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railroad specials. MISCELLANEOUS.

AUGUST 24, 1889

New York quota- tooth, but now

from Atlanta.
G. G. Adams, formerly of Saw-
cantile business in Atlanta, came
in the mer-
The Weiser Leader in its last issue,
referring to the late convention,
says : “Hon P. J. Pefley refused lo
sign the humbug constitution lately Homer Bounds, of East Fork, was tember 5th.
Excursion tickets to Boise City
Mrs. J. C. Smith, of the Summit and return, $11.35 on account of
Toll House, was down on a visit W. C. T. U. convention, on sale
to Ketchum yesterday. Aug. 28th to 31st, good until Sep­
' Lead, *3 80. ___
tionä in from that camp last Tuesday, adopted by the consUtution fizzle at in town Thursday. He left, Friday, IDAHO
to represent his Bonanza Heights To St. Loufa, Th* Popular Boutt ketchum,
TlIf. Democratic Territorial Cen- and is spending a few days among BoiMCity.’ The Leader then quotes
mine on the Lost river divide.
is via Union Pacific, “The C ML. DEALS» IK
Committee of the Territory of his Ketchum friends. He gave the the following from Mr. Pefley :
William Darlington, of Pueblo,
Overland Route,” and Wabash Railway.
tral is hereby called to meet at Keystone a few notes in regard to 1 hav® not *»ked for P*Ji do not want Through Pullman palace sleeping cars
r;tv on the 9th day of Sep- «Lk, " g mtereS» *” that old
BolKDr 1889, at 2 o’clock PM.of reliable” camp. Mr. Adams says
un)j it, and would not take the money under
u, circamstucM. more I do not thick
th.t t h„, '.rn*i tithing; nor do I
Col., arrived in Ketchum Thursday, ran daily from Denver to St. Louis with­
Mr. Darlington was formerly the out change, via Kansas City, leaving Den- Drugs, Medicines
ieÄV at Capital Building on that Atlanta bids fair to assume its think any one here is entitled to pay for assayer for the Philadelphia and Ter at 8:10 p. m. Everyone goes this way.
Idaho Company. 3 WALL PAPER,
8 of great importance. A old-time prominence as an ore-pro- bis attendance, or in any way whatever ; Tho Boat Tot
ducing camp, for at no period since James Hickey came down from In addition to tbe unequaled Dining
bUSl,ral attendance is requested, because we all came to this hall knowing A
general ß ENSIGN> Chm’n. its discovery—a quarter of a cen- tkat th*re ,w&*.n? W attach»! to the Sawtooth last Wednesday. Mr. Car Seryice between Council Blnfis and FANCY ANN TOILET ARTICLES
tury ago-hae a more hopeful feel- ofbce of delcf*te“ th,s co1nventl°n- , . Hickey has been the efficient fore- Denver, tbe Union Pacific, “The Overland
J. S. WlCKERSHAM, Sec’}’. ing prevailed. Mr. C. N. Miller, The Leader then makes the fol- man of the Silver King mine at that sud daily thereafter, run Dining Cars be­
Route,” will on Sunday, August ISth,
Etc., Etc., Etc.
era children can be induced to with his concentrating mill, has l°win8 criticism upon the doings place for the past fourteen months. tween Council Bluffs and Portland, Ore.,
tn Dhvsic without a struggle, and fully demonstrated that the low- of the convention : .... John Carey, one of the pioneers
on The Overland Flyer,” leaving Coun­
la nnder—most drugs are ex- grade ores of the camp ean be treated f" ,‘L" .ioê^ould“^ hïïd of Galena, who has recently returned cil Bluffs at 7:55 p. m., Omaha 8:15 p. M. nyiiciM^ PreicrlflifiM
mmcly nauseating. Ayer’s Pills, at a good profit, which has led the jn from an extended prospecting trip These cars are models of excellence,
regard by all the tax-paying peo- through the Seafoam country, has and the best meals tbe market affords Carefully Compounded.
tbe contrary, being sugar-coated,

Ltrerlv swallowed by the little Buffalo company and others to pi« of the territory. The late thing, been spending the week in Ketchum. will be furnished at 75 cents.
