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6/21/2020 Test: Distributed Systems | Quizlet


5 Written questions

1. Hide differences in data representation and how a resource is accessed



Access Transparency

2. Writes that are potentially related must be seen by all processes in the same order. Concurrent writes may be seen in a
different order.



Causal Consistency

3. 1. Size
2. Geography
3. Administration


limition of scaliblity

Scalability dimensions

4. Writes done by a single process are seen by all other processes in that order, but
Writes from different processes may be seen in a different order.



FIFO Consistency

5. - economic reasons
- groupware


making resource accessaiblity


Why making resources accessible?

5 Matching questions

1. Location Transparency A. Hide WHERE a resource is located

B. Hide that a resource may move to another location
A. Hide WHERE a resource is located

2. Migration Transparency C. Hide that a resource may be used simultaneously/shared

D. Hide that a resource is replicated
B. Hide that a resource may move to another location 1/3
6/21/2020 Test: Distributed Systems | Quizlet

3. Replication Transparency E. Hide that a resource may be moved while being used


D. Hide that a resource is replicated

4. Relocation Transparency


E. Hide that a resource may be moved while being used

5. Concurrency Transparency


C. Hide that a resource may be used


5 Multiple choice questions

1. Hide the failure of a resource and its recovery

A. Migration Transparency

B. Access Transparency

C. Location Transparency

D. Failure Transparency

2. ...lies in the inability to distinguish between a dead resource and a painfully slow one.

A. The difficulty in masking failures...

B. Goals in designing DS

C. Degree of consistency

D. Forms of Distribution Transparency

3. Consitency unit
Specifies the data unit over which c. is to be measured

A. Middleware

B. Portability

C. Access Transparency

D. Conit

4. Every reader of the system needs to receive the write-operations in exactly the same order

A. Migration Transparency

B. Degree of consistency

C. Sequential consistency

D. Flexibility in a DS means... 2/3
6/21/2020 Test: Distributed Systems | Quizlet

5. Layer of software placed between application layer and operating system

A. Access Transparency

B. Middleware

C. Openness

D. Portability

5 True/False questions

1. 1. Access
2. Location
3. Migration
4. Relocation
5. Replication
6. Concurrency
7. Failure → Forms of Distribution Transparency



2. An open DS offers services according to standard rules that describe the syntax and semantics of those services.
Proper specifications are complete and neutral. → FIFO Consistency



It should be → Openness

3. Different numerical value

Different relative staleness
Different in regard to performed update operations → Degree of consistency




4. A collection of independent computers that appears to its users as a single coherent system.  → Degree of consistency


It should be → Distributed System

5. 1. Making resources accessible

2. Distribution transparency
3. Openness
4. Scalability → Goals in designing DS


True 3/3
6/21/2020 Test: Distributed Systems | Quizlet


5 Written questions

1. The extent by which an unmodified application works on a different DS, which implements the same


casual consistence


2. Writes that are potentially related must be seen by all processes in the same order. Concurrent writes may be seen in a
different order.



Causal Consistency

3. Hide that a resource may be moved while being used



Relocation Transparency

4. - economic reasons
- groupware


making resourcs access


Why making resources accessible?

5. Hide that a resource is replicated



Replication Transparency

5 Matching questions

1. Location Transparency A. Hide WHERE a resource is located

B. Hide differences in data representation and how a
A. Hide WHERE a resource is located
resource is accessed

C. Hide the failure of a resource and its recovery

D. Hide that a resource may move to another location 1/3
6/21/2020 Test: Distributed Systems | Quizlet

2. Goals in designing DS E. 1. Making resources accessible

2. Distribution transparency
3. Openness
E. 1. Making resources accessible
4. Scalability
2. Distribution transparency
3. Openness
4. Scalability

3. Migration Transparency


D. Hide that a resource may move to another location

4. Failure Transparency


C. Hide the failure of a resource and its recovery

5. Access Transparency


B. Hide differences in data representation and how a

resource is accessed

5 Multiple choice questions

1. Every reader of the system needs to receive the write-operations in exactly the same order

A. Migration Transparency

B. Flexibility in a DS means...

C. Sequential consistency

D. Degree of consistency

2. An open DS offers services according to standard rules that describe the syntax and semantics of those services.
Proper specifications are complete and neutral.

