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Japer ceed at the XXXVEIE Tacernattonel Congress of Anertesntsts) by FON DO we sTKARNS ernee aug nT ase Gavoline tniversicy BescH mMPERA "he sacred bundles aze knows es the most sacred objects of the Flaine and Poctle Indians, They are mainly containers or wrappings of Mde or textiles chat aexved to keep the parophernalia for the rituls. smeng these contents ore Cigured melte care, stones, dried enimels, birds, ete. Tete most inportant centent was the asceibed power, ox better "exergy", The rituals consisted of tthe opening of the bundles and represented the mythical creation of the vorlt lov the schlovenent of the bundles, The fusdlee were always thought £5 be eon in North Amaetes you ean distingussh two tyrest (@) The {aoettuttonal bundles: Those were pocseased by tribes, villages, ceremonial orginizations and/or clans, They were cornacted with Long mytha that told of the aequisition by one of the ancestors or ite optgin during the evearton of the world, The rLtuale of hese butdlee yore necessary For the welfare of the erihe, in go far as chey brought ferttitty of sen, anteals and plants, humetng success, weather control and Tuck for the war. They were always handed down within the lineages, Tn nost of the cases, chieftaincy {8 theoretically based on the preservation of an importent bundle. @) The iniividuat bundles: these vere ouned by individuals, ‘They vere acquired by ncons of visions during pulerty end served mainly for personal success and - in the Southwest - for heelivg. Only in very few cases were they Amerieed. Amore subtle dealing with the sources to the religions of Mesoamerica reveals {ncveastagly simtlarities to the religions of North Anerica, especially to those of southern North America, Many ronarks on this fact have already been male, This is also an inpertant respect to the charactor of the a2 advanced civilizations of Mesoamerica. Unfortunttsly, we are vesteieted to very fev source: 5 prehistory does not serve very mich for thote objectives Therefore, historical-geneticel argumentation is wry restricted here. Om the other hand, the confrontation of the North inerican and Mesoamerican materiale ‘enables us to interpret the few reliable rources on Yesosnerica vhose scarcity sakes then so difficult to the ethnologist. By this procedure we coulé achieve am evaluation of the cherecter of 4ifferent phenomena of the Nesoanerican Feligions that coulé help us to get sone histarical-genetteal intiehts = pro- vided there are enough archeeclogicol evidences, I shall use the Sacred funéles as an exanple for thie bistorieal-synchron work. In the Mexicenistic discipline there are fov ronarks on aecred bundles, The first hint is by Krickeberg 1), the "bulto sagcado" ie sometime mentioned (0 Kricketerg, Walter 1928: Mecrohen der Axtoken und Inkeperuarer, Meye und Mutsce, Jens.) in works on the Mixtecs and their codices 2). Nowotry wes the cotly author (2 e.g. A.Caso and B. Dahlgren de Jordan) vhe explains their actual Aportance in the ritual ifs of Ancleat Mexico in a few sentercs 1 en now going to review the fev passages in che nuntcanietic scurce neterial, that give us ovidence for che bundles in Mesoamerica, In the Central Valloys Mendieta offers the nost inportant evidence in aciition to his vers{on of the creation of the sun, Nenauston had hinself cremated in Yeotimaacan in frost of all che assembled goda and became the god of the sun "Nau Olin". Afeor his rise ke stopped and densnéed the aacritice Of e11 the gods before he vould contimue nis course, So all the gods left their “resses and devices co their devotees before xoleti sacririced them. Tese dresses, mainly mantes, were wcapped around wooden boxes aud chia was allied Smequinitot11%,) Mendieta continues thar this was their mein idol widen chey clays kept hidden aad that Fray Andsds Olnoe sew sue of then 3}, The Actec term Mequimilolli ts derived from (3 Nendieta, Gerdoimo de 1870: Historia motes: México, Second Book, Chapter 2.) quistiowattie ~ a wrap up sensthing - and moans "the bundled up thins" ta the "ioyerds do los