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Funds Management
Generated on: 2020-06-22

SAP S/4HANA | 1909 Latest


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For more information, please visit the… 1/5

Funded Program
De nition
Funded programs are programs within Funds Management (FM) with an operational purpose and de ned time frame. They can
range from simple activities to complex projects and can cross your organization’s scal years, funding sources, and
organizational units. Examples would include things like the following:

Facility modernization

Financial system replacement

Park beauti cation

Street and highway safety

Funded programs enable you to record budget, control postings, and monitor the performance of internal projects.


 Note
The funded program uses much of the functionality of the Business Data Toolset (BDT). If you want to customize the funded
program master data, you should be familiar with the BDT.

For detailed information on this, see the Business Data Toolset documentation.

Funded programs are used mainly as FM account assignment elements, in the same way as funds, funds centers, commitment
items, and functional areas are. Budget can be entered for them and monitored in them. You can enter the funded program
directly in budgeting, but it can only be used with the new Budget Control System (BCS), not the conventional budgeting function.

When you are using the funded program in integrated postings, it is not possible to enter the funded program directly. It must be
derived, using rules speci ed in the FM derivation tool. Account Assignment Derivation contains a detailed description of the
steps involved in creating derivations.

 Recommendation
While you can use any operative element as the source for deriving funded programs, we strongly recommend that you use
only WBS elements, orders, or networks.

If active, the funded program is displayed in Sales and Distribution (SD) orders, Plant Maintenance (PM) orders, and in networks
or network activities. It is not displayed in purchase requisitions, purchase orders, goods receipts, or any other documents.

See also:

For details of how to activate, create, and use the funded program in a practical context, see the example .

Funded Program Example

Scenario… 2/5
This example illustrates:

How you can create a funded program

How to maintain the derivation rule necessary for using the funded program in an FI posting

The effect the funded program and derivation rule have in the posting itself

We will create funded program FP01. Proceed as follows:

First, activate the funded program as an account assignment element. To do this, go to the Public Sector Management
Implementation Guide (IMG) and choose Basic Settings Activate Account Assignment Elements

In the resulting screen, check the Funded Program box and save your entry.

Next, create funded program FP01. To do this, go to the Public Sector Management section of the Easy Access menu and choose
Funds Management Master Data Funded Program

The Maintain Funded Program screen appears.

Enter a designation for the funded program and specify the relevant FM area.

Choose Create.

The screen changes to Create Funded Program and the elds for the description, validity period, and authorization group can now
accept input. Enter the relevant data and save your entries.

The dates are required entries. You cannot make postings using this funded program outside the date range speci ed.

Next, you need to de ne your derivation rule. This is done in the Public Sector Management Implementation Guide (IMG). Choose
Funds Management Government Master Data Allocations to Account Assignments from Other Components De ne Account
Assignment Derivation

The FM Object Assignment Derivation Rule: Change Strategy screen appears.

Choose Create .

In the Create Step popup, check Derivation Rule .

In the FM Object Assignment Derivation Rule: Change Structure of Rule De nition screen, you make the following entries:

Source Field: WBS element

Target Field: Program in Funds Management

If you want to ensure that the system offers only real CO objects for this purpose, you need to check the Only use real CO objects
box in transaction OFUP (in the Public Sector Management IMG, choose Funds Management Government Actual and
Commitment Update/Integration General Settings Make Other Settings ).… 3/5
Having saved your derivation rule, you must enter values for it. Choose Maintain Real Values .

In the resulting overview, enter a WBS element and Funded Program FP01.

Save your entry.

You are now ready to use this rule in posting documents. Here, we will look at posting a purchase invoice.

In the Easy Access menu, choose Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Payable Document Entry Invoice

In the resulting screen, enter the following:

On the Basic Data tab:



Invoice and Posting Dates

Relevant accounts and tax code

WBS element

The funded program is derived from the WBS element. However, it does not appear in the screen you see here.

When you save the document, the system issues a document number.

If you have activated the TRACE function in the derivation tool, the system tests all the derivations at this point and displays them.
In our example, you would see that the system has derived Funded Program FP01 for the WBS element entered.

When you display the relevant FM document, a Funded Program eld is displayed, with FP01 entered.

Editing Master Data Groups

You can use the master data groups on selection in Report-Writer-Reports of Funds Management that are based on FI-SL data if
you are using the Budget Control System (BCS). You also use the groups in the component Controlling ( CO) for evaluation
purposes in Report-Writer-Reports and to select groups in Controlling transactions.

To do this you can subdivide the account assignment elements (commitment item, funds center, fund and functional area) into
groups or Sets together following certain subdividing criteria.

 Note
Master data groups, apart from named customer areas and functions are otherwise not supported in Funds Management.

Prerequisites… 4/5
You use the Budget Control System (BCS).

To use fund groups or functional area groups in CO you have activated the FM account assignment elements Fund or Functional
area in Customizing for Public Sector Management under Global Settings Activate account assignment elements .

Group Editing

In a group you can create more segment groups next to the direct combination of certain master data or assign groups that
already exist as segment groups. This enables you to subdivide a complex group through segment groups into individual
segments that makes it easier to understand. Note that a master record is only allowed to appear for each group once, including
the subgroups.

For the assigning of master data, the group editing also supports the entering of intervals. In this context you should note the
following: If you have the master data selection of a group above an interval (for example, master data interval: AA to ZZ), then the
new master data created, for which this interval de nition applies, is automatically assigned to the group.

Non-Year-Dependent Groups

Master data groups are year-independent. You can limit the selection of valid master data in a group by entering a key date. If you
are working with year-dependent master data in your organization, the validity period of an FM master record must lie within the
validity period of the group. Otherwise this master record in the group is not taken into account. In such a case you receive the
information No valid master record instead of the description of the master record.

You de ne the key date of a group in the respective group editing transaction under Extras Default Values Structure .

Change Documents

You can specify that the editing of groups in change documents for each client and FM account assignment element (or set class)
is logged. You call up the change documents in group editing under Goto Change Documents .

You execute the activating of change documents in Customizing for Funds Management Government under Master
Data Activate Change Documents of Master Data Groups

See also:

For more information on individual editing functions of master data groups, see the documentation on the component Controlling

Editing Master Data Groups

Copying Master Data Groups… 5/5

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