A. FIFO Consistency

B. Portability

C. Middleware

D. Openness

3. A collection of independent computers that appears to its users as a single coherent system.

A. Distributed System

B. Degree of consistency

C. Goals in designing DS

D. Interoperability

4. Hide that a resource may be used simultaneously/shared

A. Concurrency Transparency

B. Relocation Transparency

C. Migration Transparency

D. Replication Transparency 2/3
6/21/2020 Test: Distributed Systems | Quizlet

5. ...lies in the inability to distinguish between a dead resource and a painfully slow one.

A. Goals in designing DS

B. Degree of consistency

C. Forms of Distribution Transparency

D. The difficulty in masking failures...

5 True/False questions

1. Writes done by a single process are seen by all other processes in that order, but
Writes from different processes may be seen in a different order. → Causal Consistency



It should be → FIFO Consistency

2. Separating policy - interfaces - and mechanism - implementations, parameters. → Sequential consistency


It should be → Flexibility in a DS means...

3. The extent by which two implementations of systems or components from different manufacturers can co-exist and work
together. → Interoperability



4. Different numerical value

Different relative staleness
Different in regard to performed update operations → Migration Transparency


It should be → Degree of consistency

5. 1. Size
2. Geography
3. Administration → Replication Transparency


It should be → Scalability dimensions 3/3
6/21/2020 Test: Distributed Systems | Quizlet


5 Written questions

1. Layer of software placed between application layer and operating system



2. The extent by which two implementations of systems or components from different manufacturers can co-exist and work




3. Consitency unit
Specifies the data unit over which c. is to be measured




4. - economic reasons
- groupware


making resource access


Why making resources accessible?

5. Hide that a resource may be used simultaneously/shared


Failure Transparency

Concurrency Transparency

5 Matching questions

1. Scalability dimensions A. 1. Size

2. Geography
3. Administration
A. 1. Size
2. Geography
B. 1. Making resources accessible
3. Administration
2. Distribution transparency
2. Access Transparency 3. Openness
4. Scalability

C. Hide differences in data representation and how a

C. Hide differences in data representation and how a
resource is accessed
resource is accessed 1/3
6/21/2020 Test: Distributed Systems | Quizlet

3. Forms of Distribution Transparency D. 1. Access

2. Location
3. Migration
D. 1. Access
4. Relocation
2. Location
5. Replication
3. Migration
6. Concurrency
4. Relocation
7. Failure
5. Replication
6. Concurrency
E. Different numerical value
7. Failure
Different relative staleness
4. Goals in designing DS Different in regard to performed update operations


B. 1. Making resources accessible

2. Distribution transparency
3. Openness
4. Scalability

5. Degree of consistency


E. Different numerical value

Different relative staleness
Different in regard to performed update operations

5 Multiple choice questions

1. Writes done by a single process are seen by all other processes in that order, but
Writes from different processes may be seen in a different order.

A. FIFO Consistency

B. Causal Consistency

C. Portability

D. Interoperability

2. Writes that are potentially related must be seen by all processes in the same order. Concurrent writes may be seen in a
different order.

A. Interoperability

B. FIFO Consistency

C. Causal Consistency

D. Migration Transparency

3. Hide WHERE a resource is located

A. Replication Transparency

B. Location Transparency

C. Relocation Transparency

D. Migration Transparency 2/3
6/21/2020 Test: Distributed Systems | Quizlet

4. Hide that a resource may be moved while being used

A. Migration Transparency

B. Concurrency Transparency

C. Relocation Transparency

D. Replication Transparency

5. Hide the failure of a resource and its recovery

A. Location Transparency

B. Failure Transparency

C. Access Transparency

D. Migration Transparency

5 True/False questions

1. Hide that a resource may move to another location → Migration Transparency




2. Separating policy - interfaces - and mechanism - implementations, parameters. → Flexibility in a DS means...



3. The extent by which an unmodified application works on a different DS, which implements the same interface.  → Portability


No answer given


4. A collection of independent computers that appears to its users as a single coherent system.  → Distributed System



5. Hide that a resource is replicated → Relocation Transparency


It should be → Replication Transparency 3/3
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

Distributed Systems
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Terms in this set (23)

Often Missed Your recent answers have been mostly wrong!

