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1. Calls for the establishment of an International Committee to Ensure Post-Conflict

Rehabilitation (ICEPCR) of displaced and disoriented individuals and groups, which shall
carry out the following functions and measures, under the United Nations Security Council
(UNSC), with the details being as follows:
a) Its primary function would be to assist such people by
i. Providing essential necessities such as nutritional foods, first
aid, vaccination, medical care to the victims of the insurgency
ii. Constructing temporary as well as permanent residential quarters in
locations where such issues are faced as feasible and with permission from the
government of the respective states
b) With consultation and recommendations from the United Nations Counter
Terrorism Committee (UNCTC), the ICEPCR would lay specific localized measures
by consulting the UNHRC for contributing to post conflict rehabilitation of victims of
terrorist attacks,
c) To discover innovative mechanisms and ideas, and procure and supply all the
assistance possible to contribute to any nation where political instability or
contingency prevails and the nation is unable to provide for any sort of post-
rehabilitation measures for the influenced ones
d) If found appropriate by the concerned state’s delegation and permitted by the
national laws of the respective state or states, then after adequate analysing of data
procured, to take necessary actions for the aforementioned,
e) Hold discussions with United Nations Human Rights Committee (UNHRC) and the
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to (OHCHR):
i. Ensure that traumatised victims in all countries have their human rights
affirmed and enforced, as explained in the United Nations Charter chapter 1,
f) Setting up a reliable research and reconnaissance team to receive necessary
information for identification of holding sites of hostages and prisoners as well as
analysing the data,
g) Aims and strives to receive as much funds and donations as possible for
accomplishing the purpose it was set up for and running the organisation by
requesting NGOs, philanthropists and governments of all nations for donations,
h) Promoting reintegration efforts and programs for such people, by measures such as,
but not limited to:
i. Setting up child moulding and learning programs in the country so that
children between the age of 4-16 years are not influenced by extremists and
are not misled or brainwashed into taking part in these groups
i) Hold an annual meeting of the committee and additional conferences if the majority
is in favour to support the aforementioned measures along with:
       i. Keeping records of terrorist activities
       ii. Reaching out to refugee camps with essential goods and services
iii. Documenting budget estimations of the committee and all funds received;
2. Resolves the issue of child vaccination in refugee camps, areas affected by a natural
calamity or where a crisis or emergency has been declared and areas in conflict settings by: 
a) Improving communication settings in internally displaced populations by
introducing door to door vaccination programmes and mobile vaccination set-ups
b) Using high resolution satellite imagery for estimating present population and
providing an insight into the land status to provide for vaccine services and for the
planning, evaluation and decision making of inaccessible regions
c) Providing vaccines at transit points which serve as common halts for refugees and
citizens who have migrated or been forcefully displaced which limit vaccine
preventable diseases (VPD) transmission within such communities
d) Formulating national legislation storing a decided percentage of vaccine
resources and resource allocation for unforeseen circumstances;

3. Demands the timely and adequate delivery of essential goods imperative for rehabilitation
of people by: 
a) Further and better construction of infrastructure such as roads, power supplies by:
 i. Usage of higher quality and sustainable material such as high-grade asphalt
for roads and high-tension wires in power generators
ii. Handing the construction projects to upstanding contractors who have a
reliable track record of fleeing as well as using materials of desired quality
iii. Raising and using collected funds for the above purposes
b) Developing communication networks in impoverished areas and countries ravaged
by extremists to ensure and improve coordination among public, private sectors,
organisations and the government
i. Any country which deems it necessary to receive such aid may submit a
resolution for the same in the United Nations General Assembly Social,
Cultural and Humanitarian Committee
c) Conducting operational researches and regular checks to ensure proper delivery of
all services as well as surveillance of successful strategies
d) Verifying the presence of adequate human resources at immunisation programmes
and if not then arranging for by urgent means
e) Promoting enhanced training of health-care workers and increasing the amount
of certified training or qualifications required to serve in such programmes
f) Seeking assistance from civil society organisations for outreach, planning and better
delivery systems
g) Appointing an adequate number of motivated, well trained, competent and
empowered staff personnel trained by the OHCHR and personnel of the UNHRC
h) Promote greater access to government property not only for improved delivery
systems but also for conducting frequent immunisation programs
i) Requesting the government as well as philanthropists and groups for greater
financial, manual aid and support in all possible forms and transcending support from
all during urgent conditions and national or territorial emergencies
j) Requests the United Nations development program (UNDP) and the United Nations
Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to help set up camps and programmes in the affected
areas of ______for the purpose of relief and rehabilitation of traumatized civilians;

