SAM - User Management Portal User Instructions 25-1-16

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Service, Asset

and Management (SAM)

User Management Portal
User Manual

Rev 1: January 2016

Logging on to the SAM user management portal ................................................................................................................... 3
Viewing the Scott Connect imperium accountability software user administration manual ................................................ 3
Viewing the SAM user management portal user manual (Coming Soon) .............................................................................. 3
Logging out of the SAM service portal.................................................................................................................................... 3
Viewing information in Normal View and Card View ............................................................................................................. 3
Viewing requests in Table View or Card View ........................................................................................................................ 4
Users ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Creating a new user account .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Assigning a role to a new user ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Editing user account details ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Changing the roles assigned to a user ................................................................................................................................ 6
Searching for a user by entering the users first name, last name or e-mail in Normal View ............................................. 6
Viewing a list of all active user’s ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Viewing a list of all inactive user’s ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Filtering a user detail heading and searching for a user..................................................................................................... 7
Import user accounts in bulk format .................................................................................................................................. 7
Roles........................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Adding a new role and permissions .................................................................................................................................... 8
Changing the permissions assigned to a role ..................................................................................................................... 8
Licence .................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Viewing Scott Connect licence management details and expiry information .................................................................. 10
Viewing SAM licence management details ....................................................................................................................... 10
Viewing licence order history details................................................................................................................................ 10
Filtering an order history heading .................................................................................................................................... 11
Searching an order history by entering its module name, sales order number or purchase order number ................... 11
Opening the order history in excel or PDF format............................................................................................................ 12
Activity Log............................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Viewing activity logs ......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Opening activity logs in excel or PDF format .................................................................................................................... 13
Filtering an activity log heading ........................................................................................................................................ 14
Searching for activity logs by entering a message ............................................................................................................ 14
Viewing user logs .............................................................................................................................................................. 14
Opening user logs in excel or PDF format ........................................................................................................................ 15
Filtering a user log heading............................................................................................................................................... 15

Searching for user logs by entering a message ................................................................................................................ 16
Viewing licence logs .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Opening licence logs in excel or PDF format .................................................................................................................... 17
Filtering a licence log heading .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Searching for licence logs by entering a message ............................................................................................................ 18

Logging on to the SAM user management portal
To access the SAM user management portal you need your username and password.

1. In your web browser enter the following address

2. On the SAM User Management Portal screen, click the Username and Password field to enter your details. Tap
the Remember Me check box for the system to save your details. This is optional.
3. Click the Sign In button to log on to the SAM User Management Portal.

Viewing the Scott Connect imperium accountability software user administration

You have the option to open the Scott Connect Imperium Accountability Software User Administration manual.

1. The name of the person who is logged on to the user management portal is identified in the top right corner of
the screen. Click your Name.
2. Click the Help icon to view the Scott Connect Imperium Accountability Software User Administration manual.

Viewing the SAM user management portal user manual (Coming Soon)
You can access the user management portal manual through the help icon.

1. The name of the person who is logged on to the service portal is identified in the top right corner of the screen.
Click your Name.
2. Click the Help icon to view the SAM User Management Portal Manual.

Logging out of the SAM service portal

1. The name of the person who is logged on to the user management portal is identified in the top right corner of
the screen. Click your Name.
2. Click Log Out.

Viewing information in Normal View and Card View

You can select how you want User and Order History information to be displayed on screen. By default, all User and
Order History information is displayed in Normal View. You can switch between Normal View and Card View. After you
select User or Order History, both icons are located on the top right corner of the screen.

Viewing requests in Table View or Card View
You can view User and Order History details in Normal View or Card View or switch between both views. The Normal
View and Card View options are located on the top right corner of the screen.

User Details.

When Normal View is selected, user details are visible under the following headings: Row Number, Action, User Name,
First Name, Last Name and Is Active. To edit a user’s personal details click on the edit button.

When Card View is selected, user details are in card form with the following headings: User Name, First Name and Last
Name. To edit a user’s personal details click on the edit button.

