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A newsletter for the National Science and Technology Council

Volume 15 No.2 Not for Sale January - June 2019


Climate Change
Food Safety is It's time for a
important and should change.
not be compromised. - Page 18
NSTC Creates Second
-Page 12
Centre of Excellence
for Teaching STEM
-Page 5

NSTC - Committed to the promotion of Science and Technology for the improved quality of life in Zambia
To enhance Zambia’s capacity for scientific research and technological development, in
order to create wealth and improve the quality of life by promoting the development and
application of science and technology.

Promotion and Advocacy - the

development of indigenous technological
capacity; the use of science and Coordinating research in
technology in industry, the integration of science and technology in
gender concerns in science and Zambia.
technology development of broad
national priorities in science and


Mobilising and making

Regulating research in science
available financial, human and
and technology including the
other resources including
registration of research and
science and technology
research development
information to research and
institutions and initiating special
development institutions.

Advising the government on

science and technology related
policies, the establishment of any
new research and development
institutions and national research
development priorities

Science Tech News

Published biannually by the National Science and Technology Council to inform the public about its activities and latest developments in
Science and Technology.
Editorial Team
Editor Mr C. Kasaro Mr. L. Sikapizye
Mr.F. Zulu
Ms. M. Nambala Mr. M. Simataa
Editorial Committee
Mrs. P.N Jalabani Mr. M. Mundia
Ms. A. Mulonga

Mrs. N. Mataka

January - June 2019

Energy. This will lead to researchers in the participating
countries to develop joint research projects to help mitigate the
challenges in the area of energy. I am hopeful that you will find
this edition of the Science Tech Newsletter informative.

We would appreciate your suggestions on what you would like

to see in future issues of this newsletter. Your views, ideas and
news are most welcome, particularly contributions/articles on
your own working experiences in science, technology and
innovation. Contributions may be sent to the Newsletter editor
Thank you,

Dr. A. J. Sumani
Executive Secretary

e wish to welcome you to this edition of the National Science and Technology Council
Science Tech Newsletter. The Council remains
committed to the Promotion of Science,
Technology and Innovation (STI) and this year we have
continued on our quest to promote STI in technology.
This particular edition covers among other activities, the
promotion of Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM) in schools and the hosting of a joint FOR LEARNING STEM SUBJECTS.................................2
researchers symposium to share ideas and create joint
project collaborations with researchers and scientists in ZAMBIA SCIENCE CONFERENCE 2019..........................3
other countries.
Dear Readers, this year, the NSTC continued with the
construction and setting up of the Centre of Excellence in NSTC EXHIBITS AT THE ZAMBIA NATIONAL
Kasempa, and is scheduled to launch and handover of the EDUCATION CONFERENCE (ZNEC)...............................6
1 by 4 classroom block consisting of two (2) science ZAMBIA BIDS FOR THE OR TAMBO AFRICA
laboratories, a computer lab and a library to Kasempa Day RESEARCH CHAIRS INITIATIVE......................................7
Secondary School in Kasempa District, Northern Province.
The Council continues to believe that these initiatives will LEADERSHIP FELLOWS (GLF) PROGRAM....................8
see the improvement of learners in STEM subjects and will
continue to encourage our learners especially the girl child MEDIA AND SCIENCE.....................................................10
to actively pursue STEM subjects and ultimately take up
science based careers in future. RENEWABLE ENERGY SOLUTIONS.............................12
The NSTC believes in the importance of developing
collaborations in Science, Technology and Innovation to CBU STUDENT COMES UP WITH FIRM CALLED
ELECTRON RESEARCH LABS......................................13
combat the many challenges being faced in the Country
such as power deficits, food and nutrition security and FOOD SAFETY IS IMPORTANT AND SHOULD NOT BE
climate change to mention but a few. It is for this reason that COMPROMISED..............................................................15
the NSTC in collaboration with the German Research CLIMATE CHANGE ZAMBIA: It's time for a Change....17
Foundation (DFG) of Germany, and the National Research
Fund (FNI) of Mozambique will host a joint Research UNZA, LWSCO SIGN MOU FOCUSING ON RESEARCH,
Symposium on Solar Energy in order to provide a platform WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION...............................19
for researchers, scientists and science administrators to LAUNCH OF THE FLYING LAB CHEERS
share ideas and discuss key issues in the area of Solar GOVERNMENT ..........................................................20

1 January - June 2019

Executive Secretary NSTC in company of DEBS - Kasempa and assistant Director S&T (Science)
from the Ministry at the commissioning of the works


By Atridah Mulonga and Phica Jalabani

Zambia is among countries participating specifically chosen because of its very this Centre of Excellence, in line with its
in the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) minimal radio interference, which makes mandate of promoting science and
project, a radio telescope project aimed at it ideal for space observation. technology. Once completed, the Centre
improving space observation. This will be will house two (2) science laboratories, a
achieved through building radio computer laboratory and a library. The
astronomy receiving stations with project was commissioned in January
collecting capacity of approximately one 2019 by the Executive Secretary of
square kilometre area. In Zambia, the NSTC, Dr. Alfred J. Sumani in the
project is spearheaded by the Ministry of presence of the Kasempa District
Higher Education (MoHE). A site for the Education Board Secretary (DEBS).
Construction works commenced in April,
2019 and the project is expected to be
Construction works in progress
completed and launched in November,
As one of the benefits to the community 2019.
for providing a site for the SKA project,
MoHE decided to set up a Centre of
Excellence (CoE) for teaching and
Technical committee inspecting the works during an M&E Visit learning of Science, Technology,
SKA project was identified in Dengwe Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
forest area of Kasempa District in North subjects at Kasempa Day Secondary
Western Province. This site was School. The NSTC was tasked to set up
Construction works in progress

2 January - June 2019

By Nsama Mataka

he Zambia Science Conference partnerships in the science cooperation in the fields of science
(ZSC) is a flagship event that enterprise (including social sciences and
attracts researchers, research Humanities), Technology and Innovation
and innovation administrators, THE ZAMBIA SCIENCE between the two countries on the basis of
academia, university students, the media CONFERENCE 2016 equality and mutual benefit.
fraternity and policymakers. The
The First Edition of the conference was THE ZAMBIA SCIENCE
Conference provides a platform for
guided by two themes: Agriculture and CONFERENCE 2018
experience sharing, networking and
Animal Sciences.
creation of new partnerships in the Researchers from the University of NSTC built on the momentum and
science enterprise and also facilitate Zambia (UNZA), Central Veterinary hosted the 2018 Zambia Science
dissemination of Knowledge in the Research Institute(CVRI) National Conference. The National Science and
different fields of science, technology Institute for Scientific and Industrial Te c h n o l o g y C o u n c i l ( N S T C ) i n
and innovation as well as enable Research (NISIR), Zambia Agriculture collaboration with the National
opportunities for cooperation between Research Institute (ZARI) exchanged Technology Business Centre (NTBC)
researchers from Zambia and Germany information through the conference with and the Southern Africa Innovation
as well as other African countries. their peers from Germany and other
One of the key activities under the Support (SAIS) a development initiative
African Countries. supported by the Ministry of Foreign
conference is the Researchers
Symposium. The symposium provides Affairs of Finland and Ministries
a platform for researchers, scientists, responsible for innovation from various
and science administrators to share SADC countries hosted a Research
ideas, discuss key issues and Administrator's Workshop which was
developments in multi and NSTC hosted the ZSC conference in aimed at facilitating the best practices in
interdisciplinary areas, with the aim of collaboration with the National research and innovation management.
Commission for Science and Technology The workshop targeted research and
igniting networks among scientists and
(NCST) of Malawi, the German innovation administrators from
researchers in the participating countries
Research Foundation and the National institutions of higher learning, senior
and possible development of joint
Research Foundation of South Africa academicians and Research
research projects.
and focused on Animal and Livestock Administrators from Research and
OBJECTIVES OF THE ZAMBIA sciences. Leading researchers in animal Development institutions.

