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die, Owen Boland, George Barnlkel. New York's exclusive thoroughfare theatre-and will be heard under t h e
SCHOOL HONORS William Morris, Charles Swain.
1A1—Alfred Grimm, Joseph Schaefer.
Thomas Curry. Raymond Schappert, Hippodrome
on Wednesday of last week when the direction of Hugo Riesenfeld, who is
elephants started t6 not unknown as an operatic conduc- Don't delay making your Spring
Richard Mansfiold, John O'Donnell, promenade down Fifth avenue. They tor. M. S. Fiddleman, a comparative suiting selection—see us now and b e
(Continued from Page 2) Harry Clements. Kathaleen Stulz. Mar- have not been able to leave their
garet Flavin. Irene Kolyer. Mildred newcomer to America, who has been measured while there is still time t o
Emken, Madeline Benkort. Norma Ru- quarters at t h e Hippodrome during introduced by Mr. Rothapfel as a vio- Established 1877. have your suit made without rushing
blno, Virginia Hyland. Catherine Howe, the winter, and at noon of that day lin' soloist at. the Knickerbocker Thea-
3A—James Fierro. Amerlco. Florio, Margaret Collins, Mary Mlna. the matter for Easter.
Andrew LanKaji. Benjamin Llpshltz. upon application by Charles Dilling- tre, will be concert master of t h e new O P E N D A Y AND NIGHT.
KUzabeth Dyczko. Dorothy Newtown. ST. MARY'S SCHOOL, WINFIELD. ham a permit was granted by Mayor orchestra. Our stock contains fabrics of either
Kdlth Wortz. Marjorio Allen. Dorothy Mitchel for a stroll along the Avenue Two organists of note will preside ALL pure wool or silk and wool a n d
Kngelhardt. Gladys Kottles. Margaret 8B—James Cooke, Albert Begendorf,
Uppert. John O'Keefe, Viola Wolfmul- John Kennedy, Joseph Mayeskle, Frank with the other Easter shoppers to en- over the largest organ ever installed their patterns are genuinely exclusive
Mophlne Welns. Charlotte
Oster. Catherine Halloran. Helen Car- joy the spring weather and select their in a theatre—Dr. Alfred G. Robyn and
2B—Oljra Gehrkons. Elma Lalne. Jo- roll. Fernanda Hltlln. Agnes Greaney. new bonnets and blankets.
Kullman. Roso Thomas. *Elsle Dauenhauer*. Te-
The fa-Edwin Johnson. The former was HENRY SKELTON and distinctively aristocratic—every
one making a splendid selection for
George TVelsslngrer. Joseph Perrone. resa Metres, Florence Monaghan, Anna mous shopping district was crowded brought to New York to succeed Clar-
Arthur Olson. Helen Serena. Martha Erny.
Sellger. Robert McDonnell. John Skill-
and the great herd of elephants caus- ence Eddy as organist of t h e largest
7B—David Robertson, Bernard Ty- ed great excitement. The column was Congregational church in America—•
UNDERTAKER Spring and Summer.
man. Clifford Hohl. mann. John Hopkins, Frank Giles, Mat- In our taloring the workmanship is
; 2A—Hugo Gustafson. Sebastian Na- thew Ryan. Walter Crowley, Alexander lead by Lena, followed by Jennie, Ju- the Tompkins Avenue Congregational 47 BROADWAY, ELMH'JR8T, absolutely perfect, trimmings, etc.,
polltanOj Joseph Sores!. Julia Marino. Fetter. Thomas Hughes. Thomas Dow- lie and Roxie, with the baby elephant Church, Brooklyn^—and is widely (Opp. Carnegie Library.)
Francis Daniels. Frederick Nuhn. In- ney. Michael Muoller, Elizabeth La bringing up the rear. known to music lovers as a prolific- high grade and the fit superfine.
land Schaad. Frederick Schoedel. Sal- Mannn, Anna Gorman, Rose Clascn,
vator Zappulla. Theresa Napoll. Fran- Marie Lange, Anna Madden, Matilda Longacre Theatre. composer of light operas and musical Inte enta Procured In All Ceaa-
«-ea Trovato. Kllxabeth Van Kuyk. Har- Klug. Violet Renders. Viola llaumun, comedies. He will be recalled as t h e eterles*
old Bodmer. Paul Enders. Mary Brady, Martha Young, Catherine The artistry of Leo Ditrlchstein has
•• IB—John Carey. Robert Hopper Mil- Burke, Louise Imholz.
composer of "The- Yankee Consul,"
Kohtricser, never been more emphatically exam- "The Princess

dred Rauch. Lillian Smith. HedwlK 615—Joseph Cox, John Beggar," in which
Sodmer. Hazel Ambrose Joseph Car- William Roth. George Kluepfel. Fran- pled than in his visualization of the Paula Edwards starred; "Pretty Miss
ter. Robert Crockard. Kdward ^elle- cis Quinn. Charles Patterson. Austin role of Jean, Paurel in "The Great Smith," in which Fritzi Scheff star-
her. Georfce Marcotulllo Alma Carle. Mead. Brendan Cooke. William Wurms.
