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1. Sensitive Food

Food sensitivities are the result of toxic responses to food and are divided into
two categories. First, allergic responses and the second is food intolerances. You
may be sensitive or intolerant to a food for a few reasons. These are such as
reactions to food additives or preservatives like sulfites, MSG, or artificial colors,
pharmacological factors, like sensitivity to caffeine or other chemicals, sensitivity
to the sugars naturally found in certain foods like onions, broccoli, or Brussels
sprouts. There are some characteristics of children who are sensitive to food such
as nausea and vomiting, asthma, diarrhea and stomach ache, and headache

A food sensitivity or intolerance refers to the body’s adverse reaction to food

but does not involve the immune system. While a food allergy refers to a response
by the body’s immune system to a food or a component of a food. I think allergies
are more dangerous, because they involve immunity and can cause serious health
problems and also even can be fatal. Some symptoms of sensitive food like a
acne, brain fog, eczema, dry and itchy skin, bloated stomatch after eating, fatigue,
joint pain, reflux, migraines, depression and mood swings, runny nose, headache,
trouble sleeping, and dark circles under eyes. To help you avoid sensitive food,
you have to first educate your self like a learn about ingredients in the foods you
eat, second is stock the pantry cause it’s important to stock your pantry with safe
foods and appropriate substitutes, the third is pay attention to labels because
manufacturers can change ingredients of their products without notice, so double
check ingredient labels every time you buy a food, and the last but not least, join
the conversation. Once you take an food sensitivity test, you are welcomed and
encouraged to join our closed group conversation page to share stories and helpful
tips with others who also live with sensitivities.

2. Healthy Weight

Healthy weight is body weight that has a proportion balanced with height. A
healthy weight can be calculated using the formula : BMI equals weight in kg
divided height in m times height in m. Healthy weight categories is 18,5-24,9 in
table categories weight. The calorie restriction requirements that can be estimated
to healthy weight, which is 2000 calories/day. There are some of the causes of
weight gain, such as first extreme diets with the aim of losing weight drastically in
a short time cause this method does not train the body to burn large amounts of
calories in the long run. As a result, the food you consume will not burn
completely and the effect is body weight actually goes up quickly, the second is
genes, buy studies suggest that eating a healthy diet, staying active, and avoiding
unhealthy habits like drinking soda can prevent the genetic predisposition to risk
for obesity. Third is physical inactivity, and last taking certain medicines such as
antidepressants, steroids, and other drugs.

There are some things of weight loss like a know your starting point, find the
problem, fix the problem, pick a reasonable calorie goal, make sure you eat
enough protein, and snack on vegetables and fruit. So, to maintain a healthy
weight, we have to first eat at the right time, second is weight training cause will
help the body stay tight, fit and strong and effective for keeping your weight
balanced and you can do it three times a week. Third is don't forget healthy habits,
the next is control the food with record the food consumed every day. So, when
you gain weight again, you can easily find out what foods are to blame and should
be avoided, adequate rest time, drinking water cause by fulfilling the need for
water, we can help the body's metabolic processes run smoothly so as to prevent
weight gain, check the scales regularly cause by always checking your weight
regularly, you can always find out whether your weight is increasing or not., and
last increase exercise intensity.

3. Nutrient and Stress Management

Stress is a common term used by people when they encounter a problem in

their life. There are three stages of stress that the body will come across. These
stages are the initial alarm, then resistance, followed by exhaustion. There are
some symptoms of stress such as muscle tension, loss of focus/concentration,
headaches, increased heart rate, having a short temper, an edgy personality,
irritations (Rashes, Eczema etc.) and loss of appetite. Stress can also inflict long
term illnesses to the body. Examples of these illnesses like a diabetes, depression,
mental health problems, and heart/cardiovascular problems.
One of the main issues with stress is that it can cause unhealthy eating habits.
This applies mainly to people who are always on the go and lead a busy lifestyle.
People that fall into this category often endure large amounts of stress and have no
time to fit a balanced nutrition around their busy schedule. Stress makes the body
crave foods that are high in fats and sugars. Unhealthy eating habits such as eat
fast food, skipping meals. People who are overly stressed also tend will skipping
meals, coffee intake, eating the wrong food types, and the desire to eat constantly.
There are some of the effects of poor stress management. First, if over
consume coffee. Too much caffeine can have a massive negative impac. An over
excess of caffeine can lead to negative effects such as restlessness, lapses of
concentration and a decrease in your ability to be fully effective. Caffeine also has
a massive impact on the hormones in your body. The second is if consume food