Order History

When Normal View is selected, order history details are visible under the following headings: Row Number, Module
Name, Sales Order, Purchase Order, Purchase Date, Expiry Date, Provisioning Date and Number of Licences.

When Card View is selected, order history details are in card form with the following headings: Sales Order, Purchase
Order, Purchase Date, Expiry Date and Provisioning Date.

Creating a new user account
1. Click User.
2. Click the Create New User button and add the following Personal Details:
• User Name
• First Name
• Last Name
• Is Active
• Password
• Confirm Password
Note: If the Active check box is not selected the user cannot access the SAM application.
You can assign a role to a new user. See the Assigning a role to a new user section for further details.
3. Click the Save button to create the new user.

Assigning a role to a new user

1. Create a new user account as per Step 1 and Step 2 in the Creating a new user account section.
2. Located in the Roles (Permission Count) box are all roles.
a. To assign a role to a user:
i. Click any role check box. A tick in a check box indicates the role is selected.
3. Click on the Save button to store all changes.

Editing user account details

1. Click User.
The following headings are visible:
• Row No
• Action
• User Name
• First Name
• Last Name
• Is Active
2. Click the Edit button of the user you want to edit to update the following:
• First Name
• Last Name
• Is Active
• Password

• Confirm Password
Note: If the Active check box is not selected a user cannot access the SAM application.
You can change roles assigned to a user. See the Changing the roles assigned to a user section for further
3. Click on the Save button to store all changes.

Changing the roles assigned to a user

1. Edit a user account as per Step 1 and Step 2 in the Editing user account details section.
2. Located in the Roles (Permission Count) box are all roles.
a. To unselect a role:
i. Click the tick icon.
b. To assign a role to a user:
i. Click any role check box. A tick in a check box indicates the role is selected.
3. Click on the Save button to store all changes.

Searching for a user by entering the users first name, last name or e-mail
1. Click User.
2. Click the First Name/Last Name/Email id field and enter a first or last name or e-mail. The user account details
generate automatically under the following headings:
• Row No
• Action
• User Name
• First Name
• Last Name
• Is Active
3. Click the Edit button to view the user’s personal details.
Note: You can filter the User Name, First Name or Last Name headings and search for specific users(s). See the
Filtering a user detail heading and searching for a user section for further details.

Viewing a list of all active user’s

1. Click User.
2. All Active users are visible under the following headings:
• Row Number
• Action
• User Name
• First Name

• Last Name
• Is Active
Note: You can filter the User Name, First Name or Last Name headings and search for specific users(s). See the
Filtering a user detail heading and searching for a user section for further details.

Viewing a list of all inactive user’s

1. Click User.
2. All Active users are visible under the following headings:
• Row Number
• Action
• User Name
• First Name
• Last Name
• Is Active
3. Click the Show Inactive Users check box.
All Inactive users are identified under the Is Active heading by No.
Note: You can filter the User Name, First Name or Last Name headings and search for specific users(s). See the
Filtering a user detail heading and searching for a user section for further details.

Filtering a user detail heading and searching for a user

1. Tap the filter icon located to the right of a heading.
2. Tap the Is Equal To icon and select an option.
3. Tap the blank field under the Is Equal To icon to enter a description.
4. Tap the Filter icon to view the results.
5. You can clear all data selected in Steps 1 to Step 4:
a. Tap the Clear icon to return to the full list users.

Import user accounts in bulk format

You can import a number of users at the same time. This eliminates you having to create user accounts one at a time.
Note: The import file type must be .csv format and include three fields in the following sequence, First Name, Last
Name, PAK ID.

1. Click User.
2. Hover-over and click the Import User Account(s) icon on the top right corner of the screen.
3. On the Import User Account(s) pop up window, click the Select File button and select the .csv file.
4. Click the Done button to import all user accounts.

You can enter a role and add certain permissions to it. Each role can be assigned to a user.