“Ä therefore, the favor- erect a new plant and adopt the called a constitutional convention, assem-
family medicine.
same methods. This no doubt will bled at Boise City on the 4th day of July and
infuse new life into the old place, last without one shadow f
__ j „„„ ,1
Captain Ladd, of Lynn, Mass.,

: ’ sanction of the people at large and en- Mass., left Thursday for a month’s and return, for one fare for round
The U. P. will sell tickets to G.
T. C. Tebbetts, of Cambridge, A. R. encampment at Milwaukee POWDER
Absolutely Pure.
Complete Lin© of Stationery and
School Books.
Judos I-1 Lewi3> who was ver>' and open the ejes of those thatim- tjrejy without authority from the enn- outing at the Redfish lakes, accom­ trip, $65.90. Tickets on sale Aug.
„riously sick the first part of the agine that nothing but high-grade gre8a of tbe United States. While there panied by W. H. Reynoldsas guide. 19th to 26th inclusive, returning This powder never varies, A marvel of Keep In Stock the Finest Brands of
ores make mining an inviting prop- were able and good men in the body it was James McGregor, of Salt Lake purity, strength and wholesomeness. More
week, 13 .B0 far recovered as to be osition.
in the main composed of self-appointed City, a prominent owner in the Bal­ any time until Sept. 5th.
economical than the ordinary kinds, and WINE* AWD M$|UORî
V to be about again. There was cannot be sold in competition with the mul­
jJcat anxiety felt for a few days The Tahoma company have a 10- delegate.. Before the assembliiig of the
Send two cents in stamps to E. titude of low test, short weight alum or Bor Family use.
stamp mill and font Free vannera «"■». bod? '■ «a» ‘oodlr elaimed and timore mine situated in Elkhorn phosphate powders. Sold only in cans.
Lut his'condition, and his many i , j. ., • ll v j e stated that there was no pay attached to gulch, arrived in Ketchum, Wed- L. Lomax, general passenger agent Royal Baking Powd*b Co. Imported and Domestic Cigars
friends are glad to know that their handling in the neighborhood of tbe Krjicea ot delegates, and in some desday. Mr. McGregor will remain Union Pacific railway, Omaha, Neb. 106 Wall St.. N. Y.
groundless, and to see twenty tons of pulp each day. So cases members refused to attend for that a few days in town. and secure a copy of Outdoor Sports Always on hand.
fears were successful have they been that the reason, while others said they would go
deck again. W. H. Davison, formerly of East and Pastimes, containing complete
him on Buffalo company have shipped an for the honor there was in being a mem- Fork, but at present the manager rules for Lawn Tennis, Croquet and
John B. Mason came in from the improved vanner as a beginning, to ber ie convention. But nc we all
of the boarding houses of the Al- Base Ball ; just issued.
treat the immense quantities of
Salmon River country last Monday
. „ .
and left for Seattle the following low-grade ore that would not pay countyt voted himself six dollars per day Galena, was visiting Ketchum last
turas-Senate Mining Company at Buy a Home in Ellis, Kansas. HOY mil SPRINGS
day Mr. Mason is one of the early
pioneers of the Wood River coun-
treat by the old pan process. and
Mr. Rudolph Behren, the mana- overtaxed brains and hard work in form-
the Buffalo company, is ex-
mileage for pay of their wornoutand Wednesday and Thursday.
This town is one of the most promis­
ing in Kansas, located on the Union Pa­
R. C. Watson, division superin­ cific Railway. It is a division ot that
Fruit M Confectionery
Y and while he goes to Washing- of ing the grandest fizzle of a constitution tendent of the Blackfoot and Chal- road and has division shops, round house (0 This Pouplar Resort, lately 3D
try, erting himself to the utmost to get ever |aid
Territory to seek better business jB. , -ui oeoDle. This pay was just like the con- lis and
opportunities, he has not lost faith ready to crush ore soon as possible. £^tFion_it wak /elf-voted-and we hope Rocky Bar stage routes, came in are springing up and it is becoming a
the Mountain Home and and eating station. Mills and
factories leased by JOSEPH MORRELL,
has been re-fitted and re-opened
ia his mining ventures in Idaho,
and expects to be with us again in are
Aôiue from the corporations, there
many properties owned by in- down
people will vote the whole business from Challis Thursday evening and thriving place, in the midst of a prosper*
next November so deep that no part ous farming region. It is s healthy place
left the next morning for Mountain and the soil and climate are excellent.
z for the season of 1889 under the
most favorable auspice«.
