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Section A :
For each question there are four possible answers, A, B, C and D. Choose the
one you consider to be correct.

1 Aqueous acidified potassium manganate (VII) is used to oxidize ethanedioate

ions, C2O42- , to CO2. In the complete oxidation reaction, it was found that the
mole ratio of MnO4- ions to C2O42- ions is 2:5.

What concentration of 30cm3 aqueous acidified potassium manganate (VII) is

required to oxidize completely 0.05 mol of the salt KHC2O4.H2C2O4?

A 0.53 moldm-3 C 2.53 moldm-3

B 1.33 moldm-3 D 2.85 moldm-3

2 Disproportionation reaction occurs when an element undergoes oxidation and

reduction simultaneously. Which of the following equations describes a
disproportionation reaction?

A 3ClO-  ClO3- + 2Cl-

B 2H2C2O4  2H2O + 2C + 2CO + 2O2
C 2FeSO4  Fe2O3 + SO2 + SO3
D 2KMnO4  MnO2 + MnO + K2O + 2O2

3. Hydrogen peroxide reacts with iodide ions in acidic solution as follows:

H2O2(aq) + 2H+ (aq) + 2I- (aq)  2H2O (l) + I2 (aq)

The proposed mechanism for the above reaction is:

H2O2 + I-  H2O + IO- (slow)
H+ + IO-  HIO (fast)
HIO + H+ + I-  H2O + I2 (fast)
Which of the following rate equations for the overall reaction is consistent with the
kinetics of the proposed mechanism?

A Rate = k[H2O2] [I-]

B Rate = k[ H2O2] [H+]2 [I-]2
C Rate = k[H2O2]2 [H+] [I-]
D Rate = k[H2O2]2[HIO]
TPJC Prelim Exam 09 H2 Chem/ P1 2
4 Which one of the following statement best explains the reason why the 1st
ionisation energy of sulphur is lower than that of phosphorus?

A The sulphur atom is larger in size than the phosphorus atom.

B Sulphur anion is more readily formed compared to that of phosphorus.
C The electron which is to be lost is paired with another electron.
D It is more difficult for the phosphorus atom to lose an electron than the
sulphur atom.

5 What type of intermolecular forces is present in liquid tetrachloromethane.


A Co-ordinate bonding
B Induced dipole – induced dipole interactions
C Permanent dipole – permanent dipole interactions
D Covalent bonding

6 A fixed mass of an ideal gas occupies a vessel of volume V at a pressure P.

which of the following graph correctly shows the relationship between product
PV and P? (Assuming gas is at constant temperature).



TPJC Prelim Exam 09 H2 Chem/ P1 3

7 Deuterium (2H) and Tritium (3H) are isotopes of hydrogen. Given that a 3g
sample of hydrogen at temperature T and volume V exerts a pressure p,
which of the following would also exert a pressure p at the same temperature

A 3g of deuterium of volume V
B 5g of tritium of volume V/3
C A mixture of 1g of deuterium and 1g of tritium of total volume V
D A mixture of 4g of deuterium and 3g of tritium of total volume V

8 Which of the following equation correctly defines the enthalpy change of

formation of a compound?

A 2H2 (g) + 2O2 (g)  2H2O2 (l)

B N2H4 (l) + O2 (g)  N2 (g) + 2H2O (g)
C CO (g)+ ½ O2 (g)  CO2(g)
D Na(g) + Cl(g)  NaCl (g)

9 The circuit shown in the diagram was set up.

Which reactions will occur at the electrodes?

Anode reaction Cathode reaction
A Oxygen gas is evolved. Hydrogen gas is evolved.
B Silver dissolves preferentially. Hydrogen gas is evolved.
C Iron dissolves preferentially. Hydrogen gas is evolved.
D Silver and iron both dissolve. Silver sulphate ppt formed.

TPJC Prelim Exam 09 H2 Chem/ P1 4

Solid sodium iodide is slowly added to a solution that contains
0.015 moldm-3 of both copper (I) and silver ions. Given that the Ksp of
copper (I) iodide is 5.1 x 10-12mol2dm-6 and Ksp of silver iodide is
8.3 x 10 -17mol2dm-6, calculate the concentration of I- ions when silver (I)
iodide just begins to precipitate.

A 1.63 x 10-14 moldm-3

B 2.44 x 10-15 moldm-3
C 5.53 x 10-15 moldm-3
D 3.36 x 10-16 moldm-3

11 30.0 cm3 of 2.4 moldm-3 ethanoic acid (Ka =1.8 x 10-5 moldm-3) is added to
90.0 cm3 of 0.8 moldm-3 sodium hydroxide. The pH of the resulting mixture is

A 2.35 B 8.99 C 9.07 D 9.26

12 The experimental results obtained for the reaction between X and Y (carried
out at 25 °C) are given in the table below. What is the rate equation for this
reaction given that original concentration of X is 1.0 mol dm−3 and Y is 2.0 mol
dm−3 respectively.