SCIENCE CONFERENCE and livestock sciences from southern THE ZAMBIA SCIENCE
Africa as well as Germany made CONFERENCE 2019
i. Provide a platform for knowledge and presentations.
experience sharing among the This edition of the conference was This year the National Science and
scientific community, researchers, characterized by side events as such the Te c h n o l o g y C o u n c i l ( N S T C ) i n
local institutions and international Global Africa Regional meeting, the collaboration with the German
participants. Science Granting Council Initiative Research Foundation (DFG) of
ii. Share knowledge and concepts on (SGCI) Annual Forum and Monitoring, Germany and the National Research
how best to strengthen and Evaluation and Learning workshop. It Fund (FNI) of Mozambique will host the
operationalize, science, technology was at this conference that NSTC signed 3rd Joint Research Symposium from
and innovation policy agendas a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) 18th – 22nd November, 2019, in Lusaka.
iii. Facilitate development of linkages with the German Research Foundation.
between the scientific community and This MoU extends the cooperation This year's symposium will be focused on
policy makers in order for them to regarding Science, Technology and Solar Energy. The Conference sessions
adequately address the needs of the Innovation between the Republic of will be organized around multiple sub-
public in as far as science, technology Zambia and the Federal Republic of themes.
and innovation issues are concerned. Germany.
iv. Networking and creation of new The objective of this MoU is to promote

3 January - June 2019

Understanding the Patent System
he author is Ms. Mupande Nambala, Programme Officer - Policy
Regulations Monitoring and Evaluation at the National Science and
Technology Council and a Masters Student in Intellectual Property at
Africa University with a Scholarship from the Government of Japan through a
Funds-In-Trust Japan Industrial Property Global in the World Intellectual
Property Organisation (WIPO).

What is Intellectual Property? providing them with incentives for their evidence of that exclusive right. The
invention, it promotes access to legal effect of the patent is that the
Intellectual Property (IP) broadly technology and international transfer patented invention cannot be
means the legal rights which result of technology by disclosure of the commercially exploited without the
from intellectual activity in the invention at the time of application. authorization of the holder of the
industrial, scientific, literally and artistic Furthermore, the patent system patent. The protection granted under a
fields WIPO Handbook (2008). IP law promotes technology diffusion and patent is limited in time, and lasts
is the body of law that provides legal further investments into research and generally only for a period of 20 years
protection for authors, inventors and development. from the filing of the application for the
other creators by giving them time- patent. Currently in Zambia, the
limited rights to authorize or prohibit The key instruments relating to patent Patents Act No. 40 of 2016 has put in
certain types of exploitation of the protection include the Agreement on place a provision to carter for the
results of their creative or inventive Trade-Related Aspects of IP (TRIPS) duration of protection of 20 years for
activities, in return for making them which is administered by the World Patents. In order to be protected, the
available to the society. There are two Trade Organisation (WTO), the Paris idea must meet the following criteria:
branches of IP namely, industrial Convention, the Budapest Treaty,
property and copyright. the Patent Cooperation Treaty 1.Novel / New in the sense that it has
(PCT), Patent Law Treaty (PLT) and not already been published or
What is Industrial Property? the Strasbourg Agreement publicly used. The Patents Act No.
Concerning the International Patent 40 of 2016 provides that novelty of
This branch of rights deals with the Classification which are administered an invention shall not be destroyed
protection of inventions by means of by the World Intellectual Property if disclosure of the invention
patents and protection of certain Organisation (WIPO) at the occurred within twelve months
commercial interests by means of international level. At the regional preceding the date of filing of the
trademark and trade names/business level, the Harare Protocol which is application for the grant of a patent;
names. Industrial property rights administered by the Africa Regional 2.It must have an inventive step,
includes also, for instance, the law on Intellectual Property Organisation that is, it would not have occurred
protection of geographical indications, (ARIPO) is the key instrument to a specialist in the field
industrial designs and trade secrets. governing protection of patents and concerned; and
The repression of unfair competition is nationally, the National Policy on 3.It must be applicable in industry
often considered as part of industrial Intellectual Property and the Patent in the sense that it can be
property as well as the plant breeders´ Act of Zambia govern the protection of industrially manufactured or used.
rights. intellectual property.
Utility models on the other hand, are
What is the Patent System? The patent system provides protection considered particularly suited for
for patents and utility models. protecting inventions that make small
The patent system was designed to improvements to, and adaptations
According to WIPO, "Patent" is an
encourage inventors to share their of, existing products or that have a
exclusive right granted for an
ideas with the general public and short commercial life. There
invention, which is a product or
competitors in exchange for a limited requirements for protection are usually
process that provides, in general, a
time of protection of their invention l e ss stri ct co mp a re d to p a te n t
new way of doing something, or offers
against copying and misuse. The protection. Under the Patents Act No.
a new technical solution to a problem.
patent system promotes innovation by 40 of 2016, requirements for utility
A certificate issued by a government
rewarding monopoly to inventors and model protection are that a certificate
(e.g. “a patent office”) represents the

16 January - June 2019
shall be granted for an invention which is new and 6. PUBMED:
capable of industrial application and the certificate is
valid for 10 years. Because utility models provide lesser 7. Lens:
protection requirements, it has been argued that
developing countries need to consider starting with this In addition to these databases, inventors and researchers
form of protection as it would form a basis for can visit the Patents and Companies Registration Agency as
technological learning as the case with the so called they provide patent search advisory services and they are a
“Asian Tigers”. national focal point for the WIPO Technology and
Innovation Support Centre (TISC). The TISC provides
Patent protection requires inventors to publicly disclose innovators access to locally based, high quality technology
their invention. This is done to pave way for oppositions information and related services, which is useful for
as well us inform the public about an upcoming invention. exploiting innovative potential and creating, protecting, and
In addition, online databases have been created to managing intellectual property (IP) rights.
facilitate access to information about published
inventions including those that are pending applications, More information on the TISC can be obtained here:
granted and expired patents. The databases include:

Research and Development (R&D) and IP have both been

1. Google Patents: recognised as important tools in the development of
2. WIPO Patentscope: countries and the question is, how can Zambia's research and innovation system make use of the available IP
resources to strengthen R&D and innovation which will in
turn lead to enhanced competitiveness of industry,
3. EPO Patent Database:
technological capacity development and economic and industrial growth in Zambia.
4. Public PAIR:
5. Free Patent Online:

13 January - June 2019
By Nsama Mataka
Programme Officer - PROMOTIONS
National Science and Technology Council

T he Council participated in the

Zambia National Education
Conference which was
held from 15th January and
17th January, 2019, under the
changing the admission structures for
colleges and universities;
Levy that will finance education
through the taxing of alcohol, sodas
and cigarettes and other
innovative financing strategies
such as tree-based financing for
theme, “Improving the Quality education and PPPs; and
of Zambia's Education System • Enhancing investments in digital
– The Education We Want.” technology for digital training as
The Zambia National w ay o f r e d u c i n g c o s t s fo r
Education Conference (ZNEC) education
is the brain child of the
Honourable Ministers of 3. Education for Social Economic
General and Higher Education. Development which will include
The meeting brought together among others:
stakeholders from various
Government Ministries; • Refocusing the curriculum and
Cooperating Partners; Non- training to analytics, research and
Governmental Organizations practical skills that relate to social
(NGOs); Civil Society, Faith and economic dimensions rather
Based Organizations (FBOs), than focusing training and
P r i v a t e S e c t o r, Pa r l i a m e n t a r i a n s , • Improving the learning environment education on theories and
Traditional Leaders, Civic Leaders, and promoting good leadership and conventional examinations;
Academicians from Universities, Colleges, management in schools and • Undertaking skills audits and skills
Vocational and Skills Training Institutions; institutions of learning; and needs assessments across the entire
Schools, Profound Researchers; Eminent • Reviewing, re-organising and country in order to ensure that training
Local Persons and International Experts in strengthening quality assurance is aligned to skill needs and also
various fields in an effort to improve the agencies 8th July 2019 . supports social and economic
education system in the country. development; and
The major focus of the transformational 2. Education Finance which will include • Harnessing Science, Technology and
agenda coming out of the conference was among others: Innovation and the Two-Career
to be on three main areas of: Pathway in order to address the Youth
1. Education Quality which will include • Developing and promoting a Multi- Bulge and reduce dependency rations.
among others: Stakeholder Partnership Model for • The Conference was also meant to
financing education which includes moot the Country's demographic
• Placing premium on curriculum review Government, parents, traditional dividend and how to harness the
and teacher training and deployment; leaders, private sector and other non- Youth Bulge through skills training.
• Restructuring the Examination and state actors;
Assessment systems and subsequently • Introduction of a Human Development

6 January - June 2019

By Atridah Mulonga
Programme Officer - GRANTS
National Science and Technology Council

T he OR Tambo Africa Research

Chairs Initiative (ORTARCHI), is an
African partnership oriented
initiative that seeks to invest in research
for excellence and transform the African
leading universities in the fifteen
countries that are part of the Science
Granting Councils Initiative in sub-
Saharan Africa. The OR Tambo Africa
Research Chairs initiative has been
proposal by the Copperbelt University
(CBU), in the area of climate change;
environment and development, are
among twenty-two proposals that were
recommended in the first round of the
research landscape. The initiative is led designed to have a catalytic impact on application process, out of the fifty-three
by the National Research Foundation the development of research in African (53) applications from universities across
(NRF) of South Africa in partnership with countries and to contribute to Africa. The two Zambia Universities are
South Africa's Department of Science knowledge production and high-end participating in the second phase of the
and Technology (DST), the Oliver and skills, in alignment with the African bid, which will see ten (10) Research
Adelaide Tambo Foundation (OATF), the Union's Agenda 2063 and the Science, Chairs granted.
International Development Research Technology and Innovation (STISA 2024). The Chairs will be awarded in recognition
Centre (IDRC) of Canada and Science Through international and regional of individual research leadership and
Granting Councils Initiative in Sub- strategic partnerships, the Chairs will talent and the universities' commitment
Saharan Africa (SGCI), to which the contribute to the development of long to supporting high-quality research. The
National Science and Technology Council term mutually beneficial research funding level for the Research Chairs is
(NSTC) is a member. collaborations on the continent and up to USD 215,000 per Research Chair
As hubs of research excellence, Research honour a leading figure in the per year. The NSTC is hopeful that the
Chairs play a significant role in the development of African unity. two proposals will be successful, given
development of national and regional the excellent research track record of the
research systems. They raise prestige A Call for Expressions of Interest to host two universities and their proposed
and visibility for individual researchers Research Chairs in various broad priority potential Research Chair Holders.
and universities to stimulate expertise in areas of focus in science, humanities and
a particular thematic area and train the social sciences, under the OR Tambo
next generation of scholars. Africa Research Chairs initiative was
launched in December, 2018. The Call
Named after Oliver Reginald Tambo, the was open to public universities in
distinguished South African leader and fourteen (14) of the SGCI participating
advocate of science and technology, the countries; Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cote
OR Tambo Africa Research Chairs d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi,
Initiative will support up to ten M oza m b i q u e , N a m i b i a , Rwa n d a ,
Researcher Chairs across the African Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and
continent for an initial five years. The Zimbabwe. The NSTC facilitated local
Research Chairs will focus on training public universities to apply for the OR
graduate students to nurture young and Tambo Research Chairs. A proposal in the
emerging researchers, and on area of water conservation, submitted by
undertaking world-class research at the University of Zambia (UNZA), and a

NSTC staffer selected for the 2019 Global
Leadership Fellows (GLF) Program
By Jowit Saluseki
Feature Writer
Times of Zambia

ZAMBIA is among some of the focus and learn better at school and Zambia, a diploma in journalism from
countries that are striving to make a a l s o a d a p t t h e m s e l v e s m o r e Evelyn Hone College and a certificate
mark in science communication efficiently to society,” she said. in international relations from the
among its populace. She notes that her experiences of Zambia Institute of Diplomacy and
Now in a bid to increase a cadre of rampant pests,
local science communicators, crop diseases,
Zambia's Lenganji Sikapizye and food insecurity
Sussana Phiri have been selected as as well as the
2019 Global Leadership Fellows rising effect of
Programme (GLFP)in United States climate change
of America (USA). are challenges
The 2019 cohort of global leadership that can be
fellows is largest group ever, with 33 curbed if young
fellows representing 15 countries. and women
The fellows who left for the USA in farmers are well
August will be trainees for three organised and
months at Cornell University, College equipped with
of Agriculture and Life Sciences, knowledge and
Ithaca, New York, USA. techniques from
With fire in their bellies, science in local scientific
their brains and passion in their and agricultural
hearts, Lenganji and Susanna as research bodies. Lenganji engages showgoers at the 2019 Zambia
International Trade Fair (ZITF)
Alliance for Science Fellows will be Sussana has a
hoping to literally change the world of bachelor's degree in education from International Relations.
science when they return to Zambia. Chailmbana University. He hopes the GLFP will help him learn
Sussana is a young farmer passionate Lenganji is a journalist who currently h e a r t o f p a c k a g i n g s c i e n c e
about agriculture and scaling up food works as a programme assistant for information in a way that will connect
security. the National Science and Technology with ordinary people in Zambia.
She has successfully grown maize, Council, a statutory body that On being selected to be the 2019
regulates Zambia's fellow Lenganji says: “Thus far the
science sector. journey of being a Science
Lenganji has eight Communicator has hit a high note.
years of experience I wish to thank the Cornell Alliance for
working in science Science Global Leadership Fellows
co mmu n i ca ti o n s Programme for firmly believing that I
a n d h a s can contribute to ensuring that my
c o o r d i n a t e d country and other parts of the world
several advocacy are food secure through the adoption
p r o g r a m s t h a t of agricultural technologies that will
popularize science. withstand the adverse effects of
His work includes climate change”.
organising science He adds: “Special thanks to my
c o n f e r e n c e s , employers National Science and
managing social Technology Council (NSTC) for the
media platforms, unwavering support for the eight
Lenganji Sikapizye w r i t i n g f e a t u r e years, Mrs Veronica Mwaba CEO
articles and liaising D Z I WA S c i e n c e Tr u s t f o r t h e
fresh spices, vegetables and soya with the media. mentorship”.
beans. He also runs a blog called Sciepage, The duo joins Ms Mwaba founder of a
Sussana relates the value she has for which covers key issues of concern in local NGO Dziwa Science and
farming to the children she has science such as climate change. Technology Trust (DSatt) who was
encountered as a teacher. He holds a bachelor's degree in public 2018 Zambia global leadership fellow.
“Children who feed on nutritious food relations from Cavendish University Ms Mwaba was elated that Lenganji