4. Calls for _________ to uptake the following measures to minimize depression caused
among people after being traumatized or highly influenced by the ill-effects of the past
conflicts such as but not limited to:
a) Addressing government specialists and well-trained individuals to: 
i. Maintain counselling as the preliminary step to lift depression by creating
suitable environments in locations across ______ and including psychotherapy
treatment techniques such as cognitive therapy, interpersonal therapy and
mindfulness meditation which have been proved quite effective in eradicating
depression and also prevent it from returning
ii. Indulge in electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) that triggers brief seizures to
provide relief to patients of severe depressions 
b) The production and generation of antidepressant medications should increment and
measures must be found to decrease prices making it more accessible and of
reasonable rates for ordinary citizens
c) Working more effectively to promote the rights of women by:
i. Enforcing strict laws to provide adolescents the complete liberty to choose
their spouses or the mandatory requirement of their consent if one has been
chosen for them and educating and informing families to not curtail this
freedom of a girl as it is her right
ii. Formulating stringent penal codes against harassment, molestation, child
marriage, female infanticide, female genital mutilation, trafficking in females
or any form of sexual violence or usage for immoral purposes and
discrimination based on sex
iii. Educating women on their rights and males on supporting rights of women
without gender discrimination in any field
iv. Promoting empowerment of girls and young women and providing equal
opportunities to them in education at all levels, including vocational and
technical training;

5.  Urges the ______ government and their allies to address the ongoing Refugee and
Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) crisis in _____ and its neighbouring countries, in ways
such as:
a) Recommending the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to
limit the refugee outflow from _____
b) Giving undivided importance to the deplorable living conditions of Nigerian
refugees and improve their conditions by methods such as:
i. Providing funds for humanitarian agencies working in ____ such as the
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the Medicins San Frontieres
ii. Immediately calls for the elimination of all detention centres present in the
iii. Implement monitoring and surveillance systems near coastal areas to
prevent human trafficking and human smuggling;

6. Supports the creation of a program to work in affiliation with Teachers Without Borders,

however with the participating teachers being paid reasonable salaries:
a. Since Internally Displaced Children are spread all around ______,
i. There will be educational camps placed around ______ for the education of
Internally Displaced Children,
ii. The best suitable places for these camps will be chosen such that majority
of the Internally Displaced Children will be able to receive basic education,
b. These educational camps will be heavily guarded so the (Militia) cannot attack the
children or teachers,
i. The guards and forces guarding the camps will be provided by the United
Nations and (EU/AU/ASEAN/NATO/Any other),
ii. Countries other than the (EU/AU/ASEAN/NATO/Any other) who wish to
supply forces to guard the camps are allowed to do so,
c. A background check must take place on the guards to ensure the following criteria
be approved,
i. Not having been affiliated in committing any felony,
ii. No record of showing any violent behaviour except for the good of
something or someone,
iii. Not be working with the (Militia) directly or indirectly,
d. Requests funds for this camp to be provided by,
i. The World Bank,
ii. (EU/AU/ASEAN/NATO/Any other),                    
e. A certain line of parameters for the qualification of each teacher, 
f. Each teacher has the basic qualifications,
i. Each teacher needs to be licensed by completing the educational
requirements and passing examinations,
ii. If the teacher has not majored in teaching, it is required for them to go
through a credited teaching certificate program,
g. The background check applied on the guards will also be applied on the teachers,
i. Special measures shall be taken to preserve the safety and well-being of the
teachers, this will include,
i. Homes for the Teachers
ii. The location shall be near the IDP camp that the teacher has been allocated,
j. Basic necessities will be provided by using loans from countries and the World
Bank being,
i. Stationery,
ii. Notebooks;
7. Calls upon all nations to provide extra financial aid to the United Nations to help the
______ Refugees:
a. Developed nations should provide extra financial aid to the UNHCR,
i. It is up to UNHCR to decide in what way the funds will be used to help
these refugees,
ii. These funds can be given as loans but countries should be aware it will take
time for these loans to be paid back,
b. The World Bank should also loan money for the purpose of helping the refugees,
c. Countries following the law of (Insert Religious law here) should take in refugees,
d. Countries can also provide funds straight to the forces helping the Refugees,
e. A separate body under the UNHCR should be made to supervise these flows of
direct funds,
i. This body will view and oversee all transactions taking place between the
donating country and receiving country,
ii. This body will ensure responsible utilization of the funds;

