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(Academic purpose only)

1. What factors do you consider in pricing decision?
• Effective cost information
• customer valuation
• market targets
• competitive dynamics.

2. What factors guide your company in formulating specific pricing strategies ?

3. What about your company pricing structures?
4. What do you think about constraints on pricing practices? What type of
constraints they are?
5. Do you think price as part of the marketing mix?
6. What are the uses of price?
 Purchasing information
 marketing stimulus.
7. Are your price quality relationship positive, negative?
8. Do you follow any price level & range?
9. Do you follow any price Line?

10. Do you think there is a inverse relationship between price and quality?

11. What is the degree of responsiveness or sensitivity of price changes?

12. Do you consider supply, demand & market equilibrium in setting price?
13. Does competition play any role in the pricing policy of your company?
14. What is the percentage of labor cost compare to total cost
15. What is the percentage of fixed cost and variable cost?
16. Is your company maintain any core linkage with their suppliers?
17. Are they use outsourcing for cost efficiency?
18. What kinds of pricing policy your company use for pricing?
a. Cost oriented
b. Demand oriented
c. Competition oriented
19. Why this approach is used?
20. What types of techniques your company use for demand estimation?
a. Aggressive sales representative estimates
b. Expert estimates
c. Analysis of historical data
d. Worth of product functional approach
e. Surveys of buyers
f. Test markets
g. Laboratory experiments
21. Do you use different pricing strategies for different market segment?
22.What is your pricing objective?
23. What is the pricing strategy of your product?
24. Do you offer any discounts and allowances to your distributor and customer?
25. Do you set different pricing strategies for the different product life cycle stages?
26.Do you follow geographical pricing system?
27.Is there any difference between price in national boundary or international
28.Is there any difference between retail price and wholesale price of your products?
29.Do you give any discount to your retailer?
30.What types of services you give to your customers?

31. Do you charge extra price for that service?

32. Your pricing of service is cost oriented or market oriented?
33. Do you offer any price bundling?
34. How you charge price for your drugs during inflationary and shortage situation?
35. Whether you absorb cost in inflationary situation or pass it totally on customer?
36. Do you use any cost reduction technique?
37. Do you keep a close eye on govt. policy?
38. What types of pricing you use?
• Standard pricing
• Adaptive pricing
• Combination pricing.
39. Do you supply drugs in international market?

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