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A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md.

Yousuf Ali

Alligation & Mixture

mywcÖq cvVK, eZ©gv‡b PvKzix cixÿvq Alligation & Mixture ‡_‡K GgwmwKD Ges wjwLZ cixÿvq AsK Kgb _v‡K| h_vh_
Abykxjb Ges wbgq bv Rvbvi Kvi‡b A‡b‡KB GB Aa¨vqwU Gwo‡q hvq| GLv‡b 42wU AsK w`‡qwQ †h¸‡jvi kUKvU© I we¯ÍvwiZ
mgvavb †`Iqv n‡q‡Q| AvkvKwi AsK¸‡jv evievi Ki‡j GB Aa¨v‡q Avi †Kvb mgm¨v _vK‡e bv |
AsKMy‡jv †bIqv n‡q‡Q AvMviIqvj m¨v‡ii eB Ges wewfbœ ¸iæZ¡c~Y© I‡qemvBU n‡Z|

Basic Formula
Alligation (wewgwkÖZ cÖwµqv)t Gi gva¨‡g GKwU wbw`©ó g~‡j¨i `ªe¨ GKwU Kvw•LZ g~‡j¨i wgwkÖ‡Y i~cvšÍi Kivi Rb¨ `yB ev
Z‡ZvwaK Dcv`vb wK Abycv‡Z †hvM Ki‡Z n‡e Zv wbY©q Kiv nq|
Mean Price(Mo g~j¨)t wgkÖ‡Yi GKK cwigv‡Yi µqg~j¨‡K Mo g~j¨ ejv nq|
Rule of Alligation: hw` `ywU Dcv`vb wgwkÖZ Ki‡Z nq Zvn‡j Rule of Alligation cÖwµqvq AsK Kiv hvq| GwU
mvaviYZ GgwmwKD cixÿvq mgq Gcøvq Kiv †kÖq|
1.GKwU D`vniY †`Lv hvK, g‡b Kiæb,GKRb gyw` 15 UvKv †KwR `‡ii Wv‡ji mv‡_ 20 UvKv †KwR `‡ii Wvj KZ
Abycv‡Z †gkv‡j wgwkÖZ Wv‡ji cÖwZ †KwRi `vg 16.50 UvKv n‡e?

2. Suppose, a container contains ‘x’ units of liquid from which ‘y’ units are taken out and replaced by
water. After ‘ n’ operations, the quantity of pure milk liquid in the final mixture ( ) units

wKQz ¸iZ¡c~Y© kãfvÛvit

Cask = wccv/eo cvÎ Jar = cvÎ
Certain Amount = wbw`©ó cwigvY Mix = wgwkÖZ Kiv
Grocer = gyw` †`vKvb`vi Mixture = wgkÖY
Containers = cvÎ ev aviK Obtain = cvIqv
Drawn = mwi‡q †djv Operation = wµqv cÖYvjx
Form = MVb Two times/Three times = `yBevi/wZbevi
Initially = cÖv_wgKfv‡e Professes = ¯^xKvi Kiv
Quality = ¸bMZ gvb Vessel = cvÎ
Quantity = cwigvc Vendor = we‡µZv/mieivnKvix
Replace = cÖwZ¯’vcb Kiv Worth = g~j¨
Repeat = cybivq Kiv
A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

1: In what ratio must a grocer mix two varieties of tea worthTk 60 a kg & 65 a kg so that by
selling the mixture at Tk 68.20 a kg he may gain 10% ? [GRE Big Book] [Islami Bank PO -
2017][Exim Bank-2016][Indian Bix]Abyev`t GKRb gyw` ‡`vKvb`vi 60 UvKv Ges 65 UvKv †KwR `‡ii `yB c‡`i Pv Kx
Abycv‡Z wgkv‡j, wgkÖYwU 68.20 UvKv †KwR `‡i weµq Kivi ci Zvi 10% jvf nq?
(a) 3 : 2 (b) 3 : 4
(c) 3 : 5 (d)4:5
Solution: Written Approach:
Let, Alternative Solution:
The grocer buy 60 Tk. kg = x kg Let
The grocer buy 65 Tk. kg = y kg The grocer buy 60 Tk kg = x kg
The cost price of (x + y) kg = (60x + 65y) The grocer buy 65 Tk kg = y kg
And selling price of (x + y) kg = 68.20(x+y) The cost price of (x + y) kg = (60x + 65y)
10% profits selling price = 110%(60x+65y) Selling price of (x + y) kg = 68.20(x + y)
According to the question, 10% profits selling price = 110%(60x + 65y)
68.20(x + y) = 110%(60x+65y) According to the question,
Or,68.20x + 68.20y = Selling price - cost price = Profit
68.20(x +y) -(60x+65y)=10% of (60x+65y)
Or,68.20x + 68.20y =
∴ x:y=3:2
Or,10 (68.20x + 68.20y) = Answer:3:2
Or,682x + 682 y = 660x + 715y
Or,682x - 660x = 715y - 682 y
Or,22x = 33y
∴ x: y = 3:2

Short Cut:10% profits Selling Price = Tk.110

Cost price =
cost of 1 kg tea cost of 1 kg tea of
of 1st kind of 2nd kind
Tk.60 Tk.65

Mean price

65-62 = 3 62 - 60 = 2
∴ Required Rates = 3 : 2
Answer: 3:2

2.In what ratio must tea at Tk. 62 per kg be mixed with the tea at Tk.72 per kg so that the maximum
must be worth Tk.64.50 per kg? Abyev`t 62 UvKv †KwR `‡ii Pv‡qi mv‡_ 72 UvKv †KwR `‡ii Pv KZ Abycv‡Z †gkv‡j
wgwkÖZ Pv‡qi cÖwZ †KwRi `vg 64.50 UvKv n‡e?
(a) 3 : 1 (b) 3 : 2
(c) 4 : 3 (d) 5 : 3
Solution: Written Approach:
awi, 62 UvKv †KwR `‡ii Pv = x †KwR
72 UvKv †KwR `‡ii Pv = y †KwR
According to the question,
62x + 72y = 64.5 (x+y)
⇨ 62x + 72y = 64.5x + 64.5y
⇨ 2.5x = 7.5x
A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

By the rule of Alligation[MCQ Approach]
Cost of 1 kg Cost of 1kg of
of 1 kind 2nd kind
Tk.62 Tk.72

Mean price
64.50 tk

(72-64.50) (64.50-62)
= Tk. Tk.7.5 = Tk.2.5
∴ Required rate = 7.5 : 2.5 = 3 : 1

3.In what ratio must water be mixed with milk costing Tk.12 per litre to obtain a mixture worth of
Tk.8 per litre? Abyev`t cvwb Avi 12 UvKv wjUvi `‡ii `ya wK Abycv‡Z †gkv‡j wgkÖ‡Yi cÖwZ wjUv‡ii `vg 8 UvKv n‡e?
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 2 : 1
(c) 2 : 3 (d) 3 : 2
Written Approach:
Suppose, The Amount of Milk x kg and water y kg
The price of water be Tk. 0 [†h‡nZz g~j¨ †`qv †bB]
According to the question,
12x + 0 = 8 (x+y)
⇨ 12x = 8x+8y
∴x : y = 1:2
Applying Alligation Method For MCQ