8. Encourages the neighbouring states to medically assist the refugees identified through
international or national public databases, such as but not limited to those of the INTERPOL,
by, transferring such persons to rehabilitation camps established by the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the national government of the concerned nations,
a. Such aforementioned persons be treated for Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD), if acquired and any other injury or injuries acquired by the aforementioned
person or persons,
b. The aforementioned treatment should be provided by doctors approved, appointed
and preferably trained by the UNHRC and the national government of the concerned
nation, provided that the nation shows a considerable degree of competence in
medical services,
c. Persons being provided also with vocational training skills and employment, such
as, but not limited to, the construction of other refugee and IDP camps and other
relevant forms of paid labour,
d. Conduction of a 24x7 patrol by UN forces of said camps
e. States which shall act as host States for refugees shall receive developmental aid
from the IMF (International Monetary Fund);

9. Encourages that the UN aid IDPs in war torn countries by:

a. Sending UNPKF forces to,
i. Ensure that the IDPs are moved to a safer location within the same country
or to a designated area in a neighbouring country to provide them with basic
aid and amenities to make sure that they are in good health,
ii. Then make a move to evacuate the collective persons to countries that are
willing to take them,
b. The UN forces provide them with proper means like boats with sea worthiness
certificates to safely transport them ensuring that,
i. There are at least two certified sailors or persons specially trained to handle
boats with them,
ii. The boats have basic supplies and a hotline to ports/UNHCR
headquarters/host country to ensure that there is prompt aid in the case that
there is an issue such as refugees falling sick, or the boat capsizing,
c. Land travel to be by buses that are equipped with sufficient food, drink and
amenities that will,
i. Have a set amount of armed UNKPF soldiers to ensure the safety of the
ECONOMIC (Varies from topic to topic)

1. Considers that the economic robustness of _______ is heavily dependent on its oil and
natural gas reserves and proposes the following:
a) Condemning and taking action against any organisation functioning outside the
framework of the _____ Constitution
b) Efficient utilisation the oil fields in ______, and in particular, the _____ Oil Fields
and _____ Oil Fields,
c) Banning the smuggling of oil and natural gas resources through illicit inter border
networks and introducing stringent measures to counter smuggling, by methods, inter
i. Increasing border patrols along known smuggling routes
ii. Increasing punishment for oil smugglers and giving parole to smugglers
who willingly turn themselves in
d) Keeping tighter security at oil fields and natural gas plants by increasing the
number of guards, surveillance cameras, with the equipment being provided by all
able nations willing to donate;

2. Regrets _____’s high unemployment rate and suggests that the following measures be
taken to reduce unemployment, creating a more stable economy: 
a) Making improvements in the education system by focusing on vocational and
technical skills in institutions to train students to acquire transferable skills highly
meeting the current economic trends rather than theory and academic knowledge
which is devoid of practical content
b) Organizing and conducting job-oriented courses such as career guidance, job
search assistance programs for youth,
c) Invest more in agriculture, tourism and construction and in programs that employ
young people;
d) Assisting professionals such as engineers, technocrats etc. who go in search of paid
jobs when do not have ample means for self-employment by:
i. Making loans easier to receive by cutting interest rates and reducing rigidity
while granting loans
ii. Creating an supporting micro-enterprise banks and credit unions
e) Creating contracts with neighbouring nations that are looking for expat work force
ranging from highly qualified to mundane, such as doctors, engineers, professionals,
chefs and others and make arrangements to send them to these nations
f) Providing equal opportunities in jobs to everyone with strict laws and punishments
to those who discriminate on basis of sex, race, colour or on any other grounds,
g) Utilizing agriculture as a source of economic growth and job creation by shifting to
commercial crops, improving skills, raising productivity, upgrading technology,
establishing marketing and distribution channels, creating linkages between
agricultural sectors and industries, and catering to export markets;
3. Urges the World Bank to extend the term of its provisional funds to the (Insert
humanitarian fund here) in terms of investment in public provisions including but not limited
to electricity, health-care, water, education and sanitation services, while having other
economic aid from the:
a) International Monetary Fund for developmental aid,
b) Other member nations by discretion of the ______ government and said members