Why making resources - economic reasons

accessible? - groupware

Sometimes Missed Your recent answers have been sometimes wrong, sometimes right.

Access Transparency Hide differences in data representation and ho

resource is accessed

Location Transparency Hide WHERE a resource is located

Migration Transparency Hide that a resource may move to another loca

Relocation Transparency Hide that a resource may be moved while bein

Replication Transparency Hide that a resource is replicated

Concurrency Transparency Hide that a resource may be used


Failure Transparency Hide the failure of a resource and its recovery 1/3
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

Openness An open DS offers services according to stand

rules that describe the syntax and semantics of
Proper specifications are complete and neutra

Interoperability The extent by which two implementations of sy

or components from different manufacturers c
exist and work together.

Portability The extent by which an unmodified application

on a different DS, which implements the same

Scalability dimensions 1. Size

2. Geography
3. Administration

Conit Consitency unit

Specifies the data unit over which c. is to be

Degree of consistency Different numerical value

Different relative staleness
Different in regard to performed update opera

Sequential consistency Every reader of the system needs to receive th

write-operations in exactly the same order

Causal Consistency Writes that are potentially related must be see

processes in the same order. Concurrent writes
be seen in a different order.

FIFO Consistency Writes done by a single process are seen by al

processes in that order, but
Writes from different processes may be seen in
different order.

Never Missed You’ve gotten all of these right!

Distributed System A collection of independent computers that ap

to its users as a single coherent system.

Middleware Layer of software placed between application

and operating system

Goals in designing DS 1. Making resources accessible

2. Distribution transparency
3. Openness
4. Scalability

Forms of Distribution 1. Access

Transparency 2. Location
3. Migration 2/3
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

4. Relocation
5. Replication
6. Concurrency
7. Failure

The difficulty in masking ...lies in the inability to distinguish between a de

failures... resource and a painfully slow one.

Flexibility in a DS means... Separating policy - interfaces - and mechanism

implementations, parameters.


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6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

Distributed Systems
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Terms in this set (49)

Grid Computing A subgroup consisting of distributed

systems that are often constructed as a
federation of computer systems, where
each systems may fall under a different
administrative domain, and may be very
different when it comes to hardware, 1/12
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

software and deployed network

Cluster Computing The underlying hardware consists of a
collection of similar workstations or PCs,
closely connected by means of a high-
speedlocal-areanetwork. Inaddition,
eachnoderunsthesameoperating system.

What Cloud Computing Providing the facilities to dynamically

is all about construct an infrastructure and compose
what is needed from available services.

Open Group any node is allowed to join the

distributed systems. Can communicate
with every other node in the system.

Closed Group only the members of that group can

communicate with each other and
separate mechanism is needed to let a
node join or leave the group.

Structured Overlay In this case, each node has a well-

defined set of neighbors with whom it
can communicate. For example, the
nodes are organized in a tree or logical

Unstructured Overlay In these overlays, each node has a

number of references to randomly
selected other nodes.

RPC Remote Procedure Call. Executing what

looks like a normal procedure call (or
method invocation) by sending network
packets to some remote host. 2/12
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

Persistent A message that has been submitted for

Communication transmission is stored by the
communication middleware as long as it
takes to deliver it to the receiver. In this
case, the middleware will store the
message at one or several of the
storage facilities. As a consequence, it is
not necessary for the sending
application to continue execution after
submitting the message. Likewise, the
receiving application need not be
executing when the message is

Transient A message is stored by the

Communication communication system only as long as
the sending and receiving application
are executing. More precisely, if the
middleware cannot deliver a message
due to a transmission interrupt, or
because the recipient is currently not
active, it will simply be discarded.
Typically, all transport-level
communication services offer only
transient communication. In this case,
the communication system consists of
traditional store-and-forward routers. If
a router cannot deliver a message to the
next one or the destination host, it will
simply drop the message.