soles!” there is also deseribed the origin of 2 Gila bundle by the death of © deity. Xtuhnol and Mimich, to Minixcos, pereued ‘ero doubte-headed deer thot hed fallen fem hoaven, These decr changed their sppeorance inte two beavtifel women uho tried to seduce the two Kinizeoa miuhoot gave in and eo one achieved pover over him and ate his heart, But vinich kitted the other one who wes celled Itzpapelotl, Ost fron her ashes blankoes rose five flint katvos, ona of vhich the gods grasped and wrapped int. hiaceath took £¢ ae hls god and cenried it on his beck while on the war pach the passage eays!Mqutmtloque ye quimane™ + chey wrapped Lt up and eseried 16 cm thet becko 4). (& Lehmann, Welter 1938: dncles de Caanhedtlan, Seuttgort ‘und Sorlin, 1518-1540.) hore de = parallel pessage in the "Historia de los nextcores por sus pintursels Aftor tho ereation of the sun, @ double-hesded eer felt from heaven, vhick Conartli geve to the Guitlavasa aa a god anf vhick he took en his shoulders during hia cempatgrs. When he Lost the deer he also lost the wer against the chichinoea 5). (5 Gerege Teazbalcets, Jouqufa 1891 Nueva cotescién de documentos indlitos pera Le historia de México, Vol. ULL, Mémieo, p. 297+] tho myth hore deals with @ war bundle, whose contents are derived frm Teepapetoti and which as a whole 1s deduced fram the god of hunting Mixcost!- conaxelt, The whole ayeh notive was surely widely known, because 1¢ appesre mong, the wall paintings of Mitle, tn all the vorstons of the Aztec nigretion myth, the enc: rrequently ventioned, Torquemada tells of the Mexicone making a sedan for puseettepcentlt in Boy Cothuacan ap he naé demanded, They cated ( Viegokepslli and carried hin oa At, Me also get tre servants chen thoy cated wreotlmecanqui" and the action of carrying it thoy sailed "tecnand”. In oat teanae two “quintles" fell fron hesven one of them containing # proctout stone, tho other two pices of wood; the Torochea and th Tlateleice cusrrolled for thon, The Tonsehes absndonod the prcefous gxven stone onl used the pteces of wood for the First fire, os Puiteilepochtli had tauche them 6). (6 Torquonata, Sunn de 1723: Yointe y un Mbros ricueles 4 Norarchia Indiana. Madrid. Vol. I. 7p. TBE.) Chtsolpehyn sentions along with aost of the stations of the tribal stzra- Hons of Agtecs, Chalea, Chichinecs of sny kind, Olnece, Nonchuelea, ete, the name of the respective tlatoeni and the respective tecnane - positively the carrier of the sacred bundle, The Huitsilopochtli tundle already mentioned 40 depicted on the Firat page of the Cédice Boturini or Tirs de Le peregrina ctcn. sierds wanted to Find In a trial held by the inquistzLon Ln 1539 ehe Spa ‘out the vherenbouts of the bundles of the main temple of Terochettlen, the ost inportant among thom being that of HitsLlopochtlt, We may gether fron the hoarings of the ultnosses that everybody was afratd to untie it, similar to North series, Four men were the guerdiens of the nein bundle ond they ‘hag inherited thotr offices fron their fethers, It ts cbvtcus that they were the successors of the four teomane 1). (J Frocescs de indice iddlatras y hechiceros 1912: Publicaciones del Archive General 60 12 HaciSa, México, VoL TIT, pp, 115-124.) Te docunents teli about encther trial fran which hearings wwe ney gathor that alL the calpull{ hed dtfferent bundles and, on the other hand, that all the villages aad towns had 2 mein bundle celled “altepetlyyollo" = | the heave o€ the tom 8). (B Lie. #P. 168,288.) i Im the "Relacisn de Texcoco", Zonet rolls thet in this tom exch calpuitt hag ite own bundle when the ancestors of these calputlt had carried to chts town ducing thetz migration, IMs nigretion wyth motive is bes Ina hall beside the main teopte oF Texcore wv fas that of che Hopi and 238 | spectel bundles vere gietded. Ono wes that of TezeatLipoce aod contained 2 black mirror and precioas stones, This sirror shell heve guided the people of the bertic Huitznshuac on their migration to Texcoco by speaking to then with a humen voice, the bundle of Huitetlopcehtli coutetzed two maguoy pointe that Fouar, who did aot