Prophet Elvis Mbonye 10th March, 2020

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Prophet Elvis Mbonye

10th March, 2020

Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, Hallelujah, thank you Jesus, we bless
your name father, thank you father, thank you Jesus, Glory to God, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Glory to God,
Hallelujah. His presence is mighty here, Glory to God, Hallelujah, Glory to God, Hallelujah, thank you
Jesus, tomorrow about this time, you surely will be in a better place; Hallelujah, you may be seated,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Glory to God, thank you Jesus, Hallelujah, thank you Jesus, thank you
Jesus, Hallelujah, you may be seated, Glory to God, Hallelujah, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus,
Hallelujah, you may be seated, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, you may be
seated, Hallelujah.

The people that know their God shall be strong and do mighty exploits, Hallelujah. We are living in that
day, in that age, Hallelujah. He says, the people that do know their God, He said, they shall be strong and
do exploits, exploits, exploits, Glory to God, Hallelujah, Glory to God. Are you ready for exploits?
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, I’m telling you, the world out there is yet to see the manifestation of the sons and
the children of God, Hallelujah. He’s saying, they shall be strong and they shall do exploits, Hallelujah.
And you know when God talks about exploits, He is not talking about ordinary things. He is talking about
“wow”, people doing things and the world is struck with awe and wonder. How have they done this?
Taking something that seems to be insignificant and make great things of it, Glory to God. Can you
imagine that? He said, the people that do know their God shall do exploits with that small-seemingly
small capital; He said exploits! The people that do know their God; you see now, that’s a factor, that is
the factor and that’s what separates us, distinguishes us. Do know their God, the people that know their
God-because you see, we are not operating on the same level as the rest. The factor that distinguishes
us is the knowledge of God, the knowledge of God; not the theoretical knowledge of God, Hallelujah,

Now here we are talking about reaching beyond the study of Him, the study about God, the hearing
about God to the level or the realm of encounter. You understand that? Hallelujah, this exactly is what
we are talking about. You were told how you need to be bold about your increase and how you will not
be poor. Now, I want to tell you, I want to introduce you now to the encounter with Him that will make
you bold about that which you have heard and you see, now we are talking about a level that is beyond,
merely hearing about Him to the level of encountering Him, Glory to God. He said, “Oh taste and see,”
that’s the psalmist, “that the Lord is good.” Hallelujah, now when He says taste and see, He is not talking
about test, T-E-S-T, He is talking about taste, T-A-S-T-E. He is talking about encounter, interaction,
Hallelujah. Where you get to know God beyond the mere hearing of the ear and that’s where He’s taken
us, that’s where He’s brought us to get firmly grounded in that; on that level.

He said, on that level, the people that know their God, they shall be strong. The people who have
encountered Him on a certain level, they shall be strong. Nothing can move them after that. They are
strong, Hallelujah, Glory to God. And do exploits, nothing can contradict them from the encounter they
have had. The psalmist said in Psalms 27, Psalms 27, He said, “The Lord is my light and my salvation;
now he was not speaking out of theory. You see, a day will come, a day such as this where you will know
that the Lord is your light and that the Lord is your salvation; it will go from merely hearing about it to
actually knowing it. And he was speaking from experience. He had experienced it; he says whom shall I
fear? Whom shall I fear? Glory to God.
Can you imagine how your life can change if you actually got to know that the Lord is your salvation?
Imagine what can-imagine the changes, the fundamental changes that can happen to you, the
transformation when you actually get to know that the Lord is your salvation. He says, whom shall I fear,
who can put you in bondage? Who can put you in bondage? He said, He is my salvation, the Lord.
Imagine how that will revolutionize everything about your instincts, everything about you, everything
that moves you or that has moved you before. You will now see differently, Hallelujah, Glory to God. I
have had encounters with God; there is a time I was caught up, years ago, a couple of years ago, I was
caught up in the heavenlies with the Lord and we travelled and travelled and then we were caught up in
the second heaven. Now we got to a certain place, the second heaven, there were creatures that looked
like men, a bit like men but like angels as well and they were fierce and terrifying. So that time, I had not
yet had a number of encounters with the Lord and in the realm of the spirit to keep me firm. So when
we got there, it was just like entering in, just like that as if you’re being ushered in like that and then that
was it.