Cost price (c.p) of Cost price of 1 litre

1litre of water of milk
Tk. 0 Tk. 12

Mean price

(12-8) = Tk. 4 (8 – 0) = Tk. 8

water : milk = 4 : 8 = 1:2

Solution & Completed

Md. Yousuf Ali
A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

4. The cost of type 1 rice is TK. 15 per kg and type 2 rice is TK. 20 per kg. If both Type 1 and Type 2
are mixed in the ratio of 2 : 3, then the price per kg of the mixed variety of rice is
Abyev`t Type - 1 Avi Type - 2 Pv‡ji †KwR cÖwZ µqg~j¨ h_vµ‡g 15 tk I 20 tk hw` Type - 1Ges Type - 2 Dfq
cÖKv‡ii Pvj‡K 2 : 3 Abycv‡Z wgwkÖZ Kiv nq| wgkÖ‡Yi g~j¨ KZ (†KwR cÖwZ)?
(a) TK. 18 (b) TK. 18.50
(c) TK. 19 (d) TK. 19.50
Solution: Written Approach:
Suppose, The Weight of Type-1 be x kg
The Weight of Type-2 be y kg
According to the question,
x:y = 2:3
∴x= ------(i)

Again, The Mean price of Type-1 & Type-2 = (Answer)

Applying Alligation Method for MCQ

g‡b Kwi, wgkÖ‡Yi †KwR cÖwZ g~j¨ x UvKv

Cost of 1kg of Cost of 1 kg of

Type - 1 rice Type - 2 rice
Tk. 15 Tk. 20

Mean price

Tk. (20-x) Tk. (x-15)

†h‡nZz, Dfq cÖKv‡ii Pvj‡K 2:3 Abycv‡Z wgwkÖZ Kiv nq-



5.In what ratio must a grocer mix two varieties of pulses costing Tk.15 and Tk.20 per kg respectively
so as to get a mixture worth Tk.16.50 per kg? Abyev`t GKRb gyw` 15 UvKv †KwR `‡ii Wv‡ji mv‡_ 20 UvKv †KwR
`‡ii Wvj KZ Abycv‡Z †gkv‡j wgwkÖZ Wv‡ji cÖwZ †KwRi `vg 16.50 UvKv n‡e?
(a) 3 : 7 (b) 5 : 7
(c) 7 : 3 (d) 7 : 5
Solution: Written Approach:
awi, 15 UvKv †KwR `‡ii Wvj = x †KwR
20 UvKv †KwR `‡ii Wvj = y †KwR
According to the question,
A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

15x + 20y = 16.50 (x + y)

⇨ 15x + 20y = (x+y) ⇨ 15x + 20y = (x+y)
⇨ 30x + 40y = 33x + 33y ⇨ 7y = 3x
⇨ = ∴x:y=7:3
6. Find the ratio in which rice at TK. 7.20 a kg be mixed with rice at TK. 5.70 a kg to produce a
mixture worth Tk. 6.30 a kg. Abyev`t 7.2 UvKv †KwR `‡ii Pv‡ji mv‡_ 5.7 UvKv ‡KwR `‡ii Pvj KZ Abycv‡Z †gkv‡j
wgwkÖZ Pv‡ji cÖwZ †KwRi `vg 6.3 UvKv n‡e?
(a) 1 : 3 (b) 2 : 3
(c) 3 : 4 (d) 4 : 5
Solution: Written Approach:
awi, 7.2 UvKv †KwR `‡ii Pvj = x ‡KwR
5.7 UvKv †KwR `‡ii Pvj = y ‡KwR
According to the question,
7.2x + 5.7y = 6.3 (x+y)
⇨ 7.2x + 5.7y = 6.3x + 6.3y Solution & Completed
⇨ 7.2x + 5.7y = 6.3x + 6.3y By
⇨ .9x = .6y
Md. Yousuf Ali

x : y = 2 :3

7. In what ratio must water be mixed with milk to gain 16 % on selling the mixture at cost price?
Abyev`t wK Abycv‡Z `y‡ai mv‡_ cvwb wgkv‡j µqg~‡j¨i mgg~‡j¨ wgkÖYwU weµq K‡i jvf n‡e?
(a) 1 : 6 (b) 6 : 1
(c) 2 : 3 (d) 4 : 3
Solution: Written Approach:
Suppose, originally milk here 100 litres and price Tk.100
But mixed with milk then he gain 16 % or %
So, 100 litres milk he added water then new mixture = ( litres
So, water mixed = ( litres
Hence, It clear that 100 litres milk with mixed litres water to gain 16 % or %
∴Required Ratio water to milk =
g‡b Kwi, 1 wjUvi `y‡ai µqg~j¨ 1 UvKv
myZivs, µqg~j¨ 100 UvKv n‡j weµqg~j¨ ( ) UvKv UvKv UvKv
GLb, weµqg~j¨ UvKv n‡j µqg~j¨ 100 UvKv
weµqg~j¨ 1 UvKv n‡j µqg~j¨ UvKv
1 wjUvi wgkÖ‡Yi µqg~j¨ UvKv
A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

Applying Alligation method

CP of 1 liter of water CP of 1 liter of milk

0 1

Mean price

= tk
∴ Ratio of water : milk = ∶ =1:6

8. A dishonest milk man professes to sell milk at cost price but he mixes it with water and there by
gains 25%. The percentage of water in the mixture is? Abyev`t GKRb Amr `yaIqvjv `y‡ai mv‡_ cvwb wgwk‡q
µqg~‡j¨i mgg~‡j¨ `ya wewµ K‡i Ges 25% jvf K‡i| †m `ªe‡Y kZKiv KZUzKz cvwb wgkvq?
(a) 4% (b) 6 %
(c) 20% (d) 25%
Solution: Written Approach:
He sells 100 litres milk for Tk.100
But he mixes 100 litres milk with water then
he made 25% profit
∴100 litres milk he added water then mixture
be =(100 + 100 of 25%) = 125 litres
Among 125 milk contain 25 litres water
∴ 1 milk contain litres water
∴100 milk contain litres water
Hence, The percentage of water in the
mixture 20%
g‡b Kwi,
1 wjUvi `y‡ai µqg~j¨ 1 UvKv `ªe‡Y cvwbi kZKiv cwigvY = ( ) = 20%
‡h‡nZz µqg~‡j¨i mgg~‡j¨ weµq Ki‡Z n‡e †m‡nZz, 1
wjUvi wgkÖ‡Yi weµqg~j¨ 1 UvKv
‡h‡nZz, 25% jvf n‡e| myZivs µqg~j¨ 100 UvKv n‡j
weµqg~j¨ 125 UvKv
Zvn‡j, weµqg~j¨ 125 UvKv n‡j µqg~j¨ 100 UvKv
weµqg~j¨ 1 UvKv n‡j µqg~j¨ UvKv = UvK
1 wjUvi wgkÖ‡Yi µqg~j¨ UvKv
A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

9. Two vessels A and B contain spirit and water mixed in the ratio 5 : 2 and 7 : 6 respectively. Find
the ratio in which these mixtures be mixed to obtain a new mixture in vessel C containing spirit and
water in the ratio 8 : 5? Abyev`t `ywU cvÎ A Ges B †Z †Z w¯úwiU I cvwbi AbycvZ h_vµ‡g 5 : 2 Ges 7 : 6. GLb A
Ges B †K wK Abycv‡Z wgkv‡j cvÎ C †Z w¯úwiU I cvwbi AbycvZ n‡e 8 : 5.
(a) 4 : 3 (b) 3 : 4
(c) 5 : 6 (d) 7 : 9

Solution: Written Approach:

Suppose, Mixture taken from container A = x litres and B = y litres
In x litres, Amount of sprit = and water
In y litres, Amount of sprit = and water
Final mixture C contain sprit =
Final mixture C contain water =
According to question,

Applying Alligation method
Spirit Spirit
in A in B


∴ Required ratio =

10. Two vessels A and B contain milk and water mixed in the ratio 8 : 5 and 5 : 2 respectively. The
ratio in which these two mixtures be mixed to get a new mixture containing 69 % milk, is?
Abyev`t `ywU cvÎ A Ges B †Z `ya I cvwbi AbycvZ h_vµ‡g 8:5 Ges 5:2| GB `ywU wgkÖY‡K wK Abycv‡Z ‡gkv‡j Ggb GKwU
bZzb `ªeY cvIqv hv‡e †hLv‡b % `ya _vK‡e?