Synchronous The sender is blocked until its request is

Communication known to be accepted. There are
essentially three points where
synchronization can take place. First, the
sender may be blocked until the
middleware notifies that it will take over
transmission of the request. Second, the 3/12
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

sender may synchronize until it's request

has been delivered to the intended
recipient. Third, synchronization may take
place by letting the sender wait until it's
request has been fully processed, that is,
up to the time that the recipient returns a

Asynchronous Sender continues immediately after it

Communication has submitted it's message for
transmission. This means that the
message is (temporarily) stored
immediately by the middleware upon

Data Room Monitoring

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RPC Aims at hiding most of the intricacies of

message passing, and is ideal for client-
server applications.

OSI reference model Designed to allow open systems to


Communication A set of agreed signals, codes and rules

Protocol to be used for data and information
exchange between computers.

Middleware An application that logically lives

(mostly) in the OSI application layer, but
which contains many general-purpose
protocols that warrant their own layers, 4/12
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

independent of other, more specific


DNS Distributed service that is used to look

up a network address associated with a
name, such as the address of a so-called
domain name.

Difference between There are several ways to organize

Concurrent and servers. In the case of an iterative server,
Iterative servers the server itself handles the request and,
if necessary, returns a response to the
requesting client. A concurrent server
does not handle the request itself, but
passes it to a separate thread or another
process, after which it immediately waits
for the next incoming request. A
multithreaded server is an example of a
concurrent server. An alternative
implementation of a concurrent server is
to fork a new process for each new
incoming request. This approach is
followed in many Unix systems. The
thread or process that handles the
request is responsible for returning a
response to the requesting client.

Stateful vs Stateless A stateless server does not keep

servers information on the state of it's clients,
and can change its own state without
having to inform any client. A Web
server, for example, is stateless.
A stateful server generally maintains
persistent information on its clients. This
means that the information needs to be
explicitly deleted by the server. An 5/12
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

example is a file server that allows a

client to keep a local copy of a file, even
for performing update operations.

Multithreaded Client When you have a multithreaded client

where multiple threads are using the
same context handle instance, access to
the context handle instance is serialized
at the server by default. this saves the
server manager from having to guard
against another thread from the same
client changing the context or the
context running down while a call is
dispatched. However, in certain cases
serialization may impact performance.

Multithreaded Server A multithreaded server is any server that

has more than one thread. because a
transport requires its own thread,
multithreaded servers also have multiple
transports. the number of thread-
transport pairs that a server contains
defines the number of requests that the
server can handle in parallel.

Overlay Network A network which is established on top of

another network (e.g. VPN over the

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Multicast A technique that transfers packets from 6/12
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

one source to many receivers. It is

different from broadcast because it
receivers only receive packets if they
express interest beforehand. It is
another form of providing one-to-many
packet delivery is replicated unicast.
What distinguishes multicast(and
broadcast) from any form of replicated
unicast is a source behavior. (A multicast
source transmits only a single copy of
any packet. Replicated unicast, the
source would have to send at least as
many copies as the number of known

Overlay Network An overlay network is a virtual network

of nodes and logical
links that is built on top of an existing
network with the
purpose to implement a network service
that is not available
in the existing network.

Application-layer Provide multicast functionality above IP

multicasting layer. Data is transmitted between
neighbors in the overlay. No multicast
needed in overlay network.

Multicast The delivery of a message to a group of

receivers simultaneously in a single
transmission from the source.

Network-level multicast Routers maintain multicast trees created

on the physical network and forward
multicast messages along the trees.

Link Stress How often an ALM message cross the 7/12
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

same physical link

Stretch or Relative Measures the ratio in the delay between

Delay Penalty two nodes in the overlay, and the delay
that those two nodes would experience
in the underlying network.