that high in carbohydrates, sugars and fats will result in excess fat being stored
around the upper half of your body. This type of fat around the abdomen can lead
to serious health problems, mainly concerning the heart. The last is if under stress,
the body’s natural defences can be severely affected and leave the person with a
weaker immune system will leaves the person more prone to contracting illnesses.
If the stressed person falls ill, then this will only lead to an increased amount of
stress inflicted on the body. To reduce the impact that stress has on your body,
you can eating food good nutrition, good diet plan, avoiding certain foods, and
increasing immune system. You can also reduce stress with erase any negative
thoughts, adopt a positive mind, listen to your emotions, and the las relax your

4. Cooking Methods

Cooking methods is a series of procedures is performed to prepare food in a

specific order to get the desired food. Cooking methods are divided into two,
namely, the processing of moist heat cooking and dry heat cooking. First, moist
heat cooking is to process food with the help of liquids. The liquid can be a
stock, water, milk, coconut milk and other ingredients. This wet hot food
processing technique has various ways like a boiling, braising, simmering,
steaming, stewing, blancing, and poaching. First, Boiling is processing food with
a lot of liquid and with boiling water. The temperature can reach 100 degrees
celcius. Boiling technique can be done on some foodstuffs such as, fresh meat,
durable meat, eggs, pasta, vegetables, and bones. Second is braising, braising is
cooking food with a little liquid that is closed and using medium temperature.
Example of food such as chicken stew, braised beef, braised rolled cabbage. Next
is simmering, simmering is cooking in boiling liquid over low heat and slow, hot
temperatures around 85-96⁰C and the food must be completely covered in liquid.
Example of food such as coconut milk, broth, stews, soup, and rawon.
Then, steaming is cooking food over, but not in, boiling water with place the
food in a perforated steamer basket that fits inside a pan, and fill the pan with
water to just below the level of the basket and cover the pan with a tight-fitting lid
to trap the steam created as the water boils. Food examples from the steaming
process such as dumplings, steamed buns, steamed yams. Next is stewing, stewing
is processing foodstuffs by sauteing the seasoning first then boiling it with liquid
over medium heat and often stirring. Commonly used liquids are coconut milk
and stock. Example of food like soup and chicken opor. Next is blancing, is a
cooking method that cooks only half cooked or undercooked food and then
immediately soaked in an ice bath to stop the cooking process. Example of food
like a side dish and urap vegetables. The last, poaching is a boiling of groceries
under the boiling point of using a limited amount of fluid. The temperature used is
about 71-82 °c. Example of food like egg poach.

The second, dry heat cooking is a food processing without use water or steam,
but use hot air, heat metal radiation, or fat heat. Usually divided into 2 groups,
namely without fat and with fat.In dry heat cooking methods. Cooking by dry heat
is process food without the aid of fluids, then the heat generated can be higher
than moist heat method. This method includes baking, roasting and grilling. First,
baking is cooking food by dry heat in an oven. Example of food like pastry and
bread. Next is roasting, roasting is cooking techniques in the oven or grill using
fat or oil. Example of food like chicken satay. The last, grilling is a fast method of
cooking by radiant heat or also called broiling. Then, cooking by frying with fat is
process food with oil. This method includes deep frying, shellow frying, and
sauteing. First, deep frying is a method of frying with large amounts of oil so that
all parts of the fried food are submerged in hot oil. Example of food like french
fries, fried tempeh, donuts, and fried chicken. Then, shallow frying is a method of
cooking food in small amounts, with fat or oil preheated in a shallow pan or flat.
Example of food like fried egg and bakwan. And the last, sauteing is cooking food
quickly in a small amount of fat. Example of food like vegetable sauce and

