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EECM – 322



The video I have observed for homestead technology is on smokeless Chullah. The
video is all about the women who live in tribal areas of Visakhapatnam district.
Smokeless Chullah in tribal families have improved the lives of village women by
tackling noxious indoor air pollution, reducing firewood consumption and
providing livelihoods.
About 1,00,00 tribal women in Visakhapatnam district depend on firewood as their
source of fuel for cooking. About twice or thrice a week they walk longer distances
for collection of firewood. This produces lot of smoke producing hazards to family
and children. Apart from producing hazards it is polluting the environment too.
Earlier they used to cook in traditional chullah with very limited efficiency which
took much of their precious time and they were not able to focus on their children
and family due to this, their daily household work was suffering. They developed
many health issues such as breathing problem, children were not able to study, the
dirty smoke remained inside the house. The black smoke would get into eyes
making them water whole day. Coughing had become a part of their daily routine.
More than 68% rural Indian and around 87% of rural India Household use
woods(firewood) or bushes or shrubs to cook food, it has very less efficiency level
(6-8%), hazardous to health especially to women and children are at high risk due
to prolonged exposure to smoke, children not able to go to school due to bad
health. According to the WHO, health data estimated 4.3 million people die
annually from household air pollution caused by cooking with biomass and coal.
These chullah release large amounts of smoke, causing damage to rural health as
well as increasing the risk of household fires. It is the greatest health risk in the
world after high blood pressure, tobacco and alcohol. More people are dying from
the incremental, ongoing inhalation of smoke from fires they ignite in their homes
than from malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS combined.
After adopting the new homestead technology i.e., smokeless chullah reduced 50%
consumption of firewood. Prevent rural women from walking long distances in the
forest to collect firewood. Reduced indoor pollution and improved their health. It is
helping the women to utilize their valuable time for income generating
activities.The advantages realised from the smokeless chulha were: reduction in
smoke and irritation due to smoke, operational convenience in food preparation,
ease of cleaning cooking vessels, convenience in feeding fuel, conservation of
cooking time and conservation of fuel.
By watching the above video related to homestead technology, I got to learn a lot
about the smokeless chullah and it’s benefits to the rural women who walked miles
for collection of firewood. Helped them in reducing their workload and pollution
control and saving their valuable time and incorporating it in making money by
income generation activities.
Referenced link:



The above video I have observed is related to farmstead technology i.e., Direct
paddy seeder. It is one of the revolutionary equipment that changed the face of
sowing paddy seeds in wetland field. Direct paddy drum seeder has eliminated the
need of transplantation and hours of manual work which will literally break the
back of the farmers involved in sowing the paddy seeds to the field. At one stretch
with single operator effort, it covers 8 rows of 20 cm row to row spacing at a time.
Made up of plastic material, which makes it easy.
1. The seed drum is hyperboloid shaped with 200 mm diameter. There are 8
number of seeding metering holes of 9 mm hole diameter. Baffles are provided
inside the seed drum between the seed holes to ensure the uniform seed rate in
operation as well as to ensure hill dropping of the seeds. Each seed drum has two
rows of planting, and four drums are assembled to form eight rows of planting at
single stretch.
2. Wheels are provided at both ends. These wheels are made up of plastic material
to provide floating characteristics. Wheel diameter is 2 feet.
3. One square shaft, handle base and handle. Four seed drums are assemble
together with the square shaft. The handle if meant to pull along.
Salient features
The ergo-refined four - row direct paddy seeder consists of two numbers of seed
hoppers, a pair of ground wheels, main shaft and harness. A swinging handle is
provided for
pulling the seeder. The unit can be operated comfortably by a woman worker.
Dimension (l×w×h) : 1,680×9,200×600 mm
Weight : 7.2 kg
Draft : 95 N
Working width : 800 mm
Operating speed : 1 km/h
Power requirement : one person
Impacts and benefits
 Ensures uniform rate of sowing.
 Total duration of crop reduced by 10-15 days.
 Saving in 40% seed and 60% in cost and time.
 Worker friendly technology.
 Environment friendly technology as the crop duration and thereby field
exposure for green house gas emission is reduced by 10-15 days.
Referred link:
Conclusion: By watching the above video related to farmstead technology i. e.,
direct paddy seeder. I have learnt salient features, how it works and benefits of
adopting the technology.