Joseph Cirrlclone. Alexander Hamilton Anna Muller, Helen Dauenhauer. Ag- Lover,"
Helen CraiK. Edward Karabec. Bertha nus Neufeld. Beatrico Dlosh, Catherine stein
the Hatton-Hatton-Ditrich- red; "The Yankee Tourist," which he
comedy that has crowded the wrote for Raymond Hitchcock; Sam
Reinhold A. Skelton
1A—Bernard (Joodman. Hyman Her- Schneider.
bert. John Hod*e. Frank Scalera. Car-
Neubert, Mary Laurencelle. Elizabeth Longacre Theatre to its absolute ca- Bernard's "All for the Ladies," and
5B—Regina Moares. Harriet Madden. pacity for many months. "The Great numerous other Broadway hits. !Mr.
mela Travato. Ethel Mahr. Robert Mur- Rita Gating, Gladys Howard, Genevieve Lover" is a fascinating comedy, in Johnson is known as an organist of
Lady Attendant. Tt*. 1 Newtewn
Clasen. Margaret Newman. Floronce which the consummate • acting of its oqual attainments who has specialized
phy. Mary DuKKan. Grace Llndstrom.
Finnegan. Evelyn Lang. James Gor-
ST. PAXCRA9* SCHOOL. GLSXDALE. man. Gustavo Fetterer. Charles Oster,
star is supported by an admirable on adapting that beautiful instrument
Roy Wlttlch. William Becker. John cast that includes the Misses Virginia to the requirements of motion picture
We have our own coaches and
an extensive livery connected
573 Franklin Avenne Brooklyn, N. ¥ .
8Ii—Paul Man they. Jacob DonlK, Giles, Ferdinand .Keller, James Crow- Fox Brooks, Beverly Sitgreaves, Anna presentation. with our establishment.
Oustav Fiederleln. John Schllprht. Fred loy. PHONE 1791 PROSPECT.
NtcXe. John Kick. Louis Berthoty. Law- 4B—Marie Wlldner. Mnrgaret Hof- McNaughton, Camilla Dalberg and The vastness of the Rialto as a mo-
reScc Trockel. Mary Blhl. Mildred Nev- mnn, Christina Schmidt. Angelita Ty- Cora Witherspoon and Malcolm Fas- tion picture theatre may be compre- CARD TABLES CAMP CHAIRS
Ins. Lillian Young. Kllzabtth Neuner. mann. Olga Klelnmeier. Mathilda Hlt- sett, Lee Miller, William Iiicciardi,
Mathilda Hatzfeld. Sadie Qulnn. Mil- lln. Frances Schelbel, Mario Becker. hended when it is realized that more
Vera Dlosh. Elizabeth Kluepfel, Ellen Julian Little, George E. Romain, Al- than 100 employes have already been
7B Vincent Reuther. Ceorge Nebel. Fetterer, May Bonacum. Margaret Mul- fred Kappeler, Alexis H. Polianov, engaged. The institutional feature is
William Rueckert. Emll Hudlak, Rose ligan, Joseph Kennedy. Christina Kil- Arthur Lewis, John Bedouin, Daniel
Stolz, Sosan Stengleln. llon. Anna Qulnn. May Dauenhauer. emphasized through the fact that t h e Tel. 664 Newtown. Notary Public.
7B-SB Theodore Kalab. Chas. Loehr. Mary Gelshenen, Frank Koch, William Shatts, Antonio Salerno, Daniel Lally organization has been formed and will WM. C. CAKD
Peter JaegKo. George Froy. Andrew Kemmer. Joseph Fopplanl. Thomas and others. be governed along military lines. No
Kehl. Edward Franz. Mary Frochl ch. Bllgh. Leo Obst. George Center. Thos. Harris Theatre. detail has been overlooked, even to
<-hrlstina Rellly. Gertrude Blaas Alice Carney. William Waldron. John Dev- General Contractor
Eippert. Matthew Schmltt. Catherine
KehL Anna Hofmann. Elizabeth Dal-
3D—Christopher Pesch, Richard Le-
Outclassing many of its competitors the
IlnSir. A i » a Becker Mary "«£hoty. hecka. Peter Schelfele. James Lynch. in the field of laughter, George M. Co- will be presided over by Dr. 0 . W.
of a miniature hos-
emergency purposes. This NO. 471 GRAND STREET
James F. Kerrigan
Christina^ Fried rich. Catherine Hanni- Charles O'Connor. Joseph Kohlrleser. han's American farce, "Hit-the-Trail
- ga»;*B.-<iefederieln-, . . • W t t K f t r Marlon . Landgrover.* Dorothy Clasen. Holliday," continues to fulfill its mis- Thuni. I ELMHURST, L. I. FUNERAL DIRECTOR
« A—John Schutay. Joseph *Weber. Rose Ringer.. Bertha Kobel, ..Elizabeth sion-at t h e Harris Theatre, .where'it The Rialto is owned by the Rialto
Kdward Schmltt. James Mcttourtjr. IJ»J Dracker. Elizabeth Abt. May Hemmer." Theatre Corporation, a new organiza- Camp Chairs and Coaches to Hlrs.
tor Sachs. Josephine Loehr. Bmma Evelyn Fopplanl. Florence Sillier. Mil- is rapidly approaching the ninth month
Kossmann. Eva Becker, Catherine dred Miller. Barbara Lampert. Anna of its successful New York run. The tion. The principal financial • inter-
Kemof. Florence Keyes. <;«'onc«tta Eula. Marlon Greenldge, Frances Wood, ests in the latter are Crawford Liv- C. GUENGEL Sexton of St. Bartholomew's R. C. Church.""