6 D
Will keep instock Fresh French Candies

dividuals, among which may be of it will be resurrected for at least ten CC

the near future.
mentioned the claim of Messrs, years to come. All that is necessary to Home.
Oaetz &. Waltere unon which thov convince any fair mmded man against H. C. Harrison, of Salt Lake City,
Albert Woodcock,
General Land Comm’r, U. P.Ry. 0.
m direct from the manufacturer«.
Advice to Mothers. uaetz cl waiters, upon wuicn ino> ^ infam0U9 document is te look at the who has been spending the last
Mrs. Wixslow’s Soothing Syrcp for are erecting a five-stamp mill ; or Leboy 8. Wintebs,
Omaha, Neb. (0 PLUNGE and PRIVATE Z
Qf the different state officers and three weeks with his family at the PI NtlitM «al Sörtlntry,
children teething, is the prescription ef
those of Messrs. Biers & Motton, 0f otate judiciary. The idea of bav- Guyer Hot Springs, left on Tues­ Land and Emig. Agt., U. P. Ry, BATHS
one of the best female nurse* and physi­
cians in the United States, and has been Judge Heath’s and Mr. Geo. Tims, ing five district and three supreme judges day for the above named city. Mr.
E llis , K an . CC Will be furnished guests at the O Of all descriptions.
used for forty years with never-failing all more or less developed, and im- for a sparsely settled country like Idaho Harrison’s family will remain some Soda Spring«, Idaho. 3 usual prices, and the
success by millions of mothers for their proving with each day’s work. » preposterous, and £ time yet at the Springs. The splendid, new Idantaa Hotel erect­
children. During the process of teething v rp, The 6ores ofe *the 1.-. j
distnet carry make the people th# vote solid agaiost the ^ Beit Hotel Accommodations Perns, Pencil*, Ink, Etc.
its value is incalculable. It relieves the rubv, native silver and sulphurets,
child from pain, cureB dysentery and with gold in a free and snlphuret
, f
Chris. J. Johnston came up from ed last year at Soda Springs, Idaho, is 0.
Jhe Blackfoot News has an^re­ Hailey last Monday and went on to management of the Union Pacific Ry.
now open for the season under the direct At Reasonable o
ciarrhcea, griping in the bowels, and state, all admitting of being con- phatic word to say on ^e subject Vienna on Tuesday. Chris., accom­ This hotel is first class in every respect, _ To those desiring to avail them­
selves of this
wind colic. By giving health to the child centrated excCDt the rubv of Btat® government, whlch ahot panied by his brother, Frank A. with all the modern convenience and will mJ
it rests the mother. Price 25c. a bottle. K must not be imaging from the “rings the bell” no uncertam Johnston, have been spending a accommodate comfortably several bun* 0) DEU6NTFUL SUMMER RESORT Tobacco, Cigars and Cigarettes
week or ten days on the River and dred guests.
Geo. M. Snow and wife, Master foregoing that Atlanta produces “T“?' „Lra^l'of coaMeace forth. vicinity. Frank left for his home The medicinal springs which abound X
Harold Snow, Mrs. Judge Morgan, nothing but low-grade ores. Many jq-eW8 iay about Soda Springs are noted for tbeir j— Several Daily Hacks will run All brands, constantly on hand.
curative properties and many remarkable ä from Ketchum to the Springs m
the people are rapidly at Winona, Minn., last Monday.
