilliant in the classroom, she also gives them red
points for their activity and appreciates all the things they did well and those which were not so

Interaction: T- whole class

Timing: 3 minutes.
Student A
Complete the missing information in tonight's TV guide by asking questions to your partner about what's
on TV.
Example: Q: What's on Channel 5 at six o'clock? A: Final Space.
Q: What kind of programme is Final Space? A: It's a cartoon.
Evening Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4
I Shouldn't Be Alive Masterchef (cookery
6:00 - 6:30 (docudrama) programme)
The Big Bang Theory Days of Our Lives
6:30 – 7:00 (sitcom) (Soap opera)
The Walking Dead The Price is Right
7:00 – 8:00 (drama) (game show)
Wish You Were Here Life on Earth
8:00 – 9:00 (travel programme) (documentary)

Student B
Complete the missing information in tonight's TV guide by asking questions to your partner about what's
on TV.
Example: Q: What's on Channel 5 at six o'clock? A: Final Space.
Q: What kind of programme is Final Space? A: It's a cartoon.

Evening Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4

The Daily Show Match of the Day
6:00 - 6:30 (news programme) (sports programme)

The Simpsons Last Week Tonight

6:30 – 7:00 (cartoon) (talk show)
Who wants to be a Panorama (current
7:00 – 8:00 millionaire? (quiz show) affairs programme)

American Idol Animal Kingdom

8:00 – 9:00 (reality show) (wildlife programme)

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