So they were paraded ahead of us and when I looked at their eyes, I first stopped and the Lord said,
“come with me,” and then we walked and I looked straight now at them and as we started to come
close, they were like in a parade, they started parting and parting and we passed across and then we left
them. And then He started telling me about that dimension and how to handle it and we are handling it
even in this nation.

But now you see, the thing is, years later when Lucifer came for me again; he had come again
immediately after that and I think I’ve shared with you this story and I began to speak and to quote
Ezekiel 28 and I didn’t know it. Quoting it, quoting it but I was more quoting it out of impulsion and
mixed with some kind of panic but this next time when he came after I had prophesied the Oscars and
he was telling me how you think you’re going to take this territory? I just reached out and grabbed his…
You see, because you see, there are encounters that you get when you walk with God that firmly
establish you somewhere and you know and you have a certain knowledge that is based on an
encounter and you know how things will turn out when you encounter a similar thing. Hallelujah,

I know what it is for the anointing of the Holy Ghost to rest upon you, for the word of God to be print
upon you and all hell seems to break loose but then you hide under the shelter of that revelation and
then you see the word of God prevail and prevail and prevail and prevail and turn out and smash and
squash every antagonistic sign or symbol, Glory to God.

Now notice what He says; He says, “…whom shall I be afraid?” Imagine someone coming and telling you
something that contradicts what you know, what your destiny is. Now when you understand this, there
will never be any unhappy day ever in your life again. Because you see, bad news ceases because you
know that evil cannot overcome good. Why? Because the Lord is my light and my salvation! Of w hom
shall I fear? Hallelujah, Glory to God, the Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?
Hallelujah. He says, verse 2, “When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon, you
notice the tense? He says came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.” I’m telling you,
never waste these experiences. Oh taste and see this, Hallelujah. Because you see, it will be either one
path or the other. Either you’ll get this and the Lord-you see, whatever you’ll hear, whatever the Lord
entrusts to you, He will give you an experience that you may know it such that you are strong and you
do exploits in the world.
So when an experience comes, you will know the outcome of it. And after knowing the outcome of it,
you’ll be those people the Lord is talking about; who are strong. He says, when the wicked, even mine
enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat my flesh, he said, they stumbled. Do you know whenever
you see someone trying to come, just know they are setting themselves up to stumble and fall. And you
know, that is how it is. From the moment it is happening, it may not appear that way but I can assure
you. That is the glory that you are; it has to happen, it has to turn out that way. He says, when they
came up, they stumbled and they fell.

Verse 3, “Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: can you imagine? He says
though an host, he says even a whole barracks. Can you imagine getting to that level? He says, though
an host should encamp against me; he says, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me,
in this will be confident.” Now that is a man who has walked with God, who knows something. He says,
they shall be strong. They know the outcome of these things, they shall be strong, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

Now you see, you’ve got to allow the Lord to take you along this path with Him. You’ve got to allow
Him! Verse 5, verse 5, “For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: can you imagine
that? That actually it can happen? He says, in a time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the
secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; God making you invisible somehow? Invisible to adversity? he
shall set me up upon a rock.” He said, “Oh taste and see…” there is a time-a couple of years ago when I
determined, I determined to explore these secrets of God after He had told me, “I have called you after
the order of Elisha.” Then there are things I had manifested and He told me, “There are things you have
not yet.” Then I started, deliberately, trying to engage other things.

I remember a time when a certain guy had called me and he wanted to meet me and I told him to find
me at a certain hotel around there. And I sat at a place where he knew he would find me; so I
remembered what Elisha engaged and then this guy came, looked, looked; then he sat just across and
he got a phone and he called me. He couldn’t see me! Now I have witnesses here- I have done it to quite
a number-quite a few people around here. But you see the thing is, the thing is, there is a time which
comes and then you realize that God has meant business with you. Are you going to mean business with
Him? You see, and so He calls you to leave the arena of common men into the league of the
extraordinary, Glory to God. Where the things that you’ve seen and read and heard about, you now seek
to encounter them. It is not enough for them to remain in the book and they were not intended for
them to remain in the book! They were meant to be encountered, Glory to God.

