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Analysis and Interpretation Marks Marks

allocation scored
1.Balanced chemical equation
Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) = MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)
-1 mark for each correct chemical formula 4
-1 mark for each correct state symbol 4
-1 mark for correct balancing 1

2. Temperature of the graph at 4 minutes via extrapolation

Student demonstrates extrapolation on the graph 1
Correct units 1

3. Highest temperature change for the reaction 2

– lowest temperature attained from highest temperature 1
- correct units given (°C) 1

4. Calculate the number of moles of HCl

-Given molarity and volume used, moles can be calculated
=Molarity= number of moles/volume (1 mark for correct working) 3
2.0 mol/dm3= number of moles/0.04 dm3
Number of moles= 2.0 mol/dm3 * 0.04 dm3
Number of moles= 0.08 mol (1 mark for correct answer + 1 mark for unit)

5. Calculate the number of moles of Mg added to the cup

-Divide mass by molar mass (1 mark) 1
-units (mol)- 1 mark 1

6.Limiting reagent
- The compound (HCl vs. Mg) with the lower number of moles is the limiting reagent (1 1

7.Heat of energy 3
-use the mass of Mg + mass of water (Assumption1: 1g of water = 1mL), temperature
change and heat capacity of water. (Assumption2: Heat capacity due to Mg is negligible)
-Input values in the Heat change equation
-value given in J or kJ as units 1
8.Molar enthalpy change
-Divide the heat of reaction by number of moles of Mg used
-Units of J/mol Mg or kJ/mol Mg 1
9.Energy profile diagram
-Labels (-1 if missing)
-Title (-1 if missing) 1
-Correct diagram for reaction, position of product energy relative to reactants (-1 mark if 1
incorrect) 1

10. Sources of error

Total 32
Weighted mark 9
Observations, Recording and Reporting (O/R/R) Marks Marks
Allocation Scored
 Headings in appropriate order 1
 Apparatus and materials listed [-1 mark for any missing item] 1
 Adequately sized (at least 70%) 1
 4 Labelled correctly (-1 mark for every missing label) 1
 Labels are proportional and do not overlap (-1 1
for any deviation)
 Clarity (All parts of drawing are clearly seen) 1
 Neatness (Absence of double lines and eraser remnants) 1
 All steps for method present (-1 mark for any missing step) 1
 Method written in a concise manner and can be replicated if desired 1
Spelling, punctuation and grammar
 < 1 spelling errors (1) 1
 > 1 spelling errors (0)
Method, discussion and conclusion written in past tense
 < 2 tense errors (2) 2
 1 error (1)
 > 2 tense errors (0)
 < 2 mistakes (2) 2
 1 error (1)
 > 2 mistakes (0)
 < 2 mistakes (2) 1
 > 2 mistakes (0)
 Table clearly labelled 2
(-1 mark for any missing heading/title/units)
 All units presented in table (-1 mark for missing unit) 1
 Correct chemical symbols and compounds (-1 for >1 error) 1


- X should only displace Cu ions from solutions, loss of weight (1) 1

- Mg displaces Zn and Cu from solution, hence, loss of weight (2) 2
- Zn displaces Cu from solution, hence loss of weight (1) 1

Conclusion 1
-metals should be ranked according to reactivity series
Total 24
Weighted marks 9
Analysis and Interpretation Marks Marks
Allocation Scored
1.Metals higher up the reactivity series are much more reactive and 1
will displace metals lower down the series
-Mg displaced Cu and Zn from the solution 2
-Zn displaced Cu from solution 1
-Cu cannot displace Zn nor Mg from solution 2

Explanation: Metals higher up the reactivity series are more prone to 2

lose their valence electrons to aid their participation in bonding.
Hence, they are easier to oxidize and are excellent reducing agents

2.Ionic Equation- 1 mark for each correct chemical formulae and 1

mark for correct balanced equation
-Ionic equation for Mg displacing Zn from zinc sulphate (2 marks) and 4
Cu from copper sulphate (2 marks)
-Ionic equation for Zn displacing copper from copper sulphate (2 2
3. Order of reducing ability
-Mg>Zn>Cu 2
-Mg>Zn>>Unknown>Cu 2
Total 18
Weighted marks 9
Observations, Recording and Reporting (O/R/R) Marks Marks
allocations scored
 Headings in appropriate order 1
 Apparatus and materials listed (-1 mark for any missing) 1
 Adequate sized (at least 70 %), -1 mark if not sized as directed 4
 All parts labelled, -1 mark for each missing part
 Neatness, -1 mark for obvious eraser marks and double lines
 Diagram for each alcohol (-1 mark for each missing)

 Accurate description of method 1
Spelling, punctuation and grammar
 1 spelling errors (2) 2
 2 spelling errors (1)
 > 2 spelling errors (0)
Punctuation 1
 < 2 punctuation errors (1)
 > 2 punctuation errors (0)
Grammar 2
 1 grammar errors (2)
 2 grammar errors (1)
 > 2 grammar errors (0)
 1 tense errors (2) 2
 2 tense errors (1)
 > 2 tense errors (0)
 Table format, correct headings, -1 mark if missing 3
 Observations:
All numbers given to 1 decimal place (1)
Final temperature for ethanol higher than that of methanol (1)

Discussion 6
Energy profile diagram
Correct axes (2)
Correct labelling for reactants and products (2)
Identification of activation energy location (1)
Identification of energy change (1)

Conclusion 1
-linked to aim, should be specific in terms of comparing ethanol and

Total 24
Weighted marks 9
Analysis and Interpretation Marks Marks
allocation scored
Heat evolved 3
-correct units (1)
-correct value (1)

Enthalpy change 5
-use of correct equation (1)
-correct units (1)
-assumptions stated (2)
-correct value (1)


Definition-enthalpy of combustion
-should contain the words 1 mole of substance and at standard conditions 1

Description of procedure (2)

Brief explanation as to why some of the steps were taken, for example, why a 2
beaker of water was used? (1)
Any other description, a mark will be awarded

Assumptions made during calculation

-heat capacity of reaction mixture is same as water (1) 2
-density of water = 1 g/mL and volume of experiment can be converted to mass
using this (1)

Are the reactions endo or exothermic?

-exothermic, all enthalpy of combustion reactions are exothermic (1) 1

Comparison of enthalpy of combustion for ethanol and methanol

-ethanol, with a greater number of C atoms, should burn with greater enthalpy (1) 1

Reasons for difference between experimental and true value?

-open system
-leakages 2
-environmental conditions

(2 marks for any two)

Totals 17
Weighted marks 9

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