(a) 2 : 7 (b) 3 : 5
(c) 5 : 2 (d) 5 : 7
A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

Written Approach: Alternative:
Suppose, Mixture taken from container A = x litres awi, 1 wjUvi `y‡ai µqg~j¨ 1 UvKv
and B = y litres GLb, A cvÎ Gi 1 wjUvi wgkÖ‡Y `ya Av‡Q =
In x litres, Amount of Milk= and wjUvi [‡h‡nZz, `ya : cvwb = 8 : 5]
water Zvn‡j, A Gi wgkÖY, 1 wjUv‡ii µqg~j¨ UvKv
In y litres, Amount of Milk = and Avevi, cvÎ B Gi wgkÖ‡Y 1 wjUv‡i `ya Av‡Q =
water wjUvi [‡h‡nZz, `ya : cvwb = 5 : 2]
New mixture contain Milk = ∴ cvÎ B Gi wgkÖY 1 wjUv‡ii µqg~j¨ = UvKv
According to question, GLb, dvBbvj `ªe‡Y, 1 wjUvi `ªe‡Y `ya Av‡Q =

‡h‡nZz, cÖwZ wjUv‡ii µqg~j¨ 1 UvKv
∴ Mean price = UvKv

Now Applying Alligation method

CP of 1 litre mixture CP of 1 litre

in A in B

Mean price

= (

∴ Required ratio = ∶ =2:7

12.Tea worth TK.126 per kg and TK.135 per kg are mixed with a third variety in the ratio 1: 1: 2. If
the mixture is worth TK.153 per kg, the price of the third variety per kg will be:
Abyev`t 126 UvKv †KwR Ges 135 UvKv †KwR `‡ii `yB c‡`i Pv Av‡iKwU Z…Zxq c‡`i Pv‡qi mv‡_ 1 : 1 : 2 Abycv‡Z wgkv‡bv
n‡jv | hw` wgkÖYwU †KwR cÖwZ 153 UvKv †KwR nq| Zvn‡j Z…Zxq c‡`i Pv †KwR cÖwZ KZ?
(a) TK. 169.50 (b) TK. 170
(c) TK. 175.50 (d) TK. 180
Written Approach:
Suppose, The price of third variety per kg is Tk.x
According to the question,
(126×1) + (135×1) + (x×2) = 153×4
after solving we get,
x = 175.5
Answer: TK. 175.50
A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

‡h‡nZz, 1g I 2q c‡`i Pv mgvb Abycv‡Z Av‡Q| †m‡nZz, Zv‡`i Mo g~j¨ = ( ) UvKv
GLb, Avgiv ej‡Z cvwi GLv‡b `yB c‡`i Pv Av‡Q| 1g wU †KwR cÖwZ 130.50 UvKv Ges AciwU awi x UvKv †KwR
Zv‡`i AbycvZ 2 : 2 †h‡nZz, cÖ_g `yB c‡`i AbycvZ wQj 1 : 1
Avgv‡`i x Gi gvb ‡ei Ki‡Z n‡e
Alligation method cÖ‡qvM K‡i cvB,

Cost of 1 kg tea Cost of 1 kg tea

1st kind of 2nd kind
130.50 tk 𝑥

Mean price

𝑥 tk

‡h‡nZz, AbycvZ 2 : 2
myZivs ⇨ ⇨
∴ ∴ Z…Zxq c‡`i Pv †KwR
Answer: TK. 175.50
13.A merchant has 1000 kg of sugar, part of which he sells at 8% profit and the rest at 18% profit. He
gains 14% on the whole. The quantity sold at 18% profit is
Abyev`t GKRb e¨emvqxi Kv‡Q 1000 †KwR wPwb Av‡Q| hvi wKQz Ask †m wewµ K‡i 8% jv‡f Ges evwK Ask 18% jv‡f| †m
†gvU 14% jvf K‡i| †m 18% jv‡f wK cwigvY wPwb weµq K‡iwQj?
(a) 400 kg (b) 560 kg
(c) 600 kg (d) 640 kg
Solution: Written Approach:
Suppose, The sugar sell at 18% profit be x kg
So, The sugar sell at 8% profit be =(1000-x) kg
According to the question,
18% of x + 8% of (1000-x) = 14% of 1000
After solving we get,
x = 600
Answer: 600 kg

Profit on 1st part Profit on 2nd part

8% 18%

Mean profit

∴ 1st and 2nd part Gi AbycvZ = 4 : 6 = 2 : 3

∴ 2nd part Gi cwigvY =( ) kg = 600 kg
A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

14.A milkman mixed some water with milk to gain 25% by selling the mixture at the cost price. The
ratio of water and milk is respectively. Abyev`t `yaIqvjv `y‡ai mv‡_ wKQz cwigvY cvwb wgkÖY K‡i weµq Kivq 25%
jvf K‡i| wgkÖ‡Y cvwb I `y‡ai AbycvZ KZ?
(a) 5 : 4 (b) 4: 5
(c) 1 : 5 (d) 1 : 4
Suppose, originally milk here 100 litres and price Tk.100
But mixed with milk then he gain 25%
So, 100 litres milk he added water then new mixture = ( litres
So, water mixed = ( litres
Hence, It clear that 100 litres milk with mixed litres water to gain 25%
∴Required Ratio water to milk =
15.A jar full of whisky contains 40% alcohol. A part of this whisky is replaced by another containing
19% alcohol and now the percentage of alcohol was found to be 26%. The quantity of whisky
replaced is: Abyev`t GKwU cv‡Îi ûBw¯‹‡Z 40 % A¨vj‡Kvnj i‡q‡Q| GB cvÎ †_‡K wKQz cwigvY ûBw¯‹i †X‡j wb‡q Zvi
cwie‡Z© mgcwigvb 19%A¨vj‡Kvnj Xvjv n‡jv| GLb GB cv‡Îi 26% A¨vj‡Kvnj i‡q‡Q| cvÎ †_‡K wK cwigvY ûBw¯‹ †X‡j
†bIqv n‡q‡Q?
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Solution: Written Approach
Suppose, 40% of Alcohol be x 19% of Alcohol be y
According to the question,
40% of x + 19% of y = 26% of (x+y)

Sum of Ratio = 1+2 = 3
∴ Required quantity replaced =
Applying Alligation method

Strength of 1st jar Strength of 2nd jar

40% 19%

Mean strength

= 7% 14%
∴ Ratio = 7 : 14 = 1 : 2

The Ratio of 1st and 2nd quantities = 1 : 2

‡h‡nZz 2nd quantity replace Kiv n‡qwQj
∴ Required quantity replaced = Answer:
A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

16.A container contains 40 litres of milk. Form this container 4 litres of milk was taken out and
replaced by water. This process was repeated further two times. How much milk is now contained by
the container? Abyev`t GKwU container G 40 litre `ya Av‡Q| GB container †_‡K 4 wjUvi `ya cvwbi mv‡_ e`j Kiv
n‡jv| GKB KvR Av‡iv `yB evi Kiv n‡jv| eZ©gv‡b container G KZUzKz `ya Av‡Q
(a) 26.34 litres (b) 27.36 litres
(c) 28 litres (d) 29.16 litres
Solution: Written Approach
Given, initially containers contains 40 litres of milk pure milk .Because there is no water Initially.
First case: 4 litres of milk was taken out and replaced by water
Then Milk Left = 40 – 4 = 36 litres And Water in = 4 litres
2nd case: Milk + Water = 36 + 4 = 40 litres Milk mixture . Then 4 litres of milk was taken out
So, It has some water because 4 litres of milk is not 4 litres pure milk. It is milk mixture
40 litres Milk mixture water contain 4 litres
∴ 4 litres Milk mixture water contain = = 0.4 litres
Now Rest of milk = { 36 – (4 – 0.4)} = 32.4 litres
And Now water = 40 - 32.4 = 7.6 litres
3rd case: Process repeated Milk + Water = 32.4 + 7.6 = 40 litres. Again 4 litres of milk was taken out
40 litres Milk mixture water contain 7.6 litres
∴ 4 litres Milk mixture water contain = = 0.76 litres
Finally Pure milk hold 40 litres Milk Mixture = {32.4 – ( 4 – 0.76)} = 29.16 litres
Answer: 29.16 litres