Ueattie. Teresa Foersch. Ldna Usee Elizabeth Seller. fun in this highly humorous play be-
:»B—Joseph Hoffmann. Charles Hlt- gins immediately the curtain is raised ingston, 51 Exchange place, a finan-
Beatrice Ernst. Anna Petersen. Etfcel
lin. Richard Tymann. Robert Eulo. on the first act, and the four that fol- cier largely interested in railroads and
Paints, Hardware, Wall Paper
?£-WilUftm Salzor. Kdward Reu- Mary Stelnert. Martha Manneck. Lil- motion picture manufacture, and Felix Gas and Electrical Supplies M A K1NQ8LAND AVENUE, ELMHURST, N. Y.
ther. Frank Kalab. Andrew Manx. lian Smith. Anna Krauss. Mary Walsh. low are filled with irresistible comedy
Christian Schllght. Henry Rueckert. Anna Pesch, Edna Muller, Matilda Le- lines and situations that keep its audi- Kahn, of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., bankers.
Catherine DeniK. Edna Johnson. Ceci- grum. ence in constant merriment. S. L. Rothapfel is Vice President, Sec- Lexington Avenue, Cor Grand Street,
lia Hannlgan. Catherine Rraun. Louisa IB—Joseph Mead. Edward Gorman,
Hanatsek. ,, it-ii#i«. Frank O'Connor. Harry Becker. Nicho-
Fred Niblo has made the hit of his retary and managing director. MASPETH, N. Y.
Vincent Carney, Edward life as Billy Holliday. Others in the The latter has engaged Charles
&A—Theresa Walters. Alice ^Hde. las laqulnto. Francis Kobel, August Ringer. cast whose acting is deserving of high Stewart, former manager of the Prin-
Alice W'ahler. Anna • Rrenners. \ era Brady. Herbert Manneck. Albert An- Telephone 119 Astoria.
Bonfficr. Phllomena r-ntun. " f t * 0 " thony Tymann, Anthony Schafer, Chas. praise are Hazel Lowry, Lorena At- cess and Knickerbocker Theatres, as
Vox Andrea Glasser. Frieda «»iaco- Newman, Martha Lehecker, Edna Abt. manager of the new enterprise. Ben
melll. Mathilda Henler Ijarbara Hoeh- Rose Campbell. Eileen Halloran. Lo- wood. Laura Bennett, Joseph Allen, H. Atwell, a former newspaper and STRACK'S CASINO, PARK SUPPLIES FQR STEAM, GAS AND WATER
ier. Wilhelmena Hudak. MaKdalena retta Kobel, Edna Miller, Margaret Ed^ar Holstead, Fred Maynard, Will-
Kehl. Marion Levy. Othllda LleJler. Tymann. Frances Tymann, Magdalen iam Barnes, Purnell Pratt, Thomas Ir- magazine writer, for a number of AND HOTEL Steam and Water Boilers, Raditors, Pipe, Valves and Fittings
Marion Ney. Anna Prlmm. Elizabeth Scherfele, Anna Kohlrleser. Theresa win, Frank Williams and the others years associated with the Manhattan
Walters. Evelyn McGourty.
4A—William Hofmann. Joseph Kass-
Cabaslno. Beatrice Kennedy.
of the original company. Opera House, New York Hippodrome, 8 Bowling Alleys and Lodge Rooms Sewer Pipe,' Flue Lining and Portland Cement — Tinsmith's Supplies
heimer. Edward Klek. OeorRe Keyes. Princess Theatre, Casino Theatre and 754-756 BOULEVARD AND Repairs for Steam Boilers, Water Boilers, Ranges and Furnaces
Jacob Kossmann. John Leyhane. Mau- AMUSEMENTS. Astor Theatre. other Shubert enterprises and at pres-
rice McCarthy. Cnnrles Muldoon. Al- ent with t h e Knickerbocker Theatre, 39-49 CAM ELI A ST., Railroad Avenue Near Way Avenue, Corona, N. Y.
fred Nenser. James Remsen. «enr> See George Cohan's new Revue ASTORIA, LONG ISLAND CITY
Stemmler. Fred Stengleln. <:.eorK«V, ou- BARNUM <SL B A I L E Y CIRCUS. If your youth you would renew— has been engaged as editor of the Ri- (One Uloek East of L,. I. It. It. Station)
ters." Charles Walters. Joseph U Ude.