5. Beverages and Appetizer

Appetizer is food that consume before the main course which is served with
the aim of arousing appetite. Appetizer are divided into 2 like hot appetizer and
cold appetizer. First, hot appetizer Hot appetizer is an appetizer that go through
the cooking process, and served hot with temperature of 50°C-60°C. The example
of hot appetizer includes resoles, cheese souffle, croquette, and quiche Lorraine.
The second is cold appetizer, cold appetizer is an appetizer that is served cold or
fresh with temperatures of 10°C-15°C. The example of cold appetizer includes
fruit salad, vegetable salad, canape, and aspic. There are some things that must be
considered in determining or making a good appetizer such as the appetizer must
have a sour, salty, and sweet taste with the aim of giving a good appetite;
appetizer must have attractive colors and no dominant; the appetizer ingredients
must be fresh; the appetizer weight must be according to the standard ranging
from 60-85 grams; and last appearance appetizer must be attractive so as to create
an interest in food.
The second is beverages, beverages is liquid that can be consumed which have
thirst quenching, refreshing, stimulating, and nourishing properties. Beverages can
be categorized into two types, they are alcoholic beverages and non-alcoholic
beverages. First, alcoholic beverages are drinks that contain ethanol, which is
generally called alcohol. Alcoholic beverages divided into 3 process, like with
fermented, distilled, and compound beverages. The example of fermented
alcoholic beverages includes beer and wine drinks. The example of distilled
alcoholic beverages like whiskey, brandy, vodka, and sake drinks. The example of

compound beverages such as liqueur and gin drinks. Then, non alcoholic
beverages is beverages type that don't contain alcohol. Non alcoholic beverages
can categorized into 2 types, they are cold drink and hot drink. Cold drink usually
served in cold conditions. Some drinks are cooled, but some are chilled with ice
cubes when serving them such as aerated drink, sprink water, squash, juice, and
syrup. Hot drinks are usually served without alcohol and warm like tea, coffee,
and cocoa.

6. Food Groups

Food groups are collections of foods that have a collection of nutrients or

related biological classifications because food from the basic food groups
provides essential nutrients for life and growth and all have a role in helping
bodily functions. Variations between large food groups will increase nutritional
adequacy. Food groups consist of grains group which has a source of
carbohydrate nutrition, meat, poultry, fish, beans, eggs and nuts group which has a
source of protein, fruits group and vegetables group which has a source of various
vitamins, and last dairy group which has a source of minerals.
Grains group like rice, oats, wheat, corn, pasta, noodles has benefits in the
body such as can reduce the risk of developing certain diseases including coronary
heart disease, colon cancer, diabetes and diverticular disease and also assist in the
maintenance of the digestive system and can help prevent constipation. Meat,
poultry, fish, beans, eggs and nuts group such as the type of bean that contains
vegetable protein and the type of meat that contains animal protein, both have the
same benefits like may help reduce the risk of heart disease, can be a reduced risk
of developing dementia in older adults, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease,
stroke, and age-related macular degeneration in the eyes. Fruits group consists of
pome fruits such as apples and pears, citrus fruit such as oranges and grapefruit,
stone fruit such as apricots, cherries, peaches and plums, tropical fruit such as
bananas, mangoes, pine apple and melons, berries, and other fruits such as grapes
and passionfruit has various benefits among others are can reduces the risk of over
eating which can cause weight gain, reduce the risk of some cancers, including
colorectal cancer, lower blood pressure. fruits that contain carotenes (vitamin A)
which are also thought to assist in immune function. Vegetables group consists of
dark green or cruciferous/brassica such as broccoli and cabbages, root vegetables
such as potato and carrots, legumes/beans such as red kidney beans, soybeans, and
other vegetables like tomato and cucumber has the same benefits as fruits. Dairy
group like milk, cheese and yoghurt have high calcium which is good for bone
growth, especially during the growing period of children.