Adding a new role and permissions

You can add a new role and assign it to a new user. You can add certain permissions to each role.

1. Click Roles.
2. Click the + icon.
3. Click the Role Name field and enter a role.
4. Click the Save button to view the following headings:
• Checklist
• Equipment
• Equipment Manufacturer
• Equipment Type/Model
• MainView
• Notification
• Notification Tray
• Service Center
• Setup
• Station/Location
• Test Inspection
Under each heading are a number of permissions and checkbox.
5. Click a permission check box to assign that permission to the role. You can assign up to 44 permissions in total.
6. Click the Done button to store the new role.

Changing the permissions assigned to a role

You can assign and remove permissions for each role.

1. Click Roles.
2. Click the role card you want to edit to view the following headings:
• Checklist
• Equipment
• Equipment Manufacturer
• Equipment Type/Model
• MainView
• Notification
• Notification Tray

• Service Centre
• Setup
Under each heading are a number of permissions and checkbox.
3. You can assign a permission to a role or remove a permission:
a. To assign or a permission:
i. Click a permission check box. A tick in the check box indicates the permission is selected.
b. To remove a permission:
i. Click the check box of the permission you want to remove. No tick in the check box indicates the
permission is removed.
4. Click the Done button to store the new role.

You can view the following Scott Connect details, customer key, customer ID, user account information and expiry
information. You can also view the following SAM details, expiry information and equipment information.

Viewing Scott Connect licence management details and expiry information

The licence management details include, the customer key, customer ID, number of activated users and the number of
remaining users. The licence expiry information includes, the date the licence was purchased on, the date the licence
was renewed on and the expiry date.

1. Click License. The Licence Management is selected by default.

The following details are visible under the Scott Connect heading:
• Customer Key
• Customer ID
• User Account Information
• Purchased On
• Renewed On
• Expiry Date
2. To view the full Customer Key number, click the ... icon located to the right of the customer key number.

Viewing SAM licence management details

The licence management details include, the date the licence was purchased on, the date the licence was renewed on,
the expiry date, number of activated users and the number of remaining users.

1. Click License. The Licence Management is selected by default.

The following details are visible under the SAM heading:
• Purchased On
• Renewed On
• Expiry Date
• Equipment Information

Viewing licence order history details

You can view the following licence order history details, order number, module name, sales order number, purchase
order number, purchase date, expiry date, provision date and number of licences.

1. Click License.
2. Click the Order History option.
Note: Order history details within the last seven days generate automatically with the following details:
• Sales Order number

• Purchase Order number
• Purchase Date
• Expiry Date
• Provisioning Date
• Number of licence
3. You can view older licence order history:
a. Click the From Date calendar icon and select a date.
b. Click the To Date calendar icon and select a date.
4. Click the Show Order Histories button to view the order history .
You can export the order history to excel or PDF format. See the Opening the order history in excel or PDF
format for further details.

Filtering an order history heading

1. Open a licence order history as per Step 1 to Step 3 in the Viewing licence order history details section.
2. Click the filter icon located to the right of a heading.
3. Click the Is Equal To icon and select an option.
4. Click the blank field under the Is Equal To icon to enter a description.
5. Click the Filter icon to view the results.
6. You can clear all data selected in Steps 1 to Step 4:
a. Tap the Clear icon to return to the full list users.

Searching an order history by entering its module name, sales order number or purchase
order number
1. Click the License option.
2. Click the Order History option.
3. Click the From Date calendar icon and select a date.
4. Click the To Date calendar icon and select a date.
5. Click the Module Name/Sales Order/Purchase Order field and enter one of the following:
• Module Name
• Sales Order
• Purchase Order
6. Click the Show Order Histories button to view the order history.
You can export the order history to excel or PDF format. See the Opening the order history in excel or PDF
format for further details.

You can filter a heading and view a specific licence order history. You can filter the following headings, modular
name, sales order, purchase order, purchase date, expiry date, provision date and number of licences and view.
See the Filtering an order history heading section for further details.