4. Encourages sustainable development of energy and electricity in the region by:

a. Accessing tidal movements of water bodies to generate electricity as they are
situated in coastal areas and cost about 3.7 cents/kWh, the features of these tidal
energy plants will include:
i. Machines such as tidal energy converters will be used as they are least
environment damaging among all tidal energy generation methods
ii. They will have sea wall defence barriers as present in at-risk tidal power
b. Harnessing the waves to generate energy through wave power as they are situated
in coastal areas and its features will include:
i. Machines such as wave energy converters will be used
ii. Oscillating wave surge converters will also be used which include a
parabolic reflector to increase energy output
c. Harnessing the wind to generate energy by wind energy due to the availability of on
shore winds in these areas that are perennial
d. Photovoltaic energy wherever feasible
e. The feasibility for the above options will be decided by the United Nations
Sustainable Development Commission in consultation with the state government;

5. Recommends to inculcate the culture for waste segregation and to develop the
infrastructure for transfer of technology, skill development and seed funding under the aegis
of the United Nations and its constituent bodies for, amongst others, 
a. Identifying and segregating the domestic and industrial waste suitable for power
b. Establishing plant and generate power from waste, including bio-gas and thermal
power plants in suitable areas
c. Establishing facilities for converting organic waste into manure and use it for
sustainable agriculture practices
d. Waste through disarmament of weapons must be disposed securely by methods
ratified by the United Nations;

6. Encourages countries to provide funds and material for the creation of wells in _____ as
one of the key factors to the crisis being environmental degradation:
a. The United Nations should send an organization such as the IPCC to the _______,
            b.         This will help the UN obtain information telling them,
i. Almost exact information on the climatic conditions currently,
ii. Approximate of the conditions in the following seasons to come,
iii.  An approximate amount of the money and material needed for the UN to
take action there,
iv.  The IPCC will then revert to the United Nations with this information and
a deadline will be set for the time needed by the IPCC to obtain all this
c. The money and material provided by countries will mainly be used for the
construction of wells in ______,
i. An approximate digging of a 150 foot well according to the UN costs $5,500
ii. Countries should try and follow the pricing such as of India in which it will
cost 45,000 rupees to build a 150 foot well as compared to $5,500,
iii. Wells should be built in areas with larger population but not too far away
from places with lesser population hence ensuring that everyone is able to get
water to a certain extent,
d.   Underdeveloped countries or countries with a lower economy can provide smaller
rigs to help in building wells,
i. These are extremely cheap,
ii.  They can help dig wells from 150 feet to 200 feet,
iii. Wealthier countries can provide larger drilling rigs along with a motorized
pump even though these rigs are costlier they can help over 3000 people,
e. Workers to build these wells can either be provided by the UN, by other countries
or by Civilians living in _______ themselves,
i. Countries who are providing funds should try to provide workers to help
build these wells as well,
ii. Countries who cannot provide funds or material for the construction of
wells can still provide workers to help build these wells,
iii. If countries consist of NGOs such as “Construction for Change” then they
too can help in building these wells,
f.  Civilians in _______themselves can volunteer to build these wells as,
i. This will only further help them as the wells will provide water for their own
ii. They will get paid by the United Nations to build these wells,
g. To ensure that wells don’t try up due to the harsh weather conditions in _______ a
limit on the amount of water taken per family per day should be ensured being,
i. 2 litres of water per every family of 4,
ii. Hence, since people do not take more water than the water available
chances of the wells drying up are less,
h. To check the limit of water taken by every family, the UN will send personnel daily
or weekly to _______,
                     i. These will be surprise checks
ii. The personnel should be allowed to enter and thoroughly check people’s
iii. Any misconduct by the personnel may be reported to the United Nations
regional office, where it would be investigated and strict action would be