7. Development in Food Technology

Food technology is a technology that applies knowledge about food

ingredients especially after harvest or post harvest in order to obtain the optimum
benefits while increasing the added value of the food. Development in food
products is an activity carried out in the face of the possibility of changing a food
product to a better direction so that it can provide greater efficacy and satisfying
power. This activity certainly has benefits like can be used as a means of
supporting creativity for producers, meeting humans food need, maintaining food
results, eliminating disease from food, improved nutrition, practical in eating
food, and reducing food waste. The kinds of method used in food technology
consists of low temperature, drying, packaging, canning, use of chemical
ingredients, heating, fermentation, and irradiation. First, low temperature or
cooling is the method of foods storage above the freezing temperature which is -2
to 10 ° C. The example of food like nuggets, sausages, meatballs, dumplings,
frozen fruit and vegetables, and others. The second, drying is a way to expend or
remove a portion of water from an ingredient by evaporating most of the water
contains it, through the use of thermal energy so that microorganisms cannot
grow anymore inside of the foods ingredients. The example of food like raisins,
dates, types of cereals, salted fish, vanilla fruit, and others. The third, packaging is
part of a food processing that have functions to preserve food, prevent mechanical
damage, and changement of the water content. Sterilization of packaging
materials is usually done by liquids or hydrogen peroxide vapor and UV light or
gamma radiation. Next, canning is a way of preserving food that is hermetically
packaged (impermeable to air, water, microbes, and other strage material) in a
container, which is then commercially sterilized to kill all pathogenic microbes
(causing disease) and spoilage.
Then, use of chemical ingredients. Preservatives from chemicals ingredients
have function to help maintain food ingredients from microbial spoilage attack
and provide additional flavor like delicious, sweet, and coloring. Examples of
several types of chemicals ingredients like vinegar, acetic acid, fungicides,
antioxidants, inpackage desiccant, ethylene absorbent, wax emulsion and growth
regulatory for protect fruits and vegetables from the threat of post harvest damage
to keep the freshness in marketing. Next, the heating process can be divided into 3
kind there are blanching, pasteurization, and sterilization. Blanching is the process
of heating food with steam or hot water directly at a temperature of less than
100ºC, for less than 10 minutes. Pasteurization is a thermal process done by the
65°C heating method for 30 minutes. Pasteurization is usually used for foods that
cannot stand in high temperatures. A example products like diary milk product,
fruit juice, and ice cream. Sterilization is a thermal process to kill all microbes and
their spores until they become sterile like canned food. Next, Fermentation
functions as a preservative food source. One of them is fermentation using lactate

bacteria in food will cause the pH value of food to decrase below 5.0 so that it can
inhibit the growth of bacteria like tempe, yoghurt, terasi, cheese and vinegar. The
last, irradiation is the process of applying energy radiation to a material, such as

8. Food Safety

Food safety is the condition and effort needed to prevent food from possible
biological, chemical,and other contaiminants that can interfere and endanger
human health. Some factors affecting food safety, includes biological or
microbiological, that hazards consist of parasites (protozoa and worms), viruses,
and pathogenic bacteria that can grow and develop on in food, so that it can cause
infection and poisoning in humans. Next, chemical that hazards are generally
caused by chemicals can cause intoxication. The chemical cause poisoning
including heavy metals (lead and mercury). The contamination comes from
industrial contamination, pesticide residues, hormones, and antibiotics. The last,
physical that hazards consist of pieces of wood, stone, metal, hair and nails likely
from contaminated raw materials, equipment that has been wear, or also from
food processing workers. Despite physical danger does not always cause illness or
health problems, but this danger can be as a carrier or carrier of bacteria pathogens
and can certainly interfere with the aesthetic value of food to be consumed. There
are three unsafe food indicators consist of signs that are easily found include foul-
smelling or rancid, there are gravel, pieces of wood or glass or dirt there is a
maggot. Then, other invisible ingredients that can cause food is harmful to health,
namely microorganisms such as viruses or the bacteria and toxins that they
produce. And last is dyes, preservatives and other additives of a kind that are not
earmarked for food such as formalin
Determinants of good nutrition are found in good types of food that are also
tailored to the needs of the body. Good types of food must have food security and
good food security. Food security must include accessibility, availability, security
and sustainability. Food availability is the average amount of food that meets
consumption needs at the regional and household level. Food safety is very
influential on the nutritional status of the community. Food safety is a complex
problem as a result of interactions between microbiological toxicity, chemical
toxicity and nutritional status. This is interrelated, where unsafe food will affect
human health, which in turn causes problems for nutritional status.

9. Food to Grow on

Food is Material, especially carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, that an organism

uses for energy, growth, and maintaining the processes of life. Grow is to increase
by natural development, as any living organism or part by assimilation of

nutriment with increase in size or substance. Nutrients essential to achieve
optimum grow like protein, minerals, vitamin, carbohydrate, omega-3 and omega-
6 fatty acids. The food and type of food we eat is very important in growth,
development and health from childhood. There are some how to help you eat of
important nutrients like healthy food accessible, a jug of water out on the counter
put, extra “filler foods” with sweet potatoes, potatoes, winter squash, brown rice,
quinoa, polenta, whole-wheat pasta, corn muffins , the vegetables and protein,
schedule mealtime, have healthy snack, healthy bedtime snack, do physical
exercise, 90:10 formula with 90 percent of their food healthful and the other 10
percent sweets and treats. And last, prioritize the family dinner.