Tree Cost Generally related to minimizing the

aggregated link costs. For example, if
the cost of a link is taken to be the delay
between its two end nodes, then
optimizing the tree cost boils down to
finding a minimal spanning tree in which
the total time for disseminating
information to all nodes is minimal.

Server Stub The server-side equivalent of a client

stub: it is a piece of code that transform
requests coming in over the network
into local procedure calls.

Client Stub The stub provides the same interface as

the one available at the server, but hides
the possible differences in machine
architectures, as well as the actual
communication. It transforms local calls
to messages that are sent to the server,
and vice versa transforms messages
from the server to return values as one
would expect when calling an ordinary

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6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

Chord A protocol and algorithm for a peer-to-

peer distributed hash table.

Coordination The goal is to manage the interactions

and dependencies between activities in
a distributed system.

Data Synchronization The problem is to ensure that two sets of

data are the same.

Process Making sure that one process waits for

Synchronization another to complete its operation.

Vector Clock Vector clocks allow for partial ordering

of events in a distributed system.

Lamport's Clock A simple technique used for determining

the order of events in a distributed
system. By simply adding a counter
value to events as they are received and
incrementing this value based on the last
seen value, it provides partial ordering
of events - specifically "happened
before" ordering.

The four security 1. Interception 2. Interruption 3.

threads Modification 4. Fabrication

What is the five classes 1. The client is unable to locate the

of failures? server
2. The request message from the client
to the server is lost.
3. The server crashes after receiving a
request 9/12
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

4. The reply message from the server to

the client is lost
5. The client crashes after sending a

A type of failure where Response Failure (State-Transition

the system deviates Failure)
from the correct flow
of control is

A system is said ...

to be fault
tolerant if

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How many processes 3k+1

are needed to form a
byzantine agreement in
a group with k faulty

A major problem with Feedback Control

reliable multicasting
with feedback
messages is:

How many process 2k+1

members are needed in
the presence of
arbitrary failures to 10/12
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

obtain a correct result

from a majority vote?

When is a system fault When it can continue to operate in the

tolerant? presence of failures.

Process can be in one 1. Created

of these five states: 2. Ready
3. Running
4. Blocked/Waiting
5. Exit

Processor Provides a set of instructions along with

the capability of automatically executing
a series of those instructions.

Three ways to construct 1. Finite-state machine

a server (A big single threaded Finite-state
machine. When request comes in, the
only thread examines it, the thread
schedules an synchronous disk
operation. Thread will later be
interrupted by the OS. The OS must save
the status of the request, and continues
to wait for other incoming requests.

2. Single-threaded
The main loop of the file server gets a
request, examines it, and carries it out to
completion (blocks) before getting the
next one.

3. Threads
A dispatcher thread reads incoming
requests for a file operation and
examines it. 11/12
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

The server chooses another blocked

worker thread and hands in the request.


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Distributed Systems
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Key concepts:

client server distributed systems fault tolerance

Terms in this set (72)

pervasive computing Decentralasation, Diversification,

Connectivity, Simplicity 1/11
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

Architectural model Placement of components and their

relationship between them

Fundemental models Abstract description of properties,

common in all architectural models

Architecture of a Its structure of seperated components

system and their relationship

Building block of Communication entities, Communication

system Paradigms, Roles, placement

Communication entities entities = processes. processes coupled

(system perspective) with appropriate interprocess
communication paradigms

Communication entities Problem-oriented abstraction, such as

(Programming distributed objects, multi-agent systems,
perspective) Web services,...

Types of Interprocess, remote invocation, and

communication indirect communication

interprocess low level support for communication

communication (Direct) between processes in the distributed
system 2/11
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

Remote Invocation two-way exchange between

(Direct) communicating entities. calling of a
remote operation

indirect communication strong degree of decoupling between

allows in paticular? senders and receivers.
space uncoupling, time uncoupling

Architectural styles Client-server, P2P

Client-Server style Server: processimplementing a specific

Client: process that requests a service
from a server

Remote invocation complete interaction between a client

(client-server style) and a server

What style does the client-server through http

web use?