Suppose, A container contains x units of liquid from which y units are taken out and replaced by
water. After n operations the quantity of pure liquid = * ( ) + units
A_¨v©r GKwU container G hw` x unit liquid _v‡K, †mLvb †_‡K hw` unit liquid cvwbi mv‡_ e`j Kiv nq Ges GB KvR
hw` n msL¨K evi Kiv nq, Zvn‡j container G liquid _v‡K =* ( ) + units

GLv‡b, wZb evi operations Gi ci container G `ya Av‡Q = [ ( ) ] wjUvi

( ) (40 wjUvi `ya †_‡K 4 wjUvi K‡i `ya cvwbi mv‡_ e`j Kiv n‡q‡Q)

17.20 litres of a mixture contains milk and water in the ratio 3:1. Then the amount of milk to be
added to the mixture so as to have milk and water in ratio 4 : 1 is Abyev`t 20 wjUv‡ii GKwU wgkÖ‡Y `ya I
cvwb AbycvZ 3 : 1. GB AbycvZwU‡K 4:1 Ki‡Z n‡j KZUzKz `ya †gkv‡Z n‡e?
(a) 7 litres (b) 4 litres
(c) 5 litres (d) 6 litres
20 wjUv‡ii wgkÖ‡Y, `y‡ai AbycvZ = wjUvi
I cvwbi AbycvZ = wjUvi
awi, wgkÖ‡Y x wjUvi `ya wgkv‡Z n‡e
According to the question,

A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

18.A can initially contains pure alcohol up to the brim. The cask can be emptied by removing
exactly 5 litres at a time. Each time this is done, the cask must be filled back to the brim with water.
The capacity of the cask is 15 litres, when the cask is completely emptied and filled back to the brim
two times, what is the ratio of alcohol to water in the cask?
Here, Pure alcohol = 15 litres
1st case: When 5 litres pure alcohol are removed.
Then the cask contains alcohol= 15 -5 = 10 litres, Water in = 5 litres
2nd case: Now 10 litres alcohol + 5 litres water = 15 litres alcohol mixture. Again 5 litres alcohol
removed and added with water. So, It has some water because 5 litres of alcohol mixture is not 5 litres
pure alcohol.
15 litres alcohol mixture contain 4 litres water
∴ 5 litres alcohol mixture contain =
Now , Alcohol Rest = {10 – (5 - =
After two times Water hold in the cask = {5 + ( 5 -
So, Now the ratio of alcohol to water in the cask = ∶ ∶

19.8 litre are drawn from a cask full of wine and is then filled with water. This operation is performed
three more times. The ratio of the quantity of wine now left in cask to that of the water is 16 : 65. How
much wine did the cask hold originally? Abyev`t GKwU Wine fwZ© cvÎ †_‡K 8 wjUvi Wine AcmviY Kiv n‡jv
Ges cvÎwU cvwb w`‡q c~Y© Kiv n‡jv| GKB KvR Av‡iv wZb evi Kiv n‡jv| GLb, cv‡Î Aewkó _vKv Wine I cvwbi AbycvZ
16 : 65. cv‡Î originally KZUzKz Wine wQj?
(a) 18 litres (b) 24 litres
(c) 32 litres (d) 42 litres
Solution :
g‡b Kwi, cv‡Î wine wQj x wjUvi|
GLb, 4 evi operations Gi ci cv‡Î Wine Av‡Q,
=[ ( ) ] wjUvi (‡h‡nZz 8 wjUvi K‡i wine AcmviY Kiv n‡q‡Q A_ev cvwbi mv‡_ e`j Kiv n‡q‡Q)

( )
∴ [‡h‡nZz, cv‡Î Aewkó _vKv wine I cvwbi AbycvZ 16 : 65]
( )
⇨ ⇨( ) ( ) [GLv‡b, Aewkó _vKv wine : originally wine = 16 : 81]

⇨ x = 24
Hence, originally the cask hold wine 24 litres
Answer: 24 litres

20.A vessel contains a mixture of Grape, Pineapple and Banana juices in the respective ratio of 4 : 6 :
5. 15 litres of this mixture is taken out and 8 litres of grape juice and 2 litters of pineapple juice is
added to the vessel.If the resultant quantity of grape juice is 10 litres less than the resultant quantity of
pineapple juice. What was the initial quantity of mixture in the vessel? (in liters)
Abyev`t GKwU cv‡Î Grape, Pineapple I Banana juice Gi wgkÖ‡Y Zv‡`i AbycvZ 4 : 6 : 5| hw` cvÎ †_‡K 15 wjUvi
wgkÖY mwi‡q †djv nq Ges 8 wjUvi Grape juice I 2 wjUvi Pineapple juice †hvM Kiv nq, Zvn‡j Grape juice Gi
me©‡kl cwigvY, Pineapple juice Gi me©‡kl cwigvY †_‡K 10 wjUvi Kg n‡e| cv‡Î wgkÖ‡Yi cÖv_wgK cwigvY KZ wQj?
(a) 120 (b) 150
(c) 105 (d) 135
A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

Solution: Suppose,
Grape juice = 4x wjUvi
Pineapple juice = 6x wjUvi
Banana juice = 5x wjUvi
The initial quantity of juice in the vessel =4x+6x+5x=15x wjUvi
Avevi †`Iqv Av‡Q, mwi‡q †djv 15 wjUv‡ii wgkÖ‡Y Grape, Pineapple I Banana juice Gi cÖv_wgK cwigvY h_vµ‡g 4,
6, 5 wjUvi|
Zvn‡j, 8 wjUvi Grape juice †hvM Kivi ci wgkÖ‡Y Grape juice Gi P~ovšÍ cwigvY =
Avevi, 2 wjUvi Pineapple juice †hvM Kivi ci wgkÖ‡Y Pineapple juice Gi P~ovšÍ cwigvY = 6x – 6 +2 = 6x – 4
According to the question,

∴ The initial quantity of juice in the vessel = wjUvi
Answer: wjUvi
21.The respective ratio of milk and water in the mixture is 4 : 3 respectively. If 6 litres of water is
added to this mixture, the respective ratio of milk and water becomes 8 : 7. What is the quantity of
milk in the original mixture? Abyev`t wgkÖ‡Y `ya I cvwbi AbycvZ 4 : 3. hw` 6 wjUvi cvwb wgkv‡bv nq Zvn‡j AbycvZwU
nq 8 : 7. Zvn‡j cÖK…Z wgkÖ‡Y `y‡ai cwigvY KZ wQj?
(a) 36 litres (b) 84 litres
(c) 48 litres (d) None of these
Solution: awi, wgkÖ‡Y `ya I cvwbi cwigvY h_vµ‡g 4x I 3x wjUvi
hw` wgkÖ‡Y 6 wjUvi cvwb wgkv‡bv nq, Zvn‡j cÖkœvbymv‡i Avgiv cvB,

∴ litres Answer: litres
22. How many litres of water should be added to a 30 litre mixture of milk and water containing milk
and water in the ratio of 7 : 3 such that the resultant mixture has 40% water in it?
Abyev`t 30 wjUv‡ii GKwU wgkÖ‡Y `ya I cvwbi AbycvZ 7 : 3. GLb wgkÖ‡Y KZ wjUvi cvwb wgkv‡j wgkÖ‡Y cvwbi cwigvY n‡e
(a) 5 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 8
Solution : Given, The quantity of mixture = 30 litres
`ya I cvwbi AbycvZ = 7 : 3
∴ wgkÖ‡Y `y‡ai cwigvY = wjUvi
wgkÖ‡Y cvwbi cwigvY = wjUvi
awi, wgkÖ‡Y cvwb †hvM Ki‡Z n‡e wjUvi
According to the question,