10. Measuring Food Intake

Measuring Food Intake is the study of to know the amount of food consumed
entering the body and comparing it with the standard of adequacy, so it is known
that adequate nutrition is fulfilled. There are food consumption measurement
methods is qualitative method consist of food frequency, dietary history, and food
list. The food frequency method is to obtain data on the frequency of consumption
of a number of foodstuffs or prepared foods over a certain period such as days,
weeks, months or years. Dietary history is method that provides an overview of
consumption patterns based on observations in a long period of time (can be 1
week, 1month, 1year). Food composition list is a list that contains the composition
of the contents of nutrients for various types of food or food. To counting macro
nutrients, for protein, it takes 10-15% of total calorie requirements. Then, change
to grams. 1 gram of protein equals 4 calories. For fat, it takes 10-25% of total
calorie needs. 1 gram of fat equals 9 calories. For carbohydrate, it takes 60-75%
of total calorie needs. 1 gram of carbohydrate is equivalent to 4 calories.
Quantitative method is to find out the amount of food consumed so that it can
be calculated the consumption of nutrients using the Food Composition List
(DKBM) or other required list such as the Household Size List (URT), the Raw-
Cooked Conversion List (DKMM) and the Remake List Oil. Quantitative method
consist of 24 hour recall method. Food recall method is method requires the
offender to remember all the food and the amount as well as possible in a certain
time when the question and answer session Reminder is often done for 1-3 days.
Basically this method is done by recording the type and amount of food consumed
in the past. The point is our bodies need adequate nutrition, and everyone has
different needs. So, eat according to the amount of our needs and don't forget to

11. The Power of Water

Water is one important element on earth, because water is an element that is

needed by all living things for their lives or water is the source of life as a sign of
life. There are some benefits of water, includes reduce tiredness, improve mood,
relieve headaches, good for digestion, increase appetite and reduce body weight.
Water can be obtained from various sources such as rain water, surface water,
ground water and seawater. A shortage is caused by too much demand, or not
enough supply in areas that lack water supply. Some factors affecting water
quality among others are factors physical like turbidity, temperature, color, smell
and taste, factors chemical like pH, DO (dissolved oxygen), BOD (biological
oxygen demand), COD (chemical oxygent demand), and last is biological factors
like bacteria, coliform organism, and microorganisms. There are some tips to save
water includes a dripping tap could waste as much as 90 liters a week, brushing
your teeth with the tap running wastes almost 9 liters a minute. Rinse our from a
tumler instead. Cool water kept in the fridge means you won’t have to run the tap
for ages to get a cold drink, don’t use your washing machine until you’ve got a
full load. A full load uses less water than 2 half loads. Every time you boil an egg
save the cooled water for you houseplants. They’ll benefit from the nutrients
released from the shell. Sprinklers can be wasteful. A srinkler can use as much
water in an hours as a family of your will use in day. And last, trigger nozzles can
save water by using it only when needed. All living things on this earth are very
dependent on water which can be used as a solvent which plays an important role
in the body's metabolism.

12. Sodium and Potassium

Sodium is one of the important minerals for the body. 30-40% sodium is in the
body's framework. Inside the body, sodium is present in cells (intra cellular) and
mainly in fluids outside the cell (extra cellular fluid), digestive tract, such as bile
and pangkres contain a lot of sodium. Potassium is the main cation (99%) in
extracellular fluid plays an important role in the treatment of disorders of water
and electrolyte balance. As for the function of sodium like helps nerve and muscle
function, maintain body fluid balance, and influence blood pressure and volume.
while the function of potassium such as optimizing brain function, controlling
muscle and nerve contractions, helps absorption of nutrients, supports the
metabolism process, prevents hardening of the arteries, and cleanse the vessels.
We can get sodium in salt, cereals, processed meat, eggs, processed fish,
and cheese. And potassium is usually found in certain fruits, such as bananas,
peaches, grapes, potatoes, avocados, red beans and tomatoes. Usually also found
in meat, pure milk, spinach and sweet orange juice. Impact of an imbalance in
sodium levels in our body such as hyponatremia and hypernatremia. Impact of an

imbalance in potassium levels in our body like hypokalemia and hyperkalemia.
So, Sodium and potassium are two essential nutrients having an important role in
normal bodily functioning. sodium and potassium are two principal electrolytes in
extracellular fluid and intracellular fluid, respectively, which together have a vital
role in regulating body fluids, maintaining osmotic equilibrium,stabilizing acid-
base balance, determining membrane potentials of smooth muscles and nerves,
regulating molecules to transport actively across cell membranes, and promoting
cellular growth.