Expt Volume of Volume of Initial rate of

X Y reaction
/cm3 /cm3 /mol dm−3 min−1
1 20 20 1.00
2 20 30 1.20
3 10 30 1.50

A Rate = k [X] [Y]

B Rate = k [X] [Y]2
C Rate = k [X]2 [Y]
D Rate = k [X]0 [Y]1

TPJC Prelim Exam 09 H2 Chem/ P1 5

13 The following graphs show how three properties of the elements, Na to P, and
their compounds, vary with proton number.

11 12 13 14 15 11 12 13 14 15 11 12 13 14 15
proton number proton number proton number

Graph 1 Graph 2 Graph 3

What properties are shown by the three graphs?

Graph 1 Graph 2 Graph 3

A Melting point of oxide Melting point of chloride Conductivity of element
B Melting point of oxide Melting point of element Melting point of chloride
C Melting point of chloride Conductivity of element Melting point of oxide
D Melting point of chloride Melting point of element Melting point of oxide

14 For which one of the following metal complexes is the electronic configuration

Complex Electronic configuration of central metal ion

A [Zn(NH3)4] [Ar] 3d10
B [Co(H2O)6]3+ [Ar] 3d6
C [Cu(NH3) 4]2+ [Ar] 3d10
D [Ni(CN)6]4- [Ar] 3d8

TPJC Prelim Exam 09 H2 Chem/ P1 6

15 How do the following properties of Group II elements vary down the group?
(i) the standard electrode potential of EM2+/ M
(ii) the first ionisation energy, 1st I.E.
(iii) the electronegativity

EM2+/ M 1st I.E. Electronegativity

A more negative decreases decreases
B less negative decreases increases
C more negative increases decreases
D more negative increases increases

16 Magnesium iodates(V) undergoes thermal decomposition to yield products as

shown by the equation below. The other Group II iodates(V) also undergo
similar thermal decomposition.

2Mg(IO3)2(s)  2MgO(s) + 2I2(g) + 5O2(g)

The three graphs given below show the change in mass when 2.00 g each of
three Group II iodates(V) were heated separately at a temperature T oC.

Which three Group II iodates(V) give rise to these graphs?

Graph (1) Graph (2) Graph (3)

A Ca(IO3)2 Mg(IO3)2 Ba(IO3)2

B Mg(IO3)2 Ca(IO3)2 Sr(IO3)2

C Sr(IO3)2 Ba(IO3)2 Ca(IO3)2
D Ca(IO3)2 Ba(IO3)2 Sr(IO3)2

TPJC Prelim Exam 09 H2 Chem/ P1 7

17 X2, Y2 and Z2 are Cl2, Br2 and I2 but are not necessarily in the given order.
The table below shows the results of experiments involving the addition of these
halogens to separate aqueous solutions containing the halide ions followed by
the addition of an organic solvent.
Experiment Reactants Observation after addition of CCl4
and the mixture shaken

1 X2(aq) + Y (aq) violet organic layer
2 Z2(aq) + X–(aq) violet organic layer
3 Y2(aq) + Z–(aq) reddish brown organic layer
4 Z2(aq) + Y–(aq) reddish brown organic layer
Which of the following statements is correct?

A X– is less reducing than Y–.

B Y2 is a stronger oxidising agent than Z2.
C When X2(aq) is added to Z–(aq), followed by addition of CCl4, a violet
organic layer is obtained.
D X2 is the strongest oxidising agent.

18 Molecule Y contains only carbon, hydrogen and a single oxygen atom.

If Y is a aldehyde, what is the smallest number of carbon atoms needed for it
to be chiral?

A 4 C 6
B 5 D 9

19 Which of the compounds exhibit cis-trans isomerism?

1 2

3 4

A All of the above C All except 2

B Only 1 and 3 D Only 2 and 4

TPJC Prelim Exam 09 H2 Chem/ P1 8

20 In the free radical substitution reaction of ethane with chlorine, the following
energy diagram for a single reaction step is obtained.

To which of the following steps does this diagram apply?

A Cl2  2Cl ·
B CH3 ·+ Cl ·  CH3Cl
C CH3CH3  2CH3 ·
D CH3 ·+ Cl2  CH3Cl + Cl ·

21 Which of the following best explains why a high yield of 2-bromobutane is not
usually obtained in the reaction of butane and bromine?

A Bromine reacts with butane too vigorously.

B Bromine is able to replace any of the hydrogen atom in butane.
C The central 2- and 3- carbon atoms of butane are too strongly
D The central 2- and 3- carbon atoms of butane are too strongly

22 Propene reacts with hydrogen chloride to form chloropropane. Which of the

following best describes the intermediate ?

A It is a complex which contains hydrogen, carbon and chlorine.