8 January - June 2019

and Sussana have been selected to for science, for instance, how consumers by providing access to
represent Zambia as global accomplishments and discoveries information about available
leadership fellows. serve the needs of humanity and the technologies.
She says DSaT wants to distinguish country at large,” Ms Mwaba. The Alliances envisages reclaiming
itself through the determination to This will in turn assist policy makers to the conversation around agricultural
contribute to the Zambian society and appreciate, prioritise and mobilise biotechnology so that science- and
resources for evidence-based perspectives drive
research and d e c i s i o n - m a k i n g .
development and
also help society The Alliance will build and foster a
to choose the globally coordinated communications
technologies that platform to connect, equip, and
work for them from empower public sector partners in
an informed their communication efforts by
perspective. providing evidence-based
The Cornell information resources and training
Alliance for activities.
Science where Communication resources are
Lenganji and accessible to a wide variety of
Susanna are been audiences, ranging from the general
mentored in USA public to researchers, policymakers,
is an initiative for journalists, and other stakeholders.
Lenganji during a recent radio interview. science-based
agricultural The Alliance will help foster more
build support for science through communications constructive policies about
proactive communication outreach to that is focused on the global public biotechnology as a useful tool in the
targeted audiences. good. toolbox of food security and
This she says is premised on It's envisioned on supporting a global sustainability to help address global
complimenting researcher's efforts to agricultural communications platform challenges such as persistent
popularise evidence based science that will improve understanding of poverty, a changing and erratic
and build a cadre that will be inspired science-based agricultural climate, and the formidable task of
in science. technologies. feeding nine billion people by 2050.
The Trust's focus areas include The Alliance's network of diverse
agriculture, health, environment, stakeholders is committed to helping Supported by a $5.6 million grant from
e d u c a t i o n , I n f o r m a t i o n un-mute voices of potential the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,
Communication and Technology beneficiaries of agricultural science the Alliance was established in
(ICTs), innovation and engineering. and biotechnology in developing August 2014 and is based in the office
“Science is a key driver to assist countries. of International Programs in the
Zambia transform into a middle The Cornell Alliance forms alliances College of Agriculture and Life
income country by the year 2030 with Non-Governmental Sciences (IP-CALS) at Cornell
because the Seventh National Organisations (NGOs) and other University.
Development Plan (7NDP) and the partners who share common values
Sustainable Development Goals around poverty reduction and
(SDGs) are anchored on science. sustainable agriculture.
DSaT hopes to complement science Expanding the range of choices about
champions efforts to mobilise support plants and livestock for farmers and

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Technology Council -

9 January - June 2019

Media and Science
By Jowit Saluseki
Feature Writer
Times of Zambia
FROM time immemorial, the media that science advocacy will allow the media orientation would enable
industry in the country has had a journalists to take an active role to journalists to report better on
deficiency in having a cadre of demystify science and interpret science related matters.
reporters with a burning desire to p r o t o c o l s s i g n e d , p o l i c y This is because there has been a
pursue science communication. statements research and lot of misconceptions owing to
O w i n g t o l a c k o f a d e q u a t e discoveries and controversy. lack of adequate information by
understanding of science matters Ms Mwaba said this will help build some members of society on
c o u p l e d w i t h a s h o r t a g e i n an understanding of science with Genetically Modified Organisms
enthusiasm among reporters, key actors in an organised way to (GMOs).
science related stories have often r e d u c e r i s k s
been treated as a second fiddle in associated with fake
newsrooms. news.
This has therefore birthed a “Science is a key
The workshop was attended by African research institution administrators, research funders, and
society that always has its own d r i v e r t o a s s i s t
misconceptions on science related Zambia transform
issues which are difficult to into a middle income
comprehend by lay people. country by the year
Thus in a bid to inculcate a cadre of 2030 because the
science communicators ,Dziwa S e v e n t h N a t i o n a l
Science and Technology (DSat) Development Plan
Trust recently organised a one day ( 7 N D P ) a n d t h e
orientation workshop for science S u s t a i n a b l e
journalists in Lusaka. Development Goals
The event was held in conjunction (SDGs) are anchored
w i t h t h e N a t i o n a l B i o s a f e t y on science.
Authority (NBA), the University of D S a T h o p e s t o
Zambia (UNZA) and Biotechnology complement science
Outreach Society of Zambia. champions efforts to
DSaT wants to distinguish itself mobilise support for
through the determination to science, for instance,
contribute to the Zambian society h o w
and build support for science a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s
through proactive communication and discoveries serve the needs of Arising from the 2001/2002 farming
outreach to targeted audiences. season, Zambia experienced
humanity and the country at large,”
T h i s i s p r e m i s e d o n Ms Mwaba. severe drought which threatened
c o m p l i m e n t i n g r e s e a r c h e r ' s This will in turn assist policy food security as a result of low
efforts to popularise evidence makers to appreciate, prioritise agricultural production.
based science and build a cadre a n d m o b i l i s e r e s o u r c e s f o r With the eminent food scarcity, the
that will be inspired in science. international community
research and development and
The Trust's focus areas include also help society to choose the responded by donating genetically
agriculture, health, environment, technologies that work for them modified maize.
e d u c a t i o n , I n f o r m a t i o n from an informed perspective. The government of the day
Communication and Technology This will in turn enhance public rejected the food aid due to the
(ICTs), innovation and engineering. engagement. absence of technical and
S p e a k i n g d u r i n g t h e m e d i a Speaking at the same event, NBA regulatory capacity in handling
orientation, DSat Trust executive Registrar and Chief executive products of modern biotechnology
director Veronica Mwaba noted officer Lackson Tonga noted that (GMOs).
After rejecting the maize donation,