P2P style Processes ave similiar roles, no

distinction between server / client, all
run the same program and offer the
same set of interfaces

The aim of P2p style The aim of the P2P architecture is to

exploit the resources (both data and
hardware) in a large number of
participating computers for the
fulfilment of a given task or activity

Physical distributed Large number of devices interconnected

infrastructure usually by a network 3/11
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

consists of

Placement is crucial in performance, reliability and security

terms of determining
the properties of the
distributed system,
which properties?

Name the placement Mapping of servers to multiple servers,

strategies Proxy server and caches, mobile code

Placement Strategy: partition the set of objects on which the

Service Provided by service is based and distributed them
Multiple Servers may between themselves and hey may
do what? maintain replicated copies of them on
several hosts

What is a cache? A cache is a store of recently used data

objects that is closer to one client or a
particular set of clients than the objects

What is the purpose of To keep machines behind it anonymous

a proxy server / cachce (mainly for security), o speed up access
strategy? to a resource (via caching)

What is the advantage Good interactive response since there is

of using mobile code no need for network communication
strategy? after the download

What are the The process rate and the timing of

assumptions on messages cannot be predicted. Each
interacting processes? process has its own private state. 4/11
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

What is latency? the delay between the start of a

message's transmission from one
process and the beginning of its receipt
by another

What is bandwidth? total amount of information that can be

transmitted over it in a given time bit/s

Clock drift rate rate at which a computer clock deviates

from a perfect reference clock

Internal clock clock which can be used by local

processes to obtain own local time.

Why is there no global Different local clocks with different drift

clock in a distributed rate from perfect time and most
system? importantly from each other

What is key term for a There is a strong assumption of time

distributed system?

What is key term for a There is no assumptions about time

distributed system?

Which bounds are Time to execute each step of a process

defined in a has know lower and upper bounds.
Synchronous Each message is received within a know
Distributed System? bounded time
The drift rate of each local clock has a
known bound 5/11
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

What is unbound in a Process execution speed, message

asynchronous transmission delay, clock drift rates. All
distributed system? timing is arbitrary

Why is any solution for If asynchronous became bounded by

an asynchronous time then the time boundry should just
distributed system also be large enough
valid for a synchronous

Why is any solution for The synchronous is valid based on a

an synchronous time, which can't just be changed to
distributed system NOT arbitrary
valid for a
asynchronous one?

Design challenges Heterogeneity, Transparency, Openess,

Concurrency, Securiy, Scalabillity,
Resilience to failure

Design challenges: Diffrent types of components in the

Heterogeneity system. Good example IoT

Design challenges: is the characteristic that determines

Openness whether the system can be extended
and re-implemented in various ways.

Openness is primarily the degree to which new resource

determined by? sharing services can be added and be
made available for use by a variety of
client programs. Can be at hardware or
software level. (e.g. new computer or

Design challenges: A system is scalable if it will remain 6/11
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

Scalability effective when there is a significant

increase in the number of resources and
the number of users

Design challenges: Confidentiality (unauthorized access),

Security Integrity (data corruption) and

Design challenges: Failures are partial. May fail

Failure independently of others and other
components may keep running

Taxonomy of failures Omission, Arbitrary, Timing failures

Omission Failures Crash, Omission, Send-omission,


Arbitrary Failures Process/channel exhibits arbitrary

behaviour: it may send/transmit arbitrary
messages at arbitrary times, commit
omissions; a process may stop or take an
incorrect step

Timing Failures (ONLY SYNCHRONOUS) Clock, process

performance, channel performance

Design challenges: Each resource must be safe in a

Concurrency concurrent enviroment. (Dining
philosophers is not)

Design challenges: The concealment from the user and the

Transparency application programmer of the
separation of components in a
distributed system, so that the system is 7/11
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

perceived as a whole rather than a

collection of independent components
Transparency Aim to make certain aspects of distribution
invisible to the application programmer
so that they need only be concerned
with the design of their particular

Thin Client pros Ez system maintenance, security, no

constant updates

Thin Client cons Heavy processing load on both server

and network, client doesn't function
without being connected. Less client
performance (bad GPU)

Thick client pros better GPU, avaible offline, distributed


Thick client cons System management, higher chance of

errors on each client

Difference between In ack/nack is it the sender which takes

ACK/NACK vs polling initiative, the receiver responds.
Polling the receiver takes the iniatative

How can one avoid By using a numbering scheme

duplicated messages
with timeout resend?