understead it completely, called "turlerfa", Both the bundles wore wrapped in mony mintes 9). (9 Gereda Teotbeloets, J., op. cits, pp. 1214.) It should bo stressed here that Arturo Nongén classified the ealpullt as ‘onbilatorel clans 10). Ths connection of bundles and clans 4s actually (10 Monash, Arturo 1949: EL salpulli on 1a orgenizectt m social de los Tenachen, Méelec) the sane as {n North Anerica, Probably the sccisl organization of | Mesconerica wae ritually based Like thst of nary North Anexican tribes. ‘There are two sources dealing with sacred bundles of the Cholutesan ares The Historia Tolteca-Chichimecs proves that the wandering Nonalea carried sacred bundles ar did the Aztecs and Chiles. The Codex Borgia offers ste only copiction of 2 comple ritual centering orcurd @ sacred bundle, on . 35 the bundle 1s picked up by exo priests and on p, 36 it te ritually opened, Out of che 4acred bundle cone pine Smeke Soxpente, COlLbris ant sage ‘The content of the sacred buudze 4s Gopteted 12 me Sacke SexpentD; te ts ade up of canes, ageve points, maize, en eagle's head, blood, water and precious stones, According to Nowotuy, e11 thet represents the energy chat Le stored up in the bundle apd is released by the cerenenis] opening, That vould eyain bo the osus conception ae in North America, 11), (IL tovotay, Karl Auton 1961: Thscuilollt, Monunente Anerteaea TIE, Borlin, p- 32.) ‘the woot important report on Kinteosn oxerad bundlae ds affared by Father urgoe. A collesgue of his destroyed a1] the Sdcle in a cave Ea a nountain ear Jehtutlo; this setton (uprecsed tho dchebitents 20 mich, that thoy handad ore: to hin their nest Anportant idol, he latter wan a proctoas green etore in the form of a bird and 2 snake, It was wrepped in nany stesnge clo:he. Tt ves called "corazdn del pueblo", which actually has the sape neaning “eltepetlyyollo", nanely, the heart of the villege cr comm 12). (12 Burgos, Frencisco de 1934: Geogedfica Descripeléa. Publicceiones del Archive General de Le Nactéa, XV, Meiko, 9p, 3326.) Aleo fron tho Mixtecs, we haw documents of the Inquisition, thee refer (/1 to Sacred Bundles, Tho Gédice do Yonhuitldn tolle that the cacique of this toun conesaled a aative privet vho cock cere of tventy-edd bundles. He worshipped thes sundles every night end invoked them before every journey. ‘At the tine of the noize harvest, cack bundle wes taken ovt, opened ant received sacrifice of a qaail. ‘he editors of the Gédice de Yenhuttlé, Mateos Higuera and Hiacues Moreno, could prove thet the names of som? of che bundles and sons delties that are mentioned {2 the Relactonss Gevgrdticas are identical, The opening of all the bundles éuring herwest tine documents mete use for feasts of the 365 day calendar, i.e, monthiy feasts, and their to- fluence on ageiculture 13), (13 Jinduez Noreno, wigberto and Mateos MLguere, Salvador 1940; Coiice de Yenhuitlsn., Mékiec, pp. Af, and 49.) the sacrex bundles appear also very often an the Mixtecan codices. On p, 38 of the retro~ side of the Gadex Vindobonensis, quetzalecati "Niro Wing" rings tne cripat relies ftom heaven co earth, among these objects chac exe shown shove him tn four tenptes tn heaven, there 1s also 9 ssored bundle, On pr 14 of the Codex huttetl the acquistcion of 4 sacred bundle 18 drown, ‘ho priests bring Le ost of © com ~ ageln cogecher vith other tribal relies, Like guincuux standart, care bundie, snitl's shell, fixe drill and « torch. P. 3 of Gedexe Selden T snows the first tytog up of two esered lundic# by eve pricaea, pecbabiy size denoting thetr acquisition, After che eriginel acquicition wa elvaye soo the sEeeing in front of the woerad bundle soue scons - a nobleman wakes a tobsceo oT of © certain cova and becomes the ruler of the sims place. On p, 10 2 reler taccifices bs prisoners of wer in front of 2 bundle hat is depicted on top of the highest step of temple - this is the regular vay of representation. 