A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

⇨ ⇨

23.35 kg of type A sandal powder, which costs TK. 614 per kg, was mixed with a certain amount of
type B sandal powder, which costs TK. 695 per kg. Then the mixture was sold at the rate of TK. 767
per kg and 18% profit was earned. What was the amount (in kg) of type B sandal powder in the
mixture? Abyev`t 614 UvKv †KwR `‡ii 35 †KwR A sandal powder, 695 UvKv †KwR `‡ii B sandal powder Gi
GKwU wbw`©ó cwigv‡Yi mv‡_ wgkv‡bv nj| Zvici wgkÖYwU 767 UvKv †KwR `‡i weµq Kivq 18% jvf n‡jv| wgkÖ‡Y B sandal
powder Gi cwigvY KZUzKz wQj?
(a) 24 (b) 28
(c) 32 (d) 36
Solution: Written Approach
Suppose, the amount (in kg) of type B sandal powder be x
Total amount Type-A and Type-B = (35+x) kg
According to the question,
118% of (35×614) + 695×x = 767(35+x)

Answer: 28 kg
18% jv‡f, weµqg~j¨ 118 UvKv n‡j µqg~j¨ 100 UvKv
weµqg~j¨ 1 UvKv n‡j µqg~j¨ UvKv
∴ weµqg~j¨ 767 UvKv n‡j µqg~j¨ UvKv = 650 UvKv
Applying Alligation method

Sandal powder Sandal powder

Type A Type B
614 695


= 45 36
∴ AbycvZ = 45 : 36 = 5 : 4
awi, Sandal powder A Ges Sandal powder B Gi cwigvY h_vµ‡g I †KwR
According to the question, ⇨
∴ Sandal powder B Gi cwigvY ‡KwR
A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

Written Section:
24.A vessel is filled with liquid, 3 parts of which are water and 5 parts syrup. How much of the
mixture must be drawn off and replaced with water so that the mixture may be half water and half
syrup? Abyev`t GKwU cvÎ 3 fvM cvwb Ges 5 fvM wmivc Øviv c~Y©| wK cwigvY wgkÖY †d‡j w`‡q cwie‡Z© cvwb †hvM Ki‡j
wgkÖYwUi A‡a©K cvwb Ges A‡a©K wmivc n‡e?

3 5
Tips: hw` †gvU volume 8 part aiv nq Zvn‡j cvwbi cwigvY Ges wmivc .GLb y part hw` †ei K‡i †djv nq
8 8
3 3y 5y
Zvn‡j wKš‘ cvwb Ges wmivc `yB-B †ei n‡e| GB y Gi g‡a¨ cvwb n‡”Q 8 ev 8 Ges wmivc n‡”Q 8 |
3 3y
 1g wQj fvM cvwb, †ei Kiv n‡jv fvM Ges cybivq y cwigvY cvwb †hvM Kiv n‡jv|
8 8
3 3y
cvwbi cwigvY `vov‡”Q 8  8
GLb cÖkœ Abyhvqx cvwbi cwigvY = wmiv‡ci cwigvY [half water and half syrup]
5y 5 5y
8 wmivc P‡j hvevi ci wmiv‡ci cwigvY _vK‡e 8 8
3 3y 5 5y
 Avgiv cvB,  + y = 
8 8 8 8

Given that
The ration of water : syrup = 3 : 5
Let the total volume be 8 [3+5]
3 5
 Water = and syrup =
8 8
Suppose y mixture is drawn off and y part water is added
According to the question,
3 3y 5 5y
8 8 +y=8 8
5y 3y 5 3
⇨y +  = 
8 8 8 8
8y + 5y  3y 2
⇨ 8 =8

⇨ ∴

25.A gasoline company wants to provide a customer with 1000 liters of premium gasline at Tk. 60 per
liter by mixing x liners of regular gasoline costing Tk. 50 per liter, with y liters of unleaded gsoline
costing Tk. 66 per liter. How much of each gasoline should be used to produce the mixture?
[Mercantile Bank2011] Abyev`t GKwU gasoline company 50 UvKv g~‡j¨i x liters regular gasoline Ges 66
UvKv g~‡j¨i Y liters Acwi‡kvwaZ gaoline wgwkÖZ K‡i customer †`i‡K 60 UvKv g~‡j¨ 1000 liter gaoline mieivn
Ki‡Z Pvq| D³ wgkÖ‡Y cÖ‡Z¨K gasoline Gi cwigvY KZ?
Total cost of 1000 liters premium gasoline at Tk. 60 per litre = (60  1000) = Tk. 60,000
Total gasoline = 1000 liter
If regular gasoline = x liter
Then unleaded gasoline, = (1000  x) liter
According to the question,
A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

50x + 66(1000  x) = 60,000

⇨50x + 66,000  66x = 60,000
⇨50x  66x = 66,000  66,000
⇨ 16x =  6,000
⇨ x = 16 = 375
 Regular gasoline, x = 375 liter
Unleaded gasoline, y = 1000  x = 1000  375 = 625 litere. Ans.

1 1
26.Two equal glasses are respectively 3 and 4 full of milk. They are then filled up with water and the
contents mixed in a tumbler. What is the ratio of milk and water in the tumbler?[Social Islai
1 1
Bank2013] Abyev`t cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡q‡Q, mgvb aviY ÿgZv m¤úbœ `ywU Møv‡mi 3 I 4 Ask `ya Øviv c~Y© Av‡Q| Zvici evwK
Ask cvwb `&¦viv c~Y© K‡i Møvm `ywUi wgkÖY‡K GKwU cv‡Î Xvjv n‡jv| cÖkœ n‡jv `ya I cvwbi AbycvZ KZ n‡e?
1 1
Tips: GB ai‡bi As‡K †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU myweavRbK msL¨v a‡i wb‡j fv‡jv nq| 3 Ges 4 Df‡qB fMœvsk nIqvq hw` 3
Ges 4 Gi¸ 12 a‡i †bqv nq Zvn‡j AsKwU Ki‡Z A‡bKUvB mnR n‡q hvq| ZvB glass `ywU‡Z †gvU aviYÿgZv
aiv n‡jv 12 + 12 = 24| Avi `ya Av‡Q 7 fvM|
 cvwb Av‡Q 24  7 = 17 fvM| AbycvZ 7 : 17

Let each glass contain 12 liters [As the LCM of 3 and 4 is 12]
So, the first glass has 12  3 = 4 liter milk
and " second " 12  4 = 3
 Total milk = (4 + 7) = 7 liters
When two glasses will be filled with water then water will require = (24  7) = 17 liters
 The ratio of milk & water will be 7 : 17
Answer: 7 : 17

27. `yBwU †evZ‡j GwmW Ges cvwbi AbycvZ h_vµ‡g 2t3 Ges 1t2| †evZj `yBwU †_‡K 1t3 Abycv‡Z wgkÖb •Zwi Ki‡j Zv‡Z
GwmW Ges cvwbi AbycvZ KZ n‡e? [Bangladesh Bank Officer General-2020]
Here, The ratio of Acid & Water in the 1st bottle = 2:3 Sum of Ratio = 2+3 = 5
So, The amount of Acid in 1st bottle = and Water =
The ratio of Acid & Water in the 2nd bottle =1:2 Sum of Ratio = 1+2 = 3
So,The amount of Acid in 2nd bottle = and Water =
So, New mixture The Acid & Water
= {(1st bottle Acid + 2nd bottle Acid)}: {(1st bottle Water + 2nd bottle Water)}
=, ( )- ,( ) - ( ) ( )