It's a corker, it's a pippin alto magazine and director of pub- l)2d St. Cars from Woodside pass door W. H. GARBE, Manager.
KraDk Hanetsek. Bdward Mueller. licity of t h e theatre.
3B— August Kehl. George FJwrsch- The "Big Show" Abounds With Nov- On the square.
Francis Carberry. Thomas Halllck. elties This Season. Not in years has New. York City Accident and Commercial Matters Ad-
«;eorge Lang. Harry Luger. Martin Sal- The Barnum &. Bailey Circus now 3Iuny Children are Sickly.
•ACT Fred lhle. Arthur Ney. Seen a play that's half so witty. justed. Deeds, Mortgages and
S a i i n g e ? . JohA Koch Adam Dreltle „ at Madison Square Garden in offering More, attractive, truly -tuneful- Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Other Papers Drawn.
Genevieve Ziegler. I'.arbara Merlet. a wealth of varied attractions for old Children Break up Colds In 24 hours, Telephone Flushing 1367. HORSES TO HIRE
It's a BEAR. relieve Fcverlshness. Headache, Stom-
Dorothy Loughlln. Anna Sachs. Anna and young greater than ever before. ach Troubles, Teething Disorders, and Mortgage Loans Negotiated
Stemmler. Agnes Lehmann H e u n M c -
The circus management proudly an- Cohan When you see the funny way Destroy Worms. At all druggists, 25c.
Carthy. Rose Kunkel. Elizabeth Llaesi.
Valeria Nicke. Marlon Kelly. Louise nounces that everything is new except burlesques "Common Clay"; Sample mailed FREE. Address, Moth- NOTARY PUBLIC
Schramm. Marlon Winters. Richard Carle pretend he's playing er Cray Co., Le Roy, N. Y.
SB—Sylvester Fehse. Andrew Schil- the name, and that is so well known "Boomerang"; CHAS. & BLAKENEY C. TRACE SCAVENGER WORK A SPECIALTY
ling. Raymond Franz. Henry Lehman. to every city and port that it would
F T S k N a s h a c k . Walter Qulnn. Alberta be like slicing t h e world in two to
Pfundsteln. Catherine Kraus. Edn
Bones from "Treasure Isle"
smile that spreads a. mile, SCHOOL 91 DEDICATED Real Estate and Insurance Cess Pools Built and Cleaned—All Work Guaranteed
Conway Catherine Uecker. Johanna separate that name from American You will laugh until upon your seat SPECIAL RATES FOR ELMHURST AND CORONA.
yisiTr? Josephine Blhl. Mathilda No- circusdom. As long as there's an
You HANG. Glendale Taxpayers' Association Has 135 H U L L AVE., M A S P E T H , L. I.
vack Margaret Foersch. May Koch. American youth the name of Barnum
Frances Preusse. Anna Stolz. Frances {Near Clermont Avenue)
FARR1NGT0N ST., (Corner Broadway), FLUSHING, N. Y
SmUb. Rosamund Denig. Caroline & Bailey will exist.
At t h e Astor it's a fixture, Charge of Interesting Exercises.
Stattmiller. Catherine Trockel. Marga- Novelties galore a r e to be found But cold type can't paint the picture; The formal dedication exercises of
ret Walters. Ethel Nevlns. John tjlas- with t h e big show this year, not in- To appreciate its worth it must
Be seen. the new School No. 91, Glendale, were
^lB—Kathleen Wilde. Margaret Hlnes. cluding t h e array of acts, which were held last Friday evening in t h e pres- Telephone 1722 Newtown.
Anna Kehringer. Emma Kraus. Mag- imported from Europe specially for You've simply got to view it, ence of nearly a thousand persons. J; H E I D E L M A Y E R &. SOI^
T©i 1019 Newtown. KBt»Dllaae<l iswu
dalen Krdody. Catherine Cassldy. Hel-
the present tour. The circus has a Or for days and days you'll rue it. The affair was under the auspices of
J r u c b l e r . 'Louise Oschlnski
Qulrin. Helen Ruppert. Anna Schmltt.
world of amusement features, wealth It's the Barnum of the show world, and the Glendale Taxpayers' Association, JACKSON GARAGE CHARLES BOHNHOFF,
Marie Schlacter. Juletta Fraler. Mich- of circus colors, ^ m e n a g e r i e of the It's CLEAN. THE OLDEST
ael Nebel. Fred I5e«tenheldcr. Joseph the Committee of Arrangements con- CARS FOR HIRE
Carey Vincent Conway. Raymond wildest beasts imaginable, a regiment sisting of Charles W. Froessel, Will-
Campbell. Charles Dreltlein.^ Raymond
Bngel John Kalob. Robert Kaden, r e -
of clowns, numerous equestrian fea- T H E N E W RIALTO T H E A T R E .
iam H. Wolfe, Louis Richter and Ed- Repairing and Supplies—Tires and PAPER. P A P E R BAGS
tures, an army.of performing animals ward N. Kassel, of the association; J. Tubes at Factory Prices Dealer on Long Island.
ward Kelly. George Schramm.