10 January - June 2019

government put in place the on the market valid for six biotechnology was the orange
Biotechnology and Biosafety months. fleshed sweet potatoes which has
Policy of 2003 and thereafter, The NBA has also issued four seen the increase in production
Zambia acceded to the Cartagena GMO free certification for exports and consumption of the food
Protocol on Biosafety to the to mainly Zimbabwe and Angola. product in Eastern province where
Convention in 2004. It is worth noting that Zambia has it had been promoted since 2011.
This meant that Zambia had to national laboratories such as the “Promotion of consumption of the
adopt the precautionary principle biotechnology or molecular orange fleshed potatoes is one of
in order to allow for the biology laboratories at National the key nutrition sensitive
development of infrastructure, the Ins t it ut e f or S c ie nt if ic a nd interventions implemented to
regulatory and institutional Industrial Research (NISIR), address high vitamin A deficiency
arrangements as well as to build Tropical Diseases Research among the rural population of
technical capacity to handle Centre (TDRC). Zambia.
genetically modified organisms. The others are Central Veterinary In Sub-Saharan Africa, Uganda is
In 2007, Parliament enacted the Research Institute (CVRI), the top producer while others
Biosafety Act No. 10 of 2007. University of Zambia (UNZA) and include Kenya, Mozambique,
Some of the functions of the NBA Zambia Agricultural Research Ta n z a n i a a n d D e m o c r a t i c
include processing notifications Institute (ZARI). Republic of Congo,” Dr Kayimoya
and applications of GMOs or Microbiology, molecular biology said.
products of GMOs into the and biotechnology related He explained that the orange
country, in accordance with the courses have been developed at fleshed sweet potatoes have been
requirements of the Biosafety Act. national tertiary institutions as a used to prevent vitamin A
Promoting public awareness and way to build capacity. deficiency which predominantly
education concerning the Government's desire is to have a affect pregnant mothers and pre-
activities regulated under the Act transformative culture by school children especially in
such as risk assessment, risk embracing innovation. Africa and South East Asia.
management and authorization NBA Communication Officer “Biotechnology has proved to be a
processes Sandra Lombe implored the utility tool which has found its use
The NBA is also mandated to keep media to do a lot of research, in all science based fields such as
any GMO or any product of a know the news sources and medicine and pharmaceuticals
genetically modified organism simplify scientific terms for or the which include diagnostics,
under review and to ban its general public to understand vaccines and gene therapy.
handling or release in Zambia what is being reported. Others include green biotech
when necessary. Ms Lombe said it was incumbent which includes improved crops,
The Authority is also tasked to on the journalists to tell a story in livestock, nutritional value,
establishing and maintaining a an interesting and simplified dought and pest resistant crop
database of GMOs and their manner. varieties,” he said.
products as well as making She disclosed that the NBA Dr Kaimoya called for serious
available such information to the intends to introduce media investment in science research.
public. awards next year to encourage On the other hand, the media as a
Mr Tonga explained that since science reporting in the country. fourth estate needs to have
2015, the NBA has approved 49 “In order to encourage science adequate know- how -on science
permits in research, import and reporting especially on issues for them to provide the
placing on the market. biotechnology and biosafety, the masses with the correct
These permits include for NBA may next year launch media information.
research (valid for three years) in awards. After the end of the orientation , a
HIV vaccine by CIDRZ and Zambia We believe this will further, WhatApp group called 'Media and
Emory in Lusaka and Copperbelt encourage reporting on science, Science' was created to enable the
respectively. technology and biotechnology,” media communicators interact
Another permit for malaria Ms Lombe said. and share pertinent information in
research to be conducted by UNZA lecturer and scientist the social media platform.
Macha Research Trust in Choma Evans Kayimoya who spoke at
has also been issued. the same event disclosed that
The other 46 are import permits one of the major successes in
varied for five years and placing

11 January - June 2019

From left: University of Oxford Research Associate, Dr. Susann Stritzke, Unza Acting Vice Chancellor, Prof. Enala Tembo-Mwase and Dean in the School of Natural Sciences (NS),
Dr. Habatwa Vincent Mweene


The University of Zambia (UNZA) has partnerships in the knowledge University of Oxford Research
entered into a bilateral co-operation economy. Associate, Dr. Susann Stritzke,
agreement with University of Oxford She further stated that UNZA is assured UNZA of Oxford's
in Renewable Energy Solutions. committed to contributing to Zambia's commitment in the partnership.
The MoU signed will allow UNZA's attainment of the United Nations She hinted that the co-operation
Solar Energy Center (SEC) housed in Sustainable Development Goal agreement is of significance to
the Department of Physics, School of (SDG) number seven (7) that University of Oxford as it accords the
Natural Sciences (NS) and Smith stipulates the need to ensure university a chance to learn and work
School of Enterprise and universal access to affordable, with UNZA in an inter-disciplinary
Environment (SSEE) at the University valuable, sustainable and clean area of clean energy access and
of Oxford, collaborate in the field of energy by 2030. development in Zambia.
renewable energy solutions. Meanwhile, Dean in the School of Dr. Stritzke, adds that University of
Speaking during the signing Natural Sciences (NS), Dr. Habatwa Oxford is happy to work with UNZA in
c e r e m o n y, U N Z A A c t i n g V i c e Vincent Mweene, said it is an honour designing a holistic and inter-
Chancellor, Prof. Enala Tembo- for the School to collaborate with disciplinary approach to solving the
Mwase, said the MoU signed will University of Oxford. He stated that challenges of rural electrification
allow UNZA and University of Oxford UNZA has a lot of expertise in the field through integrating various
to co-operate in finding solutions to of renewable energy and that the two infrastructure based on identified
the challenge of rural electrification in universities stand to benefit from each community needs and opportunities.
Zambia, where only 5% of the other through research, workshops The MoU signed between UNZA and
population have access to electricity. and academic exchanges. University of Oxford will promote co-
The Acting Vice Chancellor, added The Dean, explained that the MoU operation between the two
that the signing of the bilateral signed, signifies the School of Natural universities in finding solutions to the
agreement between UNZA and Science's resolve to undertake problem of access to electricity for the
University of Oxford, reaffirms research around the field of rural communities in Zambia.
UNZA's commitment to research renewable energy solutions. “Our
around renewable energy solutions. strength can be seen in the success of Issued by:
Prof. Tembo-Mwase, emphasised the Solar Energy Center (SEC) which Brenda Bukowa (Ms)
that the agreement signed with today is churning out cutting-edge Spokesperson
University of Oxford is an exciting research in the field of clean energy” University of Zambia
chapter in UNZA's strategic objective Dr. Mweene said.
of promoting mutually beneficial Speaking at the same function,

12 January - June 2019

CBU Student comes up with firm called
Electron Research Labs.
By Jowit Saluseki
Feature Writer
Times of Zambia

OWING to his knack in the field of unlimited”. trained to ensure that they actualise
science John Zimba, 23, has come up what they are taught in lecture rooms
with an innovative firm called Electron Zimba is a self-taught young and not use the knowledge just to
Research Labs that inverts electrical innovator with big ambitions of acquire an academic qualification for
appliances that consume less energy. becoming a renowned engineer in the
field of science.
Zimba has also come up with a water
submersible pump, and a motor He has invented various appliances
powered electrical cooker, among such an eco-switch which is able to
other appliances that use less switch itself on and off thereby
electricity. minimising on the usage of
electricity in various appliances.
While students in most institutions of
higher learning in the country seek to
“My dream has also been to provide
learn the ropes of their chosen
scientific and engineering solutions
careers in lecture rooms, Zimba a
to the country in line with the
second year student in
Government's policy of encouraging
electrical/electronic engineering at
young people to be innovative and
the Copperbelt University (CBU) in
creative,” Zimba says with a
Kitwe developed the interest of
making various electrical appliances
while in junior secondary school. He believes that the knowledge he is
acquiring from the university will be
This year's Youth Day theme is
worthless if he cannot put it into
practice by making things that are
energy friendly. John Zimba explains how a simple
water pump works.