14) (U4 Alethofer, Otto 1861: Codex Vindobonensis. Grae., Kingaberoush, ave King 1830: anciguities of Mextec, Vol, I, London.) Codex Bodley shovs on pp. 24-31 a "ettusl of the king’ in extenso; f regularly 4: is depictec in 0 very chbreviated form, Ae the feast in the terole appear 26 privsts, one of then carrying the saczed Sundle, The next sur Wind" in front of the episole shovs the inthrontection of the now ruler " bundleo of his hone town 15). (15 Caso, Alfonse 1960: Coda Bodloy, México.) The nose peculiar representaticn {8 thet on p, 10 of the Codex Becker T. A prisoner of wer {¢ first drei on the eenslactl Fighting # mock ducl exd then bound egeinet « lattice and pierced by s spear, his was one of the nost inportant mentors of sacrifice. It must be renarked that the Lettice stanés exseely An front of a cenple wien sacred bundle. Novotny compared this passsge with the seeritiee for ene Yorning Star bundle of che Faynse, The Pawnee bound & young virgin captive to a Lattice, pierced her with ¢ spear and burned her tor che Morning Star 16). (10 Nowoeny, Karl a,, 1961: Geaices mecker E> 12, Graz.) the major part of the Selden Roll refers co the wandering of four sen, Mey prey in @ comple tn trone of @ sacred bundle ond tater find a similar bundle with © Queteclcoel head on theiz wey, Burload explained this passoge as the request for kingship and the grant by the donation of e bundle. The four vanderers remind one of the four Loumamss of the HultsLiopochelt bundle becouse one of ther carries the bundle oa bis shoulders 17). (17 But Gottte &. 1955; The Selden Roll, Momumonta Anorteana IIE. Yorlin.) Outside of the Actee-Mintes area, sacred bundles ean bo fourd only tn the Guctenaten Highlonds, 411 these aze dseumontod Ln the traditions cf the Quiché ond Cakchiquel. According co the Popel Wh. 11 the pecple that had arrived in Tuldn were given thoir gods by apparitions. Backbaskots wore con- secrated to the gods. Here, too, four carriers of the god - Like the teonana = are cited, but each of then carries his own god. At the ord of the mpration, those four eldesta cr patriarchs wero conoved ané Left the scered bundles that were never opened, Those bundles were called "Flzon ~ Gagall, i.e. “power ~ tied up! 18). (18 Schulee2 Jens, Leosherd 1944: Popol ub, Berlin. pe. 109, 143, 145, 163.) Tn the "Titulo de Lor scores de Totenteepan"', the fixe leaders received thelr "leon ~ Gaga” fron the rest father Neextt shen thes left BoTuldn, Bat hore it {9 positively stated thet they epened the bundle at seversl stops during thoir migration aed that the bundle wos the reston they wore fared and rospocted 19), (19 Heelnos, Arise 1950: Memortel de Solold, Mixieo, p. 215.) In the “Anales de los Cekchiqueles", the "Ptzas- cogel” or "Otvon-Gagal” Lp mentioned a¢ a present in the Recince edition ant es ¢ bundle in the Brinton edftion 20), (20 ibiden, pp. 53, 60. Brinton, De el G. 1885: The Annals of the Cakchiquels. Fhiledetphiz.) ‘émeng the Tautunil, Mendelson learned that « sacred bundle was still in vuse by @ Cofrodia for Sen Juan, The nabeysi] or ritualist hed to have "nswel" and “sontide", i.e, pover and feeling, for his tesk, otherwise ne would not be eble to “Lift che bundle", He vas to be an “ojkun"" or éivirator. MonfeLson ageures chat the ritual pertaining to it was connected with the due systen by ts allegiance to Ruy San Martin, tho King of all che dvetog or lords of aitterent aspects of Life. ALL the evidenees favor he epinion that che Guciios replaced the old gods, Mendelson deduces fron the deeds acetates co Geng nabeysils that tho ritual of chia cofradge was originsLy © eat rLeset 21). (1 Mandelson, Michael 1958: 4 Guatenalan Sacred Bundle. Men WEE, pp. 121-125.) uring the course of this ritual, che mabeystl cock difZerent ehLctx out of the bundle ond put then on, which reniads of the North Anerican custom of leoding © wer dress to different indtviduels. fothegyh Lists theve treed bndlco onong the elemencs chet vere Drought to the Custenelon High fe during the Toltce migrecion 22.) (22 Borkesyi, Stepehn P. 196c: Hondbaoke of Midéte Americas Indiens IT, p. 2) Movever, mere is no wey of proving thoy wore thors before o not. ‘Tho following correspondences ca be established by using the material on the Institutional Suedics of Hesomerica