1A—John Biellns. John lhle. William from t h e jungles, caves and plains, Includes Many Features Entirely New Wesley Drumm, Principal of the 8ANITARY PAPER TOWELS
Wieber. Joseph Harseh. Joseph ,Wal- popular music played by augmented to Motion Picture Presentation school; William Biers, Joseph Burk- 90-92 JACKSON AVE., CORONA, L. I. and B E E R CONTAINERS
ter! Walter Glowanki. William John- bands—in fact, a million things that ley, Jr., and Charles Koenig, of Glen-
.^n' John Bucar. George Pfundstein. Curiosity concerning the Hialto
can only be found under the "canvas" 78 PI8K AVE., MASPETH
ArVtt'ur Hoffman. Frank ticmmel. Fred
Kolonick. Mary Koch. Charlotte B\a«sJ- of the big show. Theatre, now under construction on dale Council, Jr. O. U. A. M., and (Mrs.
Nicholas Mattehei and Mrs. William MONAHAN BROS., The Horse la W years old and always
trough of Queens. L I.
Magdalen Braun. Dorothy Muldoon. on tb« 30D.
Marie Theall. Margaret Cassldy. Paul-
"Persia; or. T h e Pugeants of the the former site of Hammerstein's Faulhaber,, of the, Mothers' Club.
Thousand and One Nights," teems Theatre of Varieties, Forty-second (.Formerly with Andrew Geyer Firm)
fne'Rleiws Margaret Fiederleln. Vivian The exercises of the evening were
Moranor. Rosalie Btass. Frances Koss- with life, action and color. street at Seventh avenue, Manhattan, of an exceptionally interesting char- ClennfIIK of CCMHPOOIN and Vault*
Three herds of elephants presented and which is scheduled t o open on acter. Two of the prominent features
OI:K L A D Y OK S O R R O W S * 'SCHOOL. by Barnum & Bailey's first and only Friday, April 21, has been
satisfied were t h e presentation of a Bible t o CLERMONT A N D CLINTON AVES.,
lady elephant trainers a r e one of t h e to a large extent by an announcement the school by Glendale Council and
features this year. There a r e riders just issued from the offices of S. L. the presentation of a portrait of
A Speelnlty
Atlantic White L e a d \
-UK Nicholas Beuchnor, Francis Ken- of note in the circus world, Rothapfel.
M A S P E T H , L. I. — AND YV
George Washington by tho taxpayers'
nedy. Patrick Mullane, Robert Mc- clude t h e Five Hannefords, whose
laughlin, Michael Trainor. Edward
Wolff. Beatrice Backs. Rose Burns. wonderful feats in horsemanship have
Primarily, the Rialto is to be an in- association.
stitution and its form
Anna Clark. Catherine Farley. Marga- never been equalled: Teddy, the hu-ment is to be institutional. While the brought in by two young men, pillow-
of entertain- In presenting the Bible it was
Telephone 177-J Newtown.
P u r e L i n s e e d Oil
ret Kaiser, Bernadctte Grogan. Veroni- man aeroplane who flies through the
ca Stewart. Johanna Shannon. trade mark adopted by its projectors ed on an American flag upon two ri- A. W. PETERSON USED BY
8A— Francis Craven. Edward Hano- air without wings or springs; Pallen- proudly designates it "The Temple of fles carried on t h e shoulders of the
phy. Charles Kennedy. Alfred Hamil- berg's Wonder Bears, who ride on bi- the Motion Picture," there is obvi- men.
ton Loretta Deegan. Helen Dolan. Mar- cycles, skate on rollers and do acro-
Joseph Burkley, Jr., Chaplain Manufacturer of- R I C H A R D P LOCKNER ,
garet Farrell. Agnes O'Neil. ously behind it an effort to link up of t h e council, made an oration and CENTERPIECES & BRACKETS
7B—Charles Buhl. Patrick Fox. How- batic stunts just like human beings; that popular form of entertainment the gift was received by Miss Olga
ard Maher. John Shea. Mary McCau- Lupeta Perea, pride of Spain, display- more closely than ever with good mu- Weickert, a teacher in the school, who 77 UNCTION AVE.,
phy. Geraldlne Dclaney. Mary McCau- ing evolutions in midair; Moran and sic and also with other arts of t h e
said that it attested t h e character of
Jey Margaret Jansen. James Dullahan.
7A—Thomas Daley. Francis Kempf. Wiser, who throw hats about the amusement world. In this connection the council and that she hoped it T e l e p h o n e lG. > N e w t o w n *
Arthur Sullivan. Agnes Keif I. Lillian arena in much the same manner as the "Rialto World-wide News Service" would be an influence for good in the
Costello. Veronica Long. Grace Wilson. boomerang throwers; Swain's rats, in being organized to present a daily school.
Rose Berardinelll.
