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Match the words with the sentences:

Fatigues, massages, aching, slim, paralyzed, surgery, therapy, transplant, vomit,

symptoms, digest, immune, patient, scar, cure, rash
1. Typical _______________ of the flu include vomiting and diarrhoea.
2. He got seasick, and began to _______________ after half an hour on the boat.
3. He slumped over his desk with __________ after having to work for 16 hours straight.
4. Scientists around the world are working hard to try to find a __________ for cancer.
5. My thumb has really been _______________ since I shut the door on it.
6. The ______________waited nervously for the doctor to tell her the results of her tests.
7. Rick Hansen became _______________ from the waist down after breaking his back
in a car accident.
8. Anne _______________ my neck whenever I have a headache.
9. He has a large _______________ on his hand from a cut he got while working in a
restaurant a couple of years ago.
10. My nephew only drinks soy milk because he isn't able to _____________cow's milk.
11. Sophie got an itchy _______________ on her arms and face after using a new soap
she bought.
12. Regular exercise improves _____________function, and reduces the effects of stress.
13. She was in _______________ for over 12 hours to remove a large tumour on her
14. She is quite _______________, but her husband is actually somewhat overweight.
15. The superstar football player had to have _______________ for his knee injury for
about a month before he was able to return to the game.

1. She's got a high _______________ and a headache.

A. Temperature B. Feverish C. body heat
2. My brother gets ______________ . He uses an inhaler when he can't breathe well.
A. asthma B.insomnia C. hay fever
3. I can't stop scratching my feet - they're so ______________ .
A.Sore B. itchy C. pain
4. 'I've got a __________ nose. I think I've got a cold.
A. swollen B. Itchy C. runny
5. I've had ______________ since I was a child. I get these awful headaches and feel
A. blotches B. Migraines C. fevers
6. I can't feel anything in my big toe. It's gone _____________ .
A. numb B. Faint C. painless
7. He's had a ____________ cough for the past few days.
A. sore B. chesty C. shooting
8. The children have both had _________________ . It must be something they ate.
A. diagnosis B. Diarrhea C. antibiotics
9. He ___________ his ankle playing tennis so he'll have to take it easy for a few days.
A. stained B. Sprained C. strained
10. I'm allergic to prawns. If I eat them, I get a red ____________ on my neck.
A. scratch B. Rash C. itch
11. Look at my poor toe! It's so___________ I can't put my shoe on.
A. broken B. Swollen C. hurt
12. You may need to have some ____________ before visiting some countries.
A. crutches B. Antibiotics C. injection

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