and Mrs. Delano, left Ketchum yes­ thousands of dollars worth of ore weakening in their faith about the sue George M. Metzler, who was called cures have been recorded. 8plendid bunt- Vsv
terday for a camping excursion near have been extracted from the At- cess of statehood. (2)4 miles) and customers will E. B. WIELIABÄ.
to the death-bed of his father in ing and excellent fishing is to be found a find congenial treatment and
Ahlphors’ hot springs, on the Ga- lanta mines, whose richness almost
first-dus accommodations at Ul
If the members of the constitutional Iowa, about a month ago, returned few miles from Soda Springs. Good [
:cna Toad. The hunting and fish­ surpasses belief, which has been convention will read up on the state his- home last Thursday. Mr. Metzler livery and guides always to be bad.

the Baths, the Bar and the Hotel. m
and it is an ideal place for a camp.
U- j
ing in this locality are excellent, shipped to the east for reduction. tory of Nevada they will call a halt on
the propoaition to provide for a Judiciary reached his father in time to see For further information address,
Those who have visited the diner- ^ coa^ $24,000 a year and a legislature to him before he died. He remained E. L. LOMAX,
oc U
The scenery of the Boulder rnoun- ent mines, and whose experience coat $25,000, a session, and if they will some time after the sad event, set­ Gen’l Pass. Agt., . Picnic parties, private parties,
Omaha, Neb ^
tarns near this camping ground qualifies them to speak, say that oot,„the people surely will on ratification tling up the affairs of the estate. families, etc., desiring luncheon O
The U. P. Ry will sell excursion tick- ^ prepared, are requested to give
cannot be surpassed for grandeur the day is not far distant when At- day, and no mistake,
or picturesque effects. lanta will be “nolle secundis.” L * DUt *>r the convention to crack : If
F. W. Collidge, engineer of the
ets to Portland, Astoria, Victoria, B. C., one day’s notice. z
Accident to Dick West
m n ir 11 , c. tv , . 1 „ . three judges at a cost of *3,000 do the Wood River branch railroad, ac­ Port Townsend,Tacoina, Seattle,Olympia,
T. B. Mulkey left Ketchum last judiciftl work fortheTerritory and United companied by his wife and O. G. and if desired returning via San Francis­ To Whom it May Concern
\\ edn6sday for Boyle rnountsin. wh&t will be tbe increased per Thayer, one of the principal me­ co. Trains leave September 10th from
Word comes from Smoky that Mr. Mulkey has become interested cent Qf litigation for the State tu neces- chanics of the machine shop at following named points: Salt Lake City,
Dick West met with a painful acci­ with Taylor & Stewart in a lease on sitate eight judges at a cost of $24,000 Shoshone, accompanied by his wife, Ogden, Park City, Evanston, Montpelier, J. K. MORRILL. Lessee. The IDAHO FORWARDING
dent last week. While hauling a a portion of the Idaho mine lecated exclusive of United States business* Soda Springs, Pocatello, Brigham, Lo­
passed through town on Wednes­ gan, Blackfoot, Eagle Rock, Shoshone, COMPANY have placed all
load of lumber from the sawmill to in the above named camp. This is I« « *'«»■ “d P™“8“1 “
Lia hotel, one of the wagon wheels the same mine . .i • , »r;i* to the future, and at the same time have day on their return from Lake Ta- Bellevue, Hailey, Ketchum, Glenn’s Fer­ Application for Patent Accounts due them In the
upon which Milt acare tbe present, too. While the
struck a stump, throwing Dick off Mourning is now prosecuting work, COQVention is building for Idaho in years homa or Redfish lake. ry, Mountain Home, Nampa, Caldwell,
hands of C. K. GRISWOLD
Mrs. A. W. Comstock and son, Payette, Weiser and Ontario, at tbe fol­ Survey No. 758.
t..e wagon and breaking his collar and which is making at present to come it should not overlook Idaho of Mrs. Fred. W. Gooding and family, lowing rate:
bone, as well as inflicting severe such a*favorable showing. Notice No. 291. for COLLECTION, who Is
to-day. A burden that can be borne by Mrs. E. B. Williams, Mrs. J. V. To Portland and return, going and re­
bruiaes. Dick is laid up for repairs, James F. Shaw and Charles Spear a million people cannot be borne by sev- Easley, Miss Leona Griffin, Miss turning direct.................................. |50 00 C nitxd States L and Orncx.