Opening the order history in excel or PDF format

1. Open a licence order history as per Step 1 to Step 3 in the Viewing licence order history details section.
2. You can export the order history to excel or PDF format.
a. To open the order history in Excel format:
i. Click the Excel icon.
ii. Click the xlsx icon on the bottom left corner of the screen to open the excel document.
b. To open the order history in PDF format:
i. Click the PDF icon. The PDF opens automatically.
The following order history details are visible in the Excel and PDF documents:
• Customer
• From Date
• To Date
• Total Records(s)
• Generated By
• Generated On
• Row Number
• Module Name
• Sales Order number
• Purchase Order number
• Purchase Date
• Expiry Date
• Provisioning Date
• Number of licence

Activity Log
You can view messages of all user and licence activity and the date and time the activity was performed on.

Viewing activity logs

1. Click Activity Log.
Note: All activity logs within the last seven days generate automatically under the following headings:
• Row Number
• Date Time (UTC)
• Message
2. To view older activity logs:
a. Click the From Date calendar icon and select a date.
b. Click the To Date calendar icon and select a date.
3. Click the Show Activity Logs button to view the activity logs.
You can export the activity logs to excel or PDF format. See the Opening activity logs in excel or PDF format
section for further details.
You can filter the Date and Message headings and view specific activity logs. See the Filtering an activity log
heading section for further details.

Opening activity logs in excel or PDF format

1. Open the activity log as per Step 1 to Step 3 in the Viewing activity logs section.
2. You can export the activity log to excel or PDF format.
a. To open the activity log in Excel format:
i. Click the Excel icon.
ii. Click the xlsx icon on the bottom left corner of the screen to open the excel document.
b. To open the activity log in PDF format:
i. Click the PDF icon.
The following activity log data is visible in the Excel and PDF documents:
• Customer
• From Date
• To Date
• Log Option
• Total Records(s)
• Generated By
• Generated On
• Row Number
• Date Time (UTC)

• Message

Filtering an activity log heading

1. Open the activity log as per Step 1 to Step 3 in the Viewing activity logs section.
2. You can filter the Date or Message headings.
a. To filter the Date heading.
i. Tap the filter icon to the right of the Date heading.
ii. Tap the Is Equal To field and select an option.
iii. Tap the Calendar icon and select a date.
iv. Tap the Filter button to view the results.
Tap the Clear button to return to the full list.
b. To filter the Message heading.
i. Tap the filter icon to the right of the Message heading.
ii. Tap the Is Equal To field and select an option.
iii. Tap the blank field under the Is Equal To icon to enter a description.
iv. Tap the Filter button to view the results.
Tap the Clear button to return to the full activity log list.

Searching for activity logs by entering a message

1. Click Activity Log.
Note: All activity logs within the last seven days generate automatically under the following headings:
• Row Number
• Date Time (UTC)
• Message
2. To view older activity logs:
a. Click the From Date calendar icon and select a date.
b. Click the To Date calendar icon and select a date.
3. Click the Message field and enter a message.
All activity logs generate automatically under the following headings:
• Row Number
• Date Time (UTC)
• Message

Viewing user logs

1. Click Activity Log.
2. Click User.
Note: All user logs within the last seven days generate automatically under the following headings:

• Row Number
• Date Time (UTC)
• Message
3. To view older user logs:
a. Click the From Date calendar icon and select a date.
b. Click the To Date calendar icon and select a date.
4. Click the Show Activity Logs button to view the user logs.
You can export the user logs to excel or PDF format. See the Opening user logs in excel or PDF format section for
further details.
You can filter the Date and Message headings to view specific user logs. See the Filtering a user log heading
section for further details.