«B—Gilbert Byrnes. Thomas Cul- cats and dogs, a unique animal act in newspaper in film form, and also t h e In presenting t h e picture, an ad- CHRISTIAN TYMANN PROFESSIONAL.
hane. Cbarles Dillion. Michael Larocca. which felines and rodents perform; "Rialto Pictorial Digest," which will dress was made by the retiring Presi- REAL ESTATE, Etc.
Chari«a;'Mlchels. Carl Schappert. Vir- the Four Mellilo Sisters, equilibristic fill t h e same mission in t h e educa- dent of the taxpayers' association, Wil-
ginia*5 Contif; 'Bessie Carr. Margaret contortionists; Henri Fillis and Com-
Flanagan, Julia Grimm. Agnes Mur- tional field with editorials, travel- liam H. Wolfe. The picture Was re- Contractor, Carpenter & Builder
phy, Marjorle McGlnlty. Elizabeth To- pany, w h o introduce dancing girls and ogues, nature studies, little journeys' ceived by Miss Lucy Guardeniere, a C. WILLIAM CHAMBERLAIN 335Office: Newtown.
—Telephones— Residence:
13-J9 Newtown
bln. Cecelia Yoell. dancing horses; Marcella's Birds, a into t h e realms of science, cartoons, teacher, on behalf of the school. W I N F I E L D , N. Y.
6A Edmund Dolan. Harry Mace. Ed- troupe of parrots, cockatoos, ravens,
ward Shea, Helen Brennan, Margaret etc. This film news and editorial ser- Charles W. Froessel, the new Presi- Real Estate and Insurance W I L L I A M HARRISON ROBINSON,
Brcnnan. Anna McDermott, Kathleen etc.; four celebrated Chinese troupes, vice is to be supplemented by a maga- dent of the taxpayers' association,
Murphy. Anna Murphy. Anna 5Vid* the Weisse Family in astonishing in- zine to be issued weekly in printed presided over the exercises, and in an .lolibliiK' Promptly Attended To. GRAND STREET, MASPETH, L. I. ATTORNEY AT LAW
Marie Shreck. Annabel White. Edna novations, and many other novel fea- Office:
form. The latter will not only be the address told of t h e purchase of the (Near I'Lsk Avenue)
^pu_Rftymond Hehlr. Frances Coo- tures. The Barnum & Bailey stay in house organ, but will seek to estab- first site at Washington and Myrtle 17 MAURICE AVE., ELMHURST, L. I .
,1 ncy, Helen Collins. Helen Carroll. Anna the Garden is for a limited period.
Geary, Ethel McGarry.
The Barnum & Bailey Circus is fill-
lish a wide circulation throughout the avenues in 1907, the decision of the
country by mail. Board of Education that it was not
For Wedding & Christmas Gifts
Notary Public. Titles Searched
(Near t'arnegie Library)
V. 5 A—John Boyle. George Shreck. 53
Francis Braun, William Guidera. Jo- ing the big auditorium twice daily. Of course, these features will be central for the growing Glendale sec-
seph Geagan. James Halley. Robert Only the name Barnum & Bailey grows supported by t h e usual offerings of tion, and the acquiring of the present
BUY "MILLER LAMPS. OSCAR B. WAY Telephone 936 Astoria.
Hoalcy, Raymond Hynes, John Haggor- CHARLES A. WADLEY•.
ty. Donald Kennedy. Henry Lynch. Jo- old, for the purveyors of circus amuse- the motion picture theatre.' That the site in 1913. Ground was broken in THEY are BEAUTIFUL and USEFUL Real Estate and Insurance Broker
seph Nlcell. Richard Smith. Frederick ment of t h e "Greatest Show on Earth" latter will be subordinated to new 1914 and in September, 1915, the "Miller" Klcctric. Gas and Oii AUCTIONEER ATTORNEYS AT LAW
Harrington. James Klrby. William Ber- have spared no expense to make this ideas and ideals is strongly suggested school was opened for use. Lamps with the selected Art
ger, Helen Ccrney. Lydla Donohue. Glass Shades civc the l>cst lizht, Money Loaned on Uond and MortKaK'- CORN EXCkiANGE BANK B L D C
Florence O'Hara. Mlgnonno Penn. season's show exceed the most san- by "the physical lines on which the School Principal J. Wesley Drumm and arc ornamental. Office: 1 Bridge P l a u , LDD« Island Ctty
Catherine Trainor. Margaret Tobin, Ce- guine expectation. theatre is being erected. The theatre told of the. old frame building with 1602 METROPOLITAN AVENUE,
celia Meyerhoff. Margaret
Mary Carroll, Anna Colleran. Grace
Cannon. The baby giraffe which was born Is not only without any semblance of two rooms, which many said would
Munk, Adelaide Hauss. Helen Keating. on Jan. 24 is making quite a hit with a stage, but it is also without any never be filled. He expressed his ap-
When You Build
Residence—East Elmhursf, N. T.
Telephone 276-J Newto
Grace Hyland, Catherine Culhane. Wal- the "kiddies" a s well as t h e grown- definite color scheme in its interior preciation of the Kindergarten Moth- Come and s e c "Miller**
lace Doonan.
4TS Joseph Gleason. James Halley.