Hailey, Idaho, August 2, 1889.
authorized to Collect and
with the prospect of soon coming left Ketchum last Tueadayfor Boyle “g j Victoria and return,
return going by
we„th Nora Griffin and Master George ToOcean and returning by Sound. Notice is hereby given that the Philadel­ Receipt for the same, and
out aa good as new. mountain. Messrs. ..haw, Spear an<j resources of Illinois nor of Ohio and Easley left last Wednesday upon a ToVia Seattle and Tacoma ........... 55 00 phia and Idaho Company, an organization
San Francisco and return, going incorporated under the laws of the 8tate a Prompt Sottlemont with
Bnow in August and Jerome Jacobs have taken a is useless to attempt to make a consti camping tour to the Redfish. lakes via Portland and returning by C. P. of New Jersey, by its attorney-in-fact, Wm.
lease on the Tenbroke mine at tution that would suit those States better and other favorite resorts in the R. R. direct.................................... 65 00 Hyndman, whose postoffice address is him of such Accounts will
Last Monday morning, August Boyle mountain for a year. We than it would Idaho and expect the peo- To San Francisco and return, going Ketchum, Alturas county, Idaho Territory,
19th. the mountains at the head of wish the lessees of all mining op- pie to ratify it The people will be proud Salmon River valley. via Portland,
rtland, Victoria, Seattle. Ta- has made application lor a United States bo necessary.
Trail creek, and those at the head erations all the aucceas imaginable -»“efa„“ B. T. Young, of Caldwell, fore- coma, and return via C. P. R. R 80 00 Patent for the
of the north fork of Wood river,
man of the bridge repairers of the Tickets good for return three months.
they will never consent to O. S. L. Ry., came in on Wednes­ Also, good for stop over at any point go-1 Consolidated lode mining claim, situate in
«4 Baby Ethel*’ aad “Dipper** Idaho Forwarding Co.
were white with snow. While the If mining companies will not work gjateSj
their mines the boys will,and work raortgage all they have got for the ad- day’s train and went on up to the in« nr further returning. I Warm Springs Creek mining district,_Altu-
valley was visited with a little of them out, too, if given a reasonable mission ticket. % or
particular, aud detail, call
Guyer Hot Springs to join his wife, on or write to the undersigned for small _roun<j hereinafter described, being lots
tbe longed-for and welcome rain, it lay out. Before the adjournment of the who has been at the springs for the circulars. FIOIGER
vras snowing on the mountain tops, Work has been suspended for the constitutional convention a corn-
Nos. 79 and 80. and described in the field
where the wintry covering fell to present upon the Silver King mine mittee was appointed to lay before past ten days. The repairers who J. V. Parker, SaltLake. notes andplat of the official survey on file
n E Enoalls. “ “ in this office, with magnetic variation at
accompanied Mr. Young will re-
*ke depth of two inches. On the at Sawtooth. All the miners but the people the reasons why the con-
divide between Galena and Saw­ two have been discharged. Those stitution prepared by the conven- main on the branch for a few days
tooth the snow was three inches two have been left in charge of the tion should be adopted. This corn- repairing the bridges and will make Is one which is guaranteed to bring you Uq* e. 540 feet to a point on southeast end
â Safe Invaitmant
A S»re investment,
18 degrees 30 minutes east, as follows :
The “ Baby Ethel”: Commencing at the
discovery point and running thence S. 34°
deep the same date. Ketchum their headquarters. satisfactory results, or in case of failure a of claim ; thence N. 54° E. 260 feet to corner
mine. It is to be hoped that this ar- mittee have issued an address to return of purchase price. On this safe No. 1; thence N. 34° 50'W. 1467 feet to cor-
Merit Wins. rangement will be only temporary, the people of Idaho, picturing in Arrivals at Guyer Hot 8prings. plan you can Kl,_ buy frrtm nnr «Hvprtised ner ner No.No. 3;2; thence
thence 8 S.. 54°
34° W.