Opening user logs in excel or PDF format

1. Open the user log as per Step 1 to Step 4 in the Viewing user logs section.
2. You can export the user log to excel or PDF format.
a. To open the user log in Excel format:
i. Click the Excel icon.
ii. Click the xlsx icon on the bottom left corner of the screen to open the excel document.
b. To open the user log in PDF format:
i. Click the PDF icon.
The following user log data is visible in the Excel and PDF documents:
• Customer
• From Date
• To Date
• Log Option
• Total Records(s)
• Generated By
• Generated On
• Row Number
• Date Time (UTC)
• Message

Filtering a user log heading

1. Open the user log as per Step 1 to Step 3 in the Viewing user logs section.
2. You can filter the Date or Message headings.
a. To filter the Date heading.

i. Tap the filter icon to the right of the Date heading.
ii. Tap the Is Equal To field and select an option.
iii. Tap the Calendar icon and select a date.
iv. Tap the Filter button to view the results.
Tap the Clear button to return to the full list.
b. To filter the Message heading.
i. Tap the filter icon to the right of the Message heading.
ii. Tap the Is Equal To field and select an option.
iii. Tap the blank field under the Is Equal To icon to enter a description.
iv. Tap the Filter button to view the results.
Tap the Clear button to return to the full user log list.

Searching for user logs by entering a message

1. Click Activity Log.
2. Click User.
Note: All user logs within the last seven days generate automatically under the following headings:
• Row Number
• Date Time (UTC)
• Message
3. To view older user logs:
a. Click the From Date calendar icon and select a date.
b. Click the To Date calendar icon and select a date.
4. Click the Message field and enter a message.
All user logs generate automatically under the following headings:
• Row Number
• Date Time (UTC)
• Message

Viewing licence logs

1. Click Activity Log.
2. Click Licence.
Note: All licence logs within the last seven days generate automatically under the following headings:
• Row Number
• Date Time (UTC)
• Message
3. To view older licence logs:

a. Click the From Date calendar icon and select a date.
b. Click the To Date calendar icon and select a date.
4. Click the Show Activity Logs button to view the licence logs.
You can export the licence logs to excel or PDF format. See the Opening licence logs in excel or PDF format
section for further details.
You can filter the Date and Message headings to view specific licence logs. See the Filtering a licence log
heading section for further details.

Opening licence logs in excel or PDF format

1. Open the licence log as per Step 1 to Step 4 in the Viewing licence logs section.
2. You can export the licence log to excel or PDF format.
a. To open the licence log in Excel format:
i. Click the Excel icon.
ii. Click the xlsx icon on the bottom left corner of the screen to open the excel document.
b. To open the licence log in PDF format:
i. Click the PDF icon.
The following licence log data is visible in the Excel and PDF documents:
• Customer
• From Date
• To Date
• Log Option
• Total Records(s)
• Generated By
• Generated On
• Row Number
• Date Time (UTC)
• Message

Filtering a licence log heading

1. Open the licence log as per Step 1 to Step 3 in the Viewing licence logs section.
2. You can filter the Date or Message headings.
a. To filter the Date heading.
i. Tap the filter icon to the right of the Date heading.
ii. Tap the Is Equal To field and select an option.
iii. Tap the Calendar icon and select a date.
iv. Tap the Filter button to view the results.

Tap the Clear button to return to the full list.
b. To filter the Message heading.
i. Tap the filter icon to the right of the Message heading.
ii. Tap the Is Equal To field and select an option.
iii. Tap the blank field under the Is Equal To icon to enter a description.
iv. Tap the Filter button to view the results.
Tap the Clear button to return to the full user log list.

Searching for licence logs by entering a message

1. Click Activity Log.
2. Click Licence.
Note: All licence logs within the last seven days generate automatically under the following headings:
• Row Number
• Date Time (UTC)
• Message
3. To view older licence logs:
a. Click the From Date calendar icon and select a date.
b. Click the To Date calendar icon and select a date.
4. Click the Message field and enter a message.
All licence logs generate automatically under the following headings:
• Row Number
• Date Time (UTC)
• Message

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Monroe, NC 28111
Telephone 1-800-247-7257
Fax (704) 291-8330

Scott Safety Printed in USA


Rev A 1/16


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