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UNIT I: Technology and Telecommunications


Hello Dear Students!

In this study guide, you will find information about the activities we expect
you to complete this week.

Please, read the objectives below and the instructions given to complete every
activity assigned in the class handouts or books.

Notice that the links we have included in this guide will open only if you are
logged in the virtual learning environment (VLE).

If you have any questions, go to the Forum for this week. The teacher in charge will
be available to answer your doubts. Remember to read the previous comments
before posting a new one (your question may have been asked and answered

CLASS OBJECTIVES: By the end of this week, students should have:

 Described the advantages and disadvantages of Modern Technology

(Handbook Technology and Telecommunications, pp. 3-10).
 Identified and worked with relevant vocabulary (Handbook Technology and
Telecommunications, pp. 9-10).
 Practiced the Use of English section: Introduction to sentence transformation
with present tenses and word formation.

Section I: Introduction to U1: Technology

Read the study log below. You can write a  next to the activities you have done,

and a  next to the ones you need to complete. The main aim of this log is to help

you keep track of the activities you need to complete and manage your time
UNIT I: Technology and Telecommunications

 Activities

a. Go to the handout Technology and Telecommunications: section

Technology (p.4)

b. Read the etymological explanation of the origin of the word technology.

Listen to a speaker defining the word technology and complete the text
(activity 1.2, p.4)

c. Read the article Modern Technology: A Blessing in Disguise. Complete

activities 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 (pp. 6-9).

d. Read the article again. Underline the words that you do not understand.
Look them up in the dictionary (you can start a Glossary with difficult
words, phrasal verbs and idioms). Underline the advantages of modern
technology with one color and the disadvantages with a different color.

Keep in mind that you will need the information from this article to write
academic paragraphs.

d. Do the listening activity 1.8 (p.10) and decide whether the statements
are True (T) or False (F).

e. Answer the questions in activity 1.9. You can answer the questions
orally (you could try recoding yourself and then listening to your oral
production, identify mistakes, try to self-correct your pronunciation, check if
you are using new vocabulary) or you can write your answers.

We expect you to have all these activities completed by the end of the week
so that you can post the doubts and difficulties you came across while doing
them in the Forum in the VLE.
UNIT I: Technology and Telecommunications

Section II: Introduction to Use of English

a. Go to Access to FCE and do the activities on pp. 4-9

b. Go to Handbook Technology and Telecommunications, Grammar in Use section

(p.58) and complete the Word Formation exercise and Transformation Sentences.

c. In the VLE (in the tab Use of English) you will find these activities:

Grammar Reference: Present Tenses

Sentence Transformations with Present Tenses

NOTE: Check all of these activities with the keys provided.

Section III: Further Practice

In this section, you will find more activities for extra practice that you can
complete after finishing the ones included in the study log.

In the handout Technology and Telecommunications: section Technology complete

the section about Technological Innovations (pp. 12-14). You will need these audios:
video about AI and segment from Black Mirror

In the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) complete these activities, (in the tab
Technology and Telecommunications):


Key words related to technology and Telecommunications


BBC Session – the Digital Revolution

(You will find, in the same link, other activities (Will robots take our jobs? and What is
AI?. You can complete them if you need more practice).


Complete the gap-filling activity about a human-shaped robot named Pepper.

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