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TEACHER Miss. Stewart

Subject/Class/Course Social Studies
Topic Exploring other Provinces
Grade Level Grade 3 &4 Duration 60 minutes

Objectives/Outcomes (Indicate GCO and SCO) (Indicate SCO in student friendly language)
SCO: 4.4.1 Describe the physical landscape of Canada
3.1.2 Describe the major physical features, climates, and vegetation of their province and the Atlantic region

SFL: I can describe other provinces and their features.

Attention Getter: Focus Pocus, Everybody Focus
Hook: I will be wearing a Canadian Hat. I will read the book “Thank you Canada” to begin students’ interest and understanding of
our country and the variety of amazing things within our provinces.
APK: KWL: Before students begin their exploration of different provinces other than our own, they will be asked if they know
anything about their province to begin with. This will just be orally asked before they begin their research.

 C4U by using random selection after instructions
 C4U by circulating the room & monitor student progress (using class list).
 Once the activity is complete, I will observe if students understood the lesson and conducted proper research by using
their materials and knowledge.
 Exit ticket: I will look at these exit slips to ensure that they have learned 1 aspect about their province. This will let me
know if they need more time or more in-depth research time.

Develop the Instruction

Read Aloud 5 minutes
Instruction 2 minutes
APK 5 minutes
Independent work 45 minutes (10 minutes to research before recording)
Exit slip 2 minutes

I will begin the lesson by reading the story “Thank you Canada” by Andrea Lynn Beck. This will take place on the
mat in the back of the classroom. Once I have finished reading this to them, I will have a discussion about the book
with students. We will discuss the amazing aspects that our country has the various aspects they have seen before
throughout Canada. I will inform students that we will be exploring our country through researching different

I will then show them the different tents on each table and how they have different colors because they will be given
a slip of paper with their name which correlates with that color tent. I will then show them the booklet which they
will be working in today. I will explain each page and tell them that we may not get through it all today, but we should
do one page at a time and do their best work. I will also explain that we will continue this another day and have
presentations to the class on their province. I will then show one book and where the important information can be

Students will be given their groupings in twos and I will distribute them one at a time to avoid
Once students are seated, I will gain their attention by using the attention getter “macaroni and cheese, everybody
freeze”. I will ensure that all students freeze before I move on. I will move around the class asking if students in their
group know anything about their province before they begin, and something they would like to know.

I will then tell students I will leave the last column blank so that we can add to it after. I will then distribute the
provincial books (research material). I will put a timer on the computer/phone for 10 minutes so students can just
simply read through and find interesting aspects of their province. After this timer I will distribute the booklet and
they can begin working on through it as a team but each filling in their own booklet.

If needed students can look in their agendas at the back which shows each province and specific details about that
province. This can be an alternative research aspect for them.

Students may need regrouping if absent, but elimination of a province/group is possible as well. We will cover the
remaining provinces and territories another day.

“Do you believe you have learned a little about another province today? Are we able to explain why Canada is special and aspects
that make it our home? We will continue this next day and continue on with presentations of your work to show off and educate
each other. YOU get to be the teacher for a few minutes!”
Exit Slip: Before we finish Social Studies, I want you to fill out your slip with your name on it and one of your favorite new facts
about the province.

After the slips have been passed in, I will ensure students are ready to move onto literacy (read to someone), when I
go get Ms. Hackett to take over while I meet with Mrs. Betts.

Materials, Technologies, Safety or Special Considerations

Social Studies Booklets
“Thank you Canada” book
Colossal Canada (100 Epic facts and feats)
Paper – KWL Chart
Exit Slips (maple leaf)

Special Consideration:
I have a student who is low on literacy, I will make sure he is placed with 2 other students. They will then help each
other out with the answers and can help him spell the words when necessary (if he is not pulled out for literacy
----- If students are absent then I will have to move around the groups/ eliminate a province. We will cover the
remaining provinces at another time.

Were my students successful in meeting the outcomes and objectives? How do I know? Did my instructional decisions meet the
needs of all students? What could I do to improve the lesson?

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