1. Encourages able countries to assist all countries and regions affected by the _____in their
reconstruction by methods such as but not limited to:
a) Rebuilding regions that were affected by the _____ once the threat of ______ has
been attenuated and the region has been deemed safe by UN officials
b) Formation of mobile medical teams in affected areas of _____to assist in healing
injured soldiers and citizens
c) Donating to the (insert humanitarian firm here) which will use the money received
for Internally Displaced People in ______, with the following being applied to
prevent corruption:
i. The balance sheet must be shown to a designated United Nations official
ii. If there is a difference between the money donated and the money used, an
investigation will be launched to determine where the money has been used
d) Reopening the (Insert country border here) for heavy goods vehicles and traders,
with security provided by military escorts, restoring and developing the road network
and launching high labour-intensive construction projects;

2. Recognizes the imminent threat posed by ______ and calls for all member states to assist
in attenuating the influence of such groups, after the consent of the United Nations Security
Council, through the means of:
a) Conducting attacks, at known extremist group strongholds through the sole
discretion of the United Nations Security Council via surgical strikes by armed
personnel in strongholds, without risk to hostages
b) Implementing deradicalization and educational campaigns for captured extremist
group members, to re-integrate them in the mainstream society
c) Interrogation of extremist group members to reveal information about these groups,
under the following rules:
i. the interrogation must be non-torturous in nature
ii. the interrogation must be in accordance with all UDHR rules
d) Surveillance of known Violent Non-State Actors (VNSA) bases and areas of
inhibition, in ways such as but not limited to:
i. the use of surveillance drones
ii. on-ground espionage infrastructure
e) Developing a plan that facilitates the mobilization of emergency troops in making
them readily available to counterattack VNSA forces and posting them to areas of
VNSA interest;

3. Calls for the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee (UNCTC) to create a report on terrorist

activity in ______, with the details of the report being:
a) The number of terrorist attacks in _____ and their distribution across the country
b) The number of people adversely affected by the ______ and other militias, with
respect to:
i. Displacement from homes
ii. Food and water shortage
iii. Being held hostage
iv. Other such problems
c) The known number of insurgents currently active in _____ and its neighbouring
countries and all the information that is collected
d) This information is to be submitted to the _____ government for it to be used
against terrorist groups and local militias
e) The procedure to be followed after a suspect has been arrested and brought to court
for a hearing;

4. Asks for the increase in the military strength and cooperation in fighting the_______ , by
ways such as but not limited to:
a) Carrying sudden raids on the unstable regions of the country so that there is more
chance of locating the centers where they live undercover, however it must be taken
care that:
i. There are no civilians in danger if the raid is carried out
ii. The youth who were misled in their decision, are not hurt in the process
b) Increasing checks on the trade taking place as this would cut down on the resources
obtained by the group and thus tackling the situation slowly
c) Better border security between _____ and ______ as that is a very common route
used by this extremist group to perform transnational as well as national illicit
activities by methods such as:
i. Setting up thermal sensors on the country borders so that the criminal
activity is caught and brought to an end
ii. Deploying unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for reducing this illegal
border crossing and leading to cornering the group, if necessary;

5. Strongly urges the ______ government to uptake the following decisions and measures to
protect civilians, limit vigilantism that is flourishing in ______while countering _______:
a) Finding methods to discourage armed militias and prevent further development of
these militias
b) strict checking at mosques and other public gathering places to prevent hate
speeches which not only go against the government of _____ but also promote and
influence people from joining or supporting the _____
c) Focus on providing immediate state protection when asked for and on building
communication networks and intelligence through which civilians can contact regular
security forces when needed or risks are high,
d) The supply of assault rifles to limited and selected groups of well-trained
Combined Joint Task Force (CJTF) and to not only ensure that these weapons are
registered but also that they aren’t smuggled or passed into wrong hands and also
synchronising the working of Nigerian Police Force with the CJTF,
e) Combat the stereotyping of certain ethnic communities like _____ and jointly
striving against the _____,
f) Planning disarmament of vigilantes by methods like:
i. Totally cutting off their supply and circulation of weapons
ii. Monitoring and regulate auxiliary forces temporarily
iii. providing for small grants to assist the vigilantes to return to their former
g) The police force must be selected with stricter qualifications and trained to be non-
corrupt and extremely efficient, strict actions and penal codes must be set up for
inefficiency and corrupt officers;