They that know their God, He said, they shall be strong and they shall do exploits. That is why there are
certain things in life which I have a definite knowledge about. I know; for instance I know that there is no
remnant of God who will venture out to do something and it fails somehow. It can’t happen, it can’t
happen. I know that whatever it takes for you to come out on top will happen, I know that! Hallelujah.
Because you see, at that level, you have encountered Him. You’ve encountered His presence, you’ve
encountered His Glory and you know the outcome of the matter, Hallelujah, Hallelujah. He said, they
shall be strong and they shall do exploits, Glory to God.
So you see, the Psalmist said that though an host encamp around me, he said, I shall not be afraid for He
shall hide me in the secret of His tabernacle; He shall set me up upon the rock. Verse 6, verse 6, “And
now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies; are you seeing yourself? round about me:
therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the

Now you see, this is a man who knows exactly what is happening. His view point cannot be changed by
what is happening around him. He is seeing differently because he knows something differently. Do you
understand that? Job said, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” Do you know what he was meaning
there? He was meaning that, there is a level of knowledge he has come, he has entered into with God so
much so that even if it appeared like he was being slain, he will know, no, I think He is going to raise me
up, this is not, this is not Him. He said, though it came to that point in time, to that place, he said, yet will
I know that ah ah, no, I will still trust Him. Now I know what he was talking about because I know it. I’ve
seen it, I’ve experienced it. There are things I know about Him and I can’t be shaken by some things. Eh
eh, but God I was serving you, I served you, I even tithed, I prayed the whole night. Now why has this

He said, though He slay me yet will I trust Him. Now that’s a language of people who know God, who
know their God. They cannot be confused, their view point cannot change. They know Him for a fact.
They know a certain certainty about Him. He changes not; so when a thing appears to contradict him,
you say no, no, no, I know, I know somehow somewhere, somehow somewhere life will spring forth,
Glory to God. They can’t be disappointed, discouraged, it doesn’t happen! Glory to God.

Let me tell you, a time comes when you are walking with God and you know a certain path of things;
you’re focused on it. For instance now like you, when I see you, I wonder why sometimes you cry in the
night. I look at you and say why? You’re crying over a lie, Hallelujah. If you only saw the future that God
is orchestrating for you, Glory to God. He said, though He slay me, yet will I trust Him. Hallelujah,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah. And sometimes-the boyfriend who has gone, let him go! Because you see, He
said, they that know their God shall be strong. You cannot be rejected, you can’t! Hallelujah, I said you
cannot be rejected, you cannot be turned down. The things that seem to be going away from your life,
it’s just pruning, pruning, pruning. That’s it, may you bear, Glory to God. Hallelujah, now you see, you
see things differently because you know your God and therefore you’re strong. You don’t let anything,
anyone change that, Hallelujah.

You see, now you find such a person, they are very dangerous to the devil. Very, very dangerous!
Because you see, he is stuck. He tries to manipulate money and he sees he can’t go anywhere because
you’re set somewhere. You know! You know the outcome of things, Glory to God, Glory to God,
Hallelujah. So now you see, this is where the spirit of God has brought you. A place of encounter, a place
of encounter.

Jeremiah 31:34, “And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother,
saying, Know the LORD: do you notice what is happening now? He said that a time shall come when
they shall no longer need to teach a man saying, know the Lord. You see, He says that the culture of
conferences with themes “knowing God.” He says, the time shall come, now is. Teach, is the word there
because you see in 2 Timothy, it says, “there is a time that shall come, which is upon us, when men
shall be ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth.” 2 Timothy 3:7, it says, ever
learning, teach, but He says, never coming to the knowledge of the truth.
Can you imagine that you can learn and learn and yet you’re not coming to the knowledge of the truth?
Can you imagine that? He said, learn and learn and learn and learn and learn and never coming to the
knowledge of the truth. Because you see, there is such a place as coming to the knowledge of the truth.

When you get to that place, He says, you are liberated by what you have learnt. In other words, you
encounter what has been revealed to you, the knowledge that you have; you’re now encountering the
knowledge that has been given to you. Do you understand that?

