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SICE Annual Conference in Fukui, August 4-6,2003

Fukui University, Japan

Smith Predictor Control and Internal Model

Control - A Tutorial -
N.Abe' and K.Yamanaka2
hleiji University, Higashimita Tamaku, Kawasaki, 214-8571, Japan
Ibaraki University, Hitachi 316-8511, Japan
yamQmx. i b a r a k i . ac . j p

Abstract: This paper is to provide a guide to the time-delay compensation scheme known
as Smith predictor control. The internal model control (IhIC) scheme is discussed together t o
understand the Smith predictor control in terms of newer theoretical concepts. Related topics
such as disturbance rejection, H2 optimality, stability robustness and windup problem are also
Keywords: Time Delay Systems, Smith Predictor Control, Internal Model Control

1. Introduction
Time-delay has been a common phenomenon to over-
come whenever we close a feedback loop for the purpose
of controlling any system. Recent increase of control a p
plications in the variety gives more importance to sys-
tematic methods to cope with timedelay. Motivated
hy this observation, we review one of the best known
schemes for controlling systems with time-delay. The
distinctive scheme was proposed by 0.J.M.Smith a p Figure 1: Smith predictor control
proximately 50 years ago, and is still attracting much
attention for its usefulness. From the present viewpoint, as follows.
the internal model control (IMC) is closely related t o the
Smith predictor control as long as time-delay systems
are concerned. After seeing the basic formulations of
the two control schemes separately, we discuss equiva- GecL" GCsecLS
lence between them. Discussions ahout related topics + -d+
l+GCs 1+GGs
~ G(l - e-")d (1)
follow on the basis of the equivalence recognition. SISO
systems are main object of this paper, and MIMO sys- The closed-loop poles are a t mast finite in number since
tems are also discussed for the case including an issue +
the denominator function 1 GCs is a rational h n c -
peculiar t o hlIhIO systems. tion. It should he remarked that the response to the
disturbance deoends directlv on the ooles of G. which
is out of contrdl. This issue"wi1l be discussed later.
2. Smith Predictor Control Fig2 is another equivalent diagram of Smith predic-
tor control scheme, which may possibly be more conve-
Smith predictor control ') is a feedback control scheme nient for practical use.
that have a minor loop as shown in Fig.1. G denotes
a stable, strictly proper rational function characterizing
the delay-free part of the plant. L denotesp positive
constant standing for the time-delay. G and L are nom-
inal version of G and L , respectively, obtained through
modeling process. Cs denotes a rational function char-
acterizing the compensator called primary controller.
The minor loop works to eliminate the actual delayed
output as well as to feed the predicted output to the
primary controller. This makes it possible t o design the
primary controller assuming no time-delay in the con-
trol loop. PID controllers can be successfully applied +
together with classical tunirg techniques.
In the case where G = G and L = E, the output y Figure 2: Practical installation of Smith scheme
depends on the reference input r a n d the disturbance d

1383 PROO01/03/0000-1257 F400 0 2003 SICE

3. Internal Model Control ................ id

Internal model control (IMC) 'I) is a control scheme

that &corpoLates plant model as shown in Fig.3.
G, L , G and L are the same as those mentioned in Sec-
tion 2. C I A Jdenotes
~ a transfer function, which is suit-
ably chosen from stable rational functions as design pa-
rameter. Suppose that the plant behaves perfectly the
same behavior as its model, i.e., bCL* = GeCLS.Then
the output y is simply related to the inputs r,d as
Figure 4: E q u i d e n t of Smith scheme
2, = GClnlce-L"r + (1 - GCI,wc)GeCLSd. (2)

It can be seen that the internal stability is always as-

sured as Ions as a stable parameter C ~ n l cis used to
control a stable plant. Smith predictor control has an IMC structure in a.hich
CIA,Cis parametrized by Cs as Clnic = Cs/(l+CsB)
and is designed as if the classical unity feedback struc-
ture is under consideration.

