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THỪA THIÊN HUẾ Năm học: 2012- 2013

Khóa ngày 24.06.2012
(Đề thi gồm 7 trang) Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề)

Điểm Họ tên & chữ ký giám khảo 1 Mã phách

Họ tên & chữ ký giám khảo 2

I. PRONUNCIATION (10 points)

Part 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
the others. (5 points)
1. A. decision B. television C. occasion D. tension
2. A. comfort B. handsome C. frontier D. honey
3. A. ensure B. pleasure C. insure D. pressure
4. A. closed B. composed C. supposed D. missed
5. A. mouse B. sour C. wound D. shout
Part 2: Choose the word which is stressed differently from the others. (5 points)
1. A. compulsory B. cinema C. government D. benefit
2. A. information B. education C. pollution D. preparation
3. A. committee B. referee C. engineer D. volunteer
4. A. prepare B. organize C. select D. require
5. A. festival B. primary C. badminton D. development


Part 1: Choose the best answer among A, B, C, D. Circle your choice. (10 points)
1. The car burst into………….…but the driver managed to escape.
A. fire B. burning C. heat D. flames
2. She had no ………….…of selling the clock – it had belonged to her grandfather.
A. intention B. meaning C. interest D. opinion
3. Ben’s wife is a terrible snob. She………….… almost all his friends because they have
North Country accents.
A. looks up to B. comes across C. looks down on D.comes over
4. When you are an old age pensioner, you have to learn to live…………..a very small
A. up to B. on C. out D. down
5. The volcano on the island is still………….…
A. alive B. performing C. busy D. active
6. In order to………….….with his studies, he worked through the summer.
A. take on B. catch on C. catch up D. take up
7. He couldn’t afford to………….…his car repaired.
A. pay B. make C. do D. have
8. There was no………….…in waiting longer than half an hour so we left.
A. good B. point C. worth D. use
9. After Joe’s mother died, he was………….…up by his grandmother.
A. brought B. taken C. grown D. drawn
10. We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are out of………….…
A. work B. stock C. reach D. practice

Part 2: Fill the gap in each of these sentences with the correct form of the verb in
brackets. (10 points)
1. It's high time we..........................(get) the house painted.
2. .....................I ......................(listen) to you from the start, I wouldn't be in this mess
3. I do wish you.........................(tell) Jim, but you have so it's too late now, isn't it?
4. ........................(study) English and American literature at university for three years,
she went on to a highly successful career in journalism.
5. Frank told me he.........................(be) to the aquarium several times that year already,
so didn’t really want to go again.
6. If I.........................(drive) any faster, I’d be breaking the speed limit!
7. It’s time for you .........................(do) your homework, young man.
8. Would you rather I ........................(invite) Bill and Trisha round, or don't you mind if
they come?
9. ......................... (be) you to hear tomorrow that you've been offered the job, how
would you react?
10. .........................(make) to wait for over an hour to see a customer services officer
put me in an extremely bad mood.

Part 3: Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line
to form a word that fits the space in the same line. (10 points)

Free diving is a new sport, and it’s extremely dangerous, which
is perhaps why its (1) ………….…………. is growing fast. POPULAR
Free divers are attached to line, and they have to take one deep
(2) ………..........……, dive as deep as they can and come up BREATHE
(3) …………………. . IMMEDIATE
The present record is 121 metres, held by the British diver,
Tania Streeter. Tania trains very (4) …………………. before CARE
each dive to build up her physical (5) …………………. . She FIT
never dives until she’s completely confident that she’s ready.
‘The danger is caused by the great (6) …………………. at
those depths. I think that safety procedures have to be very strict if
we want to avoid accidents,’ Tania says. Tania feels that mental
strength is also very important. She has an (7) ………………….
response to water and feels very calm when she’s underwater.
Tania’s greatest asset is her (8) …………………. to focus. ‘In ABLE
free-diving there are no (9) ……………………. around you or COMPETE
cheering spectators to (10) …………………. you. It’s a lonely COURAGE
sport,’ says Tania.

Part 4: Complete each sentence with a suitable preposition. (5 points)

1. Police officers don’t have to wear uniform when they are……..….. duty.
2. The children were all upset, and some were ……….……tears.
3. Don’t worry, everything is …………….control.
4. Please hurry. We need these documents……………..delay.
5. We decided to take a holiday in Wales ……….……. a change.


Part 1: Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each
space. Circle your choice. (10 points)
Global warming
Few people now question the reality of global warming and its effects on the world’s
climate. Many scientists (1) ...................... the blame for recent natural disasters on the
increase in the world's temperatures and are convinced that, more than
(2)...................... before, the earth is at (3)...................... from the forces of the wind, rain
and sun. (4) ...................... to them, global warming is making extreme weather events,
such as hurricanes and droughts, even more (5) ...................... and causing sea levels
all around the world to (6) ...................... .
Environmental groups are putting (7) ...................... on governments to take action to
reduce the amount of carbon dioxide which is given (8) ...................... by factories and
power plants, thus attacking the problem at its source. They are in (9) ...................... of
more money being spent on research into solar, wind and wave energy devices, which
could then replace existing power (10) ...................... . Some scientists, however,
believe that even if we stopped releasing carbon dioxide and other gases into the
atmosphere tomorrow, we would have to wait several hundred years to notice the
results. Global warming, it seems, is here to stay.
1. A. give B. put C. take D. have
2. A. yet B. never C. once D. ever
3. A threat B. danger C. risk D. harm
4. A. Concerning B. Regarding C. Depending D. According
5. A. strict B. severe C. strong D. heavy
6. A. raise B. arise C. rise D. lift
7. A. force B. pressure C. persuasion D. encouragement
8. A. off B. away C. up D. over
9. A. belief B. request C. favour D. suggestion
10. A. factories B. generations C. houses D. stations

