Basic Cryptanalysis

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Dr. Yohan Suryanto, S.T, M.

Semester Genap 2019/2020

Basic Cryptanalysis
1. Cryptanalysis
Outline 2. Cryptanalysis on Cryptography Classic

Basic Cryptanalysis

Basic Cryptanalysis 3
As cryptography is the science and art of creating secret
codes, cryptanalysis is the science and art of breaking
those codes.

Basic Cryptanalysis 4
Ciphertext-Only Attack

• Analysis based on the captured ciphertext

Basic Cryptanalysis 5
Known-Plaintext Attack

• Analysis based on the known previous captured plaintext and


Basic Cryptanalysis 6
Chosen-Plaintext Attack

• Attacker having access to sender machine, create pair chosen

plaintext - ciphertext

Basic Cryptanalysis 7
Chosen-Ciphertext Attack

• Attacker having access to receiver machine, create pair chosen

plaintext - ciphertext

Basic Cryptanalysis 8
Brute force Attack

Basic Cryptanalysis 9
Brute force Attack

Basic Cryptanalysis 10
Statistical Attack

• Memanfaatkan karakteristik inherent dari suatu plaintext

Basic Cryptanalysis 11
Pattern Attack

• Menganalisis pattern dari ciphertext

Untuk melihat apakah suatu algoritma tahan terhadap pattern atau

analysis attack, dilaukan Diffusion Test. Suatu test untuk melihat
Sensitivitas perubahan ciphertext menggunakan algoritma enkripsi
terhadap perubahan plaintext.

Basic Cryptanalysis 12
2 Cryptanalysis on Cryptography Classic

Basic Cryptanalysis 1
Cryptanalysis: Additive Cipher
Eve has intercepted the ciphertext “UVACLYFZLJBYL”. Show how
she can use a brute-force attack to break the cipher.
Eve tries keys from 1 to 7. With a key of 7, the plaintext is “not very
secure”, which makes sense.

Basic Cryptanalysis 14
Cryptanalysis: Additive Cipher cont…
Frequency of characters in English

Frequency of diagrams and trigrams

Basic Cryptanalysis 15
Cryptanalysis: Additive Cipher cont…
Eve has intercepted the following ciphertext. Using a statistical
attack, find the plaintext.


When Eve tabulates the frequency of letters in this ciphertext, she

gets: I =14, V =13, S =12, and so on. The most common character
is I with 14 occurrences. This means key = 4.

Basic Cryptanalysis 16
Cryptanalysis: Vigenere Cipher
Let us assume we have intercepted the following ciphertext:

The Kasiski test for repetition of three-character segments yields the

results shown following table:

Basic Cryptanalysis 17
Cryptanalysis: Vigenere Cipher Cont…
The greatest common divisor of differences is 4, which means that the
key length is multiple of 4. First try m = 4.

In this case, the plaintext makes sense.

Basic Cryptanalysis 18
Cryptanalysis: Hill Cipher
Assume that Eve knows that m = 3. She has intercepted three
plaintext/ciphertext pair blocks (not necessarily from the same
message) as shown in the following figure:

Basic Cryptanalysis 19
Cryptanalysis: Hill Cipher Cont…
She makes matrices P and C from these pairs. Because P is
invertible, she inverts the P matrix and multiplies it by C to get the
K matrix as shown in the following figure:

Now she has the key and can break any ciphertext encrypted with
that key.

Basic Cryptanalysis 20

24 24 21 4 1 3 6 9
20 24 8 6 12 8 9 22
18 0 12 8 13 25 8 1
16 21 9 20 24 5 21 9

Carilah Key utk hill cipher dengan modulus 31

Lifelong Learning


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