1. Calls upon the two parties (name the two parties) to carry out the following to promote
goodwill among the nations in order to be able to come to a conclusion and make a decision:
a. Bilateral negotiations between the two countries whose features will be as follows:
i. They will meet 2-4 times a month as deemed appropriate by the two parties
ii. A third party country or UN organization that will be impartial and
unrelated to the matter will supervise and mediate the above bilateral
iii. The place where the bilateral negotiations will be conducted will be
decided by the aforementioned third party country or UN organization
b. Confidence Building Measures will be conducted whose will be as follows:
i. They will be mediated, supervised and carried out by the United Nations
Office for Disarmament Affairs
ii. They will be planned meetings and procedures involving sharing of
information between the countries to prevent hostility between the countries,
to avert or avoid any escalation of the problem and to reduce any and all
military tension
iii. If transparency in the matters discussed is not there then this subject may
be taken up in the security council and the country may be subject to

2. Calls upon the national governmental representatives of ____ and ____ to accept the
following regulations and conditions imposed by the United Nations General Assembly:
a. They must agree to have a demilitarized zone (DMZ) of width 25 km along their
border, with the following conditions:
i. This region will be supervised by the UN through 7500 troops of the UNEF
or any other organization with mutual consent of _____and _____,
ii. This demilitarized zone will last for 10 years,
iii. This system can be implemented at the ______ and _____ border as well
with consent from both nations,
iv. These DMZ can be economically developed by each of the country without
being held accountable for it or charged as militarization,
b. _____must open the (Insert Trading Route Here) and the section of the (Route)
which comes under ______ must be held under their possession, while parts of the
strait included in ______ will be given to the (2nd claimant) government:
i. The division of the route shall be undertaken by the UNEF forces and they
shall be responsible for the administration of the adherence to the agreement
for a period of ten years,
ii. The two sections of the route shall be marked with a physical boundary
drawn by the UNEF forces which will then be guarded by 1200 UNEF troops,
c. _____must agree to call off the strikes against ______ and agree for the cessation of
all violence from its end via a signed agreement with the governments of_______:
i) On the contrary, _______ must also agree for the complete cessation of
violence against _______from their end in the same agreement
ii) The agreement shall be overseen by officials appointed by the UN and shall
be signed in Geneva on (Date);

3. Demands that the (Government) be recognized as the official government of ____ under
the following conditions:
a. The (Government) holds free and fair elections in _____ once a term of 36 months
has elapsed, with the following conditions:
i. The threat of the (Extremist Group) is attenuated before the end of the term,
ii. Conditions to hold the election are deemed safe enough by the United
Nations Envoy in _____,
iii. The threat of local militias is attenuated after the power of _____ is
consolidated to (Government) by evidence such as the deaths of the _______
nationals and such, 
b. The (Government) grant full diplomatic immunity to the members of the opposition
unless in the case of any illegal activity performed by them,
c. The (Government) work actively towards rebuilding _____ as a state, with special
attention to the frail economy of _____, through the following means: 
i. Secure stringent border control methods to prevent the illicit trade of oil
between neighbouring countries,
ii. Reopen all currently closed oil reserves in ______ once military threats are
lifted from Sudan,
iii. Rebuilding all legitimate trade routes with foreign countries;

1. Advises to conduct the following in the _____ to increase the crop yield and agricultural
productivity and efficiency through methods such as but not limited to:
a. Viability studies should be conducted as in-depth investigation and evaluation to
test the profitability, efficiency and usefulness of the idea of crop cultivation in the
b. Initiate projects for food self-sufficiency in the _____, including the starting of
sustainable agriculture, especially closer to the fenced boundary, to help grow
seasonal crops and rear cattle with optimal water saving;

