Excellent Good Regular Deficient 2 Point. 1 Point. 1,5 Point. 0 Point

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Excellent Good Regular Deficient

2 point. 1 point. 1,5 point. 0 point.

Most Concepts and all significant Most concepts relating to Minimal but acceptable number Insufficient number of
concepts selected and they topic were selected. of concepts selected, with some concepts selected relation to
clearly relate to the topic. relationships to the topic. topic.
Arrangement of concepts
Arrangement of concepts demonstrates simple
20% demonstrates complete Arrangement of concepts understanding of subordinate Arrangement of concept
Concepts 2 understanding of subordinate demonstrates an conceptual relationships. illustrates no understanding of
point. conceptual understanding of subordinate conceptual relationships.
relationships. conceptual relationships.
4 point. 3 - 2 point. 1 point. 0 point.
Concepts connected in a Concepts connected in a Limited hierarchical structure Concepts are displayed in a
40% hierarchical structure leading to hierarchical structure. used. linear sequence. Little or no
4 more specific concepts. sense of hierarchical
point. structure.
2 point. 1 point. 0,5 point. 0 point.
All relationships indicated by a Most relationships indicated with Straightforward relationships Some basic relationships
connecting line and accurately a connecting line and labeled with connected with linking words. indicated by connected
labeled with appropriated linking linking words. lines.
20% words.
2 pt. Linking words are expressive and Linking words are accurate and Linking words show variety.
purposeful. varied. Linking words are simple and
2 point. 1 point. 0,5 point. 0 point.
20% Cross Links show complex Cross Links used to reflect Few cross links are used to Cross links are not used.
Cross Links 2 relationships straightforward illustrate minimal
point. between segments. connections. connections.
Total 100%

Concept Map Rubric

Name: Danna Delgado A. Roo E

Partial 6 Da 2020-05-25
#: te:
4.The Supreme Rule
3.Pure Theory of Law  All other rules must
The idea of a Pure Theory of correspond with it and
Law was propounded by the respect the rights and
formidable Austrian jurist and
 All authorities and
philosopher Hans Kelsen
citizens must respect and
(1881–1973). Usually
comply with the standards
attributed to Hans Kelsen is
of the Constitution.
the famous Stufenbautheorie
 No rule or provision can
(theory of stepped
construction), also called 5.General Notions Principles.
“theory of hierarchical order The constitutional principles are those that
affect the result of superior values for humanity,
therefore, they are the normative subsidies of
fundamental rights. Rights. The rights are
faculties, freedoms or basic values inherent to
2.What does the Constitution the human being, which means that they belong
exist for? The to us by the simple fact of being people. The
If the constitution did not exist, rights are irrevocable and inalienable, that is, the
citizen cannot ignore them, transmit them, sell
possibly everyone would want on
them or renounce them. All rights found in the
to impose their will and chaos
Universal Declaration of Human Rights must
and abuse would reign. It helps necessarily be embodied in the Constitution.
us to have clear rules, know Guarantees. Constitutional guarantees are the
exactly how far we can mechanisms that make our human rights
exercise our freedom, fulfill enforceable when there is some kind of
our responsibilities and violation. Constituent Power.

6.Constitutions of Ecuador
Since Independence, before the
founding of Ecuador, several
1.What is a Constitution? constitutions were approved that
were drafted in the midst of the
Countries need to TOPIC 32….
establish fundamental and independence wars. Then the
Constitution of Great Colombia was
general rules for people
and groups with the
adopted. The first constitution of our Skill:
Bibliography… country as a Republic was issued in
Recognize the role of the
goal that they can live in
https://tecnicosalesiano.esemtia. Riobamba in 1830. Ecuador has had
harmony. Constitution
twenty constitutions. The high
of the Republic as
net/moodle/pluginfile.php/1065 a fundamental rule
number is not a success, but rather a
11/mod_resource/content/1/32. of the
problem, because it means that we State and legal basis of
TOPIC 34…. Skill:
Identify and differentiate the
4.The Republic of Ecuador 5.State and nation organs of the government and
Government Sovereignty is the
Since its foundation, Ecuador is a national those of the
Further, it must be noted that most exclusive Ecuador was organized as a State, that is, a community Ecuadorian State, their main
the territory of the state element of State. Republic. This name comes of people settled in a powers and their mechanisms
includes not only the land but State alone possess from the Latin language and territory, which has of connection with civil
also, rivers, lakes, canals sovereignty. means "everybody's thing". built a history, which has a
inland seas if any, a portion of
Without sovereignty The republican form implies common culture, traditions
coastal sea—territorial waters no state can exit. that we form the State and objectives, and which
or maritime belt, continental people who are equal and maintains
shelf, mountains, hills and all
other land features along with permanent economic ties. 6.The Authorities
The highest authority of a
country is the people. Since the
people cannot exercise power
day by day, they appoint people
Population 3.State as authorities to govern in their
A population of Element name. A group of people
more than fifteen s is needed to work for the State,
million inhabitants executing the orders of the
of Ecuador. The authorities
state is a human Ecuadorian
institution. So Government,
population is its Powers of
primary element. the State
Space made up of land,
sea and air space, in
which we live. There are
also animals, plants and 7.Ecuadorian State
natural resources. Characteristics
Territory is the second
essential element of the

8.What does it take to

2.Ecuadorian State govern?
Ecuador is a State.
Following the most
widespread concepts, it 1.Who governs?
is a group of people Every society needs a
who live in a physical government, that is,
space or territory and institutions run by
Bibliography… who have an authority people who are
https://tecnicosalesiano.esemtia. with the ability to make responsible for
net/moodle/pluginfile.php/1065 organizing the activities
12/mod_resource/content/1/34. of citizens. That is, to
%20Ecuadorian exercise political

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