Positive Acknowledge ACK + timeout to control retransmission

and Retransmission
protocol 8/11
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

What is a floating A thought to be lost message which

corpse in protocol suddenly reappears

How to avoid floating Use sequence numbers in ACK


How to avoid "fake" PAR + numbered ACK. Protects againgst

messages loss, duplication, corruption

What may message The synchronization of the two involved

passing involve processes

Synchronous Both processes synchronize at every

Communication message. Send and received operations
are blocking operations

Asynchronous The send op is non-blocking.

Communication (transmission of the message proceeds
in parallel with the sending process)
Receive can be either blocking or non-

Message destinations An address and a local port

Socket abstraction An endpoint for communication

between processes. IP address and port
in a single identity

Interprocess Transmission of messages between

communication sockets 9/11
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

TCP and UDP are what? Transport protocols

TCP properties is? Reliable, connectionoriented protocol

UDP property is? Connectionless, and does not guarantee

reliable transmission

What does TCP That one process plays the client role
assume? and the other the server role during
connection establishment, can be peers

What can multicast be Fault tolerance based on replicated

useful for? services (many processes is serving one
client), Better performance through
replicated data, Propagation of event

What does multicast To allow the sender to transmit a single

allow? IP packet to a set of computers 10/11
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet


total final Operating

70 terms
103 terms

giorgi_tediashvili Richard_Linares


75 terms 52 terms

LifeOfKwe reid_siders 11/11
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

Distributed Systems
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Illumin4tion PLUS

Key concepts:

client server model distributed systems private and public

Terms in this set (65)

What is a A system where state is stored on a

centralized single computer 1/4
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet


What is a A system where state is divided over

distributed multiple computers

What are some DNS, Phone networks, Planes and Email

examples of servers are some examples of this.

What are some High Uptime requirements, higher

reasons for performance for more users, high
building a reliability requirements and better and
distributed faster scaling are some reasons for
system? building this.

What are some Crashes or bootloops, data corruption,

failures that can data loss, natural disasters and queries
occur in a of death are some failures that can
distributed occur in this.

Whats one way to (Frequency * Impact) is a way of

measure the measuring this.
importance of a

What are two Network and node failures are two types
types of big of this.

What is loss of This is when sectors of nodes lose

connectivity in a connectivity with each other
system? 2/4
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

What is a A situation where atleast two

partition? components of a system are running,
but cannot communicate

When is a These are bad especially if youre writing

partition bad? data - states between partitions can
diverge, which reduces consistency

What is one way Disable all nodes in a sector if it is

to react to detected is one way to react to this
partitioning? issue.

What is one way Ping all the nodes, and count the
to detect responses R. If R <= Floor (n / 2), there is
partitions? a partition.

What are two Fail stops and Byzantine Failures are two
types of node types of this.

What are Crash, power outage, memory overflows

examples of fail or hardware failures are some examples
stops? of this kind of failure.

How do we fix fail Checkpoint the state of the node and

stops? restart it, or replicate the state of the
node and failover to a hot spare are
some ways to fix this kind of failure 3/4
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet


RDD's and Graphs HDFS and MapReduce

40 terms 25 terms

Illumin4tion PLUS Illumin4tion PLUS

Tableau Work Quizlet Docker

38 terms 72 terms

Illumin4tion PLUS Illumin4tion PLUS 4/4
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

Distributed Systems
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Created by