Because of his tenacity to work with use in looking for employment.

electrical appliances, the soft spoken
Empowering entrepreneurs with
John's creative ideas even captured
appropriate tools will easily translate
the attention of institutions such as
into developing a pool of skills to drive
Zesco and the National Scientific
the national economic agenda to
Research Institute (NISIR) in Lusaka.
prosperity for the benefit of various
He was also accorded an audience sectors of the economy.
with the Office of the Vice President This is how industrious nations such
where he was given chance to explain as the United States of America
his innovative ideas. (USA), Japan and German, among
others, can boast of having self made
Zimba is hopeful that the powers that millionaires.
be will be able to support his projects.
“I need all the support from In 2017, the Zambian Government
Government which will enable me to introduced the Skills Development
actualise and implement my projects Fund (SDF) to help empower
because this will – in the long run – emerging entrepreneurs and
benefit a lot of people,” he said. innovators.
John Zimba displays a simple water
“ Z a m b i a n Yo u t h ; G e n e r a t i o n He notes that students should be So far, a total of more than K5 million

13 January - June 2019

has been disbursed for various The SDF promotes collaborations as the youth can become
entrepreneurship activities by the with industry and other stakeholders entrepreneurs.
Ministry of Higher Education. to improve accountability and
transparency in the disbursement of This is because following the rapid
But these funds are not enough to be the funds to would-be entrepreneurs. growth of the informal sector after the
accessed by the army of young economic reforms of the early
people which is itching to start their Institutions funded include those 1990's, a need for entrepreneurship
own businesses. under the Zambia Correctional training was birthed in Zambia.
Services (skills training section);
Added to that is the fact that despite Youth Resource Centres under the The shrinking of the formal
its existence, very few people are Ministry of Youth and Sport. employment sector implied that
aware that they can access funding many TEVETA graduates were
through the SDF. The ministry of General Education's unable to find jobs in the formal
skills training centres (schools of sector.
The SDF was established under an continuing education); community-
Act number 46 of 2016. based skills centres are also T h e 1 9 9 6 , T E V E TA p o l i c y
It is administered by the Ministry of highlighted this issue and provided
Higher Education. for interventions to be put in place to
Others are ministry of Higher assist the informal sector which was
The fund is a long-term financing
Education's TEVETA institutions; an alternative to the shrinking formal
strategy of the Technical Education,
private institutions and faith-based sector.
Vocational and Entrepreneurship
skills training centres that are
Training Authority (TEVETA). Due to the fact that the country has
registered with the authority.
an enabling business environment;
However, some emerging innovators
As the country is striving to achieve students and the youth can develop
and entrepreneurs say the support
middle income status by 2030, and implement entrepreneurship
from the scheme is not enough to
empowering visionary learners with programmes when helped with
benefit all those yearning to get some
skills, like John, is a sure way to resources.
achieve the feat to wean them from
the perpetual dependency syndrome

14 January - June 2019

Food Safety is Important and should not be
The National Biosafety Authority (NBA) foods. Safe and nutritious food is key to NBA regulates the research, development,
says food safety is important and of public sustaining life and promoting good health. If application, importation, export, transit,
health significance. Speaking ahead of the the food is not safe, it does not only pose a contained use, release or placing on the
World Food Safety Day, NBA Chief risk to the consumers but also the economy market of any GMO/LMO whether intended
Executive Officer, Mr. Lackson Tonga, said and the health care systems of a nation. for use as a pharmaceutical, food, feed or
the need for safe and quality foods cannot “The NBA pledges its commitment to ensure processing, or a product of a GMO also to
be over emphasized. food safety as it regulates the use, ensure that any activity involving the use or
The first-ever World Food Safety Day, was application, research, import, export, transit a product of GMO prevents any socio-
adopted by the United Nations General of any products that may contain GMOs,” he economic impact or harm to human, animal
Assembly in December 2018 and will be said. Mr. Tonga said the 2019 World Food health and the environment in the country.
celebrated on 7th June 2019 under the Safety Day theme aligns very well with the Some of the functions of the NBA include
theme "Food Safety, everyone's business". Authority's mandate. processing notifications and applications of
“Food safety is of public health importance “It is our business to ensure that any product GMOs or products of GMOs into the country,
and the NBA plays a big role in ensuring the that may contain or is made from genetically in accordance with the requirements of the
safety of the public, animals and the modified organisms on the Zambian market Biosafety Act, promoting public awareness
environment, “he said. is safe. Such products do undergo risk and education concerning the activities
“Our mandate is to regulate the import, assessment through a consultative process regulated under the Act such as risk
export, transit, research and development, which also includes scientific evaluation by assessment, risk management and
use and application involving genetically the Scientific Advisory Committee. We authorization processes; keeping any GMO
modified products. Currently the stressful would also like to re-assure the nation that or any product of a genetically modified
conditions due to various factors including GM food products that have been organism under review and to ban its
climate change have resulted in human authorised by the NBA on the Zambian handling or release in Zambia. NBA
beings finding solutions to mitigate this and market are safe,” he said. furthermore, establishes and maintains a
genetic modification has resulted into Mr. Tonga further said the NBA is cognizant database of GMOs and their products as
increased production of Genetically of the Food and Agriculture Organisation well as making available such information to
Modified foods. These foods cannot be (FAO)/ World Health Organisation (WHO) the public.
consumed without undergoing risk Codex standards on Genetically Modified
assessment. Therefore, the NBA ensures foods and is working towards incorporating
the safety of humans, animals and the those into some guidelines.
environment and this is done through a Source:
National Biosafety Authority Zambia,
scientific evidence based risk assessment About NBA Link:
of Genetically Modified products.”
Mr. Tonga said risk assessment is an
NBA was established under the Biosafety
essential tool in ensuring safe and healthy 948
Act No. 10 of 2007. Through the Act the Website:

15 January - June 2019


The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) is a statutory body established by the Science and
Technology Act No. 26 of 1997, to Coordinate, Promote, Regulate, and Advise government on Science and Technology
Policy and Development. The functions of the NSTC among others include the regulation of research in science and
technology and to register institutes and centres in the science and technology sector in accordance with PART IV
section 9 of the Science and Technology Act No. 26 of 1997.

It is therefore a legal requirement as prescribed by the Science and Technology Act No. 26 of 1997 that All Research
and Development (R&D) institutions and Centers in Zambia are to be inspected and registered with the NSTC. Any
contravention in respect of the rules and regulations set out in the Science and Technology Act No. 26 of 1997 will be
liable to a fine not exceeding twenty thousand penalty units or a term of imprisonment not exceeding five years or

All institutes or centres which are not established under the Act and which are involved in research activities in the
following areas shall apply for registration with the Council.

(a) Health research (l) Wildlife research

(b) Industrial research (m) Fisheries research
(c) Agricultural research (n) Archeological research
(d) Energy research (o) Transport and Communication research
(e) Environmental research (p) Construction and Building Material research
(f) Food and Beverages Production research (q) Biotechnology research
(g) Mines and Minerals Development research (r ) New and Emerging Technologies research
(h) Veterinary research (s) Chemical research
(i) Water Development research (t) Information Technology research
(j) Engineering research (u) Any other type of research as the Council
(k) Forestry research may determine

Such registration of Research and Development Institutions/Centers and Research activities is conditional upon
fulfillment of registration requirements and payment of registration/renewal of registration fees.

