Eka Haliah (0304172112)

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Eka Haliah (0304172112)

To be honest about my feelings in this online college situation, it must be safe. The
first one is because in my opinion it is less efficient, for me who is difficult to capture the
lessons for me is clearly pathetic, because lecturing directly does not necessarily get its
knowledge well, especially Remote Learning like this which are often plagued by difficulties
in signal and internet quota. Then the other sadness is that not all students have cellphones
and good signals in their villages, why is that? Because so far every remote learning there
must be obstacles or disruptions that we really don't want to happen, but that's what happens
in fact.

The most common thing is signal interference, then because it is in the village there
must be an outage of lights, and there sometimes I feel scared and anxious, want to take an
online course but can't because the cellphone is dead without a battery, and if there is a
battery even the signal is very difficult if the lights are off. Then the thing that I am very
concerned about is that each lecturer is different asking for an application in his course, again
I say here, not all students have good cellphones, if every lecturer asks for a different
application, how can students download the application while the cellphone memory is very
full and can not be forced, if it continues to be forced, the cellphone can be slow or slow, and
the cellphone can be damaged or complained. And this has already happened to my
cellphone, although it can be said that my mobile has a large internal memory, but he is also a
tool that needs to rest for a day, and although students have laptops to download the
application, I say again not all signals are accommodated by good students, plus Telkomsel
Internet quota is very expensive for students who are used to using their Smartfreen unlimited
Wifi or Wifi from their boarding mothers.

I hope for all lecturers to understand our situation in the village by not giving a lot of
assignments, all of which have deadlines, sometimes it is difficult for us to be busy working
on looking for signals, sorry if I'm very honest about my feelings about this remote learning,
but this is what I really feel it. I do not blame anyone in this Covid 19 situation which makes
it difficult for us to do any activity or activities, but what I hope is that we understand each
other and pray that this Covid 19 will pass quickly and we can go to college as usual. Aminn
Ya Rab.
Feedback from Saut marito Siregar
The content of this assay pretty good, but there’s a little bit comments from me, first the
writer not mentions the title of this assay and there are placement of conjunction such as
“and” after commas are classified inappropriate. But I love this essay because the flow and
every words used are easy to understand.
Feedback from Evi Sugiarti
I’m very agree with your opinion,because that is the first fact that I experienced then the
situation of this online learning is not very effectives for those of us who are equally difficult
to graps learning.
Feedback from Anisa Widya Sari
I agree with your opinion, i think it is very good because this online learning is really very
difficult. The signal is very difficult to get for students who live in the villages.
Feedback from Munandar Pulungan
I’m agree with your opinion regarding this online learning,but I also suggest paying more
attention to writing in your opinion.
Feddback from Sona Hazila
I quite agree with your opinion about this online learning,but this is also a good thing because
we better understand how to use a modern communication system as it is today modern,even
though we know it is very difficult to accommodate our signals to be able to always
participate. Then I hope you pay more attention to your punctuation in writing essays. Thank

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