Key concepts:

client server distributed systems data processing

Terms in this set (13)

networking setting up new networks (usually by

installing computers and cables; sending 1/4
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

info back and forth across one or more


client-server Network system that uses servers to

store data centrally and client
computers to access them.; server
controls level of access of clients

benefits of client-server Scalable

Can support different types of clients
and servers through middleware.
The presentation logic, the application
logic, and the data processing logic can
be independent.
If a server fails, only the applications
requiring that server are affected -
highly reliable.
keep shared data in one place

client/server network

peer-to-peer A network model where all computers

on the network are equal and data may
be shared from computer to computer.
Large business don't use this because
they complicate backups and make it
easy to lose files or have multiple
versions of the same file

peer-to-peer network 2/4
6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

A _____ is a powerful server

computer that stores
files and applications

Sending information networking

back and forth from
one group of devices
to another is called

A network that allows peer-to-peer

each device on that
network to contact any
other network device is
called a _________

Devices that access clients

servers are called _______.

Networks can be _______ wired

or wireless.

A network that keeps client-server

all shared data in one
location is called a
________ network.

The _______ is the largest internet

network in the world.

6/21/2020 Distributed Systems Flashcards | Quizlet

18 sets Net+ Chapter 1 Vocab

Introduction to Business |
63 terms
Gaspar, Bierman, Kolari…

AcademicMediaPremium $12.99 adriangrant

Network+ Chapter 1 Chpt 1

21 terms 74 terms

adamtroy Bdude

1/2 4/4
6/21/2020 Test: Distributed Systems | Quizlet


5 Written questions

1. Hide that a resource is replicated



Replication Transparency

2. Hide WHERE a resource is located



Location Transparency

3. - economic reasons
- groupware


why Making Resources Accessible?

4. Hide the failure of a resource and its recovery


Failure transperency

Failure Transparency

5. Different numerical value

Different relative staleness
Different in regard to performed update operations



Degree of consistency

5 Matching questions

1. Access Transparency A. The extent by which an unmodified application works on a

different DS, which implements the same interface.

D. Hide differences in data representation and how a

B. Layer of software placed between application layer and
resource is accessed
operating system
2. Portability
C. An open DS offers services according to standard rules
that describe the syntax and semantics of those services.
A. The extent by which an unmodified application works
Proper specifications are complete and neutral.
on a different DS, which implements the same interface. 1/3
6/21/2020 Test: Distributed Systems | Quizlet

3. Conit D. Hide differences in data representation and how a

resource is accessed

E. Consitency unit
E. Consitency unit
Specifies the data unit over which c. is to be measured
Specifies the data unit over which c. is to be measured
4. Openness


C. An open DS offers services according to standard rules

that describe the syntax and semantics of those services.
Proper specifications are complete and neutral.

5. Middleware


B. Layer of software placed between application layer and

operating system

5 Multiple choice questions

1. Hide that a resource may be used simultaneously/shared

A. Concurrency Transparency

B. Replication Transparency

C. Migration Transparency

D. Relocation Transparency

2. 1. Making resources accessible

2. Distribution transparency
3. Openness
4. Scalability

A. Forms of Distribution Transparency

B. Goals in designing DS

C. Degree of consistency

D. Access Transparency

3. 1. Access
2. Location
3. Migration
4. Relocation
5. Replication
6. Concurrency
7. Failure

A. The difficulty in masking failures...

B. Forms of Distribution Transparency

C. Goals in designing DS

D. Degree of consistency 2/3
6/21/2020 Test: Distributed Systems | Quizlet

4. Writes done by a single process are seen by all other processes in that order, but
Writes from different processes may be seen in a different order.

A. FIFO Consistency

B. Interoperability

C. Portability

D. Causal Consistency

5. Writes that are potentially related must be seen by all processes in the same order. Concurrent writes may be seen in a
different order.

A. Migration Transparency

B. FIFO Consistency

C. Interoperability

D. Causal Consistency

5 True/False questions

1. ...lies in the inability to distinguish between a dead resource and a painfully slow one.  → The difficulty in masking failures...



2. Hide that a resource may move to another location → Migration Transparency



3. 1. Size
2. Geography
3. Administration → Replication Transparency


It should be → Scalability dimensions

4. Hide that a resource may be moved while being used → Relocation Transparency



5. Every reader of the system needs to receive the write-operations in exactly the same order  → Sequential consistency


True 3/3

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