13. Food Preservation

Food preservation is based on the principle of killing spoilage microorganisms

or make certain conditions, so that microorganisms will not develop. The addition
of preservatives in food aims to extend the shelf life of food ingredients,
maintaining the physical and chemical properties of food ingredients, prevent or
slow down the rate of decomposition of food ingredients, prevents the growth of
microbes that use food as a substrate to produce toxins in food, prevent damage
caused by environmental factors including pest attacks, and prevent or slow down
microbial damage. There are 2 types of food preservatives, includes natural
preservatives and artificial preservatives. First, natural preservatives are food
additives that do not use chemicals. Examples are sugar, salt, rocks, dried fruit,
and many others. Then, artificial preservatives are additives resulting from the
artificial of chemicals that are useful so that the materials around us can be more
durable and that they can be used for a long period of time. Examples are sodium
benzoate, sodium nitrite, potassium sorbate. Preservatives that are permitted for
use such as benzoic acid, propionate acid, sulfur dioxide, sodium nitrate, sodium
sorbate,etc. Then, preservatives which are prohibited for use like boric acid and its
compounds, salicylic acid and its salts (lithium salicylate salt, silver salicylate),
formalin, potassium chlorate (KClO3), diethylpyrocarbonate, dulcin, brominated
vegetable oil, potassium bromate, etc.
There are some positive impacts of preservative use, includes so that food or
drinks that are given preservatives are more durable, protecting food from bacteria
or fungi, make food or drinks still look fresh, so that the smell and taste of the
food or drink does not change. But, beside positive impacts, certainly has a
negative impact if you consume too much, such as changes in behavior,
respiratory disorders, heart disorders, indigestion, kidney disorders, and many

14. Protein

Proteins are high molecular weight complex organic compounds which are
polymers of amino acid monomers that are connected to each other by peptide

bonds. Proein source dividen into two, includes sources of animal protein such as
meat, eggs, milk, fish, chicken, shellfish and sources of vegetable protein such as
tofu and tempeh. Some factors affecting protein damage, includes hot, pH (Degree
of Acidity), metal ions, sugar and polyols, and protein properties. Protein has
benefits for the body, some of which as an anzyme, as a means of transporting and
stroring, for mechanical support, as a control of growth, as a body's defense and
immune defense immunization, as a medium for nerve impulse propagation,
prevents kwashiorkor and marasmus diseases, and assist in the process of wound
healing, cell regeneration to regulate the work of hormones and enzymes in the
body. But it's also not good to consume protein unbalanced. A disease that will
arise if you protein deficiency like kwashiorkor, marasmus, and cachexia. A
disease that will arise if you protein excess like kidney failure, osteoprosisis,
constipation, diarrhea, and dehydration. So,we have to consume protein according
to our nutritional needs only.

15. Lipid

Lipids are molecules made mostly of carbon, hydrogen, very few oxygen.
Lipids are organic compounds including fats, oils, hormones, and certain
components of membranes that are soluable in non polar organic solven. Lipids
have several roles in the body. They includes storing energy, regulating and
signaling, insulating, protecting, aiding digestion and increasing bioavailability.
The biologically important lipids can be classified into three types, namely simple
lipids, compound lipids and derived lipids. Simple lipids include neutral fats is
esters of fatty acids with glycerol. Oils are fats in the liquid state and waxes is
esters of fatty acids with higher molecular weight monohydric alcohols.
The second, Compund lipids include phospholipids is lipids containing, in
addition to fatty acids and alcohol, a phosphoric acid residue, glycolipids is lipids
containing a fatty acid, sphingosine, and carbohydrate, and other complex lipids
such as sulfolipids and amino lipids. Lipoproteins may also be placed in this
category. Last, derived lipids include fatty acids, glycerol, alcohols, hydrocarbons,
hormones, lipid soluble, vitamins, and steroids. Lipids may be either liquids or
non crystalline solids at room temperature. If you consume unbalanced fat, it will
be bad for the body. Diseases caused by deficiency of fats such as depression,
possible vitamin deficiency, cardiovascular diseases, autoimmunity and chronic
inflammation. Diseases caused by excess of fats such as obesity, constipation,
atherosclerosis, cancer, and decreased insulin hormone.


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