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Griots Rank/Title in Griot's Song | World Anvil 8/8/19, 1'02 AM

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Griots are a rare caste recognized all over the The Empire of Exum (/w/griots-song-tez205/a/the-empire-
of-exum-article?preview=true). They are the enforcers of the strict caste laws, wise men, and keepers of
the Songs (/w/griots-song-tez205/a/songs-article?preview=true) containing the oral histories of the land.
They are sometimes referred to as "Keepers of the old way," for this they are o!en seen by lower caste as
leaders, while the not seen by the higher caste as nobility all though their profession is seen as one of the
Three Noble Roads (/w/griots-song-tez205/a/three-noble-roads-article?preview=true), as they walk the
Road of Scholars (/w/griots-song-tez205/a/road-of-scholars-article). Griots are referred to by the title of

"Seven is the number of griots that I appoint and seven there must always be."
— Longspear


Before there was the Four Pillars of Heaven (/w/griots-song-tez205/a/four-

pillars-of-heaven-article), there were Griots.

The term griot is a fairly new term referring to the profession. In the time that the Orishas (/w/griots-song-
tez205/a/orishas-article) walked the earth, they were known as djali. During those times, griots were a
hereditary rank that served the Orishas, The djali recorded all the stories of the Orishas in the old oral
traditions and sing their praises from town to town as the Orisha's herald. There are even stories told of Page 1 of 6
Griots Rank/Title in Griot's Song | World Anvil 8/8/19, 1'02 AM

djali fighting alongside the Orishas in wars.

The first griots were instated by the first emperor, Longspear, during the lawless times when the tribes of
Exum had no chiefs. A time of lawlessness, when everyone did what was right in their own eyes. A!er
Longspear had unified the Northern and Western areas, he set out seven griots, the first caste to enforce
the laws of his land. The griots were the original mouth of the emperor and what they said was law. This
did cause some conflict as the griots did not see eye-to-eye. These conflicts were settled through
meetings with the emperor and all conflicts with laws have been handled as such.


Keepers of the Songs

Griots are the oral historians of Exum and only the griotblood have access to magic through natural
terms. Their knowledge allows them to add events to the songs, the only drawback is what a griot doesn't
know doesn't go into the songs.

When accessing the songs, they see either apparitions of what happened or are visited by spirits who
explain to them what they remember, but a good griot must remember, "There are three sides to every
story." So it is good practice for a griot to hear from more than one spirit.

Enforcing Caste Law

The griots also were given special order to enforce the strict caste laws on the people including the
members of the emperor's family to include the newly instated Four Pillars of Heaven.

The griots are loosely organized although all seven agree to recognize the longest standing member as
their Chief Griot and o!en look to them when they're not sure how to handle a situation or how to enact
the emperor's justice.


"You are of the griotblood, child. And you will be fruit from my tree," said Tunde. Page 2 of 6
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Griots are appointed by the Emperor, but the candidate must first show that they have griotblood flowing
through their veins, due to the time when the griots were hereditary and proof they can access the songs.
Once the griotblood is confirmed, they gain the rank of "fruit," and the griot that they refer to the griot
that they are training under as "wise tree." The meaning for these titles or terms are somewhat cloudy
but believed to refer to the story of the Learning Tree (/world/article/new?

The songs consist of:

The Song of Kings

The Song of Tribes

The Song of Wars

The Song of Learning

The Song of the Dishonored


A griot can be removed from his services in two ways, being found guilty of following breaking the Laws
of the Emperor or death. Those guilty of breaking the Emperor's Laws, such as being found as corrupt, are
given a chance to plead their case to the emperor, who adjudicates their case. If found guilty they are
outcasted into the bush to walk the Road of Outlaws and have their names added to the Song of the

Current Holders
Tunde (/w/griots-song-tez205/a/tunde-article)

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Article template Rank/Title
World Griot's Song ( /w/griots-song-tez205)
Author Tez205 (/author/Tez205)
Creation Date 7 Aug, 2019
Last Update Date 7 Aug, 2019
Visibility Public

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