Answer: 7:13
A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

28. In a mixture of milk and water, their ratio is 4:5 in the first container and the same mixture
has 5:1 in the second container. In what ratio should the mixture be extracted from each
container and poured into the third container so that the ratio of milk and water comes to 5:4 in
the third container?[Joint Recruitment Test for 3 Banks Senior Officer-2018]Abyev`:cÖkœwU‡Z ejv n‡”Q †h,
1g cv‡Î `ya I cvwbi AbycvZ 4t5 Ges 2q cv‡Î `ya I cvwbi AbycvZ 5t1| Dfq wgk&ªb n‡Z wK Abycv‡Z `ya I cvwb wb‡q 3q
Av‡iKwU cv‡Î Xvj‡j Zv‡Z `ya I cvwbi AbycvZ 5t4 n‡e?
Let,‘x’ liters of Mixture taken from the 1st containers and ‘y’ liters of Mixture taken from the 2nd
containers and both poured into 3rd containers
Quantity of Milk in ‘x’ liters 1st containers =

Quantity of Milk in ‘y’ liters 2nd containers =

Quantity of Milk in 3rd containers =

Similarly, Quantity of Water in 3rd containers =
According to Question,
: ( )
( )

32x + 60y = 50x + 15y

18x = 45y
∴ x : y = 45:18 = 5:2
Answer: 5:2

29.A can contains milk & Water in the ratio 3:1. A part of this mixture is replaced with milk,
and now the new ratio of milk and water is 15:4.What proportion of original mixture had been
replaced by milk? [JRT SO (8 Banks & Fls.)-2018 1.SBL 2.Janata 3.Rupali 4.BDBL 4.RAKUB
Abyev`:cÖkœwU‡Z ejv n‡”Q, GKwU cv‡Î `ya I cvwbi AbycvZ 3t1|GB wgkÖ‡Yi wKQz Ask `ya Øviv AcmvwiZ Kiv n‡jv| Gi d‡j
bZzb wgkÖ‡Y `ya I cvwbi AbycvZ 15t4| Zvn‡j wK cwigvb `ya Øviv H wgkÖY AcmvwiZ n‡qwQj?
Given that, Ratio of milk and water = 3:1
Sum of ratio = 3 + 1 = 4
Let, Total volume be = 4
∴ Milk =
Suppose, x litres mixture is replaced by milk and x litres is added
∴ Milk in the mixture is Now =
According to the question,

( ) ( )
( ) ( )
A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

∴ proportion of original mixture had been replaced by milk

e¨vL¨v: hw` †gvU mixture 4 aiv nq Zvn‡j `y‡ai cwigvb Ges cvwbi cwigvb GLb x Ask mixture ‡ei Kiv nq
Zvn‡j wKšÍy `ya I cvwb Dfq †ei n‡e| GB x Gi g‡a¨ `ya n‡”Q Ges cvwb n‡”Q cª_‡g wQj fvM `ya,‡ei Kiv n‡jv
fvM Ges cybivq ‡hvM Kiv n‡jv| myZivs n‡”Q = Avi cvwbi cwigvb n‡”Q =

30.A jar contains X liters of milk a seller withdraws 25% mixture of it and sells it at tk.20 per
liter. He then replaces it water. He repeated the process total three times. Every time while
selling he reduces selling price by tk. 2. After this process Milk left in the mixture is only 108
liters so he decided to sell the entire Mixture at tk. 15 per liter. Then how much profit did he
earned if bought Milk at tk. 20 per liter? [JRT SO (8 Banks & Fls.)-2018 1.SBL 2.Janata 3.Rupali
Abyev`:cÖkœwU‡Z ejv n‡”Q, GKwU cv‡Î X wjUvi `ya Av‡Q| GKRb we‡µZv H cvÎ n‡Z 25% Zij D‡Ëvjb K‡i cÖwZ wjUvi 20
UvKv `‡i weµq K‡i Ges D‡ËvwjZ ZijUzKz cvwb Øviv c~Y© K‡i| wZwb Gfv‡e wZb evi KvRwU K‡ib Ges cÖwZevi Av‡Mi †P‡q
cÖwZ wjUvi 2 UvKv Kg `‡i weµq K‡ib| GB wZbev‡ii cÖwµqv †k‡l cv‡Î †h Zij iBj Zv‡Z 108 wjUvi `ya wQj| Gi ci wZwb
cv‡Îi cy‡ivUv cÖwZ wjUvi 15 UvKv `‡i weµq K‡i w`‡jb| hw` cÖwZ wjUvi `y‡ai µq g~j¨ 20 UvKv nq, n‡e weµZvi †gvU KZ
UvKv jvf nq?
Solution :
g¨v_ d¨v±t cÖwZ ev‡i †m 25% Zij D‡Ëvjb K‡i weµq K‡i Ges GB cÖwµqvq †m 3 evi Ki‡j Rv‡i me©‡kl 108 wjUvi
`ya _v‡K| ZvB Rv‡i KZUzKz `ya Av‡Q Zv Av‡M †ei Ki‡Z n‡e A_v©r ARvbv ivwk x Gi gvb †ei Ki‡jB AsK mnR n‡e|
Given that, The Jar Contain x litres of milk.
So We can use,
( )

( )

( )

( )

∴ x = 256
So, The Jar Contain initially 256 litres of milk.
First Case,
Seller sells Milk at tk.20,18 and 16 respectively for three times
Now, 25% of 256 litres = 64 litre thrice
Selling Price of three times = 64 × 20 + 64 ×18 + 64 ×16 = Tk. 3456
Second Case:
He sold entire 256 litres at tk.15 = 256 × 15 = Tk.3840
Cost price of 256 litres = 256 × 20 = Tk.5120
Total Selling price = 3456 + 3840 = Tk.7296
Finally profit = 7296 - 5120 = Tk.2176
Answer: Tk.2176
A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

31. In a mixture of milk and water, their ratio is 4:5 in the first container and the same mixture
has 5:1 in the second container. In what ratio should the mixture be extracted from each
container and poured into the third container so that the ratio of milk and water comes to 5:4 in
the third container? [Joint Recruitment Test for 3 Banks Senior Officer-2018][JRT 5 Bank AME/AE-
Solution: See- [Joint Recruitment Test for 3 Banks Senior Officer-2018]

32. A vessel contains 28 litres of honey and water, with honey and water ratio 4:3. 21 litre
honey-water solution is added that has honey to water ratio as 2:1. Again a 51 litre honey-water
solution that has honey to water ratio as 9:8 is added to this. After this 10 litre of the solution is
replaced with pure honey. What is ratio of water to honey in the final mixture? [JRT Officer
Cash-2018] Abyev`:cÖkœwU‡Z ejv n‡”Q, GKwU cv‡Î 28 wjUv‡ii gay Ges cvwbi wgkÖb i‡q‡Q †hLv‡b gay Ges cvwbi AbycvZ
4t3| hw` H wgkÖ‡b AviI 21 wjUvi gay Ges cvwbi wgkÖb ‡hvM Kiv nq Zvn‡j gay Ges cvwbi AbycvZ n‡e 2t1|Avevi hw` H
wgkÖ‡b AviI 51 wjUvi gay Ges cvwbi wgkÖb ‡hvM Kiv nq Zvn‡j gay Ges cvwbi AbycvZ n‡e 9t8| Gi ci 10 wjUvi wgkÖb LvuwU
gay Øviv AcmvwiZ Kiv n‡jv| Zvn‡j me©‡kl H cv‡Î cvwb I gay Gi AbycvZ KZ?
First Condition, Honey & Water Ratio = 4:3 Sum of ratio = 4 + 3 = 7
So, Honey =
2nd Condition, Honey & Water Ratio = 2:1 Sum of ratio = 2 + 1 = 3
So, Honey =
3rd Condition, Honey & Water Ratio = 9:8 Sum of ratio = 9 + 8 = 17
So, Honey =
Now, Total Honey = 16 + 14 + 27 = 57 & Water = 12 + 7 + 24 = 43
Total Solution = 57 + 43 = 100 litres
4th Condition, Out of 100 litres solution we are removing 10 litres [means 10%] and replaced with
pure honey [ Convert 10 litres to percentage]
Honey Removing = 57 of 10% = 5.7 litres And water = 43 of 10% = 4.3 litres
Finally Honey in the vessel = 57 – 5.7 + 10 = 61.3 And Water = 43- 4.3 = 38.7 litres
Ratio Water:Honey = 38.7 : 61.3 = 387:613
Back Up: 10 wjUvi wgkÖb ‡d‡j w`‡j Gi mv‡_ cvwb I gay Dfq c‡o hv‡e| ZvB GB 10 wjUv‡i KZUyKz cvwb I gay †djv n‡jv
Zv Av‡M †ei Ki‡Z n‡e|
Exam Approach/Alternative:
Before Replacement The total quantity of honey =