So He says that and they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying
know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the
LORD: then He says, because (for) I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.”
He says the reason as to why they will be able to encounter me, it is because when I tell them that I have
released favor upon you, that a great door and effectual has been opened unto you, no one will come
and tell them that but do you remember what you did over the weekend? They will hear my word, my
revelation and they will step into it, Glory to God, and it will explode in their lives, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

Until sin consciousness is totally, absolutely eradicated, we will just move from a distance with God. I’m
not talking about sin, I’m talking about sin consciousness. He says, because I will forgive their sins, their
iniquities and I will remember their sins no more. Now the day your heart resonates with this and you
will know that you can enter in anytime, that you can acquire and possess and occupy any level of His
presence anytime of the day or night, that will be the threshold. I’m telling you, the threshold is that. He
says for their sins and iniquities, I will remember no more. No more, no more, no more. The way you are
now, before you go and stand and you say, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Before you do that, the way you are right
now, you qualify to enter the holiest of holy of holies and interact with the very holy presence of the

Now you don’t enter in and say, eh eh what has happened here, God first give me time, let me come
back. Hallelujah, the blood of Christ, the blood of Christ has dealt with the sin issue, with the iniquity
issue and the blood of Christ, its efficiency has never failed. I said the efficiency of His blood is absolute,
Glory to God. Now this depends on the degree to which you esteem His blood. Those who think ah ah, it
is there there but somehow… They remain with the consciousness of sin but those who have seen by
revelation that He deals will it past, present, future and it is done; it is no longer an issue, Glory to God,
they enter boldness, they enter boldly, Glory to God, the throne of Grace and obtain mercy and find
grace to help in time of need, Hallelujah.

Now you see, the Holy Spirit is introducing some of these things to you because you are going to walk
with angels. You have to walk with angels, you just have to. Because you see, angels are here in our
company; I don’t want you to take that-I don’t want you to miss out on that, Glory to God, I really don’t
want you. How then will you think or be conscious of only the company of men around you? Now when
it is happening and they are increasing in number, I see them when I am here. Some of you, a few of you
see them; very, very few. You need to understand the realm of God, you need to understand how to be
conscious in that realm, how to walk in there, how to have an encounter with him because you see,
some of you, most of you will be shocked and the way you will react, you will not be prepared on some
of these things. And that is why, many times, the angels said, “fear not!” when men saw them, “fear
not!” because you see, men were not built, these people were not built by revelation to walk with
angels, to walk with God. They walked with men and they had religion and they heard all these things
from a distance and so the realm of God, the realm of angels seemed something that was alien and
strange to them. They didn’t realize that actually all along God has desired, God has desired and done
everything He could have done to make you walk in that realm with angels and with Himself in a very
normal way, very normal way, Hallelujah.

It is not a very, very, very, very big out of this world thing for you to now start sensing and branching,
letting your senses branch over into another dimension. It is not out of this world, Glory to God,
Hallelujah. And this is why the Lord has brought you here, Glory to God. I said this is why He has brought
you here, Glory to God. Job said, Job said in Job 42:5, he said, “I have heard of you by the hearing of the
ear but now, my eye sees you.” He said, I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear but now, my eye
sees you. So you see there is a difference between hearing and seeing, which is encountering; He says
taste and see. He says taste and see; you know, imagine I come like I have and I have been sent of the
Lord to tell you how great and mighty things have been stored for you and then imagine you walk out
here and you still think that your life is ordinary and you do not take the path of the great and mighty
things, you will have merely heard about Him by the hearing of the ear.

But now imagine you choose to start to adjust yourself, to adjust yourself, Glory to God. To start
positioning yourself, start embarking on that path of these great and mighty things; to see them, to
taste; not T-E-S-T, to taste and see that He is good. When you do that, then you start to see, certain
things begin to happen to you. Do you know that you will leave your neighbor miles and steps away? It is
just like Peter, you remember? The others who were left on the ship when he saw the Lord walking on
water and for him, he decided… you know, can this step be taken? Okay let me taste and see it. So he
tasted that actually he can defy gravity. He could not have known that if he had remained there and you
see, in this day and age, the Holy Ghost is looking for more daring people; not people who will remain
on the boat, people who will step out, Hallelujah.