Kindly take note that the registration period is between January and March, of every year and as such, the NSTC
strongly advises that such registration is done within this period. For any further details and application forms on the
registration exercise, R&D Institutions and Centers are advised to contact the undersigned:

The Executive Secretary,

National Science and Technology Council,
Curriculum Development Center Building,
Haile Selassie Avenue, Longacres,
P.O. Box 51309,

Telephone: (0211) 255854

Fax: (0211) 257194

Please note that application forms can also be obtained from the NSTC website at
or you can email for any further clarifications.

Benefits of Registration

1. Registration with the NSTC further promotes collaboration and sharing of information between and/or among
2. Institutions stand to benefit from the competitive research grants offered by the National Science and Technology

15 January - June 2019
Climate Change Zambia

1) What is the climate system and 3) What is natural variability? T h e s e e ff e c t s a d d t o n a t u r a l

what are the forces that drive it? influences that have been present
This is change due to natural causes. over Earth's history; however
The climate system consists of five The changes occur naturally and are scientific evidence strongly indicates
major components: land, water and not because of human influence. that natural influences cannot
ice on the surface of the earth, the Example, a volcanic eruption. explain the rapid increase in global
atmosphere that overlies and near-surface temperatures
radiation from the sun that provides 4) Greenhouse gases: the basics observed during the second half of
e n e r g y. T h e c l i m a t e s y s t e m the 20th century.
continues to evolve over time, A greenhouse gas is a gas in the
influenced by: its own internal Earth's atmosphere that absorbs 6) Consequences of climate
dynamics, external forcings such as and reflects infrared radiation in all change.
volcanic eruptions, solar variations, directions including downward to the
and human-induced forcing such as Earth's surface thus warming the The earth is getting warmer and
fossil fuel burning and land use lower atmosphere. These gases warmer and this is causing glaciers
change. The interaction between the include carbon dioxide, nitrous and icecaps around the globe to melt
five components and the forcings are oxide, methane, ozone, and water thus increasing sea levels. The
what make up the climate system. vapor. change in climate brings about
extreme weather events include
2) What is climate change? 5) What are the human effects on droughts, heat waves, heavy rainfall,
climate? floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes.
This is any change in climate over Extreme weather events have the
time, whether resulting from natural Human activities are increasingly potential to take lives and cause a
causes or from human activity. altering the Earth's climate. There great deal of damage which can
These changes typically persist for h a s b e e n a n i n cre a se in th e carry heavy economic costs. As the
decades or longer, and may affect atmospheric concentration of Earth's human population continues
either the mean state of the climate greenhouse gases due to human to grow over the coming century,
or its variability. The UN Framework activities such as burning of fossil many of these effects will become
Convention on Climate Change fuels, deforestation (clearing of more dramatic. As humans stretch
(UNFCCC) draws a distinction forests to accommodate human the planet's resource base as far as it
between climate change attributable settlements), and agriculture where will go, we are also likely to find that
to human activities, and climate the trees are cut down and burned we have become more vulnerable to
variability attributable to natural releasing most of the carbon stored some of the climate effects we have
causes. in vegetation immediately into the created.
atmosphere. These gases are
damaging to the earth's climate.

17 January - June 2019

7) Who will be affected by climate 20th century China accounted for 10) What can be done to save our
change? 7% of the world's CO2 emissions. In planet?
In one way or another every country contrast United States of America
will be affected negatively by climate which accounted for 30%. International agencies, some
change. People living in Low governments, researchers and
economically developed countries 9) Can climate change be many campaigning organizations
will be at high risk because most of reversed? need to drastically reduce the levels
them will not be able to afford to of CO2 released into the
relocate when extreme weather hits It will take a worldwide effort in order atmosphere- a process of mitigation
their area. Places such as Iceland will to combat climate change. and improve land management
become extremely cold, that people Scientists consider even the targets practices. The global climate is
will no longer be able to live there. Hot set by the Kyoto Protocol (the changing and human activities are
countries like Sudan will have longer international agreement to limit contributing to that change.
and hotter summers causing greenhouse gas emissions) Scientific research is required to
droughts and heat waves. People in inadequate compared to the improve our ability to predict climate
tropical countries will experience urgency of the problem. Enhanced change and its impacts on countries
extreme rainfall which will cause national and international research and regions around the globe. It is
floods. In its Fourth Assessment and other efforts are needed to important to provide a basis for
Report, the Intergovernmental Panel support climate related policy mitigating the harmful effects of
on Climate Change (IPCC) notes decisions. These include global climate change.
migration and displacement as being fundamental climate research, Technological advancement (e.g.,
likely key impacts of climate change improved observations and removing carbon from the
due to changing patterns of extreme modeling, increased computational atmosphere) and finding ways for
weather and climate events. capability, and very importantly, communities to adapt and become
education of the next generation on resilient to extreme events.
8) Who's to blame for climate climate change. "Science provides
change? society with information useful in
dealing with natural hazards such Source:
Developed countries have played a as earthquakes, hurricanes, and Climate Change Zambia
huge role in climate change. They drought, which improves our ability
have a high percentage of to predict and prepare for their mate_change_101.html
greenhouse emissions and have adverse effects.
been a part of the fossil fuel pollution
expansion. Over the course of the