50‘ 560 feet to
E. 1467 cor-
feet to
We desire to say to our citizens, that and that work will soon be resumed glowing terms the advantages to be A Union Pacific special brought Druggist a bottle of Dr. King s New Ois- corner No 4. thence N. 51° E. 560 feet to
for years we have been selling Dr. King’s upon this fine mining property, derived from a State government, in a party of railroad people on the cuvery for Consumption. It is guaranteed corner No. 1. the place of beginning survey ;
to bring relief in every case, when used containing 18.856 acres. No conflicts, Main Street, opposite First National Bank.
New Discovery for Consomption, Dr. which, under the systematic man- But a careful reading of the docu-
King’s New Life Pills, Bucklen’s Arnica agement of the lessee, Major Hynd- ment fails to disclose the slightest
15th inst. who made a short visit for any affection of Throat, Lungs or From corner ^-2 ^c^VTverR0^-
halve and Electric Bitters, and have never man, has made such a good record allusion to the number of the pop- to the Guyer Hot Springs. The
Chesl, suchas Consumption, Inflammation “ ' ’
bandied remedies that soil as well, or that following named persons were in of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping jhe »• Dipper” lode: Commencing at the ---- General Dealers in----
have given such universal satisfaction.
for the past eighteen months. ulation of Idaho, a point, it seems the party : W. B. Kelley and wife, Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant discovery point and running thence 8. 46°
We do not hesitate to guarantee them to us, of paramount importance, C. F. Ressequie and wife, and Miss ou. and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe,and E. 960 feet (same magnetic variation) to a
.lwa,. b, depeodedupoo. Trial bot- gijrio^outh red of dju.', three. N .54° ^
Th« Coming Circua. and one upon which the foundation Maud Taylor, of Omaha ; Mrs. A. BEEF, PORK, MUTTON,
every time, and we stand ready to refund The Farini-McMabon show, which will ties free at Steward Bros, drug «toi | 50' w 1467 {get to corner No. 6; thence 8.
the purchase price, if satisfactory results of a state government for our terri­ T. Fleming, of Lincoln, Neb. ; Miss
do cot follow their use. These remedies be at Hailey on Friday, August 80th, is tory must eventually rest. „ —7T~~. : t , . 54° W. 600 feet to corner No. 7; thence 8.
The small boy 18 now looking 49056'30" E. 1511.1 feet to corner No 8;
have won their great popularity purely on highly endorsed by tbe press everywhere Edith Kerman, of Macomb, 111., an d BUTCHER’S 8UPPLIBB, Etc.
Mrs. Ilett, of Topeka, Kansas. J. after circus money, and trout have thence N. 54° E. 206 feet to corner No. 5,
their merits. Steward Bros., Druggists. it has spread its tent*. Tbe Denver Neves, Proxy’« Biography. f V . lui-«)) «Imno the place of beginning survey : containing •Prompt attention given to town and
July 16, says: The Cassia County Times, in giv­ C. Tebbetts, of Cambridge, Mass., to bite or boy no go to circus. | 10.229 acres claimed? exclusive of 3.340
aares, the area in conflict with ‘‘Sovereign
Serious Affair at Sawtooth. PARIKI AND MCMAHON’« CIRCUS. ing a brief biographical sketch of John D. Ladd, of Lynn, Mass., also of the Hills” lode, unsurveyed, which con­
oountry orders. jySltl
The Farini McMahon circus opened some of the delegates to the late visited the springs the same date.

Palace Hotel
An unfortunate occurrence took flicting area is hereby expressly excepted
çlace at the Cornucopia Saloon at tbeir tent doors yesterday afternoon and constitutional convention has the On Saturday, the 17th inst., the from this patent application.
From comer No. 6 section corner com­
following named persons were reg­
bawtooth, last Monday evening, be- evening at Twenty-third
streets to a vast concourse of people. The
'veen 9 and 10 o’clock. The partici­ evening performance was especially well McMahon :
pants were Thomas J. Reid, one of attended, the audience being quite a
and Welton following to say about our Proxy
Having been in the ranks of labor as
istered from Shoshone : C. K. Mc-
Crum and wife, C. W. Wernicker
mon to sections 23, 24,25, 26, T. 4. N., R. 18,
E., bears N. 80° 40' 30'' E. 2031.9 distant.