Francis Le Febre. John Mallon. Thom-
ups. Human freaks are exhibited this treatment.
season in vast exposition, which for where old
From t h e lofty dome, ers' Club, formed in 1908,'which has
ivory is the prevailing tint, helped many needy families. Louis
lighting fixtures. They ore
w e l l made from exclusive
Real Estate
as McDermott. Joseph Murphy. Joseph variety, number and completeness has it graduates through neutral zones A. Richter, of the Local School Board, The "Miller" Is the Best Oil Hester Made
Queren. Thomas Shannon. Walter Rtel, never been excelled. into solid color treatment a t the seat- said he hoped the school was but the They Are Safe, Smokeless—(Jive Intense Heal In All Parts of the Borough of Queens Residence:
James O'Neil, Loretta Brane. Catherine ing level, where reds predominate in stepping stone to a Glendale univer-
Connors, Frances Dagata, Agnes Jen-
kins. Josephine Keating. Alberta Mar- New York Hippodrome. the carpets, hangings and upholstery. sity. John J. Rogers, who was on the Buy "MUlcr" Goods from Dealers or MASPETH-LAUREL HILL VINE STREET, CORONA
E 8 t
shall, Margaret O'Neill. Anna Ponzlo. Through this treatment it will be pos- Board of Education of the old village Edward Miller & Co. S ? ^ ^ Office:
Elizabeth. Saladino. Mary Shields. Mar- There is every reason for rejoicing sible to accord t h e auditorium any of Glendale, was another speaker. PROPERTY A SPECIALTY
at t h e Hippodrome, where the elev- psychological tone that t h e subject, on •6 aud 70 Park PL, K.Y., near WoolwortU BalltUnjr. LOUONA AVENUE, CORONA
*%rA^-Thomas Boland, Alfred Grleser. Dr. Edgar D. Shimer, district school
Franklin Klein. Domlnlck Nlocali. Ed- enth anniversary will be observed this the screen indicates. The unique elec- Superintendent, spoke on behalf of Bought and Sold (Near Kingsland Ave.)
ward Williams. Charles Shea, Thomas month. Under t h e skillful direction trical equipment Is such that t h e burn- the Board of Education. Houses Sold, $500 down, balance on
Banks. Louise Buehner, Rose Cullen.
Bdna Elfler. Elsie Flanagan, Josephine of Charles Dillingham, t h e world's big- ing glare of t h e parched desert or Musical selections were given by easy terms. Insurance policies issued
Krause, Ida Musuccl. Rosemary Mar- gest playhouse is enjoying the record soft moonlight on a rippling stream the Entre Nous Orchestra under, the
In the best companies. W I L L I A M R. KEESE
tin, Anna Mahoney. Mary Nugent. Ag- success of its career, and the current may be simulated so effectively a s to
nes ^Winter. Bmma Erny, Vito Orlando, direction of Edward Walters. *jajniovjnp*«if •©•iTrpiiraa .TBOA'-OI EDWARD W. COX ATTORNEY AT LAW
Concetta Dagato. Mary McAndrews. pageant of delight, "Hip Hip Hooray," subconsciously sweep t h e audience The school has been named the Rob- 'otun S u ' S u p irnj *eo*o A^orttSoqvrc w
Irene Waters. Roslyn McGlnlty. Mary haB firmly established it as a National into t h e desired- atmosphere, if t h e ert Evans School, after one of the old- MASPETH A V E . , MASPETH, L. I. Recently Assistant Corporation Coun-
Farrell, Anna O'Donnell. Gertrude Institution which is now recognized as plans of the designers fulfill their ex- est residents of Glendale, and is a ;.'•>'• *m»*Mszit • sel in charge of Street and Park Open-
Koehler. . ., . Telephone 95 Newtown. ing's In Queensboro. General" practice
3B—Alfred Barra. Basil Hales. Ber- t h e amusement centre of the world. pectations. magnificent modern building in every of the Civil Law. Specialist in Con-r
nard McKeogh, Dennis Mullane. James The many hundred novelties of "Flirt- demnation and Assessment Work. Sur-
In this the institution will mark respect. T h e residents of Glendale rogate's Practice.
Shine, Roland Quaranto, Kathryn Gti- ing a t St. Moritz," the "Tower of Jew-
lls, Marie Grimm, Margaret Kearney, "the furthest North" in applying psy- are to be congratulated on obtaining ANTHONY E. BUKKE
Isabel McGarry, Madeline Mostler, Hel- els," "Toyland," t h e "Kat Kabaret" chology t o the theatre. All the great so fine an edifice, and School Princi- Telephone 683 Gr.eenpolnt.
