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Real life stories vs
fictional stories
Stories Gives you inner peace
Reading can give you a sense of calm in just
minutes. A 2009 study by the University of
Sussex showed that reading for six minutes
can reduce stress levels by up to 68%.
Inspirational story

 A wildlife presenter on the Discovery Channel

 After leaving school, he briefly considered joining the Indian Army and hiked in the
Himalayan mountains of Sikkim and West Bengal. Eventually, he joined the
Territorial Army and, after passing selection, served as a reservist with the SAS in 21
SAS Regiment (Artists) (Reserve), for three years until 1997.
 In 1996, he suffered a free-fall parachuting accident in Zambia. His canopy
ripped at 16,000 ft, partially opening, causing him to fall and land on his
parachute pack on his back, which partially crushed three vertebrae. He later
said: “I should have cut the main parachute and gone to the reserve but thought
there was time to resolve the problem”. According to his surgeon, he came “within
a whisker” of being paralyzed for life and at first it was questionable whether he
would ever walk again. He spent the next 12 months in and out of military

This woman needs no introduction. Her books have sold more
than 400 million copies worldwide. But there was a time in her
life when she was diagnosed with clinical depression and
contemplated suicide. Her marriage had failed, and she was
jobless with a dependent child. She signed up for government
aid ( she was so poor, she could not afford to support herself and
her daughter), describing her economic status as being “poor
as it is possible to be in modern Britain, without being
In 1990, while she was on a four-hour-delayed train trip from
Manchester to London, the idea for a story of a young boy
attending a school of wizardry “came fully formed” into her
mind. In 1995, she finished the manuscript of her first book on
an old manual typewriter. The book was submitted to twelve
publishing houses, all of which rejected the manuscript. Editor
Barry Cunningham from Bloomsbury advised her to get a day
job since she had little chance of making money from writing
Today, she is United Kingdom’s best-selling
living author, with an estimated fortune of £560
million, ranking her as the twelfth richest
woman in the UK. She is none other than J.K
Rowling – the creator of the Harry Potter
series. Saying that the Harry Potter franchise
was and is a success would be an
Feeling inspired? Just remember: Nothing is
Kentucky Fried Chicken
The real-life story of Colonel Harland Sanders who was disappointed umpteen
times in his life and still made his dream come true late in his life is really inspiring.
He is a seventh grade dropped out who tried many
ventures in life but tasted bitter every time. He
started selling chicken at his age of 40 but his dream
of a restaurant was turned down many times due to
conflicts and wars.
Later he attempted to franchise his restaurant. His
recipe got rejected 1,009 times before the final
approval. And soon the secret recipe, “Kentucky
Fried Chicken” became a huge hit worldwide. KFC
was expanded globally and the company was sold
for 2 million dollars and his face is still celebrated in
the logos.
Moral: Have you stopped your attempts
to a venture just because you were
rejected or failed a few times? Can you
even accept a failure of 1009 times? This
story inspires everyone to try hard and
believe in yourself until you see success
despite how many times you have failed.
A man was walking nearby to a group of
elephants that was halted by a small rope
tied to their front leg. He was amazed by
the fact that the huge elephants are not
even making an attempt to break the rope
and set themselves free.
He saw an elephant trainer standing beside them and
he expressed his puzzled state of mind. The trainer said
“when they are very young and much smaller we use
the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s
enough to hold them.
As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they
cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold
them, so they never try to break free.”
Moral: It is the false belief of the elephants that denied
their freedom for life time. Likewise, many people are
not trying to work towards success in their life just
because they failed once before. So keep on trying and
don’t get tied up with some false beliefs of failure.
Fictional stories
Books were supposed to teach people about
science, philosophy and religion, not lead someone
down an exciting path filled with action, drama
and heartbreak. The thought that reading could be
a joy instead of a chore and accessible to anyone
with a dime scared many in positions of authority,
Stories can leave you dissatisfied with reality.
People are usually dissatisfied with reality anyway, that’s why
they read. Then and now, readers think about characters and
plotlines long after the book is closed, escaping personal
drudgery for a while. But the real threat was readers would
keep these fanciful ideas in their heads and quit being
grateful just because they were alive. Soon they would want
better lives with more adventure and romance and less back-
breaking work and death. They would be more susceptible to
day-dreaming, which “destroys mental balance,” or worse,
forget about duty to church, family and work, and run off
willy-nilly in search of happiness and self-discovery
Novels stoke the emotions.
Romance novels were the main offenders here, because religious
leaders and educators felt that these “domestic” novels simply worked
the reader up too much. Young men and ladies might identify with the
characters so strongly, they would become obsessed with the promise
of love and seek out better relationships rather than just learn to settle
for whomever was available. The thought that people wanted passion
and excitement was frightening. If people started doing whatever they
wanted, critics reasoned, chaos would rule and communities would
break down. the world would have likely exploded.
Fiction makes your mind flabby.
For decades, novels were considered
“light” reading, because readers didn’t
take away knowledge or moral instruction
from the book, they just read for the fun of
it. Reading novels didn’t, in theory,
exercise the brain and so left the thought
processes to deteriorate. Not only did
these critics never try to deduce the
culprit in a mystery novel,
The story of Aladdin is a tale that
originated from a collection of ancient
Middle Eastern and Asian folk stories
known as One Thousand and One Nights,
also known as Arabian Nights. It was a
tale added to the collection in the
eighteenth-century by French translator
Antoine Galland
Aladdin in the story version was
largely unsympathetic; he was
lazy and refused to work until
the disguised magician offered
him a job.How many lazy people
get lamp in real life to solve
there problems
Benefits of reading stories

 When we read stories, we’re free from

peer judgment when responding to what
happens to the invented characters.
Correspondingly, we tend to show more
real emotion. This exhibit of emotion is
not lost but retained and slowly worked
into our everyday lives making us
increasingly genuine.
Storyies Helps you find yourself
Since our real emotions are clouded under peer
pressure, we find ourselves not only discovering
our true emotions when reading but wants and
needs. When we read, the chains of social
pressure are released, and we find ourselves
looking at life in the perspective we’ve always
believed to be true but hid from ourselves and
others. This helps us realize our most important
priorities including goals for success.
Benefit of fictional story
Learn to have superior focus
If we can sit down and work for a half hour, that’s
considered focused in today’s ADD world. Now, we need
to be hyper focused to achieve success and to create
incredible works of art. There are countless focus-
improving tools, but they don’t mean much if we can’t
realize the benefits.
The best part is that
literary fiction
concentrates less on
developing a plot, letting
your mind wander and
 Reading of both types of stories are
good, but balance between both of
them is urgent. balance between
stories make your self calm and happy.
Learn and enjoy with stories but don’t
take stress because of them. Try to
read real life stories more than
fictional stories. Real life stories
inspire you more than fictional stories.

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