Total net area claimed, 29.065 acres.
The said raining claim being of record in
St. Mary’s Academy
the proprietors of the saloon, and fashionable ono. This ideal equestri- a hard toiler, he takes an untiring inter­ and wife, Miss H. Wernicker, Miss Ketchum, Idaho. the office of tbe Recorder of said mining SALT LAKE CITY,
Henry Schwartz, son of tho well olytnpian is among tbe few legitimate est in tbe labor question and is Master B. Wernicker, F. Chamberlain and district at Hailey, in Alturas county, Idaho.
The nearest known locations being the CONDUCTED BY THE
Workman of the Knights of Labor at the
Known hunter and trapper of the sawdust entertainments and is well wor­ town of Ketchum ; is a democrat and an wife and B. Perine. ‘•American Eagle” lode, U. 8. lot #• tbe
Sawtooth mountains. Henry had thy patronage. Tbe ring programme ia *
earnest and energetic worker in the
long cherished an ill will against most interesting and varied. The excel­ interest of the party ; at present a member on the register on the 17th. Dr.
The following names were also JAMES JUDGE, - - Proprietor. I ® ü.TÏÂ’36, “4
I direct that this notice be published in
Sisters of the Holy Cross
lent circus entertainments are from ne­
the proprietors of the Cornucopia cessity of the democratic central committee of Charles J. Ellis, Buffalo, N. Y. ; J. the Ketchum Keystone, the newspaper
compelled to give a certain char­ published nearest the said consolidated Stndiea lor boarders and day-pupils will
saloon and had repeatedly threat­ acter of entertainment, and their standard Altnras county. W. Ballantine and wife, Muldoon ; claim, for the_period of sixty days. be resumed Monday. September 2,1886. The
ened to do them harm. On the must be measured by the individual abil­ The Times is probably not aware and G. B. Hill and wife, Bellevue. h T O. BILLINGS. Register. English coarse« include all the branches
On Sunday, the 18th, the register First publication. August 3,1886. necessary for a first-class education. The
evening in question he had been ity of tlie performers. By this standard how fortunate it
drinking heavily, and it seems he tbe show is away above the average. The have been a member of that county shows the following names: P. A.
was for Proxy to FIRST CLASS OVMPaCAM » BATTKN, At&ÿs DrrialattC languages, linear drawing, vocal mnsic in
dass, plain sewing and ornamental needle
went into the saloon determined to riding is excellent, and the daring horse­ central committee. Hard, indeed, Regan, wife and family, Mrs. Corn- work form no extra charge.
^ake trouble. Mr. Reid and one men elicited hearty applause. The acro­
batic feats smacked of foreign training, was the toil Proxy
two others who were present, impossible for home talent to duplicate. order to become a bright and shin­ Randall and wife, Miss Mary Lind­
tried to quiet him and get him to The slack wire artiste is the best that haa ing light of that body of organic sey, of Hailey ; Alex. Simpson, of
performed in stock, Mrs. H. O. Billings, Nathan IN EVERY RESPECT.
For Sale or Rent Terms are modified when two or more of
the family are at school at the same time.
8tudents attending All Hallow’s College
are permitted to visit their sisters at tne
out, when he caught Mr. Reid yet visited Denver, and her marvelous law-makers. And had it not been Rocky Bar ; W. J. Lee, Miss Mag­ Having bnainesa to attend to that will oc-
I cupy my exclusive time and attention out- railroad lines.
naif rates can be secured on two of the
>’ the vest, pulled him out on the performance laat evening won her hearty for the discreet selection that Proxy gie Warden, Miss Strom, Miss Ella
porch and began beating him about applauae. The programme was quite a
ieugthy one and when completed the big
made of himself, a choice which Pomeroy, Mrs. Sinnot, F. J. Griffith Good Beds & Airy Booms on ew«dr rivef’ mu«s below
1 Ketchum, for sale or rent on the most ub-
the face and head. Believing his crowd dispersed more than satisfied with was so enthusiastically indorsed by John Reinburg, of Bellevue ; Chas. For catalogues, address as above.
