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Revision, 8th grade

1. Here is some information about a person. What can you guess about that person?
e.g. Her favourite TV programme is called “In the Street”.

swimming blue disco music

14 Computer Studies pasta

computer programmer cats “In the Street”

2. Think about yourself and write down some information:

 New things in my life:

 Things I hate:
 Things I love:
 Things I have just done
 Places I want to go:
 Things I am good at:
 My favourite things:
 A hobby or special interest:

3. Read about the Loch Ness monster. Circle the correct answer:

In 1933, a man and a woman said that they saw “an enormous animal” in the water while
they .... (1) beside the lake. Since then many people have seen the monster and some people have
taken photographs.
In 1972 and 1975, an American scientific expedition ... (2) special cameras to search for the
monster. They took photographs of a large animal while it ... (3) under water, but many people
said the photographs were not clear enough. In 1987, a British expedition searched the lake with
sonar equipment but they found nothing.
A: a – were driving; b – drive; c – are driving
B: a – was using; b – used; c – uses
C: a – was swimming; b – swims; c – is swimming

4. Read the text again and answer the following questions:

a. What is the text about? d. What was said about the pictures taken
b. What did a woman and a man see in the by the cameras?
lake? e. When did a British expedition search the
c. What happened in 1972 and 1975? lake?
Revision, 8th grade

f. What do you think about the Loch Ness


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