2. Recommends that sustainable agriculture is practised in the ______ by methods such as,
but not limited to:
a. Practising the no till farming method in which the soil is not manually shovelled,
picked or raked
b. Using water on farms more efficiently with techniques such as:
i. Drip irrigation to ensure that only the required amount of water is used
wherever feasible
ii. Scheduling irrigation so that it takes place at ideal times when less water
will be wasted such as at night when there is less evaporation
iii. Planting cover crops to prevent soil from drying out
iv. Crops should be selected and cultivated based on weather, crops that do not
require a lot of water should be cultivated in dry areas such as bean, cabbage,
onion, tomato and vice versa
v. Installation of traditional rain water harvesting systems such as johad, tanka,
eris, kata, kund
vi. Use of check dams on slopes and rivers should be carried out to replenish
the ground water table 
c. cultivating more crops in the same space so that land can be conserved and farmers
can still produce the same output of crops by:
i. Using machines to increase the output per unit land
ii. Planting crops which suit the soil type
d. Advocating crop rotation in the areas based on the climate, soil etc of the place
whose features are:
i. The farmers can be taught about this in the Farmer Field Schools
ii. multi-year complex crop rotations can be carried out wherever possible and
iii. Practicing of inter-cropping which is growing different species of crops in
a given area
e. Applying integrated pest management which can be taught in the farmer field
schools which teaches the farmers to minimise use of chemical pesticides whose
features will be as follows:
i. Targeted use of pesticides to eliminate specific pests
ii. Minimising the use of chemical pesticides and insecticides and replacing
them with various birds
iii. Identifying the pests in their early stages and eliminating them
f. Adopting agroforestry cropping which will involve:
i. Planting trees, shrubs and herbs which helps in proper resource distribution
among the plants and can offer a greater income
g. Planting shelter belts that is lines of a certain crop in order to cut erosion, reduce
wastage of water, prevent nutrient runoff
h. The machinery being used should be sustainable and eco-friendly where renewable
sources of energy can be utilised by:
i. Carbon neutral and carbon negative fuels can be used in tractors, threshers
and other such machinery
ii. Solar energy and wind energy can be used wherever feasible
iii. Advice on the installation and usage of the above machinery can be given
by FAO and the equipment banks
i. Minimising use of chemical fertilisers and replaced them with organic fertilisers:
i. The organic fertilisers can be made through the process of aerobic or
anaerobic composting and vermicomposting
ii. Any agro-waste, domestic waste and organic waste can be used
j. Considering climate change by expecting and preparing for extreme natural
occurrences like droughts, floods and erratic rains by:
i. Mulching of the soil, making plans for conservation of water, assessing the
available supply of water and carrying out rain water harvesting in case of
ii. Move the equipment to higher ground and anchor any and all loose
equipment that may flow away with the flood
k. Usage of innovative farming method of hydroponics which will be done through:
i. Planting the crops in an inert medium like gravel or perlite or in a mineral
solution of water containing specialised nutrients
l. Using of pink houses wherever feasible to cultivate non-native crops in areas;

3. Requests UNRWA (state full form) to increase the distribution of:

a. Free and subsidized food by:
i. Improving its logistics and distribution infrastructure
ii. Development of cold storage facilities to preserve food for a longer duration
and serving dehydrated food packets with a long shelf life that can be
rehydrated for use, to support the local residents of the Gaza Strip
iii. Introduction of food banks to provide food to those who require it
iv. Introducing, planning and implementing food self-sufficiency programs;
4. Stresses the need for traditional and innovative solutions to the challenges of supply of
clean water and sanitation, including a focus on:
a. Large-scale seawater desalination plant to provide safe and sustained potable drinking
water throughout the year, state funding for this as it very expensive
b. Strategically placed water treatment facilities that have been planned and abandoned or
delayed at various stages to recycle water, 
c. Construction and rehabilitation of water and sewerage networks to support the rapidly
growing population in the ______,
d. The wholesale availability of water and sanitation systems in homes, schools and
health centres, with facilities to disinfect water making it safe to drink,
e. A regime for the management of solid and medical waste to reduce pollutants,
encourage recycling and manage the environmental impact of increasing waste disposal;

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