How do you intend to prove that gravity can be defied if you remain on the boat? How do you intend to
prove that you are above and not beneath, the head and not the tail if you do not step out? How? How
do you intend to prove that a great door and effectual has been opened unto you if you do not go and
walk through that door? Hallelujah. But you see now, there are remnants of God who are rising up,
Glory to God. And they are tasting this Glory, Hallelujah. So he said, “I have heard of you by the hearing
of the ear,” then he says, “But now mine eye sees you.” Do you know a time comes when you start to
see that which you’ve been hearing about and you’ll almost will be like you’re dreaming for the first
moments and the first weeks and first days and the first months, you’ll say what? Why haven’t I lived on
this level before? And then, that level will become normal life to you after that. You will not know any
other reality. Do you know that there is a level where goodness and mercy chases you, chases you, looks
for you, looks for you? That level is there!

There is also a level where devils are running after you, devils are... There is a level where and I have told
you this, where men cannot help but be jealous of you like they did Joseph the dreamer; you
remember? Why? Because somehow favors are-they are looking for the favors but for you, the favors
are looking for you and you’re turning them down. Now I know that place because I live there and men
try to figure you out but they-they fail. Now that place is there, Glory to God. He said I have heard of
you, I heard of you prophet; now I want you to get this. You will not see me unless you say blessed is he
who comes in the name of the Lord. You see, a church without a leader is a church on whom the
shepherd has been struck and everything is astray. In other words, everything is not in order and you
see, that’s the enemy’s-that’s the enemy’s plan. He says strike the shepherd and scatter the sheep. There
is no vision, there is no certainty and that is why in the past decades, for as long as the enemy removed
the leader and the leader is not just someone who is leading in front and… no! It’s one who has been
somewhere spiritually and he’s telling you, “Come and follow.” Spiritually! Not one who has somehow
maneuvered his way and says nze ngenda bungereza. No, no that! One in whom can be traced, his
spiritual path can actually be traced and seen and followed such that when you follow that path, you are
sure that you will end up in the same destination. Now that’s what the enemy does not want; because
you see, it makes everything easy, it simplifies everything, Hallelujah.

Now the things that you’ve heard of me, that you’ve learnt of me, these same things are handed to you.
He says, I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear but now my eye sees you. Verse 6, “Wherefore I
abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.” So now, here he had been brought to a place where he is
seeing that what was I doing? What was I doing? So if hearing was enough, why was there such a
marked change and transformation in Job’s life when he encountered? Glory to God. He said now I see
you, wherefore I abhor myself and I repent. Hearing did not change him, encountering did change him,
Glory to God.

Now then it behooves you to know the pathway that will lead to your encounter with God, Hallelujah,
Glory to God. You know, do you want to know how to encounter God? You see, the strange thing is God
is everywhere and when you try to tell people about the manifestation of God that is the first thing they
will tell you. If you tell them for instance, come to Zoe grounds, God is in manifestation, they’ll say ah
also us God is everywhere, God is everywhere, God is everywhere. God is everywhere but He does not
meet with people everywhere, Hallelujah. You see, there is a place, there is an atmosphere that has got
to be conducive for Him to meet up with you and that is why He is manifest in some places and in other
places they just talk about Him and it’s as if they have never known that He is there, Glory to God, Glory
to God. So you see, it’s all reliant upon the atmosphere, how to create an atmosphere that invites God.

Now imagine some of you, some of you who are trying to play romantic, imagine your guy wants to
propose; is that what you call it? Okay, he wants to do that and then takes you some place where the
kayoola and there is all this stuff and he says will you marry me? What and you know… But the whole
atmosphere does not at all aid the manifestation of love and romance. And he says but you just love me
for me. You see, by the way when you get to a higher level, words may not be enough. Energy and
atmosphere is what life, true life is made of. In other words, a person who can say the right things,
knight in shining… all those things, all those words and they are dry. The atmosphere is not there, he
hasn’t created something for you to meet together in the estate of love. Okay let me leave this… Glory
to God, Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

Now some people think, some people do not know how to host God, they are just like this… you know
when I’m walking-some of you do not know why I walk and walk, I am trying to get you in and I’m
positioning, of course, certain angels but I’m also trying to get you in. You see, can you imagine a thing
as simple and yet profound like that? Knowing what atmosphere, the atmosphere that will host the
presence of God. Now again some of you, all of you, I can say it simply in the sense of if you know how
He is with me, why He is with me, you have learnt the secret.

