Long Quiz in English For Academic and Professional Purposes Name - Score

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Name_______________________________ Score_______________
I. Read each statement carefully. Encircle the correct answer.
1. Academic writing wherein you are to give your stand, proposition and opinion
Reaction paper Academic paper
Position paper Writing paper
2. Reasoning proceeds from a general statement that leads to particular or specific inferences.
Deductive Position paper
Inductive Logical
3. Reasoning derives a generalization from specific examples and situations.
Deductive Position paper
Inductive Logical
4. Which of the following is not the Qualities of a Convincing Position Paper?
a. Contains a clear proposition or statement that must be defended
b. Assesses conflicting opinions or opposing views on the issue.
c. Presents opinions to support each argument.
5. Can make the way dark for those who read what you write and hear what you say.
Big Words Small Words
Monosyllabic words Polysyllabic Words
6. Cast their clear light on big things night and day, love and hate, war and peace, and life and death.
Big Words Small Words
Monosyllabic words Polysyllabic Words
7. The specialized language of a trade profession or similar group, such as doctors, lawyers, plumbers, or car
Doublespeak Inflated Language
Euphemism Jargon
8. It is language which avoids shifts or denies responsibility; language which is at variance with its real ported meaning.
Doublespeak Inflated Language
Euphemism Jargon
9. Which is designed to make the ordinary seem extraordinary, to make everyday thing seem impressive, to give an air
of importance to people or situations, to make the simple seem complex.
Doublespeak Inflated Language
Euphemism Jargon
10. Similar to a letter, it is sent via the internet to a recipient.
Social Media Mail
E-mail Message
11. Why do girls in school tend to contribute less than boys?
A) Talking in class is perceived as “showing off”
B) They are uninterested in the material
C) Girls are perceived to be slow learners.
12. Which of the following statement shows who talk too much?
A) Men talk too much because they tend to contribute more in classroom discussions.
B) Women talk too much in a relaxed social setting and tend to be more agreeing and supportive and encourages
others to speak
C) Depends on the social context in which the talk is taking place, the kind of talk involved, the relative social
confidence of the speakers, social and gender roles, and their familiarity of the topic.
13. What is the meaning of the statement “Silence is golden?”
A) Silence means you cannot communicate effectively.
B) Silence is an expression of appreciation or respect
C) Silence means you don’t care on your environment.
II. Read each statement below carefully. Write your NAME if you think the statement is TRUE, then write your SURNAME
if you think the statement is FALSE.
14. Email is a great convenience-for the sender, allows for mass sending of messages. ___________
15. E-mail is secure, you can send private or confidential letter through it. ___________________
16. Email does not allow for instant access of information and files. _______________
17. Email is a free tool. ___________________
18. E-mail can be used to forward unnecessary/unrelated Emails.____________________
19. Richard Lederer says that the student of the English language should rather strive for ‘simplicity’ and ‘ease of
understanding’ in using words._________________
20. By using big words, highfalutin and polysyllabic words, we encourage greater understanding._____________
21. Women generally talk more in formal, public context where informative and persuasive talk is highly valued.________
22. Women tend to talk more with close friends and family, when women are in the majority, and also when they are
explicitly invited to talk._______________
23. Women are more likely to ask questions and make comments when the topic was one they find challenging and are
uncertain of. _______________________
III. Identify what kind of doublespeak are the given examples. (Euphemism, Jargon, Gobbledygook, Inflated language)
24. He is a special child. ________________
25. The suspect is headed west on Route 10. All available units, respond.__________________
26. It is a tricky problem to find the particular calibration in timing that would be appropriate to stem the acceleration in risk
premiums created by falling incomes without prematurely aborting the decline in the inflation-generated risk
premiums. ___________________
27. We do not hire mentally challenged people._________________
28. I am selling my pre-loved clothes. ____________________
29. Get me his vitals._______________________
30. Mang Johny is our new floor manager. ________________________

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