Before Replacement The total quantity of Water =

= 12 + 7 + 27 = 43
Total Solution = 57 + 43 = 100 litres
Out of 100 litres solution we are removing 10 litres [means 10%] and replaced with pure honey [
Convert 10 litres to percentage]
Honey Removing = 57 of 10% = 5.7 litres And water = 43 of 10% = 4.3 litres
Finally Honey in the vessel = 57 – 5.7 + 10 = 61.3 And Water = 43- 4.3 = 38.7 litres
Ratio Water : Honey = 38.7 : 61.3 = 387:613
Answer: 387:613
A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

33. A milk vendor has 2 cans of milk. The first contains 25% water and the rest milk. The
second contains 50% water. How much milk should he mix from each of the containers so as to
get 12 litres of milk such that the ratio of water to milk is 3:5? [JRT SBL/JBL Officer-IT-2019]
Abyev`:GKRb `ya we‡µZvi `yB cvÎ `ya Av‡Q| 1g cv‡Î 25% cvwb Ges evwK Ask `ya Av‡Q|2q cv‡Î 50% cvwb Av‡Q|
KZUzKz `ya cÖwZwU cvÎ n‡Z wgwkÖZ Ki‡Z n‡e hv‡Z 12 wjUvi `ya †c‡Z cvwb I `y‡ai AbycvZ 3t5 nq|
Each cans ‘x’ And ‘y’ litters of Milk & Water should be mixed to get water to milk 3: 5
Water = x of 25% =
Milk = x of (100 – 25)% =
Water = y of 50% =
Milk = y of (100 – 50)% =
According to the question,
( )
Solution & Completed
Md. Yousuf Ali

∴ ∶
Sum of Ratio = 1 + 1 = 2
∴ Each can milk Should be mixed = 12

34. A pot contains 81 litres of pure milk. of litres of the milk is replaced by the same amount of
water. Again of the mixture is replaced by that amount of water. Find the ratio of milk and
water in the new mixture. [Sonali Bank Ltd. Senior Officer-(FF)-2019]Abyev` cÖkœwU‡Z ejv n‡”Q, GKwU
1 1
cv‡Î 81 wjUvi `ya i‡q‡Q| cv‡Îi 3 Ask `ya‡K cvwb Øviv Repalce Kiv n‡jv| Gici Av‡iv GKevi 3 Ask wgwkÖZ cvwb Øviv
Acmvib Kiv n‡jv| bZzb wgkÖ‡Y `ya I cvwbi AbycvZ KZ?
Basic: Suppose, a container contains ‘x’ units of liquid from which ‘y’ units are taken out and
replaced by water. After ‘ n’ operations, the quantity of pure milk liquid in the final mixture
( ) units
Here, Total pot contains pure milk x = 81 litres
Quantity of milk replaced each time =
So, y = and n = 2
A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

After 2 operations Quantity of milk in the new mixture = ( )

( )

( ) ( )

( )
∴ Quantity of water in the new mixture = 81 – 36 = 45 litres
Hence, Required ratio = 36:45 = 4:5
Answer: 4:5

35.A container contains 40 litres of milk. From this container 4 litres of milk was taken out and
replaced by water. This process was repeated further two times. How much milk is now
contained by the container?[PKB EO Cash-2019]
Basic: Suppose, a container contains ‘x’ units of liquid from which ‘y’ units are taken out and
replaced by water. After ‘ n’ operations, the quantity of pure milk liquid in the final mixture
( ) units

Here, The container contains = 40 liters of Milk

Proportion of each replacement =
So, after three replacement, the quantity of milk in the container
= ( ) ( ) liters
Given, Initially containers contains 40 litres of milk pure milk .Because there is no water Initially.
First case: 4 litres of milk was taken out and replaced by water
Then Milk Left = 40 – 4 = 36 litres And Water in = 4 litres
2nd case: Milk + Water = 36 + 4 = 40 litres Milk mixture . Then 4 litres of milk was taken out
So, It has some water because 4 litres of milk is not 4 litres pure milk. It is milk mixture
40 litres Milk mixture water contain 4 litres
∴ 4 litres Milk mixture water contain = = 0.4 litres
Now Rest of milk = { 36 – (4 – 0.4)} = 32.4 litres
And Now water = 40 - 32.4 = 7.6 litres

3rd case: Process repeated Milk + Water = 32.4 + 7.6 = 40 litres. Again 4 litres of milk was taken out
40 litres Milk mixture water contain 7.6 litres
∴ 4 litres Milk mixture water contain = = 0.76 litres
Finally Pure milk hold 40 litres Milk Mixture = {32.4 – ( 4 – 0.76)} = 29.16 litres
Answer: 29.16 litres

Solution & Completed

Md. Yousuf Ali
A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

36. A mixture contains two liquid in the ratio 2:3. Another mixture contains the same two liquid
in the ratio of 5:4. Find the ratio in which the contents of both the vessels must be mixed to get
a new mixture containing two liquid in the ratio equally. [Rupali Bank Ltd.SO-2019] Abyev`: GKwU
wgkÖ‡Y 2:3 Abycv‡Z `ywU Zij aviY K‡i| Aci GKwU wgkÖ‡b GKB Zij 5:4 Abycv‡Z aviY K‡i| Zvn‡j H `ywU wgkÖY n‡Z wK
Abycv‡Z Zij `ywU wb‡q bZyb GKwU wgkÖb ‰Zix Kiv n‡e hv‡Z DfqB mgvb Abycv‡Z _v‡K|
Suppose, 1st mixture be x and 2nd mixture be y
1st Mixture According to the question,
Ratio of liquid be = 2:3
Sum of Ratio = 2+3 = 5 ( ) ( )
1st Liquid contain = ( ) ( )=1:1
2nd Liquid contain =
2nd Mixture
Ratio of liquid be = 5: 4 ∴
Sum of Ratio = 5+4 = 9 Answer:
1st Liquid contain =
2nd Liquid contain =

37. A barrel contains a mixture of wine and water in the ratio 3 : 1. H How much fraction of the
mixture must be drawn off and substituted by water so that the ratio of wine and water in the
resultant mixture in the barrel becomes 1:1
Initial Wine : Water = 3:1
Finally Wine : Water =1: 1 = 3:3 [Multipy by 3]
Both case ratio of wine is same
So,Finally water added = 3-1=2
Initially quantity of mixter = 3+1+ 2 = 6
Fraction drawn of =

