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Excellent Good Regular Deficient

2 point. 1 point. 1,5 point. 0 point.

Most Concepts and all significant Most concepts relating to Minimal but acceptable number Insufficient number of
concepts selected and they topic were selected. of concepts selected, with some concepts selected relation to
clearly relate to the topic. relationships to the topic. topic.
Arrangement of concepts
Arrangement of concepts demonstrates simple
20% demonstrates complete Arrangement of concepts understanding of subordinate Arrangement of concept
Concepts 2 understanding of subordinate demonstrates an conceptual relationships. illustrates no understanding of
point. conceptual understanding of subordinate conceptual relationships.
relationships. conceptual relationships.
4 point. 3 - 2 point. 1 point. 0 point.
Concepts connected in a Concepts connected in a Limited hierarchical structure Concepts are displayed in a
40% hierarchical structure leading to hierarchical structure. used. linear sequence. Little or no
Structure 4 more specific concepts. sense of hierarchical
point. structure.
2 point. 1 point. 0,5 point. 0 point.
All relationships indicated by a Most relationships indicated with Straightforward relationships Some basic relationships
connecting line and accurately a connecting line and labeled with connected with linking words. indicated by connected
labeled with appropriated linking linking words. lines.
20% words.
2 pt. Linking words are expressive and Linking words are accurate and Linking words show variety.
purposeful. varied. Linking words are simple and
2 point. 1 point. 0,5 point. 0 point.
20% Cross Links show complex Cross Links used to reflect Few cross links are used to Cross links are not used.
Cross Links 2 relationships straightforward illustrate minimal
point. between segments. connections. connections.

Total 100%

Concept Map Rubric

Name: Danna Delgado A. Roo E
Partial 6 Da 2020-05-25
#: te:
Skill: Topic 30…
Highlight the values of freedom, equity and Democracy as the basis of
solidarity as essential social Social Life
foundations of a real democracy
What is the
Democracy (The term is derived from democracy…
the Greek words dēmokratiā, dēmos
(“people”) and kratos (“rule”) "rule by [the] people") is a form of government in
which the people have the authority to choose their governing legislation. Who
people are and how authority is shared among them are core issues for democratic
theory, development and constitution.

Conditions for Democratic Integral Democracy in

Democracy Values Democracy our Daily Life
Definition… Definition… Definition… Definition…
Democracy is a form of government in Democracy seeks to facilitate community The existence of democracy is identified
which the authority is chosen by the life. with the validity of a Constitution and a Democracy is not only a form of
citizens to ensure their interests and legal order government, but also a way of life. In all
needs. 1. Freedom or with the holding of elections; but it is possible spaces
 People choose rulers through the • Ability of all people to act and evident that democracy is above all a real, we must exercise democratic values and
vote and for a certain time. decide according to what they think tangible make decisions, take responsibility for
 The limit of authority is and feel, provided that they do not fact, a permanent social practice. This our
determined by laws. harm others and accept that other implies not only the validity of a legal community.
 The performance of rulers can be people have the same freedom. regime, but Living democratically is a complex task
controlled. 2. Equality effective respect for the rights of that implies respecting the ideas of others
 All people can give their opinions • All people should be treated in the individuals and a government that in and
and express ideas even if they are same way, but recognizing that we practice expresses recognizing that we will not always
different. have differences. the majority, and functions as achieve a total agreement and that the
3. Equity participation. disagreement is
 The rulers are at the service of the
• People are different, but that not negative. It requires the ability to
people, recognize and respect
makes us neither superior nor Democracy not only implies political listen, yield and accept commitments.
inferior, but implies that our rights, but also equity and social justice.
particular needs are recognized. In addition to
4. Solidarity the existence of guarantees or elections,
Democracy alone
• Assume the problems of people, conditions of socioeconomic equality
does not eliminate poverty but creates
communities or peoples as their must also
conditions for the poor to be heard and
own. Stop thinking only of be possible.
ourselves, feel like part of the
the government.
community, responsible with it, Equality must also be given to the
committed to contribute. situation of the various components of
Democracy as the basis of
Topic 31…
Social Life
What is
Participating means taking part in something, sharing opinions, expressing what we think, making decisions together with other people. It is a basis of
To be a citizen is to be a member of a State and have a relationship with it, which gives
the possibility of exercising rights and fulfilling obligations.

Forms of Forms of Citizen Participation and

Participation to Participation Social Actors Social
Choose Organization

1. Consensus
Promote dialogue between people. 1. Vote 1. When we make important Real participation can be guaranteed if
Listen to different options. The authorities are periodically elected. decisions, along with other citizenship is organized. For participation
Listen to everyone's ideas A call is made with time and a specific people, within the groups in in public affairs, political parties and
Value them and choose together the most day for citizenship. which we are acting. civic movements are necessary.
convenient for all. Citizens vote in the meetings that have
A New Idea arises that all people accept. the polls and then count the votes. 2. When we are 16 years old and we Political Party
2. Popular Queries must participate in the elections • The political parties seek access to
2. Vote Important issues are resolved for a and popular consultations that are power, to the positions of popular
Allow things to be resolved with a majority. locality or for the whole country. convened. election and to influence the political and
Effective system when decisions must be It use the same process of the Vote democratic decisions of the Nation.
taken in which many people are involved or 3. When we act from a personal
3. Right
when consensus has not been reached.
Right of the people to have their opinion interest. Civil Movement
heard, by the municipality, by the • Civil movements seek to influence the
3. Lot
dependence of a ministry or by a 4. When we contribute to a common formation of political will or participate
It is chosen by chance.
commission of the National Assembly. task that benefits us, but also in elections.
4. Turn 4. Accountability helps others.
Rotary and periodic election. All persons of a political function must For participation in society in general,
In the end everyone has passed through perform. organizations that people join are needed.
power. Public Opinion
Citizens can make contact with the media
5. Arbitrage and promote their dissemination of their
It is entrusted to a person or group that problems and demands.
decides that it enjoys the confidence of all. 5. Resistance

Bibliography… Discuss the meaning of citizen participation and the channels and ways in
%20Participation.pdf which it is exercised in a democratic society.

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