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HACCP Management System ISO 22000:2005

Title Document & Reference

5. HACCP System Requirements   7.6 Esthablising the HACCP
5.1 Management Responsibility Quality Manual 5.0 Management responsibility
5.1.1 Food Safety Policy ZOE-EX-106.1 5.2 Food safety policy
5.1.2 Scope of the HACCP System Chapter 6 – HACCP Manual – Sec 2.1 7.6 Establihing HACCP plan
5.1.3 Task, Responsibilities, Authorities GPE-ZOE-EX-105.2 Responsibility and Authority Statements 5.4 Responsibility and
5.1.4 HACCP Team Chapter 6 - HACCP Manual – Sec 2.3 7.3.2 Food safety team
5.1.5 Resources GPE-ZOE-PR-209.1 – Training & HR
GPE-ZOE-PR-205.2 – Management Review 6.0 Resource management
5.1.6 Management Review GPE-ZOE-PR.205.2 Management Review 5.8 Management review
5.2 Product Information 7.3.3 Product Charateristics
5.2.1 Product Charateristics Chapter 6 - HACCP Manual – Sec 2.2
Product Migration Reports, Raw Material Food Contact Statements 7.3.3 Product Charateristics
GPE-ZOE-PR-302.1, 303.2 – Materials Purchasing & Control of Raw Material
5.2.2 Intended Use Chapter 6 - HACCP Manual – Sec 2.7 7.3.4 Intended Use
5.3 Process Information Chapter 6 - HACCP Manual Description of process steps
and control measures
5.3.1 Flow Diagram Chapter 6- HACCP Manual – Sec 2.6 Flow Diagram
5.3.2 Layout Chapter 6 - HACCP Manual 7.3.5 Flow diagrams, process
steps and control measures
5.3.3 Control & Verification of Process Information Chapter 6 - HACCP Manual 8.4 Analysis of data
5.4 Pre-Requisite Program GPE-ZOE-PR-601.2 Food Safety Program 7.2 PRP
5.5 Hazard Analysis 7.4.3 Hazard assessment
5.5.1 Hazard Identification Chapter 6 - HACCP Manual – Sec 2.8 7.4.2 Hazard identification and
determination of acceptable
5.5.2 HACCP Analysis (Risk) Chapter 6 - HACCP Manual – Sec 2.8 7.4 HACCP Analysis
5.6 Control Measures 7.4.4 Selection and assessment
of control measures
5.6.1 Specific Control Measures GPE-ZOE-PR-501.3 Process Control 7.4.4 Selection and assessment of
control measures
5.6.2 General Control Measures GPE-ZOE-PR-501.3 Process Control 7.4.4 Selection and assessment of
control measures
5.7 Parameters and Critical Limits
5.7.1 Critical Process & Product Characteristics GPE-ZOE-WI-4110 Internal Specification 200ml 7.2.2 Beoordeling van
GPE-ZOE-WI-4120 Internal Specification 500ml producteisen
5.7.2 Target Values, Action-Limit Values & Critical Limits GPE-ZOE-PR-501.3 Process Control 7.6.3 Determination of critical limits
CP-5110 – Apollo Product Control Plan for ccp’s
HACCP Management System ISO 22000:2005
Title Document & Reference
5.8 Monitoring & Measuring GPE-ZOE-PR-501.3 Process Control 7.6.5 Actions when monitoring
results exceed critical
5.9 Corrective Action GPE-ZOE-PR-202.2 Corrective & Preventive Action 7.10.2 Corrective actions
5.10 Validation 8.2 Validation of control
measure combinations
5.11 Verification GPE-ZOE-PR-501.3 Process Control, Work Instructions / Test Methods 8.4.2 Evaluation of individual
GPE-ZOE-PR-204.2 Internal Audit verification results
GPE-ZOE-PR-209.1 – Training & HR
GPE-ZOE-PR-208.2 – Customer Complaints
GPE-ZOE-PR-606.2 – Product Recall
GPE-ZOE-PR-206.2 Control of Records
GPE-ZOE-PR.205.3 Management Review
Flow Diagrams – Chapter 6, Sect 2.6 of HACCP Manual
5.12 Documentation & Records 4.2 Documentation
5.12.1 Document & Document Control GPE-ZOE-PR-201.2 Document Control 4.2.2 Document Control
5.12.2 Records GPE-ZOE-PR-206.2 Control of Records 4.2.3 Control of Records

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