Doane,W. Edgeeome, wife and child, eral terms.
.e to be in jeapordy, Reid drew a their three hours of entertainment. himself and his handful of “prox­ Good house and barn on the premises,
pistol and shot Schwartz in the aide. Tbe company is a combination of Fa- ies,” the Times man would not have of Shoshone; George Ewing and
hjr- Lewis was sent for and went up rini’s Grand Australian and McMahon 3 had the opportunity and pleasure Mr. Young, of Pocatello ; R. J. An­
Tuesday. He says that the wound Great World’s, and the excellent features of announcing to its readers the drew, of Richmond, Va., George B.
Throughout the bouse.
eluded if the purchaser or leasee so désiras.
is not noce.ssarily dangerous. Mr. of both have been retained. Even tbe
brief biographical sketch of Proxy’s Jordan, of Chicago ; J. G. Rumsey, Ketehnm, Idaho. 8AWTOOTH, IDAHO.
teid came to Ketchum and gave jokes clowns are of new make-ap and new
life and doings. The wonderful Frank Stone, W. H. Brodhead and
and the antics of some arc truly
himself up and was admitted to laughable. Tbe show is a legitimate one selections he made at the meeting W. A. Brodhead, of Ketchum.
hail in the sum of $500 to await the in every respect and does not bave t of that ever-memorable county cen­ Baker Since Sunday : J. H. Donald, of
City, Or.; J. W. Walker, of
Nice Sample Roomsj $20 reward .
Outwit, MdH Sum iM »Mm
l?Sj e Schwartz’s hurt. Reid was sort to toy
badly hurt about the face.
any of........................
the illegitimate
frequently practiced by others.
*" device« tral committee ; the severe toil and
labor which occupied his days and Salt Lake ; W. C. Bills, of Denver ; For Commercial Travelers. Strayed or Stolen
Connected with the establishment.
F. J. Mills, of Pocatello ; T. L. Ap I will pay Twenty Dollars reward for in­
îucklen’8 Arnica Salve. A perfect complexion, free from nights during the time the conven­ els, of Boston; Mrs. J. Bury, V. formation leading to the recovery of tbe
The Best Salve in the world for Cot« pimple or blemish, is very rarely tion was in session, have left their Pows, of Hailey ; Mrs. W. V. Wat­ following described home«:
Raises, Sores, UIccTs, Balt Rheou, Fever seen, because few people have per­ imprint on that dignified body and ters, of Chicago ; Mrs. H. Z. Burk­
One Light Sorrel Horae about 16 hands Persons visiting the Redfish Lakea and

A Good Restaurant
high, one white hind foot, white stripe in other beautiful resorts in tbe Batoon River
- £re®» Tetter, Chapped Hand«, Chilblains, fectly pure blood. And yet, all dis­ will long be held in grateful remem­ face an anvil brand on both shoulders.
tos, and ail bkia Eruptions, and poei- brance by his proxy constituency hart, of Hailey; R. B. Strahorn VaOey can be amply accoaamodatad et the
One Dark Bay with an anvil- and croaa MagnoBa, at reasonable price*, and vaerive
1 ^,5*7 cdtee Pile«, or do pay required. It figuring eruptions are easily re­ and the party for whose “interest and wife, of Hailey Hot Springs ; on left shoulder !xmi and court' ttf ■;
: £*p*raot*®d to give perfect «aristaetioa, moved by the use of Ayer’s Sarsa­ he has been such an “earnest anc T. W. Collidge and wife, O. P.
June M, 1M6. ■ Sawtooth, Idaho.
Mw«???£* r*fdoded. Price K caste per parilla. Try it, and surprise your Thayer and wife, of Shoshone. in connection with the hones.
**• For «ale bÿ Steward Bros. friends with the result. energetic worker.”


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