The above video is on non farm technology i.e., paneer presser. Paneer represents a
South Asian variety of soft cheese prepared by acid and heat coagulation of milk. It
is popular throughout South Asia and used in the preparation of a number of
several culinary preparations and snacks. It is a rich source of high quality animal
protein, fat, minerals and vitamins. India has witnessed a remarkable growth in
milk production during the last few decades due to the success of the Operation
Flood programme, which is one of the world’s largest and successful integrated
dairy development programs initiated in 1970s.
Paneer pressing machine with minimum capacity was fabricated to facilitate small
Salient features
 It is a screw type press to produce paneer blocks.
 Dimension (l×b×h) : 650×510× 940 mm
 Weight : 45 kg
 Manpower requirement : 6.0 man-h/
 100 kg
Impact and benefits
 Reduces drudgery and produces a better product.
 Value addition of milk.
Conclusion: By observing the above video in non farm technology i.e., paneer
presser. Paneer is analogous to fresh, unripe soft cheese made by heat and acid
coagulation of milk. It is very popular in South Asia and is used for preparation of
various culinary dishes and acts as an ingredient for vegetable dishes and snacks.
There is a wide variation in the chemical composition and yield of paneer due to
the use of varied techniques by paneer manufacturers. Hence there is a need to
adopt low cost paneer. pressing device and standard procedure for paneer
manufacture. It helps the small scale entrepreneurs like SHG and farm women can
utilize the low cost paneer pressing device.
Referred link:


The above video is on conventional technology i.e., chilli seed extractor. Chilli
(Capsicum annuum L.) is an important vegetable cum spice crop, grown
extensively in different parts of India. It occupies an important place in the Indian
diet. Chilli has also acquired a great importance in food and beverage industries in
the form of oleoresins, which permits better distribution of colour and flavour in
food as compared to chilli powder.
The traditional method of seed separation/extraction from dry red chilli fruits
involves various operations like harvesting, sun drying, beating and winnowing.
These operations were carried out manually, it takes more time and seed obtained
by this method is of poor quality.
Presently no appropriate mechanism is available with the farmers for extraction of
seeds from wet chillies. Farmer’s traditional practice by using locally made
mechanisms for wet chilli seed extraction leads to the damage to the seeds as well
as the reduction in quality of seeds in terms of germination and viability per cent.
Keeping in view of the above facts, wet red chilli seed extractor was designed,
developed and evaluated for performance. The major components of the machine
include main frame, feed hopper, seed extraction unit and power transmission
system. The machine is powered by three horse-power, three phase electric motor.
Salient features
Chilli seed extractor consists of drum with flat pegs enclosed in a casing and when
rotated breaks all the chilli fruits by impact. The screen separates the seed from
chilli husk.
Dimensions (l×b×h) : 2,440×1,420× 1,780 mm
Impact and benefits
 Capacity of seed extraction is 2-3 times more than the conventional system.
 Minimizes sneezing and body irritation.
 Reduction in drudgery and air pollution.
 By-product utilization is possible for chilli powder industry
Referred link:
Conclusion: By observing the above video I have learnt about the non farm
technology i.e., chilli seed extractor it’s salient features, how it works and benefits
of adoption of technology.
Assignment- 5 FARM STEAD TECHNOLOGY (in detail)

The above video is related to farmstead technology i.e., Two row manual seed
drill. Two row manual seed drill is a manually pulled seed drill. It consists of
frame, seed box, 2 cup metering wheels with ten cups in wheels, one axle, two
ground wheels, float and two furrow openers are fitted in the frame for dry sowing.
It is suitable for dry sowing of paddy seed at row spacing of 20 cm.The seed drill
allows farmers to sow seeds in well-spaced rows at specific depths at a specific
seed rate; each tube creates a hole of a specific depth, drops in one or more seeds,
and covers it over.
Salient features
 It is useful for line sowing of rice for wet and dry soil condition. It saves
seed and labour.
 No. of rows : 2
 Row spacing : 200 mm
Impact and benefits
 The ease in weeding operation, using paddy weeder, in line sown paddy
 Saving in time and manpower.
 Ease in adaptation owing to less weight.
 It reduces drudgery of farmers in seeding and weeding operation.
By observing the video on farmstead technology I have learnt too know about the
various technologies in farm to be adopted. It’s salient features and benefits etc.,
Referred link:

Submitted by
N. Susheela

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