But let’s first go to John 14, John 14:20, He says, “At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and
ye in me, and I in you.” (Verse 21), “He that hath my commandments, now don’t read commandments
and in your head read them as eh eh ebiragiro. You see, when you read scriptures and you’ve been
tainted with legalism, you’ll just miss several things. He says, he that has my commandments and
keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, He says, and
I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.”

Now He is getting particular there. Do you see that He is manifesting Himself to someone? Not to
everyone! He said, and I will love him and after that, He says that I will manifest myself. Very easy things,
very straight in your face. Verse 22, “Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, they had to be clear with it
here, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and unto the world?” Verse 23, “Jesus
answered and said unto him, if a man love me, he will keep my words: if a man love me, he will keep
my words, he will not hear and then after he moves away, he is not conscious of them at all. He will say
no, He said, He said, a great door and effectual. He is connected in other words; everything he is keeping
it because now he has taken it away from commandments because He knows it has messed up people
but then you see, the manifestation of God is carried in the words that are spoken forth, you get that?
So whatever you hear is basically intended to manifest to you, you see. So now, you will keep that, you
will not go and then jump out of it. He says you will keep that; why? And He says because of love. He
says, Jesus answered and said unto him, if a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will
love him, can you imagine that He is singling out people? No but God loves everyone, God is everywhere.
No, there is a special manifestation of God; a special presence of God where He is actually manifest.
There is a special love of God which is actually manifest.

There is a love of God everywhere, where He shines His sun to the wicked and even His rain to the
wicked and the right… That one-everywhere but there is where He now comes and chooses someone
and manifests in a special way that I love this one here; not all you know, the wicked receive the sun and
the rain everyone, not that and you live there and you dwell there. He says, he will keep my words: and
my Father will love him, and we, He even does it in plural, I wish you see this.

If God gives you a vision of the throne of His Grace, Hallelujah. There are things that are too wonderful
to be spoken, too wonderful to be spoken. Can you imagine, there is a place you get in the spirit and you
can see distinctly and relate distinctly with the Father and then with the son and with the Holy Ghost.
But then there is a place where it’s God, God, God. He said and we will come unto him, and make our
abode with him.” Hallelujah.

He said there are men and women who actually God has come and said, “I’m staying with you, I am
staying with you, I am staying with you. I am not visiting, this one, I am staying with you. I will be with
you, I am staying there,” Hallelujah, and now you see, if you do not understand, if you do not know how
to discern these things, you will see a man with spiritual gifts and you think he is fulfilling that. There are
men whom I see they are sharp in the spirit, spiritual gifts. But then when you look at them, God has not
come to make His abode with them. This is a different level all together and people don’t know it.
People cannot discern men and women with whom God has chosen and decided, “Okay now you, I am
with you, I have come to make my abode with you.”

Now those men are very rare, Hallelujah, Hallelujah. You know, I cannot overemphasize this; this goes
beyond the level of prophesying, of miracles. It goes beyond that level because you can actually perform
miracles but when actually you do not know Him on that level. Now this year, it will take especially the
man who has walked with God; whom God is with. You know, we all know He’s with you, He’s in you,
you can all quote that, not so? You know, there are things that you cannot put into words, you just
cannot put into words! You will just call people in the spirit to see for themselves and experience. He
said I will come and make my abode with him, Glory to God.
Now that life is a life that is different. It’s a life which you cannot trade for anything, you just cannot. It’s
easy to activate the gifts of the spirit and operate; it should be easier to get to this place where you are
with Him, walking with Him but it is a place that is neglected and no wonder, He says, they that know
their God shall be strong and do exploits.

Most of the things that are done outside of this knowledge, they are totally, totally, totally not in sync,
not in line with the eternal plan and purpose. Now that one is a thing which I do not know whether you
are ready enough to understand what it means here yet.