ond southoen North America: Q) the contents of the bundles ore made up mainly of corn ears, precious stonea and eninsis, (2) The Frequently s¢eted teportence of che wrappings vhich vere more thin a mers packing cnco. (3) Rnorgy de the scorot and invisible content of the bundles, (6) Opening of tho bundies constitutes the rLeuals. Ricual opening 4s the only possthle accoas to the concents. Tavocettons exe verified tn Mescenerien, ond in North Anorics thers ie also proof of songs, (5) The purposs of tho bundico ond rites wos tr{bel welfare, wuntner control and wre, Tess healing. (6) ALL the undies are deduced from the oxoction of the world oF the migrstion of the tribe. The diagnostic eyth motive olways contains the bearing of the bundles on the shoulders ond © sort of Maynothtenos", tie, the concentrated or joint settling of éffferent clone. (7) the setuel, not aythicol, comection of the hindlee with the eton system, A bundle eystem or hierarchy cf bundles corrvsponds ro the clas system and includes ¢ suprene sacred bundle called "Coriadn del puesto" of "ALtopetiyyollo", -10- (8) Ghiettainay or Kingship is based endfor traced back to the “posscssion, preservation or teking core of sacred bundles 23). (23 Stensel, Werner 1967: Das deilige indel 4a Nescenerike, Ph.D. Thesis, Untversity of — } Thanta.) Those results also suggest the sinilarity of cerencnial potteras: e.8. of Jatec and Fusblo religions: the Pueblo prlesthoods went into eetreat vith thelr bundles for four or etpht days and during the Lest day of the festival they hed the meshed and/or unmasked dancers personify the geds involved tn the HHmusl, The Aztecs similarly hed for the fectivele of the 365 day year, tie the vonthly ceremonies, 9 preparation period of twenty or eighty days - nost and during the last dey they hed the probebly Sawvolving the sacred bundles representation of the involved deities by sccrifictel victins. T should tke to aid that the viston quest which in North Anerice frex quently is counseted vith individual sacred bundles cen be found in Meso- series, too, without bundles, Three of the paragrephs of the #L£th book of Schegun give postetve proof thet pricsta ond werriors sought the vision of thee appearances of Tezcatlipoce to have success, mainly in war; they sighed and longed for 42, 29 state Sahagun"s informenta 24). (24 Schultze Jona, Leonhard 1930: Nanrsegerei, Hisineistunde tne Nalender cer aiten aeteken, Stuttgart. pp. 23,27.) Im the rituals of the tetecutin and kings, the cendidetes had co blacken their faces, fast and stey eweke, Just Ike the Inctan youngeters tron the area between che Rocky Mounentns wel the Great Takes, who had to put thenselves into a "pitisble eonéition! vo thet A spirit “otghe nave merey on then'" 25), (25 Redin, Paul 1616: The Winnsbags ceive. Bi ~ 37h AR, Washington, p. 457) in the Miatorte toltecachichinses the four Chichinee rulers ace depleted vateing in Erase 2 be nourished by (26 Preiss, Kensad 7, ond Mengte, Benot oir: Die nextkantsehe BLidorhendschri fe Historia Teltece ~ Chichincee, nythicsl exglea ond jaguars 26). aaessler Archiv, Bethefe 9. Berlin.) oe Inducing visions by taking drugs 1s proven by « passogu of Jactnts de le Serra. professional "adivino" or "profete” oLéuhgat £0 hove the eppearance of the god Ololiuhaui who vould teT] hin shout the vhoreebouts of lot cbjects and eloped wives 27), (27 Seems, Jocinto do 1a 1892: Hanus de ministros de indios. Colecetsn de documentos inéitos para 1a histerts 0 Eepalio CLV. 9, 153.) ‘the sacred bundle and che viston quest sven to he at the basis af the Mosomerican ss well es of the Sorth fmerican rel{gions. ie may arene = [olan of the Greater stntlar eo thet whch Usderhill settled for che cerenon Southwest 28) - (28 Underbil1, Ruth 1948: Corenonial Pettcens of the Grantor Southwest. Monograph of the A.E.S, XII.) ~ that che cerenonislian of the sdvanced clyilizations of Mesommerien scat probably was based on vision quest +, catze core to vhich T inelude the Sacred Andes r(tuale end shananien. quiero sue [ANTAU?ELESTEAS

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