B It is not a free radical.
C It has a negative charge.
D It is an electrophile.

TPJC Prelim Exam 09 H2 Chem/ P1 9

23 Which of the following compound is the main product formed when X is
refluxed with excess potassium hydroxide?



24 Which of the following compound will decolourise reddish-brown colour of




TPJC Prelim Exam 09 H2 Chem/ P1 10

25 By heating X in a sealed tube with ammonia, a primary amine can be
obtained. The same primary amine can also be prepared by reduction of Y.
Which pair of X and Y would give the same primary amine?

26 Which reagent gives the same observations with butanal and with butan-2-ol?

A 2,4-DNPH C Acidified KMnO4

B Fehling’s solution D Tollen’s reagent

27 Which of the following reagents would react with hydrogen cyanide to give a
organic compound with a chiral centre?


28 Which of the following sequence correctly shows the value of pKa increasing



29 Which of the following statement best explains why proteins are able to
function as pH buffers?

A Proteins are made up of amino acids with oppositely charged R-groups.

B Proteins are made up of primary, secondary and tertiary structures.
C Proteins usually have a high molecular mass.
D Proteins contain both carboxylic acids and amino groups.

TPJC Prelim Exam 09 H2 Chem/ P1 11

30 Compound Z gives white fumes with PCl5 , and releases ammonia gas upon
addition of hot NaOH. Which of the following compound could be Z?


Section B :
For each of the questions in this part, one or more of the three numbered statements
1 to 3 may be correct.
Decide whether each of the statements is or not correct (you may find it helpful to put
a tick against the statements which you consider to be correct).
The responses A to D should be selected on the basis of
1, 2 and 3 are 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 only is
correct are correct are correct correct
No other combination of statements is used as a correct response.

31 Which of the following are correct statements about the s, p and d orbitals of
principal quantum numbers 1, 2 and 3.

1 Each orbital (s, p and d) can contain maximum two electrons with
opposite spins.
2 A series of transition elements arises from the filling of incomplete p
and d orbitals
3 Within the same principal quantum number, the s orbital has a higher
energy than the p orbital.

32 The use of the Data Booklet is relevant to this question.

Water dissociates as follows:
H2 O H+ (aq) + OH- (aq) ∆H = +57.2 kJ mol-1 at 298K

Which of the following is true?

1 Concentration of H+ (aq) increases as temperature increases.

2 At lower temperatures, concentration of OH- decreases.
3 Water is more acidic at higher temperatures.

TPJC Prelim Exam 09 H2 Chem/ P1 12

33 The diagram shows the energy profile of a reaction where:
reactants products where kf denotes rate constant of forward reaction
kb kb denotes rate constant of backward reaction

Which of the following is correct?

1 Both rate constants kf , kb will increase in the presence of a catalyst.
2 Rate constant kf will increase when concentrations of reactants is
3 Since reaction is endothermic, heating the equilibrium mixture will
increase kf , but decrease kb.

34 The graphs below show the progress of the reaction between NaOH and a
compound X. What deductions can be made from these results?

Graph A: [NaOH] = 1 moldm-3

Graph B: [NaOH] = 2 moldm-3

1 Rate = k [NaOH] [X]

2 Rate of reaction is directly proportional to [NaOH]
3 Rate is independent of [X]

TPJC Prelim Exam 09 H2 Chem/ P1 13

35 Which of the following statements is true about the elements in Period 3 of the
Periodic Table?

1 Melting points generally decrease across the period.

2 First ionisation energies generally increase across the period.
3 The chlorides of the elements change from ionic to covalent across the

36 The use of the Data Booklet is relevant to this question.

The colours of various vanadium ions in aqueous solution are given in the table


Oxidation state V IV III II

Ion VO2+ VO2+ V3+ V2+
Colour yellow blue green violet

Which of the following reactions (if any) can produce a green solution?

1 Adding excess Sn4+ ions to an acidified solution containing V2+ ions.

2 Bubbling excess SO2 into an acidified solution of VO2+ ions.

3 Adding K2S2O8 to an acidified solution containing VO2+ ions.

37 Daminozide (structure shown) is a plant growth regulator. It is usually sprayed

on fruit to regulate their growth, to increase their harvest, and to enhance their

Which of the following are correct about Daminozide?

1 It is able to form a zwitterion.

2 It reacts with hot NaOH to give a sodium salt of a dicarboxylic acid
3 It is optically active

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38 Which compounds can be obtained from butan-2-ol, by reacting it with
concentrated sulphuric acid under different conditions?


39 Which of the following can be deduced from Compound X (structure shown


Compound X

1 It is optically active.
2 It gives yellow ppt with iodoform test.
3 Upon heating with alcoholic KOH, it gives a product that exhibits

40 Which of the following reacts completely with 1 mol of compound Z (structure

Compound Z

1 4 mol of Na
2 4 mol of PCl5
3 4 mol of NaOH

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