But the thing about this whole revelation that the spirit of God is opening up here, it is for you to learn
the place of encounter. It’s for you to start to work on the atmosphere that can be conducive for Him to
come and He says, “I will manifest.” Not just to come and remain on a level that is invisible and faith, no!
He says, I will manifest, I will manifest.

Can you imagine? Can you imagine that all along-there is a day that will once dawn on someone and
they will realize that it was so simple all along? That all along the father, the son and the Holy Ghost
were actually waiting in the winds to break into your realm. They were waiting to break into your realm,
to manifest, to be with you, for you to see them and interact with them and then afterwards to live a life
with them; where the hand of God is on you and on everything that you do. Where now you’ve past the
realm of ordinary men.

God is with you, His hand is with you, His hand is on you. Do you get what we are saying here? Glory to
God. Now if you see me, you remember at the beginning of the year, I told you to walk closely with me.
It’s not, you see, because people here-some people, some uneducated people; I’m talking about
uneducated in the spirit, some people, uneducated in the spirit hear those things and think you’re
making people just follow you… You see, there is a place I have been, there is a place I’m continuously,
there is a path I’m continuously walking in and you see, the reason as to why I can speak that to you
with confidence is because I know what I am talking about.

You know, a man who doesn’t know this, he will not confidently tell you, “Follow me as I follow Christ,” I
am telling you this because I am sure. I don’t want you to look and look, there is a path I know you will
take, you can take. You can follow and study and take and encounter what I am encountering. Glory to
God, so now when I am here having fellowship with you, I want to truly have fellowship with you, truly
have fellowship with you. I want to bring you to the place that the spirit of God called me and I walked
there and I am walking there. I want you to know certain things, certain operations. I want you to
understand the technology of the spirit. I want you to understand it! Glory to God.

Now imagine, you know, there is so much power that has been availed to us; so much power but many
times, it is just left there because we do not know how to engage it or we don’t take it seriously. Now
imagine you arose and actually, actually began engaging it. Thousands of you here, Glory to God. He
says, they that know their God, the people that know their God shall be strong and shall do exploits,
Glory to God. He says, though an enemy encamps around me, imagine if that were you, you’ve gotten to
see it, Hallelujah.

Imagine if you got to that place, Hallelujah. The times have come for the supernatural pathway of God to
be opened up to you and to millions others; remnants of God all over the world, they will walk in such
brightness, they will walk with such definiteness, wherever they will set their feet, winds of
transformation will come. All creation shall start looking at them, things will begin to change instantly.
Wherever they shall set their feet, they shall change the course of those nations, of those places
because they shall carry with them the peculiar Glory, Says the spirit of God that I have released and
they shall know my place that has been reserved for ages and they shall walk with me, they shall know
me, they shall draw multitudes to me. The wilderness shall be turned into a green land because of them,
says the spirit of the Lord. And I shall start to cause mighty things to happen in places where it was not
known before, that value was not, value shall be found there, says the spirit of God because they have
discovered my secret place. I have called you to rise up and to move and to move and to move in my
light. That you may see me and you may see my salvation, says the spirit of the living God, the spirit of
the living God.

Are you sensing His Glory? Thank you Jesus.


Okay just lift your hands up, I want to release something that will activate all of you. Just pray in the Holy

Just release yourself, release yourself. Just release yourself, release yourself.

You’re capturing this Glory!

Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, your spirit together with the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus, in the
name of Jesus; your spirit together with the Holy Ghost come into a fresh manifestation of union. The
Glory of God, the Glory of God covers you totally, totally and completely.

Jesus, Jesus, the Glory of God covers you totally and completely, the presence of the Almighty covers
you totally and completely. In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, may the things that you see, the
things that you hear, the things that you engage, intend to do, may you see another dimension from this
moment on, another dimension. The same Glory that is on me is on you in operation, in the name of
Jesus, in the name of Jesus, May you taste and see, taste and see right now that He is good. May you
know the faithfulness of His revelation, of His word that is upon you. May you sleep and wake up with
such confidence and assurance, knowing that He is with you. May He reveal and manifest Himself to you
in the name of Jesus, your eyes are open, your eyes are open. Every sense about you is open, may you
be covered, may you preserve, be preserved in that secret place, in the name of Jesus. Now you say I
receive, I receive that in the name of Jesus, it is done, Glory to God.

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