5. Relevant Topics
In this section we discuss about three relevant topics of
Model Smith predictor control and IMC.

Figure 3: IAIC Structure 5.1 Disturbance rejection

In eq.(l) and eq.(2) the transfer function from d to y
A design procedure of IMC Assume that G = 8, inherit the open-loop poles. When the open-loop sys-
L = L and G is of minimum phase-shift. Then a simple tem has slow modes, input channel disturbance influ-
choice of the design parameter is ence harmfully for a long time. This can be solved in
Smith predictor control by inserting a disturbance com-
CIAIC= G-'(s)F(s), (3) pensator in the feedback path @. This leads to Smith
controller with two-degree of freedom.
where, F is a rational function with F ( 0 ) = 1, called
IhlC filter, chosen so as to make CIArc proper. A simple
choice of F is as follows.

where Xis apasitive real number, and n is a positive in-

teger, both suitably chosen. The resultant 1-0 property
y = Fe-% + l FeCLS)d.
G e C L S (- (5)
Note that perfect tracking except pure time-delay is
achieved by choosing F 1.
Figure 5: 2.D.O.F. Smith predictor control

4. Equivalence The 1-0 relation (1) is modified into

Comparing with the block diagrams of Fig.1 and Fig.3
with each other, we find a common feature in the Smith
scheme and IMC scheme. Both incorporate the plant
GecL" GC,eCL9
model to cancel the plant dynamics. Based on the + -d+-
I+GCs l+GCs
G(l - M ( s ) e c L a ) d .
equivalent block diagram of Fig.4, we can find a for-
mula for converting one to the other as follows, (8)

The inserted compensator M changes the response to

disturbance. If the open-loop pales can be canceled by

some zeros of (1 M(s)ecL"), then the resoponse to
as long as the integral exists. Here * denotes complex
disturbance is improved without changing the response conjugate. Let us consider a performance criterion of
to reference input. the form
To summarize, the additional compensator A4 is re-
quired to satisfy the following conditions. 5 ) . J(CIA4C) = ((1-DGCIAIC)R, (1-DGCIMC)R ) ,
1. The poles of A4 are suitably located for desirable (11)
where D ( s ) := ezp(-Ls), and R is a strictly proper ra-
tional function having no poles nor zeros in the closed
2. The function l-M(s)ecLS has such zerosthat can- right half-plane. This is the 2-norm of the sensitiv-
cel all the "slow" poles of G. ity function weighted by the function R. If we can-
sider R(jw)R(jw)' t o be the power spectral density of
3. M ( 0 ) = 1
reference input that is a stationary stochastic process,
The third condition is necessary to remove the steady- then the optimization in t e r m of J amounts to the
state output error from a constant reference. For the minimum-variance tracking.
details of design procedure, see Reference 5 ) , Due to the all-pass characteristic of the timedelay,
The same problem arises in IMC scheme, and is salved we can rewrite the right-hand side of (11) as
by the 2 degree-of-freedom IMC scheme of Fig.6.
( D R - G C I , C , D R - GCtnrc).
D ( s ) := D(s)-' = e''. (12)

Thus all we have to do isto find the Hz-function GC~nrc

closest to the function D R lying in &space 2. This
canAbedone as follows. First, the orthogonal projection
of D R on to Hz-space is c e A L ( s I : A ) - ' 6 , which can be
obtained as the "causal part" of DR 13). Here, ( c , A , 6 )
is the state-space realization of R

R ( s ) = c(s1- A)-'b. (13)

Second, the optimal IhlC compensator is derived by

Figure 6: 2 D.O.F. IhIC equating GCIAICand the orthogonal projection. The
result is CIAIC = G-'ceAL(sl - A)-'&
The 1-0relation (2) is modified into
It should be noted that a rational function CIAICis
y = G C , I A , ~ ~ -(1~-~GCdIAlc)GecLBd.
~ (9) ubtained as optimal compensator function. This means
that the optimal control scheme can also be constructed
The compensator Cdrnrc can be used to improve the
in the form of Smith predictor control with rational Cs.
response to disturbance without changing the response
As for hlIhIO systems, it depends on the plant dynam-
to reference input "1.
ics whether a rational transfer matrix result from H H ~
optimization or not. So far we have the following result
5.2 'H2 optimization on this issue 13). Assume that the plant transfer matrix
It has been recognized 2, ', 1' that a structure of the is given in the farm
Smith predictor control results from a certain class of
'Hz optimization problems. To state in terms of IMC, eCLSG(s), (14)
the optimal IhlC compensator CIMCcan be found
where L is a diagonal matrix with m positive diagonal
within those characterized by rational transfer functions
entries, and G is such a m x m matrix that hoth G and
'3). We discuss this issue below with the assumption
G-' are composed of stable rational functions. Then,
G = G and L = L. the plant is optimally controlled by an IhIC scheme with
W e saw in the previous section that a simple de-
rational stable C t ~ r cor
, a Smith scheme with rational
sign procedure applies to an IhIC scheme, provided the
stabilizing Cs. This consequence c a n not necessarily
delay-free part of the plant is of minimum phase-shift.
valid without the above assumption.
The key was in canceling all the dynamics except the
time-delay by using the compensator C I ~ I C = G-',
which is multiDlied bv a suitable IOW-D~SS filter. On 5.3 Practical stablity
the other hand, the optimal compensator takes some-
Since the plant model incorporated in the Smith scheme
what different form in terms of the ' H z performance cri-
is not the plant itself, it is difficult to assume the ac-
terion. Let ( f , g ) denote the inner product of meromor-
tual behavior of the plant perfectly the same as the
phic functions f and g, defined as
model. The possible difference of the actual plant from

