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Parallel Jobs

Input file: standard input

Output file: standard output
Time limit: 5 seconds
Memory limit: 256 megabytes

Shubham has been given a deadline by his advisor to run n parallel jobs, which he needs to complete as
early as possible. Before starting, he decides to rank them in increasing order of finishing time (note that
multiple jobs can have the same rank). However, while making the ranking, his propensity to converting
everything into maths rears its head (we blame his roommate for that) and he wonders how many different
rank lists are possible. He is unable to start his work before solving this problem. Please help him!
Note that since this value is too huge, Shubham wants it modulo 109 + 7.

A single line, containing a single number, n (1 ≤ n ≤ 500).

A single number, the required value.

standard input standard output
1 1
2 3

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