38. Three vessels whose capacities are in the ratio of 3:2:1 are completely filled with milk mixed
with water. The ratio of milk and water in the mixture of vessels are 5:2, 4:1, and 4:1
respectively. Taking of first, of second, and of third mixtures, a new mixture, kept in a new
vessel is prepared. The percentage of water in the new mixture is? [Janata Bank Ltd.AEO-Teller-
Abyev`t cvwb wgwkÖZ `y‡a wZbwU vessel hv‡`i aviY ÿgZvi AbycvZ 3t2t1| vessel Gi wgkÖ‡Y `ya I I cvwbi AbycvZ h_vµ‡g
5t2,4t1 Ges 8t1| cÖ_g wgkÖ‡Yi 1/3 Ask, 2q wgkÖ‡Yi 1/2 Ask Ges 3q wgkÖ‡Yi 1/7 Ask wb‡q GKwU bZzb cv‡Î †i‡L bZzb
wgkÖY cÖ¯‘Z Kiv n‡jv| Zvn‡j bZyb wgkÖ‡Y KZ kZvsk cvwb i‡q‡Q?
Suppose, There be 3 litres, 2 litres,1 litre of the mixture in three vessels respectively
Taking of first mixture, so ( ) litre of mixture
Given Ratio of Milk & Water = 5:2 and sum of ratio = 5+2 = 7
Now, Milk = litres and water = litres
Taking of first mixture, so ( ) litre of mixture
Given Ratio of Milk & Water = 4:1 and sum of ratio = 4+1 = 5
Now, Milk = litres and water = litres
A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

Taking of first mixture, so ( ) litre of mixture
Given Ratio of Milk & Water = 4:1 and sum of ratio = 4+1 = 5
Now, Milk = litres and water = litres
In New vessel:
Total mixture= litres
Total water = litres

Required percentage = . / ( )

39.A can contains a mixture of two liquids A and B is the ratio 7 : 5, When 9 litres of mixture are
drawn off and the can is filled with B. the ratio of A and B becomes 7 : 9. How many litres of liquid A
was contained by the can initially?

GKwU cv‡Î `yBwU Zij A I B Gi wgkÖ‡Yi AbycvZ 7 : 5| 9 wjUvi wgkÖY †d‡j w`‡q cwie‡Z© B Øviv c~Y© Ki‡j A I B Gi
AbycvZ nq 7 : 9| cÖv_wgK Ae¯’vq cv‡Î wK cwigvY A Zij wQj?

7x 5x
Tips: cÖkœvbyhvqx, hw` †gvU wgkÖY x wjUvi a‡i †bqv nq Zvn‡j A = Ges B = Avi 9 wjUvi mwi‡q †dj‡j
12 12
5 7
A= of (x  9) Ges B = of (x  9) litre.
12 12
2q evi hLb 9 litre c~Y© Kiv n‡e ZLb wKš‘ A'i cwigvY AcwiewZ©Z _vK‡e wKš‘ B Gi mv‡_ A_©vr 12 of (x  9)
Gi mv‡_ 9 †hvM n‡e| Ges bZzb AbycvZwU cÖkœvbyhvqx 7 : 9|

Suppose, the total mixture be x litre Given that A : B = 7 : 5

7x 5x
We get A = 12 litre and B = 12 litre
And after drawing of 9 litre mixture remains = (x  9) litre.
7 5 7x  63 5x  45
 A = (x  9) and B = (x  9) litre = litre = litre
12 12 12 12
5x  45
After filling 9 litre with B becomes = 12 + 9 litre.
Given that the new ratio = 7 : 9
According to the question
7x  63 5x  45 + 108 Solution & Completed
: =7:9
12 12
7x  63 12 7
12  5x + 63 9= Md. Yousuf Ali
63x  577 = 35x + 431
63x-35x = 1008
28x = 1008

 x = 36
A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

7x 7  36
Hence, A = = = 21
12 12
 Initially A was 21 litres. Ans.

40.Two alloys A and B are composed of two basic elements. The ratios of the compositions of the
two basic elements in the two alloys are 5:3 and 1:2. A new alloy X is formed by mixing the two
alloys A & B in the ratio 4:3. What is the ratio of the composition of the two basic elements in
alloy X? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2012]
Abyev`t `ywU wgkÖavZz A †_‡K B `ywU g~j Dcv`vb Øviv MwVZ| wgkÖ avZz؇q Basic element Gi AbycvZ h_vµ‡g 5:3 Ges
1:2| A Ges B `ywU‡K wgwkÖZ K‡i GKwU bZzb wgkÖY avZz •Zwi Kiv n‡jv hv‡Z A Ges B Gi AbycvZ n‡”Q 4 : 3| GB bZzb x
alloy G Basic element Gi AbycvZ KZ n‡e?
Let, F = the first basic element and S = the second basic element.
Alloy A: Since F:S = 5:3,
So amount of F =
Alloy B: Since F:S = 1:2
so amount of F =
Now, ratio of alloy A & B in new alloy X is 4:3
Amount of F in the new alloy X =
Amount of S in the new alloy X =
Hence ratio of F & S in new alloy X = : = 1:1
In Alloy X, Alloy A and B are 4x And 3x Unit
Ratio of Alloy A = 5: 3 And Sum of Ratio = 5 + 3 = 8
In alloy A, One basic element is =
In alloy A, Another basic element is =
Ratio of Alloy B = 1: 2 And Sum of Ratio = 1 + 2 = 3
In alloy B, One basic element is =
In alloy B, Another basic element is =
Required Fraction = ( ) ( ) ∶

41:A 60 litre mixture of sugar and water contains sugar and water in the ratio of 2:3.How many
litres of the mixture should be replaced by sugar so that the ratio of sugar and water becomes
1:1? [GTCL- AM- 2018]
Given that, Total mixture = 60 liters
Ratio of Sugar : Water=2:3 And Sum of Ratio = 2 + 3= 5
So, Sugar =
And water =
Suppose, x litres mixture should be replaced by sugar, then the new mixture = (60- x) liters
So, The new ratio of sugar and water = ∶
According to the question,
A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

∶ ∶

Answer: 10 litters
Given that, Total mixture = 60 litres
Ratio of Sugar :Water = 2:3 And Sum of Ratio=5
So, Sugar =
And water =
New mixture sugar and water will be Sugar = = 30 And Water = = 30
So, Water should be replaced by = 36-30 = 6 liters
Suppose, x litres mixture should be replaced

Or, 3x = 30
∴ x = 10 Answer: 10 litters
42: Rahim bought two varieties of rice, costing Tk.5 And Tk.6 per kg each and mixed them
some ratio.Then he sold the mixture at tk.7 kg, making profit of 20%. What was the ratio of the
mixture? [Bangladesh Bank AD-2015][Janata Bank EO -2012][Rupali Bank SO-2013][Bangladesh
Bank AD-2014]
Abyev`t Rahim 5 UvKv I 6 UvKv `‡i wKQz Pvj wK‡b Zv wgwk‡q 7 UvKv `‡i wewµ Ki‡jb Ges 20% jvf Ki‡jb| wK AbycvZ
wZwb Pvj Mix K‡iwQ‡jb?
Let, Rahim bought x kg rice at tk. 5 & y kg Alternative:
rice at tk. 6 kg Let, Rahim bought x kg rice at tk. 5 & y kg rice
So, total cost Price = Tk. (5x + 6y) at tk. 6 kg
And Selling price = Tk.(7x + 7y) So, total cost Price = Tk. (5x + 6y)
20% profit = 20% of (5x + 6y) And Selling price = Tk.(7x + 7y)
= According to the question,)
According to question,
Selling price -Cost price = Profit

∴ Answer: 1:5
Hence, The ratio of the mixture = 1:5
A Unique Bank Math For Full Length Practice By Md. Yousuf Ali

Preliminary Way
20% profit Cost price =
::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::
::[6- ]::::::::::::::::::: [ 5]
= 2::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::= 1

Solution & Completed

Md. Yousuf Ali

‡h‡Kvb PvKzixi cixÿvq m‡ev©”P Kgb †c‡Z AvRB msMÖn Kiæb | cvIqv hv‡”Q meB

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