2;; /,
f(3w)g(ju)*h3 (lo)
the model gives rise to mismatch between the plant and
the controller. A certain Smith predictor control scheme

is stable only when there is no mismatch, i.e. an arhi- where W denotes the delay-free part of the complemen-
trarily small difference in the timedelays m a k a the sys- tary sensitivity function of the closed loop with no mis-
tem unstable. This was pointed out by Z.Palmor about match, i.e.,
fairly general class of systems, and such a system was
said to he practically unstable 31. On the other hand, a
Smith predictor control scheme satisfying some condi-
tioiw remains stable in the presence of small mismatch,
and is called practically stable. This result involves the preceding res$ since arbitrar-
Suppose that the mismatch is caused only by identi- ily small K suits to the case where G = G. The result
fication error in the time-delay, i.e., G = G. Then, a also applies to IhfC schemes due to the equivalence be-
Smith scheme or an IMC scheme is said t o he practically tween Smith predictor control and IhlC. The equivalent
stable, iff there exists a 6 > 0 such that the closed loop expression W = GC~nrcreplases (20) for IMC.
is stable whenever lL - 1 1< 6 . Here, we use the word
“stable” to mean that we can find some a > 0 such that
the closed-loop sensitivity function has no poles to the
6. Windup problem
right of the line R e s = --U.
It is known that the input saturation with an in-
The inequality
tegral action cases a n overshoot response, which is
called “Windup”. In the classical PID control scheme,
humples transfer and anti-windup are actual impor-
tant prohlemes. Windup problem is not exceptional in
was first shown to he necessary for practical stability both Smith and IhlC schemes with input sat,uration ’‘1.
of Smith schemes 3), before proving to he also sufficient When there are some nonlinearityes, such as the satura-
6,g’. Equivalently, this necessary and sufficient condi- tion, both schemes axe generally inconvertible. In this
tion can be rewritten in terms of IhIC I*), as section we show some solutions for both schemes.
Duaring the time-delay interval, optput of the plant
IG(s)cr,wc(s)ls=oo< f. (16) has no effect from input, then the integral error increase
such that time delay period amplifis the windup p h e
The condition (15) [or (16)] can not he violated in usual nomena.
situation since G is strictly proper. From the practical
viewpoint, however, we should he careful in such a case
that use of differential action in Cs prevents the com- S m i t h scheme w i t h PI controller One of the t y p
plementary sensitivity from suitably decaying in high ical and simple anti-windup solution of PID control is
frequenry range. a limited integral action, however, since it uses discon-
To state the result on practical stability for more tinuous switches, it will cause the other problem.
general cases, we consider the following inequality that Self conditioning anti-windup PI controller was pro-
specifies the plant uncertainty g). posed Io), which includes saturation model in PI con-
troller. The structure is shown in Fig.i. The amount of

Parameters K > 0, X E {O,1 , 2 , . . .}, 7 > 0 are assumed e -”

to be given together with E to define the class of all the
perturbed plant dynamics G. It is taken into consid-
eration here that uncertainty generally increases with I
the frequency. Now, let us define a Smith scheme t o
he practically stable, iff we can find 6 > 0 and p > 0
such that the closed loop remains stable against all the I
mismatch satisfying
Figure 7: Self Conditioning Anti-Windup PI Controller
1L-t.l < 6
and the saturated input eliminates the integral output, then
the excessive overshoot response is restrained. This con-
troller can he easily used for Smith predictor primary
controller C s and it has good anti-windup property “1.
A necessary and sufficient condition for a Smith scheme If the controller saturation is larger than the plant sat-
to he practically stable is represented by the inequality uration, then the windup effect remains, therefore, the
controller saturation is chosen smaller than the plant

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