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Media and Information Literacy

August 03 - 04, 2017

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

a. explain copyright, fair use, etc.vis-a-vis human rights.
b. enumerates opportunities and challenges in media and information.
c. discuss the current issues related to copyright vis-à-vis government.

II. Subject Matter: Legal, Ethical, and Societal Issues in Media and Information

Reference: Internet

Materials: Cartolina

III. Procedure : Expository Method

A. Motivation

Did you experienced copying media especially images from other websites to
paste them into your own papers or websites?

B. Presentation

Intellectual Property
- refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic
works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce.

Types of Intellectual Property

 Copyright - a legal term used to describe the rights that creators have
their literary and artistic works.
 Patent - an exclusive right granted for an invention.
- provides the patent owner with the right to decide how - or
whether –
the invention can be used by others .
 Trademarks - a sign capable of distinguishing the goods or services of
enterprise from those of other enterprises.
 Industrial Design - constitutes the ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an
- may consist of three-dimensional features, such as the
shape or surface of an article, or of two-dimensional
features, such as patterns, lines or color.

 Geographical Origin - signs used on goods that have a specific

Origin and possess qualities, a reputation or
characteristics that are essentially attributable to
place of origin.
- most commonly includes the name of the place
origin of the goods.

Fair use - means you can use copyrighted material without a license only for
certain purposes. These include:

● Commentary
● Criticism
● Reporting
● Research
● Teaching

C. Activity

Group Activity
Answer and discuss the following questions:
1. How can the intellectual property protect the rights of investors,
scientists, and artists?
2. Why is it important to protect intellectual property?

IV.Value Integration

Promote ethical use of media and information

V. Assignment

Find a product that has a trademark. Cut it and paste it in a short bondpaper.

Prepared by: Noted by:


Secondary School Teacher II Secondary School Principal I

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