«•»-XMadden,vLUllan Rlelly. Mary Pl- a n d . i t s . innumerable• other divertisse- producers have sought that end on the pal Drumm with his corps of teachers
rotve. i ments have made t h e Hippodrome the stage, from Max Reinhart in Europe are also to be congratulated on their
• 3AA-Webster Allon. Charlea Corny. talk of t h e 'country. Matinees a r e to David Belasco in New York. Roth- leaving t h e overcrowded, and incon-
Joaeph Stegltk, John Trainor, John
* w MeXnrr&y. James Byrne. John Hum-
given daily and seats may now be ob- apfel, having no stage, is concentrat- venient building where they had work-
hrey. Lawrence Doonan, Joseph Mag- tained u p t o June 1. If you haven't ing effort in that direction upon his ed as best they could under most dis- "
Managed, *ire Ixwurasoe. aurecrisonda
Kortsage Loans, Aocldent Inauranoe, Apprais- long ofconnected Madlaon Avenne. New York
eati, John Sreslin. Marie Cunning- advantageous surroundings for a num-
ham, UlHan Murphy, Mildred Hayes, seen t h e Hippodrome you haven't seen auditorium and upon the audience it- with the Department of
Anna Winter, Lydla Yoell, Beatrice New York. self. ber of years to enter a school so mod- er's, Titles searched, Automoolle .Insurance Internal. Stomach and Nervoua Dis-
Kolyer, Bvelyn-i.Grever, Josephine
ertson, Prances Grimm. v
(Marceline, t h e famous Hippodrome Contrary to general belief, t h e Ri-ern and finely equipped. Motary P u b 110V eases of the New York Vanderbllt Clin-
OB—-Edward Murphy. Raymond Ma- clown, who w a s t h e Pierrot of t h e alto will by no means b e tho largest ic, New York Presbyterian and Nem
York German Hospitals and Dispen-
her, Edwin* Master son. Albert :• Busle. spectacle which opened t h e big play- theatre devoted to motion picture pre- —The Bank of Long Island is man- Court Square Buildina:. saries, h a s established his -residence
John Solllvan, Vincent Gleason, Melo
Treola,j Cornelius Mischler. Benod let house eleven years ago and who h a s sentation.
Schneider, Mary Berger, Helen Cul- sirice retired, will return to t h e foot- be limited t o 2,000. In view of that
bane, Catherine Ewers, Josephine Fitz- lights for one single
geraid, Alice Haggerty, Margaret Lau-
Its seating capacity will aged for the benefit of the people in
Queens. W
fact and t h e tremendous value of t h e and want you to have in us.
e have confidence in you
City, -
and office a t
(Formerly Shell Road)

chaire, Ca'roIIno Lacorro. Florence Mer- whan t h e eleventh anniversary of the site,' upon which overhead charges JrTOTJIMri* S T B E K T i JLetephone HunteraPoInt 748 BeL 6th and 6th Sts., .. Blmhurst. N. Y.
W - V / M u r p h y . Jessie Mitchell, Hippodrome is celebrated hy Charles largely are based, t h e greatest effi- Telephone Newtown 1930.
i Dora Quaranto. Rose Dillingham on Sunday, April 16. It ciency must be exercised to keep that
" ler;.-.'';-;;^.;^^.^,-^;;
>vaL Gilbert Carr,
was arranged by R. H . Burnside re- seating capacity' productively employ-
HE! TWO-IAfflLY HODSl For Liquor
Office Hour* 1 8-10. A. H* *-8 . P. WL,
And br appointment.
cently t o have Marceline, t h e clown ed in order t o make the institution ,-, SHOW YORK OPFICKt
r^'S-fohn Mullane.
Yeandle. "G«org- ot former days, appear with Toto, t h e commercially possible. To do this the
INVBNTOnS CONSOXTANTi 1st Floor 6 Rooms and Bath, $22.00. •••"•nd V
1234 Mudiaen Ave* near 8©th St.
len Bymey DOTO- comic, cut-up of t h e present pageant. doors will open a t noon and.six shows
N O MONEY LOST B Y O U R SYSTEM OF .Drug Users . ,\ Telephone Lenox '7084.
, :;
j£clf"J. ;:3 • ;•*'• r S i i i ' Marceline w a s always a delight a t t h e will b e given daily between that hour
2d Floor 6 Booms and Bath, 928.08 A Kcifoiclflo tjk'atwnt
vrkieh TmsHmrcll
Hoara I t to 2. and by appointment.
* ^Louis Berardenelli, Hippodrome and a great favorite with and midnight. N E W Y O R K O T Y & WASHINGTON. D . C. million In ttao|>a|t thirty-
mas Killelea, Thos.
— * - - ~ —-it: Bilz, its audience, a n d b i s return will be The largest orchestra in New York
Beach Bide, 125 £. 23rd St., N. Y. City The O o r d M e y e r OoM WritetorBooklet D. fourtheywim treatment •which has stood
«n«l*th«> on*
severe teat of time.
We have a good reputation for doing
Doran of tmiQue interest.•:.:. outside of t h e Metropolitan Opera
v^>pi>ii^ti^;sex^Mtioxi-was created on House has been organized for the new
Phone 2426 Gramercy.
ELMBfTJR8T,N.Y. The KEELEY INSTITUTE first-class printing a t short n o t i c e
Untitled Document

i ; . . . V;:;,,V;'-'-^'-"'; ; .^iuC y'r£\

Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York

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