Part 2: Read the following passage and choose the best answer among A, B, C or
D. Circle your choice. (5 points)
The search for alternative sources of energy has led in various directions. Many
communities are burning gabage and other biological waste products to produce
electricity. Converting waste products to gases or oil is also an efficient way to dispose
of waste.
Experimental work is being done to derive synthetic fuels from coal, oil shale and
coal tars. But today that process has proven expensive. Other experiments are
underway to harness power with giant windmills. Geothermal power heat from the earth,
is also being tested.
Some experts expect utility companies to revive hydroelectric power derived from
streams and rivers. Fifty years ago hydroelectric power provied one third of the
electricity used in the United States, but today it supplies only five percent. The oceans
are another potential source of energy. Scientists are studying ways to convert the
energy of ocean currents, tides, and waves to electricity. Experiments are also
underway to make use of the temperature differences in ocean water to produce

1. Which is the best tittle of the passage?

A. The Use of Water Productions for Energy
B. Efficient Ways of Disposing of Waste
C. The Search for Alternative Sources of Energy
D. New Discoveries in Geothermal Power
2. Fifty years ago one third of the electricity in the United States was provided by
A. wind B. waste products C. oil D. water
3. In the second paragraph, the phrase ‘synthetic fuels’ could be best replaced by which
of the following
A. biological fuels B. artificial made fuels
C. low burning fuels D. fast burning fuels
4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as an alternative source of
A. electricity B. burning of gabage
C. geothermal power D. synthetic fuels
5. According to the author, the impracticability of using coal, oil shale and coal tars as
sources of energy is due to
A. their being money consuming B. their being time consuming
C. the scarcity of sources D. the lack of technology

Part 3: Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use
only ONE word in each space. (10 points)

Past, present and future transport

A hundred years ago, most people travel (1) ............................... foot, by train or
on horseback. Railways had made it possible to travel rapidly over long distances.
Bicycles were also becoming (2) ............................... , after the invention of the air-filled
tyre, which made cycling a lot more comfortable. Buses, trams and underground
railways had already (3)...............................invented and cities all over the world already
had traffic (4)................................ . There were very few private cars and city streets
were still full of horses. What a difference a hundred years have (5) .............................. !
Nowadays we have got (6) the problem of private cars and
some cities are so noisy and (7) ............................... that in many places vehicles have
been banned from the city centre. (8) ...............................will we be travelling in a
hundred years’ time? Perhaps by then there will be only personal helicopter. There may
be no need to (9) ............................... to work or school in the future, since everyone will

have a computer at home. There might even be (10) ............................... people walking
and horse-riding for pleasure and exercise.

IV. WRITING (30 points)

Part 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar
as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it. (5 points)
1. We were all shocked by his reaction.
His reaction came ...................................................................................................
2. He was careless to leave his ID at home.
It was ..................................................................................................................... .
3. Although she is old, she is very graceful indeed.
Despite ..................................................................................................................
4. World population will continue to rise if we do not try to reduce it.
Unless we try ........................................................................................................ .
5. He warned them against using the mountain road.
'I wouldn't .............................................................................................................. .'
Part 2: Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are
correct, and some have a word which should not be there.
If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the space
If a line is correct, put a tick in the space. There are two examples at the
beginning (0 and 00). (15 points)


Is there really anything wrong with letting a very small child 0.....√ .....
to watch television for a few hours a day? This is a question .....
that didn’t need to be asked since forty or fifty years ago, when 1..............................
children’s television in the UK was limited to not more 2..............................
than an hour a day. But even now that daytime television has 3..............................
become a reality, and many homes have satellite receivers with 4..............................
channels purely for the children, parents have to decide whether 5..............................
too much television harm children or does not. There are those 6..............................
parents who believe that children need for conversation and 7..............................
interaction with real people in order to they develop properly, so 8..............................
watching television can be bad for the child’s development. On 9..............................
the other hand, the vast majority of parents feel that when 10..............................
watching lively, bright cartoons or puppet shows on television is 11..............................
fun for the child, and a little bit amusement can’t be such a bad 12.............................
thing. One thing is quite clear: being able to place a baby in front of 13..............................

the television in the knowledge that he or she will sit down there 14..............................
quietly for a while gives parents a welcome break up now and 15..............................

Part 3: Within 250 words, write a composition on ONE of the following topics. (10

Topic 1: Some students prefer to study alone, while other students prefer to study with
others. Discuss the advantages of each type of studying. Then indicate which you prefer
and why.

Topic 2: There is an idea that television has destroyed communication among friends
and family. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support
your opinion.










































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