Understanding Climate Change

1820 January - June 2017

UNZA, LWSCO sign MoU focusing on
research, water supply and sanitation
that it will help to generate students'
interest in the utility services and
provide possible recruitment
Meanwhile, the Dean School of
Engineer Dr Michael Mulenga thanked
LWSC for choosing to work with UNZA
particularly the School of Engineering.
Dr Mulenga noted that the collaboration
efforts were important to facilitate the
growth of engineering education and
practices in Zambia. He said the signing
of the MoU consolidated the
collaboration and partnership for the
mutual benefit of the school and the
industry. He revealed that LWSC
The University of Zambia (UNZA) the MoU. Eng Kampata noted that supports the School of Engineering in
through the School of Engineering has although the collaboration between the several ways among others conducting
signed a memorandum of two institutions existed for many years industrial training for students, and
understanding with Lusaka Water and through training, consultancy, research sitting on the School of Engineering
Sewerage Company (LWSC) to work and technical assistance; signing the Advisory Board, which draws
together on research that focuses on MoU was important in order to enhance membership from government entities,
water supply and sanitation. Speaking the partnership. Eng Kampata said the industry and the professional
during the signing ceremony UNZA utility company decided to work with institutions.
Vice-Chancellor Professor Luke UNZA because of its reputation and "Through this MoU, we believe as a
Mumba said the University of Zambia high profiled track record in research School of Engineering that LWSC with
was delighted to join hands with and consultancy. "I am aware that there its extensive experience in the areas of
L u s a k a Wa t e r a n d S e w e r a g e is no challenge that research and an maintenance of water supply and
Company in order to supply the water academic institution like UNZA can fail sanitation infrastructure, will assist us in
and sanitation services to the people to solve," he said. the rehabilitation and recapitalisation of
of Lusaka Province in a more effective Eng Kampanta added that LWSC was our laboratory infrastructure, especially
and efficient manner. "We are aware of looking at having more homegrown, in the area of hydraulic and water
the significance of water supply and sustainable and cost-effective solutions resources engineering,'' he said.
sanitation services to Zambian to be developed through this The signed MoU will cover the following
citizenry. Water supply and sanitation partnership. "We are confident that the areas of cooperation:
are at the centre of national pool of knowledge at UNZA will be an -Energy Management
development, they ensure public invaluable resource to our company in -Reduction of non-revenue water
health as well as personal hygiene to our quest for improved service delivery -Water conservation (Rainwater
our people," he said. to all. We can only achieve this by harvesting, Demand management
Prof Mumba added that UNZA in line undertaking joint research in areas of etc)
with its vision "To be an eminent common interest and sharing best -Water Quality management
university driven by the pursuit of practices and developing innovations," -Optimisation of water supply
knowledge, innovation and social he said. operations
responsiveness" was ready to share Eng Kampata said UNZA and LWSC -Optimisation of sewerage system
the challenges and find solutions had unique intrinsic knowledge and -Sustainable sanitation for low
aimed at enhancing effectiveness and skills in the areas of water supply and income communities
efficiencies in the delivery of water and sanitation, which could be mutually -Water safety
sewerage services by the utility exchanged for the benefit of the two -Quality and Environmental
c o m p a n y. H e f u r t h e r s a i d t h e institutions. He said the signed MoU Management System
university through the five was seeking to increase the capacity of -Information and Communication
departments under the School of LWSC to develop and implement Technology
Engineering namely; Agricultural innovative and effective strategies for -Project Management
Engineering, Civil and Environmental delivery and management of water -Monitoring and Evaluation
Engineering, Electrical and Electronic supply and sanitation services through
Engineering, Geomatic Engineering, joint research, sharing of knowledge Source:
and Mechanical Engineering had the and skills. "A relatively new area of
ability, knowledge and skills to work interest we are entering into is the onsite 05/unza-lwsco-sign-mou-focusing-
with LWSC to address various sanitation/non-sewered sanitation. research-water-supply-and-sanitation
challenges. Solutions on how best to manage this
A n d LW S C M a n a g i n g D i r e c t o r are urgently needed," he said.
Engineer Jonathan Kampata said the He further said LWSC expected that the
utility company was happy to formerly cooperation will encourage applied
work with UNZA through the signing of linkages with university students and

19 January - June 2019

Launch Of The Flying Lab Cheers Government
Minister of Transport and also help track almost everything Excellence in drone technology in
Communication and now Minister of including water use, crop health, heat Zambia. as a research institution, our
Higher Education Engineer Dr Brian signatures, soil analysis, natural involvement in advisory committees
Mushimba has commended the resource conservation, policing of for use and regulation of drones not
University of Zambia for setting up the poaching, disaster management as excluding taxes and insurance
first-ever Flying Lab in Zambia and well as crime prevention. policies among others is key for us to
has called on UNZA through the He said to support this forwarding make a difference in our country's
School of Engineering to establish a looking initiative instituted by UNZA drone ecosystem," she said.
remote pilot training centre for drones t h e M i n i s t r y o f Tr a n s p o r t a n d And Dean School of Engineering Dr
to train Zambians who are interested Communication through the Zambia Michael Mulenga said the Zambia
in becoming licensed remote pilots. Civil Aviation Authority will provide the Flying Lab was a partnership of three
Speaking when he officiated during necessary regulatory services to institutions namely the University of
the launch of the Flying Lab at UNZA, ensure that legal compliance and Zambia (School of Engineering),
Dr Mushimba said the story safety during the operations. iDrone Services, and iKAN Konsult
technology and innovation have And Acting Vice-Chancellor Professor and that the aim for establishing this
continued to be that of revolution and Enala Tembo Mwase said with the partnership was to inform, educate
evolution, hence, the coming in of strong emergence of drones in the and develop a sustainable ecosystem
drones was fascinating as drones had country, UNZA intend to create a base for drones in Zambia; and that the
a peculiar story to tell. He added that in the increase of social and economic goal was to accelerate the positive
transport had a critical role in impact of drones by facilitating the impact of local aid, health,
supporting economic growth, growth a strong and diverse local development and environmental
therefore, the coming in of remotely drone ecosystem which will provide projects by sustainably localising
piloted aircrafts such as drones was a opportunities for job creation; and appropriate robotics solutions
perfect fit in supplementing transport building of entrepreneurship skills for through training of local partners on
challenges, especially when trying to graduates. the use of robotic technology.
reach remote areas. "For instance, a Dr Mulenga hoped that the launch of
company called Zipline is already the Flying Lab would help to
using small robot planes to drop Prof Mwase said UNZA had great
potential of becoming the anchor the champion research, development
medical supplies to areas of Rwanda and consultancy related to drones for
where there are no roads," he said. Dr country needs in research and
development in drone technology. social good in Zambia and beyond.
Mushimba said Zambia, on the other He also added that the school intend
hand, has seen the emergence of "We already have the capacity to
develop pilot and research projects to to facilitate improvements in the
using drones for agricultural crop learning experience for students at
spraying by companies such as further the use of drones and data to
address social challenges of our UNZA and other learning institutions
Sunagri. by including drones and robotics as
country, ranging from disaster
management to sustainable p a r t o f S c i e n c e Te c h n o l o g y
He further noted that the launch of the agriculture, rural and urban Engineering and Mathematics
Flying Lab was coming in handy development to nature conservation, (STEM) Education.
because Zambia was on the horizon however, without the support from our
of a paradigm shift in the use of government all our brilliant ideas and
remotely piloted aircraft especially for innovations we will have a much Source:
land surveying and mapping, urban lesser impact in our country's socio-
planning and land management,
economic development," she said. 07/launch-of-flying-lab-cheers-
construction and earthworks, Prof Mwase added that in order for
infrastructure management and government
such innovative ideas to see the light
mining. of the day there was a need for
"A good example, in the use of the government to award contracts for
drones has been exhibited by research and consultancy projects
Kalumbila Mines in North-Western related to drone technology and
province. There is also interest from innovation to UNZA. "We plan on
Zambia Electricity Supply establishing a training centre and
Corporation (ZESCO) in the use of drone eco-laboratory at the School of
drones. In agriculture, drones are a Engineering. Financial support from
natural fit where farmers can benefit the government and other
from real-time information," he said. stakeholders would help us achieve
The Minister added that drones could our dream of having a Centre of

20 January - June 2019

Photo Gallery

NSTC Participates in the march commemorating the International The Programme Officer- Promotions, Mrs. Nsama Mataka
Women’s Day on the 8th of March, 2019 hands over a gift to visiting officers from COSTECH
Tanzania as Manager PDI, Mr. Filipo Zulu looks on.

NSTC Staffer inspecting inventions during the 2019 Copperbelt NSTC Staff during the 2019 Zambian International Trade Fair.
Investment Expo.

NSTC Staffer inspecting projects during the 2019 North-West Expo NSTC Participates in the 2019 Labour Day Commemorative March.

January - June 2019


The functions of the Council shall be to promote science and technology so as to improve the
quality of life in Zambia

The Executive Secretary

P.O.BOX 51309,Haile Sellasie Avenue,
Curriculum Development Centre Building, Longacres
Tel: +260 211 255854
Fax: +260 211 257194
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